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I am a 19yr old Mommy beautiful baby girl[8/19/08] and a baby boy![10/20/09] Please don't judge me for that. Teens can be just as good mothers, if not better, than anyone older. I am no longer living at home with my parents. I moved out right after I turned 17.[I got pregnant at 16]into a really nice appartment complex with my fiance. He's 6 days short of being 3 years older than me and he does everything he can to support our family. I enjoy spending time with my daughter,son, friends, and fiance.

  • What is goin on with me?! Weird !?

    Okay, so i feeeel like i am pregnant, but pregnacy tests come out neg. ive read its possible to be pregnant with nl detectable hcg in urine. But, i havnt had a period in like 5 monthes. I took one depo shot, 6 monthes ago. I didnt go back to get my 2nd one and still no period. Now, almost a year ago, i had what we think was a miscarriage. I took a home pregnancy test, it come out positive. A week later, i started bleeding bad and cramping so bad. I went to the hospital they did a ultrasound and blood test. Blood test en came out neg, and ultrasound didnt show anything even thouhh im sure i was having a miscarriage. Lots of blood and tissue for 2 weeks and bad cramps even with a postive home test a week before... Could that miscarriage could have messed up my hormones and hgc incase i was pregnant? All the prego symptoms are there for me. Its weird.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Vagina burns during sex?

    Holy hell. The last 2 times ive had sex with my boyfriend my ******** felt like it was on fire, especialy peeing afterwards. We dont use condoms because weve been togethet for so long, and i was im plenty wet.. So why is it burning so bad during sex and even hours afterwards?'

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • No period for monthes but neg prego tests?

    Okay so here's the situation.

    I took 1 depo shot, and i was due for the 2nd shot on july 27th, but I didnt get that shot because I didn like my side effects. So ive been having unprotected sex. I got my period right after my shot, it lasted like 2 weeks and i hve NOT had a period since then, not even adfter being off depo. Ive takn like 10 tests spread out through a few weeks, all came out neg. 6 days ago i noticed a little blood on the t.p after i went pee after i just had sex. Thought for sure my period was coming because i had been having bad cramps, and still no period yet. Do you think i could be pregnant without havin a period in so long? You cant ovulate without first havin a period right?!

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive9 years ago
  • Neg prego tests, but no period in a few monthes?

    Okay so here's the situation.

    I took 1 depo shot, and i was due for the 2nd shot on july 27th, but I didnt get that shot because I didn like my side effects. So ive been having unprotected sex. I got my period right after my shot, it lasted like 2 weeks and i hve NOT had a period since then, not even adfter being off depo. Ive takn like 10 tests spread out through a few weeks, all came out neg. 6 days ago i noticed a little blood on the t.p after i went pee after i just had sex. Thought for sure my period was coming because i had been having bad cramps, and still no period yet. Do you think i could be pregnant without havin a period in so long? You cant ovulate without first havin a period right?!

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Pregnancy tests come back neg, but no period in 3 monthes.?

    Okay so here's the situation.

    I took 1 depo shot, and i was due for the 2nd shot on july 27th, but I didnt get that shot because I didn like my side effects. So ive been having unprotected sex. I got my period right after my shot, it lasted like 2 weeks and i hve NOT had a period since then, not even adfter being off depo. Ive takn like 10 tests spread out through a few weeks, all came out neg. 6 days ago i noticed a little blood on the t.p after i went pee after i just had sex. Thought for sure my period was coming because i had been having bad cramps, and still no period yet. Do you think i could be pregnant without havin a period in so long? You cant ovulate without first havin a period right?!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Possible to get pregnant with no period in 6 monthes?

    Okay so i already know theres no way to tell if your pregnant unless you take a test,, but heres the deal.. I took 1 depo shot tht last 3 monthes. I never got the next shot, so ive been off depo for about 3 monthes now and still have not had a period. Month and halfish ago i took a couple test and came out neg.. Is it even possible to get pregnant if you havnt had your period?!?! I kind of feel pregnant or maybe its just because i want to be. Im so tired all the time, im neasous in the morning and food makes me want to hurl. And im a lil more gassy than norm but no sore breasts? But i have like crampish feelings and my pelvic area hurtss. Its weird? So possible to get preggers without havin a period?!

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • This sounds crazy but premature puberty in 2 yr old boy?

    Is it possible?? Tried to research, i can only find info on it about girls. Im freakin out here. In the couple monthes my 2yr son has started growing lots of hair on his legs, hes bigger um down there, and his uhm mansack isnt the same. His father started puberty around 12ish..

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Of depo and still no period?? ?

    I took one depo shot, and i was due for another shot either in june or july and never got another one. After i got the shot i was on my period for 2 weeks straight. I havnt ha a period since then, even after being off the shot for a month or 2. When should i expect to have my period back??

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Sharp pain under left breast?

    Alright guys I CANNOT afford to go to the doctors right now so I'm asking for your help, if anyone else has experienced this or anything. So I'm experiencing pain under my left breast. If I yawn and breath deap or anything of that sort it hurts extremely bad and feel like something may burst. This started happening probably about 5 months ago, but lately, for the last week or 2 it's been constant. Back in November is has bronchitis really bad and was in the hospital for that. And I have anxiety issues. Also every now and then my lungs hurt when I breath deep yawn, ect. Has anyone else experienced this ?

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • Uh ohh . Pregnant on depo?

    I started depo back on May. My next shot is due July 27. The last couple weeks I've had all the sympotoms of Pregnancy and havnt had my last 2 periods. Prego test came out negative. What's goin on? Take another test ? Anyone else experience this?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • how can i wean my baby when he refuses a bottle?

    My baby is 5 monthes old, ive tried a few times to give him a bottle but he refuses to take a bottle, even when hes hungary. Ive tried to to trick him by breastfeeding for a minute then putting a bottle in his mouth, but it doesnt work. Help me please, i need to start weaning him asap.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Ear infection. How to drain?

    I was diagnosed with "otitis media" an infection in the middle ear, the air filled space behind the eardrum. The eustachian tube normally ventilates the ear and keeps the middle ear drained, but with this infection it is not doing that. I havnt been able to hear out of my left ear for 4 days now. I am taking all the prescriptions prescribed to me by a dr. and still nothing. does anyone know how to get this to drain out of my ear? i am desperate.. thhanks.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • etopic pregnancy? miscarriage?

    I was 6 weeks pregnant when i started to bleed heavily. Thought i was having a miscarriage so I went into the E.R and the urine test came back neg. and the blood test came back positive. The ultrasound didnt show anything in my uterus, wich is weird cuz i havnt hardly passed any tissue or a "sac" or anything. just small amounts of tissue and lots of blood. Its been like 4 days and im still bleeding bad, along with abdominal pain, cramps, lower back pain, neasea, and dizzyness. I was supposed to go back to the doctor yesterday to check my the pregnancy hormones in my blood again to make sure it wasnt etopic but i never made it there... does this sound like it could be etopic to you?

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • 6 weeks miscarriage.. but..?

    I was 6 weeks pregnant and started heavily bleeding yesterday along with horrible cramps. So i went into the E.R. They did an ultra sound and said there wasnt anything in my uterus. My urine test came back negative, but the blood test came back positve. I have only passed a few small clots and tissue. So my question is..why was my uterus empty? I have to go back in 2 weeks and get blood tested again to make sure its not a tubal or somthing. Im just left broken, confused and no answeres. Im still bleeding and dont think i have passed the "fetus" because i did research on what its like to have a miscarriage at 6 weeks and i havnt experienced that... Today i passed a little more tissue..but wouldnt that have showed up in my uterus when they did the ultra sound? or is it stuck in my tubes? help please..

    1 AnswerPregnancy10 years ago
  • how long does a miscarriage last?

    i may be having a miscarriage and just wondering how long it lasts and what i should expect...thanks..

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • 6 weeks pregnant, bleeding and cramping..?

    I found out I was pregnant almost 2 weeks ago. Im about 6 weeks pregnant and I have cramping.. about an hour ago i started bleeding. I went pee and blood was literally just dripping into the toiliet.. im worried im having a miscarriage. I havnt even been to the doctor yet. Should i go into the e.r..? just let it pass? or what? the cramps are getting worse as i type this..

    8 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • How do people get super white teeth?!?!?

    Honestly how? I've tried crest whitening strips..and those are a joke. Help me out please. (My teeth arnt that bad but I want extreamly white teeth)

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • How do people get super white teeth? ?

    K honestly, how the heck do they do it?!

    I've called orthadontists in my area, and they tell me to use crest whitening strips..soo I've tried all the kinds they have and those are a seriuos joke.

    5 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • somthing came up on CT of my sinus?

    My Dr, had me get a CT of my sinus because ive been having really bad headaches, every day almost all day for about 3 monthes now. I got called today and they had said somthing showed up, but will not discuss it with me over the phone so i have to go back in on tuesday...

    im just wondering if anyone has any guesses on what this could be? but i have also been deloping strange symptoms that i havnt had a chance to talk to my dr with about yet, they include

    head aches,

    weigh loss,


    feeling full,

    bruising easily,

    memory loss,

    oh and im only 20 yrs old

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • what do these symptoms sounds like?

    For about 3 monthes ive had headaches every day that last almost all day long. Everything I have tried for them doesnt help. Ive tried Tramadol, Hyrocodone, Tylonal, ibprofen, asprin, and some tpe of steriod, None of it worked for me.

    I also have neausia, fatigue, feel full(have a hard time eating because of it), weight loss, horrrible bruises.(the magically appear out of no where and look nasty), sore muscles, and now memory loss.

    I had a CT scan of my sinus area, and my dr. called me today to let me know they saw somthing, but thats all they could tell me until tuesday when i go in next.

    anyone have ideas of what could be wrong with me\

    3 AnswersOther - Health10 years ago