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Richard Liburd
Is she telling the truth?
I've being split up with my ex for nearly 2 month due to my insecurities.I was with her for a year until these started getting us down an making her unhappy. I've told her I messed up and she said I've had to many chances. I've being an idiot and she said I'll never change that's why she wouldn't even think about getting back with me. Anyway 3 week after we split up I seen she was going to a meal sometime soon for 2 people so I asked if she had move on and she said it was with her mate. So I kept asking and said just be honest and in end she said yes and to leave her alone so she blocked me and I did exactly that. We didn't speak for 3 week and last week we were both in same bar quite drunk and she came and said hi when i was sat with someone I said what do you want and she said I'll go then so I said no come here just enjoy your night. So off she went but I was so angry I text her off my mates phone coz I'm blocked. Her mates came and had a go not aware she had being over so I told them. Anyway she didn't seem bothered after that I messaged her next day and she said she wants to be civil and talk when were out but I can't talk to her now because I'm blocked. I said no chance So she said being childish makes me glad I'm not with you anymore. She was with her ex for 3 year her friends and family said she was never as happy with him as she was with me. Anyway she told me she's met someone else and is happy and she loved her ex more. Is she hurting or is she telling truth?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoWill she like me again?
Hi, i've known this girl for a while but only recently started meeting her. Anyway from the beginning she said she didn't want anything serious but we were meeting up and kissing and having abit of fun. Anyway one weekend we were together pretty much for it all and i wasn't myself for one of the days. Anyway she said i'm not for her because i wasn't bubbly and i explained i wasn't feeling too good. I didn't realise i had to impress her because she doesn't want anything serious right? Anyway at the weekend she text me and rang me after she had being out and sometimes texts me when we havent text all day. I said did you like me at one point when we were sleeping together and she was like yes, but i've thought about it and we're best of being friends because of the way you acted. I haven't really done much she can just be so confusing. She said she's not waiting for anyone else to come along and i've told her i can't be her friend because i do like her. What should I do?
1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce8 years agoWill she like me again?
Hi, i've known this girl for a while but only recently started meeting her. Anyway from the beginning she said she didn't want anything serious but we were meeting up and kissing and having abit of fun. Anyway one weekend we were together pretty much for it all and i wasn't myself for one of the days. Anyway she said i'm not for her because i wasn't bubbly and i explained i wasn't feeling too good. I didn't realise i had to impress her because she doesn't want anything serious right? Anyway at the weekend she text me and rang me after she had being out and sometimes texts me when we havent text all day. I said did you like me at one point when we were sleeping together and she was like yes, but i've thought about it and we're best of being friends because of the way you acted. I haven't really done much she can just be so confusing. She said she's not waiting for anyone else to come along and i've told her i can't be her friend because i do like her. What should I do?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoShe likes me more than a mate but not ready for a relationship?
I've known this girl a while and recently just got her number. Shes being split up from her ex for 9 month and says shes not over him but would never get back with him. She said she likes me more than a friend, but she's not ready for a relationship. She said she wants to keep meeting me and we've slept together twice already. I've asked her if it's just sex so i could just accept that. She said no it isn't but she doesn't want anything serious yet. She said she doesn't know what could happen in future, but shes already expressed she wants to see me this weekend. I've just never being in this situation.. do i keep dating her and hope she falls for me or do i call it a day? I do really like her and i know she likes me. If anyone has had any experience of this it will be greatly appreciated to hear feedback. Thanks.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years agoJust a question about a printer?
Hi, i tried printing out my cv and it wouldn't let me i clicked print but nothing came out of the printer. I left the place i printed it out and many other people go there i just dont want it to print out later on and someone pick it up.. if it didn't print then will it print again later in its own time?
2 AnswersPrinters9 years agopassport renewal how long should it take?
Hi, i sent my passport off on the 18th june check and send at the passport off. It's a renewal and they said it should take 2 week. I still haven't got it and i go in 12 days. Anyway i rang them and they said it has being sent for printing today and should receive it next week. So how long does it normally take after it has being printed.. just want peoples experiences please. Thanks
1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates9 years agoDoes she like me or not?
I've known this girl a while.. and shes told me she thinks i'm fit and we hadn't kissed each other. Then the other week we kissed. Then last week she stopped the night and told me she likes me. I asked her to come round again and she agreed. We have being texting all week and then one day i text her asking if she was still coming to which i got no reply. I messaged her on facebook asked her if she had got it she said no so i asked if she was still coming so she said she hadn't being well so probably not. I messaged back asking a question and still have no reply. I don't want to be too full on so i've left it now but she knows i like her and shes told me she likes me. Do you think shes just saying it or playing hard to get?
3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years agoDoes she like me or not?
I've known this girl a while.. and shes told me she thinks i'm fit and we hadn't kissed each other. Then the other week we kissed. Then last week she stopped the night and told me she likes me. I asked her to come round again and she agreed. We have being texting all week and then one day i text her asking if she was still coming to which i got no reply. I messaged her on facebook asked her if she had got it she said no so i asked if she was still coming so she said she hadn't being well so probably not. I messaged back asking a question and still have no reply. I don't want to be too full on so i've left it now but she knows i like her and shes told me she likes me. Do you think shes just saying it or playing hard to get?
3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years agoWill they stop my money?
I have an appointment for a foundation level interview course tomorrow at ingeus and i have a bug.. i've being throwing up all night and really not well.. if i ring in sick will they stop my money! it goes on from 9 till 3 and i'm not well enough to stay that long! I have an appointment the day after with my advisor which will last 15 minutes so i can turn up for that as i won't be there long. I've never missed an appointment or phoned in sick before.. so will they stop my jobseekers money if i ring in sick?
2 AnswersGovernment9 years agoWhy have they blocked me?
When i was at college there was this asian guy that didn't like me. He used to verbally abuse me as i walked past him then other times not say anything. He said i walked round like i owned the place even though i didn't, i don't know what is problem was. Anyway this was about 2 years ago which i think was a long time. He has facebook and i used to see him commenting on my other mates post, we have a couple of mutual friends. Anyway i think he has blocked me on facebook after like 2 and a half years and i don't know why. I'm abit confused and worried as i don't want to go out looking over my shoulder worrying hes after me or something! :/
5 AnswersFacebook9 years agoWill i still get my money?
Hi, i opened an account with victor chandler and used the free £15 casino bet.. i won £27 of it and withdrew it to my bank. Now they have closed my account saying there is more than one account open for me.. Will i still get my money? thanks
1 AnswerPersonal Finance9 years agoboarding pass for ryanair? help?
i am due to go on holiday tuesday and i printed 4 boarding passes out.. (me and 3 mates) but on mine the ink was running out and there boarding passes are alot clearer.. will i have to print a new one out? you can read all the information but im just worried about the barcode? many thanks!
1 AnswerAir Travel10 years agoryanair boarding pass?
i am due to go on holiday tuesday and i printed 4 boarding passes out.. (me and 3 mates) but on mine the ink was running out and there boarding passes are alot clearer.. will i have to print a new one out? you can read all the information but im just worried about the barcode? many thanks!
4 AnswersPacking & Preparation10 years agowill i receive messages?
hi i know your probably thinking why put this on here but here goes. my ex gf says shes stil in love wi me and loves me thinks about me everyday. Anyway i was worried bout her has she stopped texting me last nightwe sorta fell out, she ignored me all day calls and texts so i decided to block her number. im just wondering if i unblock her number will i receive the texts she may have sent me earlier on if she has or wont they come thru as she was blocked? many thanks.
4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years agowhat would you do now?
Long story short, ive being on and off with my girl for 5 month.. when weve being off shes slept with 2 guys. Ive done sexual stuff with one girl. shes found out and hasnt spoke to me for 5 days. I forgave her for sleeping with these guys now she wont talk to me. The thing is the girl i did stuff with my girl absolutely hates. Shes told my other mate she needs time to see what she wants. ive being texting her for the past 5 days.. i want her back so should i stop chasing. Ive asked her to tell me to move on and she wont. no contact at all. Should i stop chasing and hope she realises? shes done worse to me so i hope she comes back to me. thanks
5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years agoWhat would you do in my situation?
Right here goes.. me and my girlfriend have being on and off for 5 month. Anyway the first time we split she had sex with her ex. I had a friend who i was close too and my girlfriend absolutely hated her. Anyway we split again and she found out i was meeting my close friend. So she started meeting some other guy. I found out the guy was going to her house on the friday so i let my close friend stop at mine on the saturday. We did sexual stuff but never had sex. I found out my girlfriend had sex with this other guy aswell. She was straight up and told me. But here is what i dont get. Recently she has found out my friend had stopped at mine and she knows we didnt have sex. I've told her what she has done is worse than what i have. But she said its the fact it is with THIS girl. I know deep down she loves me but she isnt returning my texts and she told my mate shes done with me and never wants to talk to me again. I want to win her back, but what she has done to me is far worse (having sex with 2 people).. so is this a case of i care about the relationship more than her? she is one of the most stubborn girls i know! should i give her time? or keep chasing her and trying to win her back? thanks!
6 AnswersSingles & Dating10 years agoWhat would you do in my situation?
Right here goes.. me and my girlfriend have being on and off for 5 month. Anyway the first time we split she had sex with her ex. I had a friend who i was close too and my girlfriend absolutely hated her. Anyway we split again and she found out i was meeting my close friend. So she started meeting some other guy. I found out the guy was going to her house on the friday so i let my close friend stop at mine on the saturday. We did sexual stuff but never had sex. I found out my girlfriend had sex with this other guy aswell. She was straight up and told me. But here is what i dont get. Recently she has found out my friend had stopped at mine and she knows we didnt have sex. I've told her what she has done is worse than what i have. But she said its the fact it is with THIS girl. I know deep down she loves me but she isnt returning my texts and she told my mate shes done with me and never wants to talk to me again. I want to win her back, but what she has done to me is far worse (having sex with 2 people).. so is this a case of i care about the relationship more than her? she is one of the most stubborn girls i know! should i give her time? or keep chasing her and trying to win her back? thanks!
7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years agoDoes she have the right to know?
Me and my girlfriend have being on and off for 4 months. We split up then get back together. But the first time we split up she had sex with her ex. He caused us to constantly split up and fall out. She also has hatred for my girl mate. Anyway the third time we split she swore she was done and would be meeting this other lad. Anyway we were split up and not being on contact for 2 month she told me to move on. So this girl she had hatred for stopped at mine and we did sexual stuff. I couldnt go the full way as all i thought about was my ex. Anyway she was meeting someone also and only a couple of week ago slept with him. She knows she did wrong and now were back together. I made one genuine mistake and deleted the girl i did stuff with out of my life. Shes making so much effort with me now and the happiest weve ever being. My friends know about my mistake and so do the girl ive deleted friends. Should i feel guilty has she slept with 2 lads? and i havent slept with anyone. I live with the guilt but does she have the right to know. We wasn't together, not even on a break. Were leaving the past behind and moving on. She doesnt trust me at the moment but she said she will eventually but how will she if she doesnt know about this. but does she really have the right to know??
1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years agoHas she the right to know?
Me and my girlfriend have being on and off for 4 months. We split up then get back together. But the first time we split up she had sex with her ex. He caused us to constantly split up and fall out. She also has hatred for my girl mate. Anyway the third time we split she swore she was done and would be meeting this other lad. Anyway we were split up and not being on contact for 2 month she told me to move on. So this girl she had hatred for stopped at mine and we did sexual stuff. I couldnt go the full way as all i thought about was my ex. Anyway she was meeting someone also and only a couple of week ago slept with him. She knows she did wrong and now were back together. I made one genuine mistake and deleted the girl i did stuff with out of my life. Shes making so much effort with me now and the happiest weve ever being. My friends know about my mistake and so do the girl ive deleted friends. Should i feel guilty has she slept with 2 lads? and i havent slept with anyone. I live with the guilt but does she have the right to know. We wasn't together, not even on a break. Were leaving the past behind and moving on. But if it comes out im scared we'll be over. Does she really have the right to know?
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years agoplease help i dont know what to do?
am such a guilty person. me and my ex split up and this girl she hates and i did some sexual stuff together.. we never went the full way as i felt so guilty. We was on a break and now were back together. We've decided to leave the past in the past and moved on. She slept with someone and has being honest with me. I would do the same if it wasnt 'this girl'. But i know if i tell her about this it would destroy her and destroy us. But i want her to trust me. I live with the guilt everyday. I have deleted 'this girl' out of my life and wont be in contact with her again. However, her friennds no my girlfriend. And im scared she will tell them and then tell her and then i have the choice to deny it or not. This girl lies all the time though so it would be rather easy to deny it. But i have to live with that guilt. My mates have said wait till your relationship gets stronger and don't say anything yet. But im absolutely besotted with my girlfriend and woul;d not have made this 'mistake' if id of known i had a chance of getting back together with her. I love her too bits and im just so scared i'll lose her :( please help!
6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago