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Lv 43,283 points

Lissa TTC#2

Favorite Answers41%

I am a SAHM and Army Wife. I don't think my "job is the toughest in the Army" like some wives do. My hubby and I have been TTC for over a year now. I have PCOS so it's been a rough road so far.

  • Can you help me please??? Need HELP!?

    Everytime I post something I don't get many answers at all yet I see stuff like "I'm 13 and pregnant" and they get like 18 answers 10 minutes later. But anywho I figured I'd give it a try.

    This evening I have an appt with the doc to discuss fertility issues. My husband and I have been TTC#2 for 15 months, and all we've managed to do so far was have me lose an ovary in emergency surgery due to a tumor/mass.

    My AF isn't due til the 7th, because my last AF was Oct 7th and I have long cycles. Today I woke up and there was brown and pink on the tp when I went to the bathroom. I'm not cramping and usually I get HORRIBLE cramps because I have PCOS and cysts, not to mention scar tissue from surgeries.

    I usually don't ovulate but I had a (+) OPK on the 14th and the 27th of Oct. My body is retarded lol. Both (+)'s I had EWCM and a high soft cervix. Now with this spotting my cervix is high and hard... I took a HPT this morning and it was (-) of course.

    I guess these are my questions:

    If my cervix is high and hard, would this be my period?

    Could the doc do a blood test today to see if it's implantation bleeding?

    If he does test today with it be accurate?

    Don't worry, I'm going to ask my doctor this as well. I just wanted to get some opinions on here and see if anyone else is in the same boat or has been before. Thanks for your help and advice

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Can someone please answer this question for me??? Need HELP?

    Everytime I post something I don't get many answers at all yet I see stuff like "I'm 13 and pregnant" and they get like 18 answers 10 minutes later. But anywho I figured I'd give it a try.

    This evening I have an appt with the doc to discuss fertility issues. My husband and I have been TTC#2 for 15 months, and all we've managed to do so far was have me lose an ovary in emergency surgery due to a tumor/mass.

    My AF isn't due til the 7th, because my last AF was Oct 7th and I have long cycles. Today I woke up and there was brown and pink on the tp when I went to the bathroom. I'm not cramping and usually I get HORRIBLE cramps because I have PCOS and cysts, not to mention scar tissue from surgeries.

    I usually don't ovulate but I had a (+) OPK on the 14th and the 27th of Oct. My body is retarded lol. Both (+)'s I had EWCM and a high soft cervix. Now with this spotting my cervix is high and hard... I took a HPT this morning and it was (-) of course.

    I guess these are my questions:

    If my cervix is high and hard, would this be my period?

    Could the doc do a blood test today to see if it's implantation bleeding?

    If he does test today with it be accurate?

    Don't worry, I'm going to ask my doctor this as well. I just wanted to get some opinions on here and see if anyone else is in the same boat or has been before. Thanks for your help and advice.

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I have to ask for some advice, TTC?

    Okay, we've been trying for 15 months now. My cycles are becoming more regular, but I'm still not ovulating 90% of the time due to PCOS. Well this past AF was on Oct 7th, and got positive OPK the 14th and 15th with EWCM. Had some weird symptoms the last few days that got me kinda hopeful since I usually don't have a (+) OPK, but after going through some of the things we have on this journey I didn't wanna get too hopeful. Well, this morning had EWCM again and now it's watery, decided to test and OPK was positive again... AF due on the 7th with my cycles, so what in the world is going on?

    I will be seeing my doc on the 4th to start bloodwork for a fertility workup, but was diagnosed with PCOS years ago. I'm going to ask him but thought I would seek some advice/opinions on here as well.

    To all those who are TTC, good luck and baby dust!!!

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • I really need some help. Can you give me ANY advice?

    Okay, I just wanna share my story and get some advice. Sorry it'll be a little long. Thank you for any help you can give.

    My husband and I have been TTC for well over a year now. Last fall we thought I was, BFP and weight gain/belly bump, then started having horrible pains and went for an ultrasound. Wasn't pregnant, it was a tumor. And it was a type that caused hormones to give us a BFP. We were horrified and heartbroken. They sent us home with a "sorry, but you can try again after you've healed from your surgery that you'll have next week." Didn't make it to my scheduled surgery; The next day I woke up from a dead sleep screaming cuz I was in so much pain, but then blacked out. I woke up in the ER with the nurse cutting off my jewelry, they were taking me to the OR for internal bleeding. The tumor had flipped itself over and torn my ovary off my fallopian tube. So I lost my left ovary, a piece of my bladder, and some intestinal muscles. My uterus is now tipped sideways from the trauma of the surgery.

    A little further back in the story, I had a tumor removed when I was in highschool and had to take drug therapy and injections into my right ovary. I was diagnosed with PCOS but never really given any medicine for it. I conceived my son (with my now ex-husband) with no trouble despite the PCOS and drug therapy. Now that I have lost my left ovary (which was the one that worked of course) the PCOS has gotten worse. My doctor doesn't really wanna help us, and I can't change who I see right now (Army tricare can be a butt) The doc says to keep trying, and if it's meant to be it will happen. He thinks we shouldn't have another child because our son is 4 and has medical disorders that require constant care, plus is autistic. I really wish he would give us a little more help or advice, but we're gonna keep working on it.

    I guess my real question is are there any ideas of something that would help us? I've been BBT'ing, BD every other day, taking all sorts of vitamins, and drinking lots of water... Nothing so far. Anyone been in this situation or have any advice? Thank you so much for your time and help.

    2 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this?

    Okay, my husband is AD Army, and we recently stayed in a guest house at our new duty station for a few weeks waiting on our household goods. (they got lost) While I was out at the guesthouse playground watching my son another mom (also military spouse) came up to me and told me that they had just moved here, etc... and then proceeded to tell me how "the wife's appearance can greatly affect her spouse's military career" and since her husband is an officer now she's had to "make sure everything is just so" with her looks or her home/cooking if they entertain because he will be judged for it.

    The only thing I could say back to her was that it will be a sad day indeed when the Army considers a promotion or demotion of a soldier based on what his wife looks like instead of his ability to do his job and be a soldier. I mean, I just can't imagine the COC thinking to themselves "well, he can't keep up with PT, he's always a little short on his duties- but man can his wife cook and doesn't she look great so let's just promote him anyways!"

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Anyone in base housing (ft campbell) have any problems?

    Okay, we're thinking about getting on-post housing and were wondering how everything works now that they've changed around alot of the stuff and gone privatized...

    Have you had to pay any "overage" bills on the gas or electric? Or have you gotten rebates from them? Were there any deposits you had to put down?

    Basically any info about post housing at Ft. Campbell would be helpful. We're currently in a guest house and debating whether to just move off base or what.

    Thanks for your answers. :)

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Do you know anything about service animals?

    My son is 3 yrs old and autistic. He has a disorder called Sensory Processing Dysfunction that has left him unable to respond/feel hot or cold. We are trying to find out some information about training a dog to suit his needs. I have read on some sites that you can select and train the animal yourself as long as you register it with the SAR and keep your annual fees paid. My son has responded very well to equine therapy, but we would like for him to have a steady companion- and being around animals seems to help him deal with his surroundings better. Not to mention it would be nice to have a dog sleep in front of the gas heater instead of myself for a few nights. (son sleepwalks and has burnt himself unknowingly)

    I'm sure a service dog would be the best choice, but as to the training and paperwork- are there any sites anyone knows of to help me out? Any advice? Thanks for your time.

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • How do we find out if he's deploying?

    My husband is going to be graduating AIT soon and has orders to PCS to another base. We are wanting to join him and live off base, but there has been "talk" of another deployment due to begin the month he is supposed to arrive. Without him actually being inprocessed, how can we find out? He doesn't want us to move with him if he is fixing to be deployed- because our son is special-needs and he doesn't want us moved away from our family to help us. Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Has the Army ever moved you?

    Okay, my husband got his first set of orders and we will be moving this fall. I'm excited about moving, but wondering exactly how it's all going to happen. What should I expect with our first PCS move? I mean, I will have alot of stuff boxed up already but left untaped so they can check it. Some people have told me that it can take a few days for your stuff to arrive, others have said that they won't move it til you have reported for duty already... Help?

    6 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • What would you be doing with the 101st?

    If you are a 94A, Land Combat Missile Electronics System Repair, and got orders to report to the 101st at Ft. Campbell, KY: what are your responsibilities? I mean, with it being airborne- what would you be doing? Also, another friend is being assigned to the 101st, but Infantry... and he's a 94A also... Can someone shed some light on this for me?

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Why do people act like this?

    I hate getting on here and seeing where some moms are so arrogant... I mean, yeah, it's always nice if you can potty-train your 15 month-old, and that's great if your 2 year old can name all the states or hold a lengthy conversation. But why dog the ones who get on here asking for advice because their kids CAN'T do some of these things?

    I have a 3yr old. He knows about 20 words that he can use daily, he is now learning how to put his shoes on, and he feeds himself (if we can get him to sit down to eat) He isn't potty-trained but we have gotten him to pee in the toilet a few times before.

    How do you reward a child who could care less about using the potty? How do you convince him that that is what he needs to do? You see, you can't tell him that big boys go potty in the toilet- because he could care less. And then there's the problem with him not being able to feel when he goes #2. He has high-functioning Autism, and SPD (sensory processing dysfunction)

    Are there any mom's out there who has a child with similar problems? Who can give real advice?

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Can someone answer this about AKO account?

    I'm new to all this, and my husband sent me his AKO information so I could check on it, and I've heard people saying you can look at your status, and see any orders on it. Where can you do this? I signed in but didn't see it. He's in BCT, and we know where he's going for AIT, but I wanted to know where to look for when they post if he's getting deployed or where he'll PCS to... Thank you!

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Army Tricare and info, can you help?

    Okay, my husband is shipping out in Jan for Army BCT, and we were wondering how soon will I and our son be covered by his Tricare insurance?

    My son has alot of medical issues so we're trying to make sure he's covered. My INS runs out Jan 1st, and I can't afford to go without insurance for long...

    Any help would be appreciated.


    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Anyone going to Ft Sill, OK in January?

    Hey! My hubby is leaving for BCT in January and I was wondering if anyone could let me know what to expect.

    Anyone been there recently???

    Can you go by the graduation dates that are on the Ft Sill website or ...?

    Just a little nervous.... Any info will help.

    Thanks in advance.

    Real answers only please

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Does this make me a bad mother?

    I have a son who is 33 months old, and my husband and I are thinking about trying for another child. But I'm scared to death to be pregnant again. For one, my son is autistic and if we had another child who required the same therapies and stuff I don't know if we could handle it. And two, I had a really rough pregnancy the first go round and almost stroked out... So I'm kinda scared. Does it make me a bad mother to be afraid of having another autistic child? I love my son to death, and wouldn't give him up for the world. But I'm not sure I'm able to handle 2 kids if our next was autistic too. Any suggestions? any words of advice to help me get over this fear?

    Please, advice and suggestions only.

    12 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What all does Ft Benning have to offer as a post?

    We are looking at putting Ft Benning as our top CONUS position on the dream sheet and was wanting some information/personal experiences? Also, if you're familiar with the FEMP program and activities let us know. Thanks!

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Army MOS's and Posts....?

    My husband is looking at enlisting. He wants to serve his country and have a better career outlook. We were wondering where to find out what MOS's were available for what posts in southeastern US? I know that we will serve where the Army needs us, but we were trying to put together our "wish list/dream sheet"

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago