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I'm in a relationship with an amazing man. Between us we have 4 little girls full time ages 9, 6, 5, and 3. Soon to be adding another little one to our brood :)

  • How to stop biting, pinching, and hitting?

    My 4 1/2 year old has started to hit, pinch, and bite her older sisters when they do anything she doesn't like. I've done everything I can think of to stop this behavior from talking to her, spanking her (If you don't agree, sorry, but not sorry), time outs, punishments, ect. In the moment she will stop, but five minutes later she'll do it again. She starts school this fall and I'm really worried. She doesn't listen on a good day, and now we've added biting, hitting, and pinching. Any advice is welcome.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler7 years ago
  • Getting newborn to sleep by herself?

    You'd think with this being our fifth child, we'd have this newborn thing down. Atleast that's what we thought, and we were oh so wrong.

    Our daughter is 3 weeks old. She refuses, and I mean refuses, to sleep on her own. We've tried her cradle, bouncer, swing, ect. The second I lay her down she wakes up crying. I've tried putting her down right before she's actually asleep. No go either. She won't sleep unless I'm holding her or she is sleeping next to me. Either way I'm up with a crying baby or I'm up because I have a baby in bed beside me and I'm terrified of something happening to her.

    Pacifiers don't work either. We have tried every kind available at Walmart (Gumdrop, Nuk, Playtex, Dr. Brown, Mam) and she won't take them. Give her a parent's finger or a boob and she will quiet right up though.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • How to tell if your water broke?

    I'm 39 weeks tomorrow, atleast 4 CM dilated, fully effaced. This morning I woke up to pee. I remember thinking I was peeing a lot, but hey, I'm pregnant and didn't pee all night so who knows. Then I stopped, or I'm pretty sure I did, and as I was about to wipe I heard a small gush hit the toilet. I stayed there for a minute trying to figure out what had happened and it did it again. I was able to get a little in my hand. It didn't look yellow in my hand or on toilet paper. It looked more clear and it didn't really smell like urine but wasn't that "sweet" smell you hear of either. Then I wiped and noticed this whitish-clear watery discharge about the size of a quarter. At this point I had to get kids up for school and such. It's been about two hours and I nothing else has happened. No contractions, no leaking, nothing. I'm laying down now like I read to, to see if it will "pool up" and come out that way. I know the baby's head is pretty low, so I don't know if that could stop it from all coming out. This is my 4th pregnancy and my water has never broke on it's own before. I just don't want to head to the hospital to get told I peed on myself lol. I'm scheduled to be induced tomorrow morning though.

    3 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • Prodromal labor?

    Saturday I was contracting every 5 minutes, but they weren't getting stronger. Knowing this is my fourth pregnancy (fifth if you count a miscarriage) and every labor is different, I finally listened to my mom when she kept telling me to stop being stubborn and go to the hospital. Once there they confirmed I was contracting every five minutes, but I wasn't progressing any. I was 70% effaced and 3 1/2 dilated. They kept me for two hours, but with no change I was sent home with my doctor telling me I was in what is called prodromal labor. I was sent home with an Ambien because she thought if I could sleep through them, I'd wake up in labor. Didn't work. It's been almost 48 hours and I'm still pregnant but still contracting. Anyone have any advice on how to get real labor going or experience for about how long this will last? It's very frustrating to be this far (38 weeks) and be toyed with by your own body.

    We're supposed to be talking induction at my appointment later this week, but I'm willing to try anything SAFE (no castor oil or such) to kickstart these contractions into stronger ones.

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • Days of Early Labor and Back Labor. Help!?

    Today marks day 8 of contractions. There are lots of them, but not "labor" contractions. For the past 48 hours my cervix has burned when I'm walking or standing and when I have strong contractions. This morning I was spotting too so I broke down and called my doctor who sent me to the hospital to get checked out.

    Basically I never even got to see a doctor. The nurse checked me and told me I wasn't effaced enough to be "keepable" she didn't even check for dilation, though I know as of last Thursday I was at 2. However, my contractions are coming once, sometimes twice, within 10 minutes consistently.....but while they were picking up on the monitor they are still mainly in my back.

    She addressed the burning issue as being because the baby is extremely low and pressing on my bladder...I tried to explain it's my cervix burning but she still was telling me it's my bladder causing it. However that works....and had no answer to as to why I'm spotting other than telling me I will probably spot more after she checked me.

    Anyways, my question is how do I get the contractions to become true labor contractions instead of back labor?

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • Early Labor Signs for Days?

    I'm 37.2 weeks pregnant with #4. For the last seven days I've had contractions every day. They aren't consistent. I can have them back to back, go hours without any, then have four in an hour. They vary from your typical contraction to contractions in the back to more cramping feeling. This has been mixed with nausea and dizziness (which my doctor said was due to the visceral nervous system?) and frequent bowel movements. At my last check up at 36.5 weeks, I was dilated to 2 and the baby was very low (doctor could even touch her head). My cervix went from very high to moving towards the anterior position last night and I've had more discharge than I can stand in the last week.

    My doctor made the comment at my last check up she doesn't expect me to make it to my due date (she actually went as far as saying she'd be surprised if I made it to my 37.5 week check up) but if I do make it to 39 weeks she wants to induce because my past labors have been fast...I even dilated to 6/7 with my second without ever going into labor (just back contractions and cramping) and had to be induced.

    With that being said, I know I'm showing most of the signs of early labor.....any idea how long they should last before labor hits? Everyone keeps telling me to go to the hospital, but I don't want to go just to get sent home for false labor.

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • How soon before labor does the cervix change position?

    How soon before labor does the cervix change position (from posterior to anterior)?

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • How to tell if your water has broken?

    Just a curious question of what I'd be looking for.

    I know it's not typically that dramatic gush seen on movies, but I'm having a hard time telling if this constant wet feeling is simply from the excess discharge I've had for the last few days or if it's my water.

    4 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • Best breast pump?

    This is my 4th baby, but the first one I'll be breast feeding. I am a stay at home mom, so I plan on breast feeding her a majority of the time, but I want to pump also to freeze for back up. I'm thinking the Dr. Brown's Double Electric Breast Pump. Has anyone else used it or have another one they loved to use?

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • How soon after losing mucus plug did you go into labor?

    I'm 36.2 days pregnant with my 4th. This morning I lost my mucus plug, or at least part of it. I never lost it that I am aware of with my other children, but I do know that it means little to nothing about when you're going into labor. I'm just curious as to how soon other mothers went into labor after they lost theirs? My children were born at 40 weeks, 38.5 weeks, and 35.6 weeks respectively. Over the course of the last two weeks my Braxton Hicks contractions have started getting painful and coming every day and the baby has already dropped causing severe pressure on my cervix resulting in me having to stop in pain while walking at times.

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • How To Tell If Baby Is Positioned Right?

    I'm 35 weeks pregnant with my 5th pregnancy. I've had numerous dreams about a c-section (which I know means nothing), but something about the way the baby feels just feels wrong. The doctor insures me by feeling my stomach she is head down and ready to go. I'm just not convinced. For a while when she had hiccups I would feel her head hitting my pelvic bone. Now when she has them I feel it in my upper stomach area. Has anyone else felt like this and everything turned out to be okay? I could just be worried for nothing as I know every pregnancy is different but I just can't get it out of my head that something isn't right.

    1 AnswerPregnancy7 years ago
  • How to make a child share?

    My boyfriend and I have four kids between us and another on the way. His daughter is 10, mine are 7, 5, and 4. Obviously, mine have always been made to share. His daughter being an only child never really had to. We've lived together for almost a year. She has some things that we do not make her share (iPod, drawing supplies, books, ect), however, regular toys are something we have made clear from day one can and will be shared. She shares a room with my 7 year old for the time being. I go into the room periodically to give it a deep clean and always find things of hers that she has hidden so she doesn't have to share. At first, we let it go with just talking and explaining figuring she would need time to adjust....then as the months went by we started warning her....then sending her to bed early...then grounding. For the past two or three weeks we haven't had any issues....then I realized why today. She has taken to putting all of it into her backpack so she doesn't have to share. I'm about to go crazy. I don't know what else to do. My girls have always been made to share obviously, so I'm at a complete loss because they have no issues sharing with her.

    5 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Blended families and attitude issues. Help?

    My boyfriend has a 10 year old daughter and I have three girls ages 7, 5, 4. Together we are expecting a little girl in a few weeks. All of our children live with us full time and the other parents aren't and haven't been in the picture for most of their lives. The 10 year old has a major attitude and will argue with me about anything. Literally anything and she lies...A LOT. I can catch her doing something and she will tell me straight to my face I am lying. My boyfriend thought I was exaggerating, but the other day he got off work early and got to see first hand what I deal with everyday and her attitude with me did not settle well with him at all. It's rubbing off on my 7 year old too and I do not like it. They both get grounded for their behavior, but it doesn't deter the 10 year old at all. I'm at my wits end. We've been living together for around 10 months and for the first few weeks it was fine but it's gotten progressively worse. She is jealous of any attention my boyfriend pays to the other kids, but we agreed coming into this relationship and then moving in together that we would not treat the children any differently. We would raise them as ours and expect the same things from them all. I'm due in a few weeks. She acts really excited about the baby coming, but I'm really worried that Daddy having a new biological child will make all of this 100 times worse, and I don't know what to do. She gets in trouble for her actions, but I think most of the time that just makes it worse because she then resents me or him for taking my side. Any advice would be appreciated.

    6 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • Possible UTI in child? No pain when peeing.?

    I need opinions. I'm not the mother that runs my children to the doctor or ER over every small fever, cough, or sneeze. This may be lengthy, so sorry!

    My daughter is 5. Since about last Thursday or Friday, I don't remember which day. She told me her stomach hurt. She wouldn't even eat dinner. I just kinda pushed it aside thinking she was constipated. She said it a few more times over the weekend, but overall she was acting fine. Monday morning comes, I get her ready for school, and she crawls into my lap and tells me she doesn't want to go to school because her tummy hurts. This is VERY unlike my daughter. She loves school and will cry to go no matter how sick she is. I told her ok she could stay home. On the way to take her sisters to school she threw up, and threw up a few more times on the way from the car into the house. I thought that was why her stomach was hurting, just a small bug. After that she acted fine, ate fine, ect. So yesterday I asked her how she was feeling and she said fine, so I sent her to school. The nurse called me asking to bring a change of clothes because she wet herself. This is not like my daughter. She's been potty trained for the last 3 years almost 4 and I can't tell you the last time she wet herself (other than the occasional night accident) and ESPECIALLY not at school. On the way to the school it clicked....stomach pains, throwing up, wetting herself...I'm pretty sure she has a UTI. She says it doesn't burn when she pees, but I know that's the main sign, not the only sign. So I called to make her an appointment and they won't see her until 8 PM Thursday night. Last night her stomach was hurting again and she wouldn't eat dinner, this morning she doesn't want to go to school (and I'm not making her). My girls have never had a UTI before, so I'm not sure if I should just wait until her appointment or take her to the ER for medicine. Thoughts?

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management7 years ago
  • Blended family issues. Any advice appreciated.?

    My boyfriend and I have been together a little over a year. We both have sole custody of our children from a previous relationship. He has a 10 year old daughter. I have three girls ages 7, 5, and 4. About 5 months ago we moved in together. The parents of the children on both sides are not involved and we agreed that we wouldn't be doing things by "yours and mine" but the children would be treated equally.

    The 10 year old at first had major sharing issues. We finally (almost completely) have worked those out. She's been through the "No one loves me" stage and everything else. We've worked those out. Her lying has been an issue throughout, but it's been minor things here and there that have been punished accordingly. The last two weeks though I am at my wits end with her. Here are a few examples of what we've been going through the last week.

    1. I told the children no more Coke because it's only used as a treat. The next day I notice the coke has been moved. Three children have juice, but her cup has Coke in it. She swears it wasn't her. Now, I am 99% sure it was, but I can't prove it.

    2. The 4 year old walks in on her going to the bathroom. I told her that to stop that she needs to lock the door. She swears up and down she did. After demonstrating to her that she couldn't have locked it and the 4 year old still open it, she still insists she did.

    3. The older three were playing with Play-doh at the kitchen table. I have a direct line of sight from the couch to where they are playing. They start throwing little pieces and I get on to them and tell them to stop. A few minutes later, they continue throwing it. At this point I know I need to calm down before getting on to them. So a few minutes later I make them pick it all up and then sit them down to ask them why they didn't listen to me. Remember, I SAW all of this happen. The other two admit to it and get a verbal reprimanding. The 10 year old flat out denies she did it. After telling her that I saw her, that I can hear them, ect, ect, she still flat out tells me she didn't do it.

    4. Upon picking the children up from school we get home and the 7 year old tells me the 10 year old pulled her backpack and made her fall on their way to breakfast at school, then started laughing. I asked the 10 year old why she did it. She denied it. I told her I wasn't mad, she wasn't in trouble, but I wanted to know why. She denied it. I then call the 5 year old who tells me the exact same thing minus one detail. Again, I ask the 10 year old why she did it. She says she didn't and they are lying. Now, I'm no genius, but two kids with the same story at different times doesn't exactly add up to lying to me.

    I'm at my wits end. Any advice on dealing with a 10 year old or how to change her behavior is appreciated.

    2 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • How far along to feel baby move?

    I am 10 weeks today with my fifth baby. Last night, I was laying on my stomach and I swear I felt movement. It was more like little butterfly flits, but I felt it quite a few times over the course of half an hour. I felt my last baby at 12.4 weeks, but is it possible to feel movement at 10 weeks?

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • First time using ovulation predictors. Help?

    My period started on August 3. I have been testing for ovulation since August 17. For the first few days the test line was barely there. On the 20th it got darker and on the 21st it was dark just not as dark as the control line. Then for the last two days it was barley there. I tested at 8pm every day. Could the darker days be my ovulation even if it wasn't as dark as it should be? My cycle is 32 days and I just came off of Mirena 5 months ago.

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Implantation bleeding or something else?

    I have been pregnant 4 times and never experienced implantation bleeding but I thought someone might have some more knowledge than I do.

    I have been diagnosed with adenomyosis for the last few years and had Mirena placed for two years. May 10th I started my period and had my Mirena removed. May 24-27 we had sex when he was in town. Yesterday (5/31/13) I started having a really light bleeding of old (brown) blood. It stopped earlier today and I have a small amount of red blood now. Because of my adenomyosis my periods are usually excruciatingly painful, but I have no pain and it's too early for my period I think?

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • Writing an essay for a scholarship and I need help!?

    I am a Business major with a concentration in Management. My school is offering a limited number of people to apply for a small scholarship. Being a single mother I am trying to apply. Part of the process is an essay and part of the essay is "Discuss one or two critical issues that you are most passionate about, and be sure to discuss your unique qualities that make you the best candidate for this scholarship." Can anyone tell me a few critical issues in the business area that are crucial to today's society?

    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago