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Favorite Answers26%
  • In ancient China, what would be the school situation of a royal child?

    What I'm asking is-what kind of school would like, for example: the emperor's son go to? Would he go to the same school as everyone else, or would he be homeschooled, or what? Believe it or not, I actually couldn't find this through Google searching, haha...

    Any answers would be very appreciated! ^ ^

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • This is a Tumblr Question?

    Hello, thank you so much for viewing this question, I remember that you are able to do something that makes you able to see everything someone posted on a specific date, but I forget how to do it, and it's driving me crazy! How do you do that? How do you view everything someone posted on one specific date? Thank you so much.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • This is a Tumblr question?

    I was just wondering, on tumblr, when you make a new blog from your blog, like one using the same email and stuff, and if you don't have any links on you blog to the other one or anything like that, can your followers know that you have another blog? Thank you.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • How would I get my tumblr started?

    Hello. Okay, I know that this might sound like a stupid question, and I apologize, but I just made a new non-personal blog on tumblr, called "things-to-do-when-youre-bored", and I was wondering, how do people get blogs like that started? Like, how do they even get followers? I'd really like to know, haha. Any answer would be appreciated. Thank you.

    3 AnswersOther - Internet9 years ago
  • Do you think this is true?

    Just need to dump something out of my mind, and I'm aware that this is probably going to sound extremely stupid, but anyway; I've been going through this though process lately where it seems like men are criticized for basically every aspect of them; you have to try to have the most muscle as possible, you have to try to be as brave as possible, you have to try to be as strong as possible, you have to try to be as fast as possible, you have to try to get as many girls as possible, you have to try to be as badass as possible, it's so hard to get accepted. If you don't have a girlfriend, you're labeled a big loser. Also, like if you act crazy and wild, people (males and females) will label you as dumb and weird sometimes, and if you play a lot of video games, people will say you'll never get laid, you'll never have a girlfriend, ext. You know? You have to be careful in every aspect of you, if you get what I'm saying. You know what I mean? So anyway, would you agree with that? Thanks.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Is this in bad character to do?

    Sorry if this sounds like a really stupid question, which it probably will, but anyway. So lately (always, actually, I guess) , it seems like everybody has been talking about responsibility and making good choices and stuff like that. Tomorrow at school, it is basically going to be the worst day ever. Seriously. There are like 6 things happening tomorrow that I just...can't do. I know I sound really wimpy and bad right now, but seriously, yo'd understand if you were in this situation. I am DREADING it. I CAN NOT do it. And I'm thinking of just not going to school tomorrow, and staying home. That would be SO AWESOME for me. But if I did do that, I'd feel like I was making really bad choices and being a really bad person. So, can you give me your opinion, is that an okay thing to do? Would you frown upon that? Thanks.

    1 AnswerOther - Education9 years ago
  • Is this bad character to do?

    Sorry if this sounds like a really stupid question, which it probably will, but anyway. So lately (always, actually, I guess) , it seems like everybody has been talking about responsibility and making good choices and stuff like that. Tomorrow at school, it is basically going to be the worst day ever. Seriously. There are like 6 things happening tomorrow that I just...can't do. I know I sound really wimpy and bad right now, but seriously, yo'd understand if you were in this situation. I am DREADING it. I CAN NOT do it. And I'm thinking of just not going to school tomorrow, and staying home. That would be SO AWESOME for me. But if I did do that, I'd feel like I was making really bad choices and being a really bad person. So, can you give me your opinion, is that an okay thing to do? Would you frown upon that? Thanks.

  • Is this bad character to do?

    Sorry if this sounds like a really stupid question, which it probably will, but anyway. So lately (always, actually, I guess) , it seems like everybody has been talking about responsibility and making good choices and stuff like that. Tomorrow at school, it is basically going to be the worst day ever. Seriously. There are like 6 things happening tomorrow that I just...can't do. I know I sound really wimpy and bad right now, but seriously, yo'd understand if you were in this situation. I am DREADING it. I CAN NOT do it. And I'm thinking of just not going to school tomorrow, and staying home. That would be SO AWESOME for me. But if I did do that, I'd feel like I was making really bad choices and being a really bad person. So, can you give me your opinion, is that an okay thing to do? Would you frown upon that? Thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • Chimicherry or Cherrychanga?

    Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga? Chimicherry or Cherrychanga?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Which name do you think is better?

    I am inventing a new kind of dish; it's basically just mashed up cherries with the pits taken out with sugar added in a deep fried tortilla. It's really good, actually. Anyway, the only thing I have left to do is to choose a name, and I have two names thought up for it: Chimmycherry and Cherrychanga. I'm sort of having trouble deciding which name is better, so can you give me your opinion? Chimmycherry or Cherrychanga? Thanks.

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Which name do you think is better?

    I am inventing a new kind of dish; it's basically just mashed up cherries with the pits taken out with sugar added in a deep fried tortilla. It's really good, actually. Anyway, the only thing I have left to do is to choose a name, and I have two names thought up for it: Chimmycherry and Cherrychanga. I'm sort of having trouble deciding which name is better, so can you give me your opinion? Chimmycherry or Cherrychanga? Thanks.

    9 AnswersOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga?

    Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga? Chimmycherry or Cherrychonga?

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink9 years ago
  • What's the weirdest thing that's happened to you in the past week?

    BQ: What's the most awesome thing that's happened to you in the past week?

    For me, for weirdest, it would be yesterday, I was sitting in the food court of Fred Meyer (it's a department store for those of you who don't know) waiting for my mom, and this homeless woman who looked like she was anorexic and kept on twitching walked up to me, sat down at my table, and said in a really freaky and quiet, like she was whispering and her voice was shaking, voice, she said, "Can I ask you a question?" Then before I could say anything, she said, "How come you're not wearing a bra?" Then I just said, "I gotta go. " and walked away really fast. That story is 100% true, I'm not even joking. I was SO freaked out.

    BQ: For me, the most awesome thing that happened, was that I found out someone else in my class knows about memes, then we spent the rest of the day talking about them. XD.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What makes you the most emotional/nostalgic?

    For me, it would have to be:

    I have A LOT, but that's just a really big one. What is it for you? It could be a soundtrack, a song, a place, a TV show, anything.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • I'm really sad and nervous about my basketball game tomorrow?

    OK so this is probably going to sound like a really stupid question, but still. So there's this kid that's just...seriously there are no words to describe him he is just the worst person that has ever existed or will ever exist. (Don't get me wrong, he's not popular or well off or anything, he's a loser with no friends) He's the HUGEST hypocrite, he's passive aggressive, and I can't...just...I can't explain. I'm definitely not a person that gets mad easily, I never ever get mad, and I'm a very nice person. (sometimes I wish I wasn't so nice.) But this kid is just...I can't Anyway, at lunch today, he was criticizing me for every single little thing I do, as usual, and being a huge hypocrite that's trying to fit in and be cool and makes no sense, as usual, (he was sitting right across from me) and he was talking to his friend that's not quite as bad as him, but he's similar to him. So he was criticizing me as usual, and then he said, (in these exact words) to his little "friend", "(My name) always just stands around during basketball, and the coach is like, 'get the ball! Get the ball!' and she just stands there like, 'duhhhhh' (then he imitated me standing and he was standing in a really loose way that looked like he was high on weed). Seriously, and the coach has never even said anything about it!" Then his friend was like, "Well he should!" In his obnoxious voice as usual. Then he said, "Do you even know how to play, (My name)?" Then I just ignored him, then his friend said, "WHY ARE YOU ON THE BASKETBALL TEAM!!??" And then he continued to imitate me and talk about how I just stood around during games and didn't even run or box out or anything. Which by the way, isn't true. I'm not the most advanced player ever, but that definitely isn't true. Anyway, we have a sort of big game tomorrow, and for a stupid reason, I'm REALLY not looking forward to it, because I'm just gonna be thinking about what he said. In know he's just the most pathetic loser ever who tries to be cool, but seriously, that just took out all of my spirit and motivation and desire to play basketball. I'm just...I am NOT looking forward to it, because I'm just gonna be thinking about what he said. I know it's really stupid but can you just give me some tips on how not to think what I'm thinking? Thanks.

    7 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • What's the name of this web series PLEASE ANSWER?

    I'll love you forever if you answer this! So, I VERY vaguely remember this thing that my friend showed me when I was in 3rd grade, I haven't thought about it for YEARS, so I remember it extremely vaguely. I'm pretty sure it was a web series, (like 95% sure) and might have been Japanese, it was like talking eggs or something, ugh I just wish I could remember more about it, anyway can you tell me anything that might be related to that? Thanks and please try. :3

    3 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • Dreading school tomorrow?

    Hi. So I'm 14, in 8th grade. For the past 2 months or so, for various reasons, I have been missing quite a lot of school. I have attended the full week some weeks, but other weeks, I've missed like 2 or 3 days. Sometimes because I was sick, and sometimes for other reasons. But I'm all caught up on my homework, except for some math. Anyways, I don't know, I just feel like I'm really incredibly screwed at school tomorrow. It's just going to be really awkward and weird when i walk in, plus I've missed a few basketball practices and a game, so that just adds to the awkwardness. I feel like its going to be so awkward and just weird and I'm dreading it. It's 5:30 now, and I keep on thinking about how close tomorrow is. I know it might sound weird, but I just feel like I am so screwed tomorrow. Anyway, can you just give me some advice on how to feel less nervous and dread it less? And can you tell me if I am overreacting and it's really nothing or if it's appropriate how I feel? Thank you.

  • POLL: What's your best childhood memory?

    I seriously have uncountable. I have an ungodly amount of glorious childhood memories. It's impossible to pick just one. Going to my best friend's house and playing Pokemon and screaming when we got to the next town, going to my dad's office and playing X Box all day, laughing uncontrollably in 4th grade...I'm going to stop now.

    BQ: What song or soundtrack or tune defines your childhood the most?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Dreading school tomorrow?

    Hi. So I'm 14, in 8th grade. For the past 2 months or so, for various reasons, I have been missing quite a lot of school. I have attended the full week some weeks, but other weeks, I've missed like 2 or 3 days. Sometimes because I was sick, and sometimes for other reasons. But I'm all caught up on my homework, except for some math. Anyways, I don't know, I just feel like I'm really incredibly screwed at school tomorrow. It's just going to be really awkward and weird when i walk in, plus I've missed a few basketball practices and a game, so that just adds to the awkwardness. I feel like its going to be so awkward and just weird and I'm dreading it. It's 5:30 now, and I keep on thinking about how close tomorrow is. I know it might sound weird, but I just feel like I am so screwed tomorrow. Anyway, can you just give me some advice on how to feel less nervous and dread it less? And can you tell me if I am overreacting and it's really nothing or if it's appropriate how I feel? Thank you.

    4 AnswersFriends9 years ago