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  • why are girls and guys so slutty these days?

    young women girls having babies losing their virginitys at extremely young ages. I am 20 yrs old and I am also a guy I know im the minority but I feel so bad for my generation. It's full of lust and perversion and gore guys are sluts too sleep around with alot of girls and then dont wanna raise their kids because they dont love the woman they had a kid with its so sad this is a lost generation i was born in.

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Would you fall faster on a bigger planet?

    Lets say you live on another planet much bigger than earth. your on the top of a huge sky scraper and jump you weigh 200 earth pounds would you fall faster on this planet which is 4 times the size of earth?

    6 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • workout information help me?

    Can I workout out before eating or should I eat before does it matter. I am trying to build muscle.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Warewolfs are real so are vampires?

    The title pretty much says it all they are real except it is only high level satanist who can do the transformations. I know alot of people wont believe me, but I don't care. The warewolfs are about 8 feet tall and are incredilby powerful but the power of Jesus is what stops them. Also vampires are real they need blood it is an addiction for them. If you have any questions for me I will repsond also succubus and incubus questions.

    17 AnswersMythology & Folklore9 years ago
  • What movie does steven seagal tell new world order,?

    I can't find the name of that movie I want to see it.

    1 AnswerMovies9 years ago
  • I need workout advice.?

    I am very skinny but eat normally for example I ate 1 bologna and american cheese sandwich and about half a glass of milk I admit I am underweight I am five 9 and weigh close to 128-130 the thing is I eat about 2-3 times a day a bigger dinner than breakfast but do I really need to eat alot to build muscle mass I wish to get to at least 150 but I don't get hungry I just need help is there someone who knows what I need to do I don't want to gorge on food eigther like an animal I just want to gain muscle mass, I have always been very skinny but I need help bad and I for like 4 days started going to the gym I eat about 2400 calories a day and most of it is meat, I also eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. I just want more confidence with the ladies if you get what I am saying, anyways I need help gaining weight it's very hard for me to do so thanks guys please help me anything you say I will really consider and do research on it so someone out there help me out I don't want to look like this forever I am very skinny I sometimes think I look like a drug addict but my face isn't skinny or sunk in its rather normal but my body is. You usually hear fat people talk about wishing to loose weight well skinny people wish for the exact opposite and someone needs to help people like me becasue there are alot of us out there.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • whers a website where I can post an article.?

    Is there any website where I can post an article about something I thought of about the existence of time and E=mcsquare just something I thought up kind of like a wild idea about time travel and the possibility of it where people can read it and comment on it.

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • I live in central Texas, whats up with the weather?

    I am conserned with the temperature in Texas for the past 10 or so years we beat rocord temperatures for heat each month this year especially has been relativel hot for november it should be in the lower 40s or 30s even high 20s its been around 80 degrees the previous summers have been in the 100s when its usually in the high 90s I am wondering why no one is talking about it I am not a nut case global warming person but something is happening and fast to the climate. I don't know about other states but here in Texas its become so hot even in the winter it only rained once where I live for 2 years when we should be getting showered like in the past. the past few years also its only rained like 1 time a year. anyone with common sense has to wonder what is going on so someone please help me figure out what is happening to my state....I ahve noticed a huge increase in building and population in this state, I believe that has something to do with it I just don't know what I can do anyway. where I live we had a population increase of 1 million in ten years mostly illigals and migrants from other states looking for jobs. its so hot outside and little rain I am just conserned lake and rivers have even dried up huge lakes are down 100s of feet too

    2 AnswersGeography10 years ago
  • can a college dropout join the air force?

    I am smart but I just need discpline I want to be better than I am I was just wondering if I can join the airforce, I know I'll pass the test no problem but will they accept me I have no record of anything but my grades in college are questionable. I passed the first year no problem the the socond I took 3 classes and failed two, I didn't even try to be honest.

    5 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • which basic training is harder army or air force or are they the same at first?

    I just have some basic questions and are the jobs the same in both nad also the pay is it less or more I am pretty smart and I could get into whatever I want I want to know which one is better I can handle the physical and mental but is basic training the same for both

    10 AnswersMilitary10 years ago


    5 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • can you stop getting financial aid if you stop going to class?

    I was taking several courses last fall and I stopped going to my English class altogether because I didn't do the work, but I passed all my other classes will this affect my eligibility to apply again for financial aid.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid10 years ago
  • I recently planted some beans in very good yet tough soil?

    The soil is very good except I didn't work it I just took out the weeds and put holes and threw beans in there will they still grow will it take longer or will they not grow at all I think they will grow but it will take alot longer am I right or should I just work the soil and plant something else instead or will they come out on their own. I noticed afew are poking out I planted some in pot about a week ago and they are about 5 inches already so the ones in the ground shouldn't they be bigger than the ones in the pot.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • Genetic engineering? Birds?

    Why has no one gotten a bald eagle or any predator bird and took the sperm from it, and put it into the egg of a california condor, or an ostrich, emu, just a big *** bird. Would it fly, would it hunt for prey imagine how cool it be to see it. Anyways why do you guys think no one has done it yet, seems like something that should and could be done with modern technology and genetics evolving the way it is right?

    1 AnswerBirds10 years ago
  • If world war 3 broke out who are Americas true allies?

    Who no matter what would go to war with America and fight with us. and who would we be fighting against. I am pretty sure with all the hostilities in Isreal it's only a matter of time before we help them and that will start it.

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • When's worlds war 3 going to heppen?

    With the threat to Isreal in Iran, and with nuclear weapons what's to become of national security. Will the U.S. help Isral defeat Iran if needed. Also what would that lead to in the very near future, if world war 3 broke out. When do you guys think that will happen.

    7 AnswersMilitary10 years ago
  • I get very sleepy and tired but I wake up when I eat certain candy's?

    I get very sleepy and tired it doesn't matter where I go but I wake up and feel better when I eat candy's like gushers or fruit rollups sour patch kids, candy's like that wake me up.

    I don't feel better when I eat chocolate though I don't know why do I get like that?

    I also become very hyper when I drink tea I kan't stop kicking my legs I can run like a whole mile without resting after drinking tea. But I don't like it I get very very very tired when I don't have candy like that around like I can sleep for 12 hours does anyone else get like that Keep in mind I'm 20 yrs old I have been like that for so long I just got used to it but it's really dragging me down. actually chocoalte does help but it takes longer like 20 minutes after I eat it. to where as the other candy's are instant.

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink10 years ago
  • What do you girls like?

    What do you all like about guys

    Muscles or brains

    Nice or asshole

    dresses age appropriatly or dresses like Jersey Shore people

    Nice compliments from guys or rude annoying abnoxious like the guys from Jersey Shore

    Pot head or Church goeer

    Chrcking out girls,watches porn or boring takes you out for dinner, dates vacation.








    Did I miss anything come on lay them on me, I want to know how to get the ladies. I tried the nice guy thing it doesn't work I tried being a dick I got more puss than you can imagine OH MY GOD girls like that **** if you read this as a guy it's true so true. there like little kids, and then they call us immature.

  • Who would you have sex with? girls only!!!!?

    Question for girls only

    Jaba The Hut or beavis and butthead.

    Yoda or chubaca

    rosie O Donald or Ellen Degenerists

    Your step cousin or your step brother not related by blood.

    a stranger or a cab driver

    Give me answers people

  • How do you tell a girl she is pretty without looking like a weirdo.?

    Girls are the worst rejection hurts how do you tell a girl she is pretty without looking like a weirdo? I need some game players give me advice. I can't talk to girls for anthything you couldn't pay me I mean it I turn red I get a ***** I can't help but look at them. exagerated a little but you know what I mean I can't approach them because some pretty girls are bitchy and others are shy themselves I'm always intimidated by better looking guys around me. I am actually a pretty tough guy but when it comes to girls I melt like butter on a skillet I need serious help.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago