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'Great Spirits above who live in us Teach us now, to lead us Fill our hearts and souls with all you know Show us that in your eyes We are all the same Brothers to each other in this world we remain Truly brothers all the same, brothers all the same' -Brother Bear A child at heart <3 Oh, I have a blog. Come, read, visit, etc. I post up book reviews and randoms stuff =P You're welcome to say anything you like to me on there, whether it be nice or downright degrading.

  • What's the craziest dream you've had?

    Most of my dreams are insanely weird. I'm just curious about the dreams other people have.

    The craziest one I've had (in the past couple days) was one where a serial killer had captured many people. However, we were all kept in plastic bags, kind of like the ones where stuffed toys are kept in Asian markets. His first victim he selected randomly, took off the plastic wrapping, and for some reason we were all completely paralyzed but able to watch. He ripped open the chest cavity, and the person didn't scream, but I knew we would feel it anyway.The victim stayed alive until the killer took out a giant pair of scissors and cut the heart into four equal pieces. I don't remember if he ate it, but that was certainly one of my more frightening and crazier dreams recently.

    How about you guys? Any incredibly creepy, gross, weird dream? Or just something you want to share with everyone?

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Dental cavity fillings; are they painful?

    I've only had about one or two cavities before in my life when I was very young. But today I went to the dentist and suddenly I have ten cavities! I couldn't believe it. I certainly haven't been eating any more sweets than I normally do in the past years I've gone to the dentist. In fact, I've been eating healthier and brushing better the last year. So this came as a huge shock.

    I know I don't floss a lot, but that's never created such a problem before in all my other years. It's most likely my flossing, but any other ideas what could have caused so many cavities all of a sudden?

    I remember having cavities. I know they give you a freezing needle. Is that very painful? I'm not comfortable with needles in the first place, but I'm hoping it won't be that painful. And the fillings afterwards I know shouldn't be painful.

    5 AnswersDental9 years ago
  • What do you think of this?

    I just whipped this up because I'm bored and procrastinating on studying for math. So tell me what you think :D

    “Flamel, isn’t it?” the man said, his voice smooth and clear as glass. I nodded and clasped my hands behind my back, keeping my eyes firmly on the ground and my breathing regulated. Sweat beaded on my forehead even though the night was cool.

    “Yes, sir. Nicholas Flamel.”

    The man smiled, his white teeth gleaming in the darkness. “Bright young man, I’m sure. I certainly hope you’re as good as they say.”


    Amused, the man stepped towards me and tilted his head slightly to the side. At his side was his cane, the black wood embellished with pure gold. My eyes were immediately drawn to the gold, the details exquisitely carved into the wood. The man noticed my looking and swung the cane up to my chest. Taken aback, I stepped away and braced my hands in front of me.

    “Relax, Mr. Flamel. You’re in protection of the Underground here.”

    I laughed uneasily and took the cane into my hands. “Forgive me. It’s hard to remember where I am.”

    “Quite understandable.” His dark eyes stared at me as I held the cane up to examine it. The simple beauty of the craftsmanship was unlike any other I had seen before. After a few seconds, I reluctantly gave it back and thanked him for the opportunity to see his very own handiwork. “You have never seen my work then. This was done by my apprentice.”

    Shock coursed through me as I stared back at him to be sure he wasn’t joking. If that was by an apprentice I would hate to imagine how wonderful the master’s work would be. “Beautifully done, sir.”

    “Thank you, I’ll be sure to pass the compliments to him,” he said. His elegant face shone in the pale light of the moon as he walked even closer towards me. “Mr. Flamel, I would like to ask of you something you’ve been asked of many times before.”

    I groaned inwardly and brushed the hair out of my eyes. The question always came and it was the same answer each time. They never learned. “I’m afraid I don’t know where the philosopher’s stone is.”

    His lips curled in a way that was between a smirk and a smile. “You overestimate me, Mr. Flamel. The stone exists no more, but the secrets of alchemy do, however, remain with you.”

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Help me find this children's book series?

    Gah, I remember so much of it, but just not the name! It's for younger people, maybe around ages 8-10. Rather cliche and standard, but I enjoyed them when I was a kid.

    It's about these five girls who realize they are a part of another world/realm. The main character is the girl who has the 'heart' of the other world. At least I think it's the heart, but it's very important. And one thing I do remember about her is that she has short, red hair. She's also the new girl in town.

    The other four girls each have an element: air, water, fire and earth. I remember that the girl who had the air element was named Hay Lin and was Asian. Her grandmother knew something about this other place.

    Cornelia was the girl who controlled earth. She was also the extremely pretty and popular one on earth.

    The girl who controlled fire had black dreads, was the shy girl, and became incredibly angry in one of the books. She broke the spell placed on her; something along those lines.

    The girl who controlled water was the bubbly one of the group. She was the happy-go-lucky sort, I suppose.

    These books also had colored comics at the beginning and at the end. Nothing in the middle.

    This other world is reached by portals on earth. There was one that was in the house of a teacher called Ms. Rudolf, I think.

    XD I remember so much of it, but just not the name! Please help!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Critique on this mini thing please?

    It's mini in my opinion at least. I would love to hear your opinions and your critiques if you will share them. The last paragraph is something I'm a little iffy about. Thank you ^_^

    I sit on the branch and close my eyes. Slowly, I breathe in, the chilled air filling my lungs. My hands rest against the bark, the dips and curves in the branch touching my fingertips as if it were the other way round.

    “Missy, I hope you know you’re not allowed here.”

    I open my eyes and glance down, expecting the voice to be directed to me out of habit. A man is standing with his back against the tree trunk, his beard long and white flowing in the breeze. A girl is standing before him, her eyes downcast and her hands folded neatly behind the yellow dress. She looks ashamed, guilty, as if this land was actually sectioned off. But she shouldn’t look like that. I taught her better.

    “I’m sorry, sir.” Her lips quiver. My eyes dart towards the old man whose face immediately softens.

    “Missy, I don’t mean to be mean or all, but it would be best if you leave.”

    I want to scream at him, let him know that she’s allowed here. But my voice will be carried away in the wind, left to be heard as a whistle.

    “May I stay here a little longer?” Her voice is soft, like a feather on the breeze.

    The man pauses, but I can see the kindness in the lines of his face. He gives a small nod and walks off into the trees, carrying his pack and cane along with him. I watch with bated breath as the girl comes towards the tree I’m in and presses her fingertips against the trunk. She runs her hand along the bark, feeling the earth beneath her like I taught her countless times before. With closed eyes and a tune on her lips, she begins to sway in rhythm with nature’s music. I feel my face break into a smile and I drift down beside her, touching my hand against hers.

    I look at her face and memorize the delicate features. Pale eyelashes, a tiny mouth and high cheekbones; she’ll be beautiful when she’s older.

    “I'm right here. Right beside you,” I whisper. My words are caught by the boundary that must exist between our worlds.

    But she lifts up her head and her eyes flash open. “I hope you’re happy, sis.”

    I laugh, my voice turning into the sounds of birds chirping. Happiness was always with me, especially when I was with her. But now I will let myself dissipate, everything in me following wherever the wind may lead. My laughter does not die – it becomes the sound of wind chimes. My body does not disappear into the soils of the earth; it becomes new life. My soul does not fade, for it is what I am.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • How does your writing mind work?

    Hehe, let's do a survey type thing. It's great to get into the mind of other writers and see how they function and work. Oh, this is mainly for fiction writers. But if you write non-fiction, jump aboard anyway!

    1. At what time of day/night do you normally write?

    2. What do you think is a good daily average of words for a writer? Whether they be a beginning writer or advanced.

    3. Are your dreams the main idea-generator? Or do you have random outbursts of inspiration?

    4. What do you think of fanfiction?

    5. Do your characters take on a life of their own? Do they manipulate your fingers instead of the other way around?

    6. Antagonists? What are the best traits you believe can be put in an antagonist?

    7. Are a few cliches allowed in your writing, or do you steer away altogether? What are some cliches that are 'okay' in terms of story telling?

    14 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • My writing style just isn't what it used to be?

    Grrr.... my writing was fairly decent before. I even read a couple of chapters I wrote about half a year ago and they seem ten times better than the writing I'm doing now. It just seems as though my natural rhythm and style has escaped me. I can't find it again, and I've been trying to rework the way I write so I can adjust. But nothing seems to come out right anymore. Maybe I'm just being picky, but it feels as though my writing has deteriorated.

    Anyway, to the real question, what would you do if you thought your writing was deteriorating? I'm not sure what to do, to be honest. I keep on writing, but I check it over and I'm discouraged. What would you do in a situation like this?

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • English or Biology? Help!?

    I'm thinking for my university plans at the moment, and can't decide whether I should focus on English or Biology more. I've always loved writing, but it's basically a .001% chance of publishing. When I realized that, I decided that it would be great to work in the publishing industry. Something along the lines of becoming an editor, literary agent, publisher, etc. And then I took Biology 20 and 30, both of which I absolutely loved. If I do go into the Biology field, I would want to work with animals and get to perform hands-on activities. Probably not a vet, but maybe something like research or working in a place like an aquarium or zoo.

    I know this is a decision I should make on my own, but I'm only asking for opinions. I love both of these subjects equally (at least, I think so), but it's like being stuck between two opposite ends. Thank you in advance! :)

    4 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago
  • Is it alright to use hyphens to emphasize stuttering?

    My character stutters when she's nervous or when she meets a new person. Once she's familiar with that person and isn't afraid of them, the stuttering fades away. Is it grammatically correct to write it like this?

    "H-h-hello," she said.

    Or should I just write down:

    "Hello," she stuttered.

    Problem is, I don't want to use the word 'stutter' too much, or 'stammer'. I won't be using it that often when I'm writing, only to really emphasize this particular character trait when it's necessary. But I just want to make sure it's grammatically correct. If it isn't, well, I'll figure something out =)

    Thank you for answering!

    12 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Would you please critique this poem?

    Mildly Dead

    Is it possible

    To be mildly dead?

    To have a long life

    Lying only on a bed?

    Is it the perfect dream

    To be mildly dead?

    Head hanging down,

    As if it was lead.

    Are your hopes true

    When you are mildly dead?

    To only see

    The color dark red.

    Because mine are,

    When I am mildly dead.

    My dreams come true,

    And a path I can now tread.

    Oh, to have the future

    When I am mildly dead.

    Never to catch my goals,

    Because they lie beyond my head.

    3 AnswersPoetry10 years ago
  • Would you please critique this little piece?

    It's the very beginning of my story, and I'm not sure if it suits well as a beginning. And I'm told to add emotion to my writing. Cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to do that in this piece. And critique in general, pretty please.

    Oh, and it's for a younger audience so I made the sentences a tad shorter and more simplistic than I usually do. Too much? Too little? Thank you ^_^

    She stared out the window and cast her gaze across the city. It was a good day, full of sunshine, and the breeze was light hearted. Ales could not have wished for any other perfect day to do as she wished. Perhaps she could go to the florist for some cut flowers, see if she could make the roots reappear, or revive some dried ones they sometimes had. It was back-breaking work; maybe not. She could go the Palace Library like she always did, she thought, wasting the time away and living in worlds she would much rather be in.

    The sound of grumbles and cursing outside the door roused Ales out of making her mental schedule for the day. There was a small clatter, nothing more. She turned back to her window and peered at the people walking on the roads. Perhaps she could wander the streets and examine the shops as she passed, she thought. Three quick raps on the door; Ales ignored them. Maybe visiting her friend Clara would be the best way to spend her day, sitting around and eating some cakes from the bakery. Another three knocks. If the guard let her pass into Wizard Ren’s study; maybe a spell of illumination would be there for her. Then again, he was probably busy with his other students. The knocks came again, loud and intrusive.

    “Come in,” Ales said, smoothing her skirts. Yes, she would go see Wizard Ren, as long as she wasn't interrupting a class.

    The large wooden doors slid open with a whisper, revealing a disheveled looking page boy. “Ales,” he said breathlessly, “Wizard Ren wants to see you.”

    “Perfect,” she said, picking herself off the windowsill. “In the study?”

    The boy nodded and took the lead, marching Ales along with his back straight and head high. He looks rather silly, she thought, but I’m really not one to say. She looked down and grimaced, the hems of her skirts caked with mud that could not be removed. A result of one of her many numerous attempts at plant revival. Being nice as always, Wizard Ren said that it was a tricky spell, but Ales knew better. The youngest of the five students had managed well enough with that spell. Young and naïve, the student was talented and sweet, but Ales was still thirteen years older. She sighed.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Someone please help me with writing issues?

    Alright, so I started a blog on and I used the special device where it tells you what you've done wrong, what is passive, what is redundant, etc. What I don't get is passive voice. I've read up on it multiple times and tried to figure it out, but I just don't understand it.

    I was determined to watch a movie that went along the lines of How to Train Your Dragon or Austin Powers

    Is that passive? Wordpress says it is, but to my limited knowledge I didn't think it was.

    I was terrified throughout the entire movie and only watched about 50% of it.

    Is that passive? I don't get it! *slumps down* It explains passive voice like this: Active voice makes it clear who is doing what. In an active sentence, the person that is acting is the subject. Passive sentences obscure or omit the sentence subject.

    But isn't the 'I' the subject? I was clear on the fact I'm talking about me, and that I'm acting terrified. I'm very confused. Anyone want to explain passive voice to me? XD

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Do you have to be 18 to earn money from a blog?

    Well, I guess the title says it all. I like to blog about books and writing, mostly. And then I realized you could get paid for doing some things and researched a little bit and was going to go sign up when I realized that payperpost says I need to be 18. I'm 16 right now, if that is of any help. If you could direct me to a site that allows for people under the age of 18 to blog for payment, that would be really helpful. Unless it's illegal... although I've heard many people say that they blog for money and they are under the age of 18.

    Thank you! ^_^

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Critique this beginning please?

    Well I'm not doing fantasy! Woot! Finally a change. And another change, I'm writing in an adult male's point of view. Anyway, tell me if it sounds male, I would rather not have my masculine character sound feminine.The asterisks are meant for italics. And just critique in general, if you'd like. Thanks a bunch ^_^

    I cleared my throat and gazed around the room. People stared back at me, expecting me to talk any second. Once more I coughed into my elbow and sped them through a power point that I suddenly wished I hadn’t agreed to present. Every time I clicked the button it felt as though it was sending a shock through my body. Each slide began slipping in front of my eyes and my head felt as though I had gone through a late night of drinking.

    “This is where we will place the bridge.” I turned my head and coughed, stalling for time so my head would stop spinning. “And this-“a sudden wave of dizziness hurled itself into my mind. I stumbled backwards and tried to regain my footing, but the damage was already done. Righting myself, I swept my blurry gaze across the bewildered faces. Some, I believe, were grinning from ear to ear.

    “Mr. Gerald, are you alright?” Several people were standing now, concerned for my personal wellbeing.

    *Well at least I’ve got their attention.* The joke was humorless, even if it was in my mind. Boy was I pathetic.

    “Yes,” I assured them, gripping the podium only to have another brief moment of dizziness. If anything, I was now more embarrassed than sick. The blood was pouring into my face, I could feel it. And if that wasn’t bad enough, my balance was still terribly off.

    “Would you like to sit down?” The leader of the board didn’t even give me a chance to respond as he pushed me down into the chair. “Get him a glass of water.”

    I reluctantly took it, sipping it while trying my hardest to maintain a little dignity. It wasn’t that hard since the little amount I had left had gone to my stomach and decided to prevent any more interruptions. As I sat and drank, I could feel all the eyes in the room on me. Now I was even more nervous if possible and all courage I had attempted to erect earlier that day collapsed into an unfixable heap.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What did you think of the book City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare?

    I just want to see how other people reacted to this book. I just finished it a couple of hours ago, hoping against hope that the series would finally come to a close. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was a good book, but there's a point where I sigh and go, when is this series going to end? It was more on the dark side, which I surprised myself by liking it, and it was obviously well planned in my opinion. Anyway, what did you think?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I'm confused about grammatically correct dialogue in novels?

    I always thought that dialogue is correct when it goes like this:

    "Hello, how are you?"

    "I'm alright. The day was a little grey for my taste."

    Right? That is correct, right?

    But then I read this short story in my English textbook for homework. This is part of the actual story:

    "It's the millionaire banker, Wellington McMillan," said the pretty nurse. "Yes?" said Walter Mitty, removing his gloves slowly. "Who has the case?" "Dr. Renshaw and Dr. Benbow, but there are two specialists here, Dr. Remington from New York and Mr. Pritchard-Mitford from London. He flew over."

    That's how the dialogue is in this short story and it is like that in other stories too. It's a textbook so it should be grammatically correct. So, I'm very confused. Is both ways correct? I always thought it was the one with separate paragraphs... =/

    Thank you for your help =)

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Critique this beginning please?

    So, I'm writing for 9-12 year olds and I was hoping that this would be alright for that age group. *Crosses fingers* I think I tend to use bigger words sometimes, considering that age group, or maybe I'm just daydreaming. The (i)'s means that it's in italics. Anyhow, critique and comments or just plain tearing apart please ^_^ Thank you!

    They laid the mouse onto the table, petting and soothing it with gentle words. Hands pressed against Ales’ back, pushing her forwards towards the dying mouse. She took a deep breath and tried to isolate all her fears, just as they had taught her.

    The magic was running through her, escaping whatever holding place it was in. It traveled through her arms and to her hands and fingers, a soft light appearing as though it were entering the mouse. After a few seconds, Ales pulled away and gave a small smile as the mouse began a sudden leap of energy. She shut away the magic, closing it away into her body, glad that she wouldn’t have to use it for the rest of the day.

    “Well done,” the lady said. The words meant nothing to Ales. She knew that Mrs. McKnight said those words to the three other students just as often as she did to her. “You are dismissed. Remember to practice in your spare time.”

    Ales heard the words but she didn’t listen to them. It was always the same; practice. As if she didn’t do enough of that already without wasting her spare time. But she knew what would happen if she didn’t practice. It wasn’t something she liked to think about much.

    Moments after she had turned the corner, away from the eyes of teachers and nobility, Ales ran towards the area that belonged to the Chemists. Many students stared after her. She knew it wasn’t for the running since many people did that often, but because of her blue and gold jacket. Every time she saw a head swivel, eyes taking in every inch of her, Ales wished desperately that she could walk the halls in peace. No running, no fright; just walking.

    (i)You’re being silly. You should know better.(i)

    She hated how much sense her logic made. But logic or not, her cheeks and ears still burned.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Would you please critique this little piece?

    Well, okay, it sounds vain and stupid and childish. I'm admitting that now. But I'm sure that many people have gone through a phase like this. I hope that you all understand what I mean =) Please critique as hard as you can! Oh, and credit goes to Steven for asking a question that finally got me to write something =P

    My fingers traced the mirror in front of me. They carried the outline of my head and shoulders with their marks left upon the mirror. Then my fingers began on my eyes. Shaky and with a quivering lip, I saw my vision become even more real.

    The image blurred as my nose and lips began to take form in front of me. My ears. My eyebrows. Everything that made me into who I was faced back. The reflection stared and I saw the eyes. I wished so much that they weren't mine. Sometimes I even prayed that they weren’t mine. But it seemed as though no one would listen to me. Not even my Father.

    I stepped away from the mirror and looked at the oil marks from behind a corner. It was a mar upon a perfect plane. My head turned and I let whatever I had in me flow. The hatred I felt, neglect and horror masked under another mask of despair. A towel clutched between my hands, soaking up the countless tears as my chest heaved to gather breath. Eyes and ears were blind and deaf to the rest of the world.

    When I remembered the words of kind friends, I gave a little smile. The familiar touch of soothing words and pretty lines, they were few but I gathered them into my heart. Breathing became easier and the tears slowed. I stood and looked at my hands, the ones people had touched and held in friendship. Forgetting the mirror for a moment, I looked up.

    The tears wouldn't stop.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • E-book or paper books?

    I hate myself for actually considering an e-book because I was very much against them for quite a long time. But now that my room is overflowing with books and I've resorted to stuffing them into my brother's room, I've found the value of owning an e-book. University will come up and bringing so many books is going to be a tad troublesome.

    Since I live in Canada and it is cheaper, I think I would resort to buying a Kobo e-reader if I decide to.

    Opinions? Experiences with e-books? Just answering the question? =P

    Thanks =)

    9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • A very confused/aggravated writer who wants advice. Pretty please?

    Alrighty, so I'm sure most of you know the ideal way of writing a story/novel/something. Write it completely then edit. I have stuck to this plan and I applaud myself for this because I am in the mood for strangulation (okay, just a tad dramatic there). I KNOW what I want to change and I KNOW what I want to edit about my story. So, what I'm asking here is whether it would be a good idea to edit it now or wait till I actually finish it. Because I know what I want to change and edit so does that make an exception to that rule?

    Now, I know that writers all have different ways of writing. Some edit as they go, some edit after. But I've read that editing at the end is the best thing to do. So I'm just very... aggravated because the inner editor is calling for me. It's tempting me with candy and noodles.

    Anyway, advice? Words of knowledge? Help? Please? =)

    BQ: Should you be writing right now instead of on B&A?

    BQ2: Do you have a bonsai tree? I have a Shimpaku Juniper ^_^

    10 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago