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How to deal with loosing a best friend as an adult?
I am 25. I have had my best friend since i was 16 but she moved away 3 years ago. At first we tried to make it work but i think we both felt the drag of traveling to see one antoerh especially as i am phobic of rail and moterway travel. Not that we don't feel it's worth it because we have a good time once we meet up and i really enjoy her company and i feel like she still does enjoy mine but she has since found other friends who perhaps cater to her outgoing attitude better & who are closer geographically than i am with my thrice a year visits which our visits seem to have dwindled to it seems a bit forced.
1 AnswerFriends6 years agoCan i get my money back for something that was shill bidded on ebay?
I bought an item then noticed the seller was shill bidding (bumping the price with another account)
Can i get the equivilant back from ebay? As without the shill bids would have paid £50 less than what i did for the item
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agoHow to stop the shopaholic cycle? £200,000 worth of wants!?
Every day i find new things i want to buy, i add it to my list of things i want to buy. It's now about £200,000 worth of stuff after removing a lot of items as i wanted to make it stuff i really really wanted.
Never ending cycle of stuff i wont be able to afford. I buy things instead of paying bills, i've leant money off of familey. It's a huge problem and i'm not even shopping to plug a hole in my life, i do it to surround my self with nice things to look at, i'm not doing it to impress anyone because i can't be bothered with friends so these normal guides to ending shopaholic don't work for me because it's all about facing your real problems but i don't have any that are making me shop.
3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance6 years agoHow long did it take you to fill your house to make it homley? Slow progress is getting me down?
I've been in my home for 2 years now, so many empty spaces & i havn't even got a chest of drawers. I'm grateful for everything i do own but my place is so empty i feel liek i should have everythign by now. I know you never stop buying things but like basic things to make it cosy & like a home right!
2 AnswersFamily6 years agoDo i really need any friends, i have a husband? People are saying horrible things about me?
4 people in my friendship group it has came to light have been saying horrible things about me. Things that don't even make sense like i spiked a girls drink (she got really drunk at my party) Has to be the weirdest rumor ever made up about me :S!?
I'm introverted so i don't like many people, but i liked the people so it makes me sad & it just kind of makes me not want to go out :( I just kept receiving blows. That's 1/4 of our friendship group who had something nasty to say when all i've been is nice to them on purpose because i wanted to befriend them further. This girl is sweet as anything to my face, compliments, smiles, the works. But has had a 2 year hatred for me because i slept with a dude who is now her boyfriend. (i'm not phycic, i slept with him a year and a half before they got together) So i feel completley attacked & as a person not comfortable with their personality & having it picked and bitched about it makes me feel i just want to be a hermit. Has it been done before? Like can you be fine without friends? My husband is the only person i feel i can fully relax with & i know trueley loves me. Hasn't had a terrible word to say and if he does it's to my face when we're having an argument lol.
What was said about me: I'm argumentative (in regards to standing up for myself hearing the first 3 people had to say about me, i wont be bullied so i confront them), that i'm a druggie & that i'm ugly. So harsh & none true but it's crazy to hear what devil i sound.
2 AnswersFriends6 years agoAm i the only one who thinks soldiers are not "heroes"?
All i ever see on my facebook feed is "what a hereo" to these men and women who chose to leave their familey & put them through hell to fight a war for money and oil brainwashed into thinking it's to fight bad guys while they blow up innocent people. The only difference between them and murderers is the social system of people pushed to think we're fighting war to pursue evil not profits.
I saw british army recruit set up right next to the "poppy memorial" which made me angry because the ones we commerate as heroes didn't have a choice, they HAD to go to war. i see too many people going to war just because they plated call of duty and thought it was fun, i mean how sick is that. Please say i'm not the only one that rolls their eyes when those in the force are called heroes.
14 AnswersMilitary6 years agoBoyfreind uses his grieving of 2 parents as an excuse for me to work for 4 years straight as the sole earner & ontop of that is ungrateful?
He lost his mum first to which i was whole heartedly supportive, let him move in with me while he got his act together (Fair enough it's his mum fgs) But he soon seemingly took advantage of this. He acts so miserable & negative & ungrateful every single hour of every single day. Even barkign at me saying like it's my duty that i should be there for him, (i literalley was, giving him massages, making him his fave food, paying his rent etc, cuddles, chats etcetcetc) he just acts way too ungrateful i'm so tired out, & then his dad died & i'm already worked to the bone & now i've got to somehow step it up a notch!?!??!
I can't. He's way too negetive for me to even bother talking to him. I can't take much more of him & what is worst he makes me feel bad as if i'm not doing enough for him supporting his every need!!?? What can i do?
14 AnswersLaw & Ethics6 years agoDebt collector advice?
This is council tax debt so they have a court order so it's different to most debts as they can do a whole lot of what they want to. But this guy gets £250 for simply turning up (despite me saying i wanted a payment plan 2 days ago) < they ignored this and turned up anyways. Then he said i could have to the end of the month but i don't trust him as he has turned off his phone so i can't contact him & i feel like he's just going to turn up tomorow with additional £250 fee for turning up & take my stuff despite telling me i could pay in installments & then again by the end of the month. He has purposefully turned of his phone so i can't talk to him. What rights do i have help!
1 AnswerCredit7 years agoWho do you think was behind 9/11?
1 AnswerMythology & Folklore7 years agoIs there such thing as Too niche?
1 AnswerBiology7 years agoWhy are rich people such jerks?
So i ended up in kensington by accident & i decided to stay and watch a film. The dirty looks i got left right & centre & the things i overheard the rich folk talking about was just so disgusting. One person literally sat and complained about their maid for 10 minutes to their friend who seemed to take it in like it was the norm. (I have funny color hair) but other than that i am literally from the posh-ish end of London lol so it's not like i'm a tramp. I thought it was a myth that they act better than you but literally i have never received so many evils, scoffs etc walking down a street. Started to think i had something on my face or was holding out a "I want free money" sign.
Of course you'll get your nice ones but the conversations i tuned in on were just appalling & self entitled & arrogant E.g "Mc donalds is for poor people but at least they have a place to eat". I guess it's like a power thing to have that much money. Don't get me wrong i know my fair share of middle class/working class bitchy folk but damn. Never go to Kensington. It was unusual, as if they'd never seen someone with purple hair before, but look around & no personalities anywhere simply suits & shopaholics. I don't want to be rich if your brain turns so disrespectful. The only 2 rich friends i ever had, i stopped contact with both of them because i could not stand their opinions on matters & how rude their opinion was so i can't speak for all (and of course it doesn't apply for all) but O.o
3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years agoI hate my job but i need to carry on going for 1 more year at least?
My job is based on how motivated i am that day. The more so the more money i will make. But i literally hate my job. So i have chosen to move on BUT in order to do so i must carry on for at least a year longer so i can save money to move onto the next job & i'm already at extreme breaking point in my job. No amount of "coping mechanisms" work anymore. I can't get a loan either so i'm stuck in this job best case scenario a year ! It is effecting my life overall i am so depressed, a year is a long time
Mental Health7 years agoHow to deal with chavs who threaten you for no reason?
I live in a small village but it has it's fair share of horrible men trying to show off to their mates in a primitive way by picking fights with ANYONE for no reason other than to show dominance. It's a nice village but you can't avoid these kind of people.
I don't experience it because i am female but my boyfriend has been started on 3 times, even punched in the stomach, & threated with a knife (2 different occasions, 2 different groups) The group with a knife seemed to be proud they all owned a knife. Very sad acts.
I Have to stress he knows not to provoke them in anyway, not even look at them etc. He's a normal looking dude, so nothing they can bully him for. He just walks straight past them like normal civilians as if they arn't threatening him etc to avoid confrontation. Sometimes even this makes them mad, but god forbid if he turned around & said something to them!?
How can you deal with this type of people, calling the police would be useless as the police take about 30-35 minutes to turn up & by then i'm sure they would have moved on from the area.
Any suggestions or just carry on taking the abuse & walk on by. Just one of those ugly things in life. But it's just not on, being punched in the stomach & threated with a knife for no reason other than the chavs are bored.
5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years agoWhat drill part will i need to make this industrail shelf?
3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)7 years agoBoyfriends relatives all dyeing off?
He has lost 4 relatives & another one on the way to death soon to cancer etc. It seems when he starts to get a bit better with depression & greiving another one goes. Of course this can't be helped is just the way life is but it's getting a bit too much, i feel like he's never going to get back into work & forever going to be depressed, i can only give so much comforting. It annoys me also that his relatives would take such poor care of their health, smoking & drinking like there is no tomorrow. Do i just live and let be or do i make him go back to work because at this rate he'll go his entire life out of work?
(I realize this came across a bit heartless, believe me i have been the best girlfriend to him with as much cuddles, time off work, massages, etcetcetcetcetc that he could possibly need i think it's fair to say i'm drained)
3 AnswersFriends7 years agoHow to stop someone nagging so much?
My boyfriend nags me about everything right down to the way i erratically walk through crowds in town (and when we live in town that's a lot of nagging) to the way i don't tidy up straight away i tidy up at the end of the day. There are other ways of doing things & he thinks the only way is his. It's gotten to a point i stress out when trying to chill out of paranioa he's going to nag me about the fact i left some makeup lyeing around.
I've gone from tidying every month to tidying every 3 days & this acheivment isn't being recognised only punished with 30 minute intervalled nags. AHHHH it's driving me crazy i've even talked to him about it but he doesn't allow me to have a go at me thinking i'm the issue. YES i'm all for self improvement but STOP i don't have to put everything away ever or walk in a certain way or wear headphones if i want to listen to anything ahhhhh. He will repeat his nags throughout the day too. HELP?!?!
3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago