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john h
why can't liberals handle being wrong?
i asked a hypothetical question to liberals regarding an income of $5000 a month and and bills of $4700 a month and how do i survive and all of them told me to cut my spending and look for a second job, and try finding a cheaper home! it all sounded real good until i told them to ask their pres. to do the same thing and walk the walk, and all cons wanted was to cut spending, and they got offended by that! just goes to prove that liberals can't handle it when they a proven wrong! oh and one added that government debt was a good thing!
15 AnswersPolitics9 years agoi want your opinoin liberals?
im really trying to see things from your point of view so help me out! if your monthly income is $5000 a month and your monthly bills are close to $4700 a month, not including groceries or gas and your credit limit is maxed out, what do you do to survive?
14 AnswersPolitics9 years agohow can you argue about illegal immigration?
libbys, how can you honestly argue that illegal immigration is ok? the last time i checked illegal meant it was against the law! if you argue that, then you are part of the problem! if you are offended by this then you are guilty and should be deported to!
20 AnswersPolitics9 years agowhy did she stop texting me?
my wife and i have been split up for nearly 11 months. we have both been seeing other ppl but about a month ago i text her letting her know that i still love her and the next morning she text me back telling me that she still loves me to! i invited her over sat night for dinner and she gladly accepted and we had a good dinner and a movie! we text for the next couple of days but she started giving me short answers later in the week until she just stopped all together. what does this mean?
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agowhat does she really mean?
my wife and i have been separated for almost 9 months and she sent me a text last week about how shame and pride will never let us work things out! i told her those 2 things don't belong in a marriage and if someone truly loves you then they will forgive and forget! i invited her over for dinner sunday and she agreed but changed her mind at the last min said she needs to think more! what does all of this mean?
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoshould i give my separated wife an anniversary card?
my wife and i have been separated for 8 months! not sure why she left in the first place because everything she told me was one thing, she has told everybody else the opposite! anyway our anniversary is tomorrow and i got her a card, not an anniversary card but just thinking of you card, and im debating on giving it to her! should i give it to her or just forget it?
16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agomarried women please help!!!?
my wife left for reasons unknown and our anniversary is coming up friday and i thought of sending her a card, not to be mean, but just to let her know i was thinking of her on that day! how would you feel if you got a card from your husband if you were separated for 8 months? is that kosher?
9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agowhat to marinade a beef brisket in?
has anyone ever marinaded a beef brisket with italian dressing? what do you suggest i use if not!
7 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agolets say obama won again!?
lets say obama is reelected and he passes the bill that millionaires and billionaires have to pay the same tax % as you and i! are you gonna be happy when you have to pay more for the things you need and want! we all know that they are gonna pass this tax on down to us by raising the price of the product the sell or service they provide! if you think they are going to loose money your crazy we all know they wont loose money!
12 AnswersPolitics9 years agowhy cant you accept some responsibility?
why wont you Dem's accept the fact that not all of this mess was bush's fault? who was the majority when he left office? if you answer this correctly then you will acknowledge that he is not the only one to blame! think about this, you elected the same majority the last election! its been 3 yrs since he was in office start assuming a little responsibility for your leaders action instead of all credit!
7 AnswersPolitics9 years agowhat has obummer actually done for any of you and be honest?
do you Democrats actually think this person has singlehandedly done anything for you? paying for your golf doesn't count!!
12 AnswersElections9 years agodon't you think its time to wake up and vote obummer out?
we all better pray to god that he wont let barry o get reelected! if you like to walk the streets with ease and want to actually make money you better hope he isn't! what kills me is that they are already trying to play the race card! why is that you ask? because they are afraid that he has done a poor job and need the black and latino votes! why else would they not want you to show your id when you hit the polls! don't you think its time to wake up america and vote obummer out!
6 AnswersElections9 years agohow do i address her issues?
what do you think of a woman that is 45 and been married 5 times that she left all five times? she has 4 children 1 of which is from her 2nd marriage and has not seen this child since he was in diapers and has made no attempt to contact him since then! now she is dating someone who is her oldest daughters age and they went to school with each other! she puts her wants in front of her needs like buying an above ground pool while she is 3 months behind on her house and behind on all the other bills, then complains about being broke all the time! she lost her brand new car 3 months after leaving her husband and home and blames him! was baptised 4 months before she left her husband and home and now stays drunk and wont have much of anything to do with her children(all in their 20s) and mother!
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agowhy cant my wife hold an adult conversation?
when my soon to be ex wife and i would sit down to have a conversation about anything really, we would always end up in a fight! i would be the one to try and calm things down but she would just get more mad the more i tried to calm her down. after about 5 or 10 minutes she would walk off and go to bed, it didn't matter what time of day it was! im not sure she can have an adult conv., is this normal activity for a woman?
15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agowhy is she acting this way?
my wife and i had alot of rocky times in our marriage! she left me a couple of times once for another man and i forgave her! now she has been gone now for 7 months and is dating a guy her children's age (late 20s)! i cant help myself, i am still madly in love with her. her oldest son still lives with me and she is asking him questions about who i am seeing! she seems jealous about that and things that i am doing now that she left, but wont talk to me at all. so i guess im asking what do you guys think is going on? is she being nosey or is she having feelings of coming home again?
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agowhy is she acting this way?
my wife and i had alot of rocky times in our marriage! she left me a couple of times once for another man and i forgave her! now she has been gone now for 7 months and is dating a guy her children's age (late 20s)! i cant help myself, i am still madly in love with her. her oldest son still lives with me and she is asking him questions about who i am seeing! she seems jealous about that and things that i am doing now that she left, but wont talk to me at all. so i guess im asking what do you guys think is going on? is she being nosey or is she having feelings of coming home again?
1 AnswerLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agowhy is she doing this?
my wife and i had alot of rocky times in our marriage! she left me a couple of times once for another man and i forgave her! now she has been gone now for 7 months and is dating a guy her children's age (late 20s)! i cant help myself, i am still madly in love with her. her oldest son still lives with me and she is asking him questions about who i am seeing! she seems jealous about that and things that i am doing now that she left, but wont talk to me at all. so i guess im asking what do you guys think is going on? is she being nosey or is she having feelings of coming home again?
1 AnswerLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agowhat is going through my wife's head right now?
my wife and i had alot of rocky times in our marriage! she left me a couple of times once for another man and i forgave her! now she has been gone now for 7 months and is dating a guy her children's age (late 20s)! i cant help myself, i am still madly in love with her. her oldest son still lives with me and she is asking him questions about who i am seeing! she seems jealous about that and things that i am doing now that she left, but wont talk to me at all. so i guess im asking what do you guys think is going on? is she being nosey or is she having feelings of coming home again?
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agois my wife jealous or being nosy?
my wife and i had alot of rocky times in our marriage! she left me a couple of times once for another man and i forgave her! now she has been gone now for 7 months and is dating a guy her children's age! i cant help myself, i am still madly in love with her. her oldest son still lives with me and she is asking him questions about who i am seeing! she seems jealous about that and things that i am doing now that she left, but wont talk to me at all. so i guess im asking what do you guys think is going on? is she being nosey or is she having feelings of coming home again?
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agowhy is my wife acting this way?
my soon to be ex wife and i have been married for almost 11 years! we have our ups and downs just like any other couple has had. it seemed like she was content on being behind on our bills from day one. i tried to pay the bills by my self and did for a while but eventually it became to much for me to handle by myself! i tried to talk to her and explain that if we were caught up on the bills that we would have money to buy things but it seem to go in one ear and out the other! at the time she would agree to help with the bills but when it came down to it she would only pay something if we were fixing to loose something or have something cut off! im not saying she wouldn't pay anything period but she didn't seem real interested until she had to! every time i mentioned her paying a bill we would end up in an argument alot of the time and then she would say those words that no one wants to hear " im leaving"! she only left 2 or 3 times but i have always taken her back! every time she would come back i would tell her that things have got to change and she would agree to my terms and she would tell me that i would have to change things to which i would agree to! but after a few months she wouldn't try to change the way she did things but when i said anything she would say i ha vent made an effort so why should she! she left this last time with her car almost 2 months behind and in september she lost it and blamed me because they garnished her wages for back property tax that never got paid! everything calmed down until Thanksgiving and she started talking to me as if i were a human again! she would tell me things like she missed her family and how i was doing! oh and i have had a kidney disease for the past two years and because my former employer wanted me off their insurance she convinced me to get a new job and she would add me to hers 8 months before she left! but the phone calls and text went on for about a week after thanksgiving and then the weather was bad and the car she has now doesn't have working windshield wipers i text her to be careful on her way into work and out of the blue starts giving me down the road! im sorry but i don't understand all of this hot and cold stuff! at christmas her children which are all in their 20s decided they wanted to spend christmas with me at the house which i loved so much! when she found this out i carried another chewing! she proceeded to tell me she knew what i was doing that i have turned her children against her which she did by dating a guy they went to school with and by not calling or not seeing them for 2 months after she left! now all of a sudden she wants some furn out of the house which when she asked over a text she was way to nice! i just don't know what to do or how to handle this without her cutting me off from the insurance! plus why is she acting so hot and cold!
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce9 years ago