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  • KH 2.5 pre order question?

    If I preorder the game here at It says pre order bonuses you get the 3 forgotten stories, KH 2/BBS Final mix? If you don't pre order you wont get the final mix versions? sorry, very confused on this :L

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Lost, stuck in Final Fantasy XIV ARR?

    I just started playing FFXIV and I'm completely lost, and confused on what to do. I''ve been running around doing quests around the city trying to level up. This is really slow, is there any other way to level? Going into the forest and killing things isn't as good either. Are there dungeons you can grind to level up and stuff?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Should I watch Breaking bad finale if I havne't seen S5 part 2?

    I've watched up to the first half of season 5, but won't be able to watch the 2nd half for a while. I've only seen what's on Netflix. Should I watch the show finale tonight, or wait?

    2 AnswersReality Television8 years ago
  • Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Lucky Strike.?

    So, I picked the sword, and gave up the staff. I'm going for the Ultima weapon. So, I would like to get Lucky strike, but in FM, you need to be level 90 to get it? Is Lucky strike really needed for Sora? I have it on Donald/ Goofy. Does lucky strike on Sora really make that big of a difference? I'm level 51, and really don't feel like grinding up another 40 levels.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Chocobo dungeon FFX-2?

    I'm trying to unlock the Chocobo dungeon in the Chocobo farm. People on threads said, you need to send out 3 of each level/type (Timid, normal, and Bold) Others said you only need to send 3 level 5's. Some said it's random. I've tried doing this for a while now, and I need to know what's the real way to unlock it.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Should I get the xbox one, or PS4?

    There's a version of the Xbox one, that comes out in summer 2014. I was going to buy a PS4. since it's $400. The Xbox one that comes out in summer 2014 is going to be $350. it doesnt have kinect, and it has a smaller hard drive. I won't really have any games to play when the next gen consoles come out. The only games I only care about are

    1. Halo 5

    2. Destiny

    3. Kingdom Hearts 3

    4. Final Fantasy XV.

    5. Mirrors edge 2

    These games aren't comming out for a while, so should I just wait to get the $350 version?

    I've owned both the Playstation, and xbox. But, Im only going to get one next gen console.

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What's Valve doing these days?

    Are we getting any information on Half life 3? I mean, it's about time they should think about putting it under development by now, plus, Left 4 dead 3, or even a Portal 3...

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • When does FFX/X-2 HD come out?

    I was going to pre-order this game at GameStop. I looked on the website and it shows a limited edition pre-order bonus. I looked for a release date, but it didn't show one. Is it still coming out 9/10?

    1 AnswerPlayStation8 years ago
  • GameStop 50% trade in questions?

    Gamestop is having a thing where you can trade in any game, and get 50% in store credit. Does this apply to any game. Like, If I were to trade in a game such as Asassins Creed, I would get 50% in store credit? Plus, would I be able to trade in multiple games, and get bonuses off? I wanted to Pre-order quite a few games, so If I can trade in any games, toward these pre-orders, that would help a lot. Thanks in advance. :)

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • FFX/X-2 HD questions?

    Some questions about the game(s)

    1. Will FFX have the expert sphere grid/Dark aeons/international exclusives?

    2. Will FFX-2 have the last mission?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How much would gamestop buy these game for?

    They're kinda old. But I'm just cleaning some of my games that I don't play anymore.

    1.New Super Mario Bros. WII

    2.Fear 2


    4.Too Human

    5.Lost Planet

    6.Geara of War 2

    7.Asassins Creed

    8. Fable 2

    9.Halo Reach

    10 Call of Duty 4

    11. Call of duty MW2

    12.Mirrors Edge.

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What game did you play that made you cry because it was so difficult?

    Mine was Dark Souls. I almost cried of how difficult, and how unfair that game was.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Hardest game you've played on 3rd generation consoles?

    Hardest game I played was Dark Souls, jeez that game is ridiculous, took me forever to beat it.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • PS3 20GB model heating issues?

    My PS3 gets really hot when I play games. I'm afraid it will overheat, so I turn it off when the fan starts running very loudly. I've had this PS3 since the first day it came out, and I really don't want an upgrade. (Since I mostly play PS2, PS1 games). How do I keep my PS3 cool? It has a lot of open space. I have it in an upstairs home, so it does tend to get hot up here. I'm looking for a solution to keeping my system cool. Is there anything I can do? I don't want to invest in a cooler for your console. Any solutions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Need more space for PS3 20gb HDD?

    I have a 20GB PS3. I need more space for games. I'm almost filled up with my PS3. I don't want to get another PS3, since I still play PS2, and PS1 games more than PS3. I have an external HDD with 500GB left on it, could I use that for game storage? If not, can I buy a bigger PS3 HDD and install it to my PS3?

    1 AnswerPlayStation8 years ago
  • Better Playstation 3 controllers?

    I've been through 3 Sony controllers in the past 4 years.. They all end up the same, the analog sticks them selves spin around when your trying to play, which make the controller unusable. I'm curious if there are better PS3 controllers that aren't Sony's, that the analogs will last longer.

    2 AnswersPlayStation8 years ago
  • Kingdom Hearts Re: CoM question?

    When you stack 3 cards, you use them in a combo. When you do that, you lose the first card you placed, and you can't reload it until after the battle. Does this affect friend cards? If you use Friend+Attack+Attack, do you loose the first attack card I placed, or do you lose the friend card only? I know you don't reload friend cards, but does this take away your first placed attack card? would I be able to reload the first attack card I placed? (Sorry, I'm not very good at explaining things very well).

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How can you increase bow sneak damage in Skyrim?

    I can do 3x sneak bow damage. Is there a way to increase the sneak damage with bows? Possibly enchantments?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What is the hardest Final Fantasy game, the easiest, and the most fun in your opinion?

    Final Fantasy 12 - Hardest

    FInal Fantasy 10 - Easiest

    Final Fantasy 9 - Most fun

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Please help, Final Fantasy XIII Treasure hunter question.?

    I sold the water charm, and I don't have an aqua ring and I don't have the riptide ring. I only need the aqua ring, and the riptide ring, and the neried ring for the treasure hunter achievement. I put in 212 hours into the game trying to get this achievement and the only thing that's stopping me is the neried ring. am I screwed into getting this achievement? I'm not really one to restart 212 hours into the game.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago