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Lv 731,269 points


Favorite Answers25%

Well, I'm an electronics and computer engineer and qualified business manager and an experienced paralegal. I also have heaps of experience with online relationships. Throughout my life I've had many experiences both good and bad and I enjoy helping others to make their lives better and avoid the mistakes I've learnt from

  • Would it not be a good idea for YA! to award one or two points for reporting inappropriate content?

    I often see unreported inappropriate content when I log in to answer and I sometimes feel like the YA! police when I report it. I feel that if points were awarded, regular answerers would quickly jump on inappropriate content and report it, serving to quickly discourage those who post it. What do you think?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Is YA! aware that the Edit and Save function is inoperative in Australia?

    This is a REAL pain in the butt because sometimes I'll say something that definitely needs editing in view of mistakes and other answers.

    Sometimes I also make stupid typos which are highly embarrassing and these can damage my reputation and actually make what I write appear highly inflammatory and prejudicial.

    This needs URGENT attention.


    I much preferred the old system which allowed full editing and correcting BEFORE anyone gets to see it.


    1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Would it be possible for YA! to include a "question deleted" notification which shows?

    while someone is giving a long answer.

    I really hate it when I spend a lot of my valuable time preparing an answer only to find that the question has been deleted when I go to post the answer. Sometimes I think to myself why bother at all.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • How do I get Yahoo Answers to allow me to answer a question.?

    I live in Australia and my version of YA! has now decided to not show the "Answer" button on any question in any category which prevents me from participating.

    The problem exists in all the computers in my network and they're all different types.

    Is this a Yahoo bug or is there something I need to do to get the answer button working?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Has my Yahoo Messenger chat been hacked and is it being monitored?

    I've been in contact with my S.O. for more than 2 years using YM. At the end of each chat she logs off and her light goes out which is fine. Yesterday after chatting her light stayed on all day and is still on despite the fact she says by text she's not online. I believe she's telling the truth because her area suffers from frequent net and power outages during the day. I've also experienced someone breaking into our conversation in the past.

    Is it possible that someone is monitoring us and can I have the problem rectified or be informed how to fix the problem myself please.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger8 years ago
  • How do I contact a question asker after they have chosen me as best answer?

    From time to time a person will want to contact me after choosing me as best answer but they don't realize they can do so by clicking my avatar. I notice that their profile has no contact details so I can't contact them and I was wondering if leaving a message in the comments field below the answer would reach the asker.


    4 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Do Australian citizens currently have the right of freedom of speech.?

    I'm looking for the specific legislation under both Commonwealth and State of Western Australia laws and would really appreciate an answer from someone with knowledge of the law or knowledge of a link to where this information may be read. I have already searched Austlii without success. Thank you.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Can this cellphone use Yahoo Messenger?

    My friend has a Samsung Corby cellphone which uses 2G technology. Can this phone use Yahoo Messenger and if so, where to obtain the app please. Can it be downloaded from the internet . . . that is, can this cellphone access the internet in order to download the app. Btw, this model is not known in Australia and so local service providers are unable to help me. Thank you.

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Difficulty receiving sms messages from a contact in Ghana, Africa.?

    I have problems receiving sms messages from my contact in Ghana Africa. I have two Nokia phones, a 1616 new and a 6288 about 5 years old. These worked well with sms messaging to and from Ghana up until 2 months ago (January 2012), then the sms problems started. The problem is not messaging TO Ghana but receiving replies to sms messages I have confirmed as having been received. My contact coincidentally lost her phone (unknown type) about 2 months ago and up until that time there were no problems. She replaced her phone with a Samsung Corby which I notice is 2G technology. After that time I've never been able to receive an sms from her despite the fact that voice communication is okay. Her phone supplier has tested her phone and confirms it as okay. Also, her provider is MTN Ghana. My provider is Vodafone Australia. I recently purchased a Samsung Galaxy Ace and still cannot receive sms messages from her. I've spoken at length with Vodafone technical support who are unable to help. . . . I just heard from another Vodafone technical guy who explained that the problem might be a lack of reciprocal texting arrangements between MTN and Vodafone which is preventing the (confirmed) sent messages from reaching me. . . . Does anyone know if this is true or perhaps has specific knowledge on this subject please because it will be greatly appreciated as a relationship saver. Thanks.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • I live and work outside the U.S. but still have to pay U.S. tax. Is this right?

    I live in Australia and make 3D game models which I upload to a U.S. company for sale. I have to pay royalties on each sale to the U.S. company which is fair and reasonable. When the models are sold to a purchaser in the U.S., sales tax is deducted from what I would otherwise receive if the model was sold to a purchaser outside the U.S. Is it correct that I have to pay the U.S. sales tax as I'm simply the overseas manufacturer and have no ties with the U.S. I feel that the U.S. company should be charging a basic price for everyone, PLUS tax if the purchaser is in the U.S. I'd appreciate comments please from those who have specific knowledge of the way U.S. tax laws work please.

    The thing that makes it all so unfair is the fact I still have to pay Australian tax on my earnings.

    1 AnswerUnited States9 years ago