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Lv 43,395 points

bRi!--It's a GIRL 3/4/11

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I am 21 yrs old and expecting my first child in March. & it's a GIRL!

  • Question about supplementing while breast feeding?

    Ok so I currently work 40 hrs a week (8hrs/day). I pump at work 2x a day but I am not getting enough milk for a 8 hr day for my daughter (usually I get around 5-7 oz a day) but my daughter eats approx. 10-11 oz. (She's 11 weeks old) Therefore, my mother in law is having to supplement with around (2) 2oz bottles of formula a day.

    Questions is, is this ok to mix? Is my daughter still getting all the benefits a baby who is being fed only breast milk is getting?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breast Feeding Moms, Help Please?

    Hello All,

    I am a full time working Mom. I pump at work and I am desperately trying to keep up my supply as it has dropped a bit now that I am back at work.

    My current schedule is that I usually nurse (while at home) at around 6pm, 9pm, 2am, 5am, 6:30am-than at work I pump at 11 am & 3 pm for 15 min each session. (I cannot nurse on my lunch hr. because its only 30 mins and I need to eat)

    I need advice on a good pumping schedule to keep my supply up. I work from 9-5 Mon-Fri. Pls help!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Breast feeding Mommy's, honestly?....?

    I need your advice and encouragement...

    Ok my daughter is 2 months old and she has been breast fed since the day she was born. And yes the first couple of weeks where torture, it hurt so bad as she was having problems latching on properly. But I stuck with it and am glad I did.

    But heres the thing. I go back to work in 4 weeks. I plan on continuing to breast feed. My daughter would get fed with the bottle (w.breast milk) while I am away. I'd Pump at work, feed in the evenings and weekends. But quite honestly lately I have been feeling the pressure and a bit of stress about breast feeding. I feel breast feeding is so demanding and will be even more so once I go back to work. Especially lately since I have been having some milk problems. (not producing alot) I do not have a good supply built up for when I go back as I actually don't produce a whole lot. (2 oz per breast per pumping session). I have had my heart set on breast feeding as I want the best for my daughter. I am not sure what I am looking for her, maybe words of encouragement, personal experiences, what if I can't stick with it?How do you working moms do it? Just how do you stick with breast feeding? (especially w.production probs)

    I just feel very stressed and overwhelmed with this :( Help!

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Question about amniotic fluid leaking?

    Hello All,

    I am 38 1/2 weeks pregnant with my first :) So of course this is all new to me, so I'd really appreciate some help.

    So starting on Sunday night I started to have what I thought was just normal discharge but now I am wondering. It's watery, no smell really and It soaked my underwear twice that night. & yesterday I had been sitting for awhile and when I got up and was standing for about 10 min I felt this small gush. When I checked it, it was more watery fluid. Then it came out once more a couple of minutes later but not as much. Also on Sunday before this all happened, I went to pee and I had some brown clumpy discharge with a little blood, which I thought was my mucus plug (or some of it) I also had some more watery fluid this morning but not as much. After researching this a bit I am getting worried it's amniotic fluid. What would cause me to leak amniotic fluid? Intercourse? Just happens?

    Should I wait to see if I get more today or just call my doctor asap?

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Mommies, I need your help? Question about taking my newborn out?

    I am currently 38 weeks pregnant with my first child. So basically she can come any day now. But here's the thing. We have a big important family event next Saturday (the 26th) that myself and my BF have a role in. (it's been planned long before I got pregnant)This event will have 250 + people. Lots and lots of family of course.

    So my question is lets say she comes any day now, how soon is too soon to take her out in to public places like this. I ask this because I know at the events everyone will be wanting to touch her and hold her.

    What do you all think about this?

    16 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Pregnant and have the flu....Pls help answer some of my ?'s?

    I am 36 weeks pregnant and have the dreaded flu. Has anyone here has the flu in pregnancy? If so....

    How long did it take you to get over it?

    How'd you get through it?

    & what'd you do to get over it faster or easier?

    I am on day 9 and I am just wondering when I will get better.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Pregnant and getting over the Flu...?

    Ok so I am 36 weeks pregnant and I managed to get the flu last week. Today is day 9, and I have the worst mucus and head congestion now. I am exhausted because I haven't slept well in I don't know how long.

    I have been back at work since Monday and I struggle everyday. Here's my question tho, where I live it has been record temp lows. Like below 0 during the day, with snow as well. I am I just making it worse by coming out in the snow and cold. I sure as heck don't want to aggravate it more or get pneumonia or anything.

    I have been coming to work because I need to save my time for when baby comes. But I also can't afford to get worse before I have her. Will this cold weather cause a flu relapse? is there a such thing?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Simple tax question? Pls help?

    Ok here's my situation:

    I currently have and have had my younger brother living with me for about 2 yrs now. My mother is off in another city with her BF. She pays his part of the rent & sometimes not even that. I pay *everything* else. My mother will not allow me to claim him on my taxes as she fine. But my question is what is Head of Household and can I claim it? The IRS website defines it as ***if you are unmarried and pay more than 50% of the costs of keeping up a home for yourself and your dependent(s) or other qualifying individuals. So basically I meet all of these requirements but I cannot claim his Social as my child tax credit on taxes (cause she is) so I am wondering if I can claim Head of Household at least and get some credit for all the other money I spend taking care of him? Or should I just claim single?


    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • Opinions on going out while married, or in a relationship?

    I am curious to know what everyone thinks on this topic.

    I have recently had a situation with my own boyfriend where he went out to a club and bar with his friends without me. One: because I am 33 weeks pregnant and don't really enjoy or feel comfortable out at clubs etc right now. I let him go because I am not controlling nor did I think it was a bad thing for him to do since he hardly does it and why shouldn't I let him? He's got to get out with the guys once in awhile too. Right? Well I found out he was dancing with another girl this most recent time he went out. Long story short he apologized and said he was wrong and said he'll never do it again. Ok so we move on.

    I asked on answers in an earlier question about my situation and someone said they really don't think married/ people in relationships should be even at clubs unless they are with each other or attending like a very special event. This got me thinking? Since clubs/bars have become a single social event anyways? There is nothing but drama and crap at them anyways...

    What's really going on here though? Do you agree, what do you think about not wanting your partner to go out like this? Do you mind, if yes you do mind than why? and if no you don't why not don't you?

    I seriously do not want to be that girl who is the controlling girlfriend but I also think boundaries need to be set now that this situation has happen to me. Opinions Please? Own experiences?

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • In your opinion, why do you think peole cheat? Honestly....?

    I am really wondering why people in relationships/marriages cheat on there significant other?

    I mean they are your significant other for a reason, thus the "significant"? Or your wife or husband for a reason?

    Please share your opinion on why you think people cheat?

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • I need some honest opinions and advice? Help!?

    I'd appreciate serious answers only. I am asking this on YA because I need some neutral but honest opinions and advice. Ok all here's my situation:

    I am 33 weeks pregnant, 21 yrs old and have been with my boyfriend/father or child for about 1 year now. It's been going good other than you know normal relationship problems. Nothing too serious that we haven't worked out. However now theres a serious situation. Last Thursday my boyfriend went out with his friends to a club. Something he hardly ever does so I have never minded. I am pregnant and really don't feel comfortable going out to clubs anymore anyways so I let him go. So for some reason I couldn't fall asleep that night he was out, I kept tossing and turning because I felt the eary feeling like something was wrong. I didn't know what was 'wrong" at the time but I soon figured it out.

    The next day my boyfriend left his phone in the room so I decided to check it out. Something I never ever do but I had that feeling and urge to do so. And sure enough I found a text from his best friend whom he was out with that night saying "that girl you were dancing with was so hott!" and my boyfriend replied "I know right!"

    So obviously my boyfriend had been dancing with another girl at this club. I was devastated and upset beyond words. I confronted him about it and he apologized over and over again statin it was one dance and all his friends where dancing with the other girls in this girls group and he started to dance with her. He didn't say if he asked her to dance or what the details where. He said he was wrong and he'd never do it again. So of course I made up my own senerio and took this news so hard. He said to me "it's not like cheated or anything" and that got me even more mad because I thought if you dance the way you danced with her like you do with me its pretty close and it is a physical interation with another girl. So ok I am not sure I could classify that as cheating but damn near close to it. I have had a hard time getting over all of this. I mean come on I am pregnant, so already have I been feeling un attractive and now this-what a serious blow to my confidence.

    I think people cheat because there not satisfied in their own relationship? What do you all think? Has anyone ever been through this? How did you over come it? It's bothering me so much. I feel as if I have lost all trust and I def. feel different around him now even though were supposed to be moving on from it....

    Advice please, own personal experiences with this?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Quick baby shower question?

    I am having a baby shower at the end of this month and it is being given to me by a couple of my closet friends. My question is should I have my boyfriend come to the shower or at least make an apperence or is that neccassary?

    I ask because about 90% of the showers I've ever been to the man is there for the shower. Is that the norm?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Tax witholding question-quick & simple...?

    Ok I am 8 months pregnant with my daughter (due in March) so obviously I can't claim her on my last year taxes but I can for 2011. So my question is on my W-4 at work should I start claiming 2 (dependents-myself & her) now in January or leave it at 1 until she's born?


    5 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • First time pregnant, Are these braxton hicks or something else?

    I am 29 weeks pregnant and for the past couple of days I have been experiencing some period like cramping in my lower abdomen, like by my ovaries in that area. (exactly where you'd feel period cramping) There not super painful but they hurt a bit and are constant. I read that with braxton hicks your belly gets really tight and hard but mines not. I had one tiny drop of blood 2 days ago when I was peeing and none since than. Oh and by the way I only experience these cramps in the morning for about an hour or so and it helps when I walk around a bit.

    What do you think these are, have any of you experience this? I will be calling my doctor today but not for another hour or so when he opens?

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is a sore throat always indicitive of something more severe to come?

    Hello All,

    I am 28 weeks pregnant first of all. Last night I started to get a sore throat, and I woke up with it again this morning. I've heard before that sore throats are often one of the first symptoms of more severe things such as the flu etc. So now I am worried. Obviously being pregnant I can't afford to be getting sick especially with the flu.

    So my question is the above- Are sore throats in fact indicative of something more, or can it just be a simple sore throat with nothing else or just a cold?


    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • A couple of questions? 28 weeks pregnant, pls help?

    Hello All,

    I am 28 weeks pregnant with my first. I just found out that my nurse practitioner at my OBGYN's office has moved. I am upset about this because she is the one I have always seen and (even before pregnancy) I trust her. She is very honest, reliable, knowledgeable and thorough. So now I am seeing the OBGYN their and I've never liked seeing him because he is not very thorough or any of the above which to me makes me not trust him. This is my first pregnancy and I want to be able to trust my *doctor* and I can't with him. So anyhow, question is would it be advisable to switch doctors at this point in my pregnancy? Can I?

    This brings me to my final question. My doctor has not once measured my stomach. I keep reading and hearing of women getting this done to make sure the baby is growing right. All I've heard from him is "you've gained a bit much" ?!? Which I know I did last time but I know my stomach also small for being 7 months and everyone tells me so. So is this common practice? Should he be measuring me?

    And also is it true that you should be measuring at how many weeks you are? So I am 28 weeks, I should be measuring at 28 centimeters but instead I measure at 22 weeks. & I now for certain I am 27-28 weeks, no less.

    Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Alright, seriously I need some opinions?!?

    I am currently 25 weeks pregnant with my first (a girl!) and in the beginning of my pregnancy I ate crappy. I had really bad "all day" sickness. Now thank God but I am pretty much over that and have been for about 8-9 weeks now. So my appetite is back. And I don't think I eat that great. Here's what I eat:

    alot of meat-red meat mostly

    Fried foods once a week

    fast food maybe once a week

    not alot of veggies-maybe once a week

    and I have serious craving for sweet stuff.

    I eat alot of fruit

    Mostly drink water and milk.

    Now my question is what should I completely be eliminating during pregnancy or eating in moderation like from my list above? I mean I hear "don't ignore your cravings-eat what you want, when you want" I mean really is that true? cause I have a hard time believing it? I just want my daughter to be healthy.

    I want to hear opinions and advice please?

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Question about my dog?

    Hello All,

    I have a 3yr Pit Bull named Indika. I got her when she was 6 weeks old from just some guy selling them. I fall in love with her when I saw her, she stood out from the rest. When she was younger she was pretty much like a normal puppy expect that she seemed a little more timid than most. As the years went by its gotten worse. Now she is terrrified of loud noises, and people. Shes only really is ok around me. In my home it consists of myself, my boyfriend (who has been in her life for about a yr now) and my youger brother (17yrs old) and Honey, our little Yorkie who is 6 months old. Now Indika does well with other dogs-male or female. I haven't had her around any other bigger female dogs though. However with Honey she is so amazing & motherly and patient. With children she is terrified of them, she has never ever snapped at a child or anyone but she shakes really bad when anyone new is around or petting her. The only time I have noticed she is ok and doesn't shake is when the person is really calm and actually ignores her.

    I love my dog so much and it really breaks my heart to see how scared she is. She is so apart of me and my family and it hurts me to see her go through this. I was thinking about putting her through some dog training. Do you think that will help her or no? Or will that remain to be her ways forever? In some desperate need of ideas, suggestions, advice?


    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Advice on starting our own business?

    Hello All,

    Ok so like most people I am tired of working for corporate America. I would really like to own my own business. My fiance and I are having a child in 4 months from now and we've of course want to get on track with that first and foremost. But we are also really thinking about starting our own business in the next 2-3 years after we buy our own home and we both finish school. I will be graduating soon with my degree in Criminal Justice and him with his degree in Exercise Science. My degree would be something I could fall back on.

    Anyhow I would like to get ideas and opinions on what kinds of business we might want to start. It doesn't need to be get rich quick but really just a lucrative, simple business we could both run?

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • I am pregnant and would like to go back to school? Advice?

    Hello All :)

    I am currently 22 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I just finished spring semester back in June of this year. I had intentions to go back for the Fall semester that started in August but I found out I was pregnant in July and I was super sick and exhausted for the first 16 weeks of my pregnancy so needless to say I didn't return :(. However I do want to go back now. Spring semester starts in January and ends in like mid-end of May. So this means I'd pregnant half the semester and have a new born the other half. This also means I will be working half the semester and off the other half. So from March on I will be at home with the baby until June.

    My question is do you all think It would be wise for me to go back this Spring Semester? I need opinions from moms who have done this? Since I am a first time mom and I am not sure what to expect? How's going to school with a new born? I would only take easier courses and maybe only 1-2 classes, not a regular class schedule for me.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago