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  • Do you want the health care bill to pass?

    The dems are going to use the "ping=pong" tactic's so reps cannot have any say into what is going into the final bill. Do you think this is fair? Do you think that Obama is staying true to his campaign promises? Would you in the next elections vote for Obama again? Is anyone willing to fight to stop socialism in America? Do you think that Obama is trying to make health care system fail so they have to change everything and have government controlled care? When your health is all you really have and someone else has control over it, are you still free? Wouldn't that be the easiest way to start socialism?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I get pain in my lower abdomen when I eat, any ideas?

    I have alot of pain that makes me hunch over shortly after I eat. It is in my lower abdomen. It doesn't matter what it is, any kind of food does it. I have also had the runs too. It has been going on for over 2 months now. I have been seeing the doctor and they have been running test but have been unable to find the problem. I have endometriosis but they dont think that is what is cause this. My lower abdomen is always sore and I dont like it to be touched or pressed on. Has anyone else had something similar to this, what was it?

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Can I put a 3rd layer of shingles on my home?

    I live in Indiana and was told that you can put a 3rd layer on your roof. We have 2 layers now and were going to sell this summer and wanted to put another layer on to update the look of the roof. We painted it and the colors just dont go and I want the curb appeal to draw in when people pull up. To me it just stands out like a sore thumb, and the way the market is now I just want every advantage. I just don't know if it is an option in my state or at all. I hope someone knows and can help or give me a web site to find the answer or to just double check the person that told me it was ok to do. Thank you so much, and if I get the info I am looking for I will def. give best answer for your trouble.

    7 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Why was my question removed?

    I was on late last night and kept looking a questions for 11year olds asking "am I pretty". So I posted on with a pic of myself included. For a couple of reasons because of the preteens and turning 30 next month. I log on today to see my answers and found it was removed. I look and there are still a ton from teens on here, but why mine? It was not inappropriate what so ever, here it is See not showing anything, can anyone tell me what rule I violated.

    11 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Endometriosis and adhesions?

    I have had endo since I was 13. The past 2 years I have had to have 5 surgeries because of it. My last one was 4 months ago, I had a hystorectomy. I am only 28 so they left my ovaries because they didn't want me to start menopause at this early of an age. I have no children but felt it was my only option because I also had adnodmynosis and between the 2 I was in horrible pain. Everytime they went in my adhesions were on my bowel and alot of other places. Now it has been 4 months and I am starting to experiance pain in my lower abdomen. It is dull most of the time but hurts more when I eat. I think I have adhesions growing on my bowels again but the doctors said no it is probably IBS. They keep giving me meds for IBS the isn't working. I wanted to see if anyone else that has endo have had similar problems with it affecting your bowels.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is this medical malpractice?

    My father was coughing up blood, so we took him to the local hospital. After running some blood work that came back normal, the decided to look in his stomach. After going in there, they saw nothing. They wrote him a script for prilocet and said to take him home. Well I didn't, I took him to another hospital, they ran a catscan and found a large mass in his chest that has turned out to be cancer. I beg the other hospital to do more and they refused. They just wanted me to take him home! How can you be spitting up blood and they tell you, you are fine? I want to sue the hell out of them, I want that doctor and nurse that were so rude to me to lose their jobs. You should have heard the way they talked to me when I beg them to run more test! I have never sued anyone, does anyone know if I have a case here?

    14 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • How do you prevent your in-laws from ruining your marriage?

    My husband and I have been together for almost 7 years now and married for 5. I cannot get along with some of his family and it is driving me crazy. I have pretty much no problems with his parents but he is 1 of 14 children. 11 boys and 3 girls, and the 3 closest in age of him is where the problems have been. I have tried for the 7 years to get along with them but no matter what I do or say they hate me. One of them for years was actually trying to break us up and he told me that it was just me until his brother actually admitted to doing and saying things just to try and break us up. And he wasn't mad at him he just said it was silly. Everytime he wants to visit them it starts a fight between us and he tells me that I need to try harder to get along with them. But I can try for the next 20 years and if they dont want to get along with me than how can that happen? I am so sick of fighting about it, they disrespect me everytime we visit. What to do?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Would you date and or possible marry a women knowing she could not give you children?

    I am one of these women. My uterus was dieseased and caused my daily life painful so I had a hystercotomy. I have had people tell me that I shouldn't marry because the point in marriage it to reproduce. And I want to hear from men about how much it matters to them.

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me the title and artist of this song?

    I can only remember, in the afterlife........tomorrow they'll be hell to pay. It came out back in the 90's but I cant remember much of it. I cant get it out of my head and have to hear it to get some relief. Please help, thank you.

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone a good site for free photo editing?

    I want to do some improvements on my pics and maybe some cool effects. I just wanted to see if there was a website online for free you could do it on. My friend said she saw on Tyra today they did some cool stuff with photos and they mention a site online that was good for free but she couldn't remember what they said the name of it. Thank you for any help.

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What would you do if someone posted something mean about you on myspace?

    I had these people that l used to be friends with post my picture on their page and said a lot of mean things about me. Even though it shouldn't bother me it hurt. They have done mean things to me before and I have just turned the other cheek. Now I have just about had it, and I know some nasty stuff about them. So my questions is should I give them a taste of their own medicine?

    9 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Would you consider this an unveiled threat?

    I had a convicted murder tell my husband that if I contacted his parole that he was going to be "one p*ss*d off motherf*ck*r. I am feeling like that was an unveiled threat. What should I do? Would anyone else feel like that was a threat? I sont know what to do and am a little scared.

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • My mom is still dating a convicted murderer what do I do?

    My mom has been dating this guy that has spent 16 years in prison for attemped murder. He got out early ,thanks to our legal symptom, he got 40 years. I tried talking to her rationally but she says he was not guilty and it was all a set up. So i spend a couple of weeks going through all the records at the city county building to find his trial. It showed that they had evidence that he planned the whole thing, and that he shot this woman (his girlfriend) in front of their 2 year old son. I showed her these papers and she ends up calling the police on me to have them make me leave. He is still on parole till february, which he has been violating. He goes out to the bar and has beer at home which he is not suppose to drink at all as a part of the parole. He has slapped her a cross the face, then another time knocked her down and she hit her head really hard on the floor, and her also held her down and threaten to "choke her to death". I am scared for my her and my 15&13yr sibling

    21 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • property taxes?

    what do i do if i cant afford my property taxes. they are going from 1800 to 5500! i budget now and are barely scraping by, i just bought my house a year ago and i am a first time home owner, i just dont know what you are suppose to do, there are alot of people in the state that say they are going to sell, but how does all that work? i think i will be out money, if no one can afford the taxes, who is going to buy it?

    3 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in soul mates?

    I believe that this is just in the movies and you cant believe it just because it happens in the movies, right. You can love or be in love with many different people in your life. I believe it works when both people want it to, and put 100% into it to work. Let's stop filling the heads of our youth with this silly idea, that makes them so upset when it doesn't work out with their "soul mate".

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do you put one of your own pics as a myspace comment?

    I want to use one of my own pics from my picture file as a comment on someone elses myspace comment. I have seen other people do it and just cant figure out how that works. plz help!

    10 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago
  • Will barn owls eat my dog?

    I have a very very small papillon. He is only 3 lbs. And the past 2 nights I have had 2 barn owls in the trees of my yard. They are very beautiful and are male and female. I'm wondering if may be they may have a nest in one of my trees. I know that they are hunting and eat small rodents. Well since they are hunting by sound, do you think my dog my sound like a small rodent they would eat?

    10 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • what do you think about paris getting out of jail on monday?

    she still hasnt spent her 45 days, what is wrong in the country. does anyone out there think this is fair?

    18 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • America's got talent?

    did anyone see the kinda chubby fellow singing with just a guitar? i loved him, he reminded me of sublime. i got goose bumbs. did anyone else just love this guy?

    6 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • My mom is dating a man that tried to murder a woman and spent 16 years in prison, what should I do?

    She just told me about it today and I am freaking out. He shot this woman 5 times and she lived. He said he didn't do it, but come on.

    7 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago