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  • Winter - Masculine, Feminine or Unisex (Hypothetically)?

    Now before you miss understand me I'm NOT considering this for future child (though I do like it in a 'but I'll never use it way')

    But hypothetically, is it more feminine or masculine or right in the middle.

    Does it depend on if it's given name, middle name, nick name or surname; For a human, for an animal, for a car...

    This came about when a friend was talking about her cat named Winter, I thought it was a boy (it wasn't) and she seemed shocked like Winter was the most feminine name in world.

    I think it does suit both genders especially on pets but personally find it a tad more masculine, it's similar to Winston and Walter, a surname, and I think of the Winter Warlock 'Please call me Winter' from "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"

    11 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • "unisex" name lovers and haters! Do you think there should be gender specific spellings?

    My question is basically should girls with unisex or boy names have feminized spellings (when applicable) like Averie or stick with the classic spelling. And if you abhor unisex name feel free to say so but please still answer the question, think of it picking the lesser of two evils.

    I do realize some names can't be feminized like Sam or may have history that shouldn't be changed like Rosario (Spanish girl's name also an Italian boy's name, neither should change for the other)

    I ask because I never got the appeal of feminized for a long time. Even when a saw a name I hated on girls with a girly spelling I'd think if you're gonna use it go all the way with it.

    But I've actually made a 180. I realize when there two spelling like it seems to keep the boy name alive and the feminized version really seems to come into it's own.

    Examples: Lee/Leigh; Adrian/Adrienne; Gene/Jean; Tony/Toni; Terry/Terri; Ray/Rae


    7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Which Spelling Wiley or Wylie?

    I love this name but always go back and forth between the two spellings I think I like Wiley more but Wylie seems more common.

    Hearing the name how would you assume it's spelled?

    Which of the two spellings do you prefer?

    Also if your not from the US please state so, not sure if it will make a difference but you never know.

    Also for the record I'm neither expecting nor planning so there no need for a long list of middle names or anything like that

    9 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How would you pronounce the girls name Magdalena?

    Looking at the name Magdalena how would you think it is said

    There are two pronunciations



    Knowing this which do you prefer, I always flip-flop

    Also I am neither expecting nor planning, I'm just curious about how most people read/say it

    21 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Is there not as much new rock on the radio? (Compared to pop/hip-hop/country)?

    Now I'm not saying there is no new rock on the radio.

    And I know there a lot of rock bands that aren't on the radio

    But where I live and the radio stations I get I have noticed there are far less recent songs (meaning 2008/2009) on my 'current' rock station compared to the current stations for different genres.

    I also feel like there less new rock played then there was a few years ago but can't say that with certainty

    And I'm talking about generic FM radio

    I've been conscious of this for about a year

    Now my rock station did change it's style about 2-3 years ago and start playing a lot more 90's rock too. (which isn't a bad thing).

    But I still feel like there should be more recent songs that are popular enough to play.

    I was curious if other people noticed this in different parts of the country with different stations or if it's just here.

    Or maybe it's just me

    Has it been like this for a while and I'm just now noticing.

    Any thoughts or opinions as to why.

    4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • have you made up a name (for fun) share it!?

    I'm not necessarily talking about made up names you give/gave your kid. Let me assure you I'm not even expecting to be expecting any time soon

    I've always loved 'inventing' names as kid for my Gigapet and things like that, and even now for user names on forums or in video games or characters in stories I don't actually right

    So if you have 'baby' names that you completely made-up or slightly altered and want a place to share them since you don't plan on ever actually giving it to a baby real or literary Here's where.

    You're welcome to share names you plan on using or have already too of course.

    Here's some of mine there a lot more, but these are ones I think the sound of best and aren't strictly for a my dog or elf in WoW


    Jasalis (Jazz-Alice)

    Mailo (Milo)



    Violynn (VIolin)


    Zandalei (Zan-Duh-Lay)



    Jachary (Jack-a-ree) (Zachary with a J)

    Jackillian (fusion between Jack & Killian)



    Yeah so some of them like Kite isn't unheard of, but I thought of it on my own a long time ago. And some I like better on pets but don't hate on a human

    10 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Funniest of the 'average' or forgotten comedies?

    Whenever there's a question asking about funniest movies, the replies are more or less the same.

    And I got to say I usually agree

    There are movies that put me into hysterics time and time again but I can't bring myself to put them on the same list.

    A 'B' list if you will

    A recent example is Get Smart

    Myself and everyone I know thought it was hilarious but found something forgettable about it, and doubt it will stand the test of time

    some more form my list are

    The Hot Chick

    Stealing Harvard

    Where's Papa

    I realize average is a subjective term

    And suggesting comedies that are in your opinion too unique to be average but still 'B list' caliber is more than fine

    Just trying to get recognition to under appreciated films

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What the one (or more than one) normal baby name that you'll never like?

    Names that aren't bad, but you personally never cared for it.

    You can see why others would pick it, but you'd name your kid Apple before choosing it yourself

    Maybe it was ruined because that was the name of the kid who stole lunch money.

    Mine would be Patrick for a boy, and Olivia for a girl.

    I don't know why just never liked them never will (My bully's name was Brittney BTW)

    19 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Recommend me some dark and gritty manga (or graphic novels)?

    Looking for manga with either a dark/gritty art style or subject matter.

    Like Blame! (I've read all of Tsutomu Nihei works)

    Dogs, Eternal Sabbath, Eden: It's an Endless World, Ichi the Killer... stuff like that.

    Feel free to recommend a graphic novels an such too, I'm a fan of both I've just been in a manga mood lately, and I probably at least know of most graphic novels that fit the description already.

    4 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Know any heavy-hearted friendship songs? (angry or bittersweet tone) After things go bad or if you grow apart?

    You can suggest any friendship song you know, but I know plenty of fluffy ones and am looking for some with a bit of pain. They can be touching in their own way.

    EX: "Hospital Beds" by Cold War Kids, it's one of my favorites

    Hoping for something clearly about friendship but ambiguity is fine, any genre is fine too, Rock, Rap, Disney "when you're the best of friends" from Fox and the Hound is bittersweet to me.

    3 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • how do you feel after donating plasma vs. blood?

    I've given blood a few times, and it almost never goes smoothly, I usually feel a bit hot near or at the very end, but I bounce back pretty quick and don't mind it much. I always prepare too, and have concluded that I'm just one of those types.

    I've heard platelet donation is less taxing, but I haven't heard any comparisons to plasma.

    I'm especially interested in donating plasma since I'm type AB, and it would seal the deal if it was 'nicer,' but I don't think I can handle it if it's 'worse.'

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago