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  • Pain and Numbness after wisdom teeth removal?

    On Tuesday (Today is Friday) I had my three wisdom teeth removed. I had a general anaesethic. The bottom two had to be cut out (I already had the top right removed under a local last year).

    Yesterday I was feeling nauseas, and had a headache. Today my ears are hurting, I have a headache and my tongue is still partially numb. Is this normal? I can't taste much .-.

    1 AnswerDental8 years ago
  • Is this a fungus on my goldfish?

    Two of my goldfish have white stuff on them. One of them it's kind of like blotches over her scales, the other it's just a little dot on her eye.

    I have 6 goldfish in an 80 gallon tank, double filtration and do 30% water changes weekly. The tank is cycled.


    Well Melafix help if this is a fungus? Or should I get Pimafix?

    1 AnswerFish9 years ago
  • What's wrong with my axolotl?

    My Axolotl Sally, hasn't eaten for 3 weeks. She just walks away from the food. I've offered her earthworms, bloodworms and pellets. She just wont eat. Her eyes look puffy and have white stuff on them. She is alone in a 250litre tank that is filtered and bare bottom. When I take pictures she appears to have red around her mouth but it isn't noticeable otherwise, so I don't know if that's just my camera. Ammonia and Nitrite are 0, temp is 16.5c

    About two weeks ago she had fungus on her gills, I don't know what caused it but I did salt baths and it disappeared within 2 days, I continued the salt baths for 3 more days after it disappeared to make sure it was gone.

    Here are some pictures

    1 AnswerOther - Pets9 years ago
  • How long after a water change should I wait to get accurate test results?

    I did a 50% change on my tank yesterday (there had being nothing in there for a week while I was trying to get the levels right after an ammonia spike). Before doing the change there was some nitrite and no ammonia. Now I did a test and got 0 nitrite but very high ammonia. Is the test accurate or did I do it too soon after the water change? I use prime water conditioner

    5 AnswersFish9 years ago
  • Once Stunted, will goldfish ever grow again? Aquarium Dividers?

    I have 6 fancy goldfish in an 80 gallon aquarium, double filters, weekly water changes. I got them all at different times, some have doubled, tripled even in size since I got them, and some have just not grown at all, and are very small. If they were kept in cramped conditions and stunted before I got them, would they mean they would stay small the rest of their lives?

    Also, I was wondering if anyone knows a place in Adelaide, South Australia that sells Aquarium Dividers? I need to split my axolotls up.

    1 AnswerFish9 years ago
  • Is there anything else I can do for him?

    My Betta has been sick for a while. First it was finrot, which I tried several medicines for and added aquarium salt. His fins havent gotten any better. Then he started bloating and pine-coning. I feed him a pea, fasted him and upped the temperature. For a while he seemed to be getting better, he went back to normal size, his scales were better and he started been more active again. For this whole time he still came to the front of the tank and still wanted food when I was near him.

    Over the last week or so he has got worse again. Once again he has bloated, his scales are up again. He just lays on the bottom of the tank and barely moves. If I put my hand near him he will swim up for a second and then just float down and rest in my hand. He has no interest in food at all and wont get up and swim around when I'm near the tank.

    He is in a 5 gallon tank with a heater and filter. There are a few cherry shrimp in the tank with him. I do weekly water changes.

    I've had him for almost a year but I don't know how old he was when I got him. I don't know what else to do for him. I've been arguing with myself over whether it's best to euthanize him because I just don't know if there is any other way to help him.

    1 AnswerFish10 years ago
  • What's wrong with my Betta?

    My betta's fins and tail just seem to be disappearing.

    He is in a 6 gallon tank.

    Nirtite -0

    Ammonia - 0

    Nitrate - 20

    Temp - 24.5 Celsius

    This is him when I first got him in April -

    This is him now;

    He has almost no tail left at all! :( There are no plastic plants in the tank now (I Know there was when I first got him, They are silk ones now) It seems to have been a really gradual process.

    He is still swimming around a lot and eating well, But I'm really worried as to why his beautiful fins are disappearing!

    3 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • My goldfish lost an eye?

    I was cleaning my goldfish tank, when I saw my telescope eye had an eye missing! It wasn't like this earlier today. I've moved him to a small tank I use for quarantining and he is still swimming around, eating, and still swam away when I tried to catch him so I dont think it's bothering him, but Im very worried.

    I've had him for about five years now and this is the first thing that has ever gone wrong with him since Ive had him. He is my favourite and I really don't want to lose him :(

    Will he be able to live - happily - with only one eye?

    Will he ever be able to go back into the tank with the other goldfish?

    How do I know if it gets infected or painful and is there anything I can do to help?

    Can I do anything to make sure he gets enough food? In the tank on his own he is having trouble realizing the food is there when I put it in.

    Anything else I should look out for? The tank he is in now is only a 5 gallon with a filter and nothing else in there. I know that's too small for him to live in and will need frequent water changes, so will he ever be able to live with the other fish again? I do have another tank but no filter for it and no space to put it at the moment! :(

    You can see photos here: - sorry they aren't very clear but as you can hopefully see his whole eye is gone, there is a white stringy bit that is just hanging there (I assume it's the nerve/muscle that is meant to hold the eye there?)

    His remaining eye has looked weird like that ever since I got him

    I asked this question yesterday when it happened, but wanted to see if I could get any different answers

    4 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • Please help, Goldfish Emergency!!?

    I was cleaning my goldfish tank, when I saw my telescope eye had an eye missing! It wasn't like this earlier today. I've moved him to a small tank I use for quarantining and he is still swimming around, eating, and still swam away when I tried to catch him so I dont think it's bothering him, but Im very worried.

    I've had him for about five years now and this is the first thing that has ever gone wrong with him since Ive had him. He is my favourite and I really don't want to lose him :(

    Will he be able to live - happily - with only one eye?

    Will he ever be able to go back into the tank with the other goldfish?

    How do I know if it gets infected or painful and is there anything I can do to help?

    You can see photos here:

    2 AnswersFish10 years ago
  • How to Control Algae Growth?

    I have an 80 gallon tank with 7 goldfish.

    I do a 20% water change once a week and add the dechlorinator

    I turn the lights on when I wake up and off before I go to bed

    I fed once a day, no more than is eaten in a few minutes.

    The tank doesn't get direct sunlight

    My problem is my tank is covered in algae. I scrub the ornaments and the glass and a few days later algae is everywhere again. On the glass it's green mostly with black/brown algae near th ebottom, on the ornaments it's all black/brown. It doesn't look very nice :(

    Are their any hints on controlling this?

    The pet shop sold me chinese algae eaters and I went against my own advice and listened to them, the algae eaters did a great job but were attacking my goldfish so I had to get rid of them. I have mystery snails at the moment but they don't seem to make a lot of difference either.

    The goldfish will pick at the algae so I don't mind some in there I just don't like my tank been covered in it :S

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago

    I was just doing a water change in my fish tank and one of my fish got caught in the siphon.

    I got him out as soon as I saw but his tail his bleeding and his back end is all red. He can't swim.

    Is there a chance he will recover or will it be best to put him to sleep?

    I feel so terrible I can't stop crying :(

    8 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Can I have too many air pumps in my goldfish tank?

    I love those ornaments that move and blow bubbles. I have 3 air pumps that can do up to 60 litres and one that does 20 litres. (according to the boxes). I've had some pieces that you are supposed to be able to use to put more than one ornament/air stone on but I can't seem to get all the ornaments to work like that.

    So if I have all 3/4 air pumps running would that provide too much oxygen/distrubance for the goldfish? I have a 300 litre (80 gallon) tank with 6 goldfish.

    I have a thing for the movement and bubbles I guess xD

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What would be the best size filter for my bettas tank?

    It's a 5 gallon tank, and has a heater. I was using the filter that I got with the tank (it was one of those starter kit things) but my betta seemed to be really struggling against the current.

    Is there a way I can adjust the current or should I try to find a smaller filter?

    There is no switch on it to slow it down.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Please help on getting rid of Physa/Pond snails?

    I bought an axolotl about a month ago. I got a surprise with him when a few weeks later I noticed snails all over the tank. I now know they are Physa/Pond snails and there are hundreds of them! I'm afraid there are even more I can't see!

    Someone suggested getting an assassin snail, so I went to the most advanced aquarium shop I know, who told me they are illegal to import into Australia! (rawr)

    So any other ideas apart from stripping down the tank? I don't have another suitable tank to put my axolotl in long term and I don't want to strip down the tank and put him back in with it uncycled.

    But I do want to get rid of these snails! They are everywhere and distrupting my enjoyment of my axolotl :( I've been getting rid of them as I see them and I can grab them (some I can't grab because they are too small) but it's very slow and doesn't seem to be making any difference at all :(

    I can't use any snail killers since they will kill my axolotl too :(

    So any ideas?

    The only other tanks I have are a goldfish tank and a betta tank. I did have a tank I used as a quarantine tank but that smashed and was only about 2 litres.

    I want to get rid of these snails but I don't want to harm Alex in the process :(

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Small clear bubbles with white dots inside?

    In my axolotl tank I noticed somethign on the plants, there are several small clear 'bubbles' with several tiny white dots inside.

    The 'bubbles' are very small, I don't think I can get a picture of them and there is TINY white dots inside each one. I've seen about 5 of these bubbles?

    I did a water change 3 days ago and didn't see anything like this then.

    There are some tiny tiny snails in the tank, I think they snuck into the bag when I bought my axolotl? I thought they could be snail eggs but all the snails I've had have laid their eggs above water?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Soon I will be getting a male betta, a question?

    I had bettas a few years ago, without doing research, I kept them in those little tanks or in a 5 gallon but without heating :( I feel bad about that and now I want to keep one properly.

    He is going to be in a 6 gallon, heated and filtered tank.

    I was wondering if there is anything that can be kept with him in a tank that size that he will get along with, or is it best to just live him on his own? :) I want to make sure I do things right this time around.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • How successful is white spot treatment in goldfish?

    So I watch my fish every day, last night I noticed two of them had developed white dots on their fins and tails. This morning they had spread a lot on one of them and I noticed a few of my other goldfish weren't acting their normal selves.

    I got the white spot medicine from the pet shop, (The Melachite green one) and I've removed all the carbon from the filter.

    My question is, how successful is treatment usually? Is it something that will be cured easily? Whats the chance of all my fish pulling through?

    I have a 80 gallon tank with 6 goldfish, the pH, Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia levels are all good.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Is something wong with my goldfish?

    My goldfish has been acting funny all day. she swims around in long random spurts, going on her side, upside down, round in cicles...then she will swim normally for a short while or stay up near the top of the tank. When she pooed earlier I noticed it was very short and white while normally their poo seems to be long and a browny type colour (I know TMI) she is eating her food without any problems.

    She is in an 80 gallon tank with 4 other goldfish, all the other fish are fine. She is the only one showing symptoms.

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • How Can I stop my Mystery Snails from Killing themselves?

    Since I got a new tank with a different filter, three of my mystery snails have died on the filter.

    I don't know how they get onto this spot, but they climb onto the end of the filter, the bit the sucks the water in and they end up getting half sucked into the filter which makes for a messy thing to clean up, a hassle to get them off of the filter and, of course, dead snails.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can stop them getting on the filter, or stop the filter from sucking them up without affecting the filtration in my tank?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Some Questions about Ferrets?

    I've been considering getting a ferret. I've done some research and I know they need good quality ferret mix and a large cage, and lots of supervised exercise.

    I was wondering does anyone know where in South Australia I can get ferret food from? None of the pet stores Ive been too have it.

    Also is there anything special I need to know about ferrets? I know they need to be de-sexed for their health and I would definitely de-sex it or buy one already de-sexed

    Also does anyone know of any laws in South Australia that would restrict me having a ferret? From what I've been able to find there are no laws in South Australia, but in other places there are.

    And what is a good place to find a ferret? Breeder or Rescue?

    Would a ferret be able to live in the same house as rabbits if I keep them separated?

    It would be quite a while before I actually get one, but before I do I want to make sure I have everything ready and know everything I need to do for it.

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago