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I'm willing to help as long as you're willing to listen and be open minded :) If u have an essay or paper and looking for a second opinion or feedback (grammar or anything) I'd be glad to look it over and send feedback back to you. ^^ *Just email me the prompt, the requirments, and ur essay along with ur grade level * Give me three to five days to get back to you. Why am I willing to do this? Because it helps me get better just as much as it helps you. Remember: Take ur time and Enjoy ur life :D Rawr! for those of you who want to write fiction or are currently writing fiction, I would like to recommend a book for you. *Gotham Writers' Workshop Writing Fiction. The Practical Guide from New York's Acclaimed Creative Writing School.* ISBN#: 9781582343303

  • Are all on campus jobs work study jobs?

    I applied for a tutoring position for the upcoming semester and was accepted. They never mentioned it being work study and after doing some research I'm now worrying if the tutoring work is considered as work study.

    Are all campus jobs considered as work study or is it just certain jobs?

    And I do qualify for work study, which is why I'm asking, since it will affect me.

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid7 years ago
  • My microphone is working but I can't hear anything through the headset?

    Please read this whole thing

    I run a windows 7, 64 bit hp laptop

    i just recently bought a new headset because i broke my old one. IT's the same brand company, cyber acoustics. However, with this new one i bought, my mic is working but i hear nothing through the headphone. I checked the sound. Nothing is muted, nothing is disabled. I've already set up my mic. The mic is an issue, but it's the headphones.

    The heaphones are not broken though. I plugged it in to my desktop computer and it works fine. The desktop comp is a windows xp. I plugged it into other devices and it works fine.

    So then i thought perhaps my headphone jack is broken so i plugged in just a headphone and that one works.

    I've been trying everything. Google doesn't seem to help since everyone seems to have mic problems, not headphone problems. @_@

    IS it something with windows 7? or is the headset defective? or is it something else entirely?

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years ago
  • Shamelessly asks for reads and comments and advice ;P Read? o:?

    lolz, that was one long and awkward question O: and tell me what you think plz?

    ***You can hate on wattpad all you want. I won't take any offense since I'm a big egotistical person to begin with ~,~ (was that funny? No? T_T...watever ~,~)

    Happy holidays :)

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Where the heck do you hide your christmas gifts?

    Where do you hide them?

    And when do you wrap them?

    Or do youw rap them and then hide them until Christmas or wrap them the night before Christmas?

    But...where do you hide them? And this isn't one or two gifts. It's 9! And they're not tiny ones.

    PS...I share a room, and no where's really that private. Where to hide gifts and how to conceal them?

    (Pardon my repetitive asking)

    2 AnswersChristmas8 years ago
  • Writers, do you laugh when you look at your old works?

    I know I do :)

    If i look at my first works I laugh some more. My writing style has changed a lot. My grammar has improved by far and it's much more sophisticated now. When i go back and reread my old stories, I'm always amazed how much I've improved and I seriously wonder why some people thought it was good (or how they even understood it).

    Anyhow, I know i get a good kick out of reading my old works. I even feel embarassed at times. It certainly is a humbling experience for me :)

    What do you feel/do when you revisit old works and first draft works?

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • What to get a12yr old brother who's not really interested in anything?

    This is for Christmas.

    No electronics or games please. I'm trying to keep a budget, preferably under 50 dollars.

    Sports has already been covered and really, anything sport or game related ends up being shared by the family and I prefer to get something that remains with him.

    He seems to like everything and hate nothing. You would think it would be easy to shop for someone like him. ~,~

    He's not really into anything. There isn't anything he's been keeping an eye on. He hasn't given any hints to what he wants. He dabbles in a bit of everything; drawing, sports, dancing...Like a jack of all trades, but master of none.

    He bugs his other sister all day as well as his younger brother all in the name of fun. He's pretty light hearted and fun-loving.

    What do I get him?

    Currently, I was thinking perhaps something puzzle-y/science-y. My last resort would probably be a rubix cube and candy -.-.

    If possible, links with answer will be much appreciated :)

    Thank you for your time :)

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Flashbacks in first person pov?

    This is for a short story in my fiction writing class. A minimum of 6 pages and a maximum of 8 (double space) Not much too work with but eh.

    IT's told in first person pov and the flashback is a very short scene where the protagonist (a babysitter) relives through a past abuse as she hears another abuse going on.

    I've already finished it but am going back and editing and revising. The flashack part of it, rougly a paragraph seems very abrupt. It even sounds as if i switched to the pov of the person who is being abused currently.

    how do I accomplish making it flow into the story without being direct and saying "i remembered when blahblahblah." ?

    Normally, if this was third pov i'd have no problem but since first pov is told form the char's pov in the now and here moment, it get's tricky.

    Another thing is, the abuse isn't just being hit so I can't have the flasback coincide with the background noise. The person being abused now is getting cut by her abuser, the same abuse my prtagonist went through. And it's in another room so I can't coincide the flasback based on what the protagonist sees either.

    Any help is appreciated^^

    NOTE: No, I wn't post the excerpt. And no, it's not because it hink my writing is soooo grandeur that someone will still it ~,~ I blv i've already given enough info about the scenario and I would prefer a wide range of answers, even if it's not applicable to my own story. Thank you for your time and help^^

    Extra info: the story is also in past tense, not the current trend of present tense. I also have no intention of switching it to present tense. Although doing so to the flashback can be an option if I want to experiment with it.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Which is your most favorite POV to write in? Your least favorite? Why?

    No hating on the different POVs

    I personally love writing in third person omniscient. The freedom of being able to enter the minds of every character and being omnipotent is just wondrous for me. However, even if I can enter all the minds, doesn't mean i do. :) Ofc, i do have to make sure I don't end up writing in my own voice and remember that it's my characters' stories and not mine XD Although i just learned this pov is sorta outdated? :( watever XD

    My least favorite is first person...either single or multiple. I don't hate it but i find it frustrating to write in since you're limited to what your main character sees. So unless you find a way for your character to be;s limited in that sense. I also find this pov even more difficult to seperate my own voice from the characters. I'd be writing and then go "oops, this is something I would do, not my character."

    regardless though, I do let my story and purpose of the story dictate which pov I use.

    BONUS: which one do you like to read in? :)

    Personally, i can only stomach short stories for first pov. First person peripheral though, I find myself being able to read through for some odd reason and actually liking it. My main reading materials are in third person.

    Then's not like i remember accurately the pov the stories/novels i've read were in. XD

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why do you write? Why do you read?

    Before, I only did it because I had to for school D: Actually hated it :(

    But now, I've grown to tolerate it and enjoy it quite immensly. For the most part though, aside from homework, I mainly do it for fun. I guess there is that wonderful possibility that perhaps my writing will become so renown and famous after I die lingering in the back of my head but it's there as a humorous possibility ;)

    What are you reasons for writing? Whether it be heartfelt stories or just simple lines here and there.

    What are your reasons for reading? Whether they be literary or genre fiction.

    I am just curious :) There was a wide range of answers from my Fiction writing class and was just wonder^^

    11 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • When to use the epic and widely hated(?) Prologue?

    I am not asking IF i should use one, I'm asking WHEN.

    And this is aimed for fiction, but if you're a writer of nonfiction, don't hesitate to reply :) (i blv there are different standards for non-fiction?)

    It has come to my understanding the prologues are sadly hated and are henceforth equated with newbie writers. I have also realized that prologues seem to be abused quite often and quite poorly :(

    It is to my understanding that prologues are used should the content in them not be in the same time frame as the settings in the novel. I have already reseached the use of prologues and many sites seem to agree on one thing: If the prologue captures the attention and intrigues, then go for it. IF not, you can leave it out and state it throughout the story.

    Please do keep in mind that I am not asking if you love or hate prologues. ^^ I am asking when do you believe it is ok or even great to have them and when it is not. And what kinds of information/what kinds of events are more 'ok' to have?

    I also realize that some writers see the prologue as a bakground 'dumper' which is possibly the reason why so many people have grown to hate it. But then again, prologues were used for a reason, so do enlighten me to as the possible mistakes of prologues and also to how some prologues are great at enhancing the book.

    Feel like I ask to much and you just wan to skim? Well then, just answer the when question written in the title of this question. (you know, the one in bold letters) :P

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Sites like wattpad, worthyofpublishing, inkpop, writer's cafe etc...your opinion?

    I've googled some of them and ewent to check out their sites...

    The main assumption seems to be that wattpad is infested with teens overall and that writer's cafe is 'better'

    I checked out writer's cafe...LOTS of poetry on there. Stories and so forth, not as much and comparing it to wattpad...the writing is the same, more or less.

    The writings i've seen are not as horrible as what some yahoo-ers have stated and writer's cafe seems to have..problems with the site apparently.

    So, what are your opinions/feedbacks of such sites? Do you have an account with any? What do you see as problems or benefits to such sites?

    And...please refrains from saying one site sucks without a reason other than "the writings are done by teens who never edit" o:

    I have seen reviews from opposite ends on all of the sites, and I would like to have more information than just "it sucks" or "it's good."

    Thanks for your time :)

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why is there this assumption that first person POV is 'better' at protraying a character's personality?

    I don't know if it's because I've been spending too much time on yahoo!answers (which, I admit, is way more than I would like to be) or if it's something that's becoming a general assumption.

    I see a lot of "I like to write in first pov because it lets the reader get to know my character better." or "you get to see it from the character's perspective"

    I have nothing against first person pov but then again, the only ones I've read in first person was The Great Gatsby and autobiographies O: and there were some works of fiction, the titles I cannot recall.

    However, I'm just wondeirng if this is a new trend or something? Yet at the same time I feel as if it's a very misleading assumption. Third person, from my view point, can be just as interesting and just as good in protraying a character. You can easily just as well see it frm the character's standpoint as you can form first person.

    The only thing I see first person pov doing more than third is there is more of a 'thought' dialogue/monologue. Is that what is making people think that first person prevails over third person? o: Because honestly, third person exchanges that for more action/interactive thoughts/dialogue. (hmm...i hope that made sense)

    ANyhow, I'm not saying one is better for than the other. Both are great and at times one will be 'better' than thte other depending on your topic or wha tyou're trying to convey. It's just the overall assumtion that third person pov seems to be lacking that is making me go "hmmmm...wat?" o:

    Your thoughts?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Academia writing Vs. Creative writing?

    Don't be fooled by the title. I am not asking which is better as they both have their own uses and merits. One could argue they are almost like diffrent genres but the one could also say they are the same, but we'll leave that aside.

    I'm asking for differences you notice between the two, whether subtle or not. Please expand upon your answer if all you are going to say is that creative is creative and academia is academic.

    Personally, throughout my high school life and so far into my college, I have found my academia writing to still have 'creativity' in it.

    The topic of the academic writing will have a say in how the writing is gone about, but what are some general differences you see between the two? and ah...refrain from stating really obvious ones like "creative writing has characters" or "Creative has more dialogue" or of the like. Ofc, if you have somethign specefic to say or there is expansion upon that though, do feel free to do so^^

    What I have seen:

    Academic writing is more blunt and straightforward. There are clear messages throughout. (But yes, even then, there are some that are not as blunt, but this is the majority I have encountered)

    Creative writing tends to pull at the emotional aspect of reader, whereas academic writing seems to pull at our logic. (Though yes, both do use the ethos, pathos, and logos to be more relatable to the audience and to draw upon either sympathy or a common goal)

    Academia states the facts matter of factly and creative goes about it in a roundabout way.

    Creative uses diffrent characters to draw in diffrent readers while Academic relies more on how the words and senteced are phrased, and the organizational techinique used in order to make the reader go "Ahh...hmmm...I see..etc" (yes, i realize it can be said with creative as well.)

    This is all I have for now. And yes, I do realize that at times they can criss cross and prolly do, but what else do you notice one tends to do more often than the other?

    And before someone says it...I would like to refrain from googling because it makes me think less through my own thought first. And yes, I do blv i may have misused the word Academia in terms of context and form. o:

    And on a side note...I wonder how many people throughly read through long questions or do we all skim read? ;)

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why do people assume every writer/English teacher must have perfect grammar and...?

    have read every literary classic?

    Repeat: Why do people assume every writer/English teacher must have perfect grammar and have read every literary classic?

    And when you make a grammatical error it's like "OOOOOOOO YOU MADE A MISTAKE!!!"

    Or if you haven't read so and so it's like "What??? But you're a writer/English teacher! You're suppose to have read it!"

    Why do some people assume writers/English teachers have perfect grammar and can never make a mistake? And that they have the time to read through ALL the literary classics??

    And then there are times where if you tell people you're a writer or an English teacher, they begin confessing all their hate/troubles with English..."I've always hated writing" or "I was so bad at English" or "I use to get C's all the time on my essays"

    I'm just curious o: Have you ever done this/witnessed/been subjected to this assumption? o:

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • My baby sister cries randomly for no reason? I thinking ghosts...D: u? Yes, I'm serious. advide/insight plz?

    My baby sister is a healthy 3 month old baby :D

    Laughs, 'talks' with us(quite vehemently on her good days :D), and smiles very often. ^^

    Lately though, when we put her to sleep, or even when we're just holding her, she cries randomly. And it's a full out wail. No warning, just silence and then "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!"

    There's no set times and it's not often but it does scare us. We thought it might be ants because our house has a few, but we'd look and strip her naked at times to find if there's anything on her, but there's nothing.

    It's not like her normal cries as well. There's no signs that she gonna cry (the pursed lips, the frown) which she usuall does. It's just a straight out wail. If she was on the bed, we'd have to pick her up and walk around the house, it takes a few mins to quiet her down. She won't take a bottle during these times o: She's done it both while asleep and awake.

    Is this normal? o:

    I'm beginning to think my house is haunted or something because of those old superstitions of how babies and kids can see ghosts. As funny/unrealistic as that sounds to you guys, it's the only reason I am capable of thinking of. (Which i'm hoping is not true and is really something i'm just playing around with)

    Yes, I have googled for those of you wondering :P The explanations seems to be gas bubbles or nightmares. Night mares I've ruled out as she does this while awake to. Gas bubbles...I am not too sure. She's burped consistently, np signs of fussiness.

    And no, she's not hungry. o: She has done this right after we feed her at times.

    Advice/insight? Or tricks to cal m her down or prevent? o:

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Writers: What are some things said by/habits of critiquers/editors that you find annoying/unhelpful?

    If they are a professional, I sure hope you don't find them as annoying or unhelpful O:

    This is more aimed at the general people that you ask to critique/edit/read your paper. They can be friends, teachers, other fellow writer, etc.

    I find the simple statment "It's good/great/awesome/etc. Keep writing." very annoying. Yes, it's a great boost to the confidence but if that's all they say it's like 'Well..duh. Of course it's great. I knew that" O: What about it makes it great? Did you fall in love with the characters? Was the plot line intresting? Did you like how I worded certain things? Were my use/lack of use of metaphors appealing? Simple and generic statements like that don't help me further my writing.

    It's also the same with negative feedback. "It sucks." or "I didn't like it." IF that's all the say, I'm left wondering "What's bad about it? What made it suck?" I need/want reasons!!! T_T

    In regards to grammar...the only thing that bugs me if they use one or two mistakes I made and say "You're grammar's horrible!" I'm ok with someone advising me to re-read and check my grammar and punctuation because they noticed some mistakes or they point out something they notice happening over and over again though. And if it's really really horrible, then...o:

    What are some things said by/habits of critiquers/editors that you find annoying/unhelpful?

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Common mistake/habits in amateur writing or from aspiring authors in general that you noticed?

    Common mistakes or habits you notice?

    I notice some writings looks like a thesaraus threw up on it, especilly when it's a descriptive scene. I don't think there's anything wrong with having 'bigger' words used but at the same time, sometimes it seems like an overload.

    I also notice a lot of tense confusion, more so in first person writing than third person. Sometimes it's minor and sometimes it's quite a lot. It also seems to appear more often when the writer is attempting to write in present tense as well.

    In regards to grammar, most of what I have read are decent enough but it feels as if not too many want to take the time to edit their writings. I was once told that grammar was more so for the sake of the reader than the writer by an English teacher once, and that has affected at how I look at grammar now. It's not like I don't understand what some of the writers mean in certain parts of the scene but a comma here or there would've made less work on my part; and as a reader, I don't like to do a lot of work.

    I also find it a bit tiring when the writer just ask you to read their stories/papers and tell them what you think of it. If I'm just reading for fun then that's all right, but if they give it to me with the intention of me editing it or giving specefic feedback, I find it too vague. I would prefer they ask me something specefic to pay attention such as characterization or mood. I'll still keep my eyes out for other thing sI notice they do well or not so well, but the more specefic they are, the more I feel as if they are confident in their writings and are looking for specefic feedback on things they are not as sure of. Plus, it makes me feel like I'm not doing a lot of work ;) However, this isn't really a big annoyance on my part. I know there are some writers who just prefer an overall view o:

    Another thing I noticed...It's not so much as a mistake but I notice a lot of writers do not take so well to/hate to be corrected on their grammar. I admit I am a bit of a grammar nazi if someone asks me to look over something. However, unless there are a lot of problems with the grammar, I'll just note corrections on the paper in case the writer misses it. However, even the simple listing of it seems to get some writers all defensive.

    In addition to that, some seem to think that every critique that does not say "it's good" means that it's bad or that I am attacking their writings. Critiques/advice/suggestion are given to help the writer, not tell them to give up. In regards to this though, I admit, I notice some people are also harsh or blunt with their suggestion and some seem downright just rude. There are also some that just say "Your grammar sucks" or "It's awful" and leave it at that. Now those kind of critiques, I find unhelpful.

    So, what are some common mistake/habits in amateur writing or from aspiring authors in general that you noticed?

    15 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Just curious, how do you guys/gals come up with your character names?

    Do you focus on the meaning behind it or just whatever sounds nice to you? And is it the same process for all your characters or just the main ones?

    Personally, i'll spend time on making/finding my main character's name. I would look up at the various meaning's behind the name because I like it to be a reminder of how I want my char to be and what he/she represents. At times I'll make up names as well by rearraging letters of a word I like. The same goes for my antagonist. However, sometimes I'll just like how a name sounds. :)

    With my other characters though, it's just whatever feels nice.

    Do you guys also care about last names? Some of my stories I make up one if i need it, but sometimes I don't make any last names.

    What about you guys? :)

    8 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago