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~*~~KaZrYeL Mummy 2 Karyad~~*~

Favorite Answers24%

My name is Kazryel, Im 22 and I work and live in South Wales (UK). I got married to my gorgeous husband in Septmeber 08 and we cant wait to start a family, so far all we have is one little crazy cat! She is my baby until I can have a real one :-) I love my job, i am part of the managment team of Dorothy Perkins. It took me 3 years to get there from being a 4 hour a week saturday girl! I also sing in pubs and clubs on occasional weekends. Im a very family orientated girl and could not live with out my family or my friends! I found out I was pregnant with baby #1 on our 7th month of TTC! Due 20th Feb 2010! My baby girl Karyad Ann arrived four days late at 19.45! She is gorgeous and my world!

  • What age was you LO when you felt ready to have a second baby?

    I have a ten month old. When did you feel ready to start TTC for number two?

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What does LO (9 months) eat and drink on a typical day?

    My little girl is 9 and a half months old and it seems like Im making up this food thing as I go along. She usually has toast with jam or marmalade and then a 6oz bottle of formula, then for her lunch she would have chicken, peas and mash potato, a yogurt and squash to drink. For her dinner she would have a cheese sandwich and a biscuit and then another 6oz bottle before bed. I don't tend to give her anything to snack on unless her food is taking a while to cook.

    Does this sound about right to you? She is the perfect weight for her age and she does crawl around a lot and is starting to walk now so she gets loads of exercise.

    So what would be your little ones food routine?

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • clingy 5 month old baby?

    My little girl has recently become very clingy with me, it started about a week and a half ago and it is driving me insane! She cries if she cannot see me, even if Im in the same room and Im talking to her. She works herself into such a state where she is gasping for breath and is screeching! Ive tried so many ways to occupy her when I have to get on with things but nothing works, and she only sleeps for about 30 mins between feeds in the day but she does sleep all night. This is really making feel angry with her, and I know that its not really her fault, but it gets to a point where I feel like I want to lock her in a cupboard and leave her there! I hate feeling like this, I dread every day now because I know all she will do is cry and I cant get anything done around the house. Even the simplest task takes half a day to get done! I even thought she may be in some kind of pain (teething) but things like teething powders/gels and calpol have done nothing to stop her screaming. I really need some help because this is really starting to get to me and Im scared that I may end up hating my baby!

    Thanks and I hope I didn't ramble on too much!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • 16 week old baby has been in contact with someone with shingles?

    My nan has just found out she has shingles, she hasn't been well all week and was at first told she had gall stones. So on Monday I went to visit her (not knowing that she had shingles at the time) and took my 16 week old baby with me, we stayed about an hour and my nan did not hold her. Is there any risk of my baby catching chicken pox, and if so is there any added risk because of her being so young?

    Thanks! :)

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • New mum, starting to resent my husband. Im so confused about how I feel! Long Q?

    My baby girl is nearly 13 weeks old, me and my husband have been together for nearly four years and married for one year and seven months. In the first two weeks of having our daughter my husband was very involved with her and helped me so much, but as soon as he went back to work it all stopped. He is a bar manager and can work late nights, as well as having to stay over every Wednesday night because of residents. As soon as he comes home he just sits down and plays his Xbox (I feel I should mention that he is 32!) or goes on the laptop. If I ask him to feed our our daughter, bath her and put her to bed he will do it, but he never gives her his full attention, trying to use the computer and not concentrating on her and she normally ends up with her bottle half out of her mouth and its all dribbling down her chin! He then takes her up for a bath, plonks her in it, gives her a quick wash and then out again! She loves being in the bath and we always have a long bath so she can splash and play but he doesn't bother. He then puts her in her cot, gives her her dummy and walks out of the room, where she then ends up crying because she needs to be settled and he will ignore her and I end up going in to do it, which takes double the time because she is so distressed!

    He also makes excuses not to do the 6am feeds, and tries to avoid the 10am feed and by the time he gets up she is all playful so he is happy to play and do the fun stuff with her but none of the work.

    I have always kept my house clean and tidy but the last couple of weeks Ive been ignoring housework (its not dirty though, just untidy) and its piling on top of me, my husband wont do it and he wont stop doing what he is doing so I can do it and its getting to the point where I don't care any more. When I ask him to help because Im struggling to care for our daughter and keep on top of the housework he tells me that Im a housewife now (I hate that so much!) and that I SHOULD do it all because he goes to work! Im not asking him to scrub the house from top to bottom, I just need him to cut me some slack!

    Im really starting to resent my husband, I used to look at him and have this warm loving feeling but now when I look at him I feel absolutely nothing! I have tried talking to him about it but he just refuses to speak and pretends the problems aren't there. This usually ends up in an argument which then makes me hate him even more.

    I feel like a single parent and my husband is just a "guest star" at the fun bits. I feel emotionally and physically drained and I don't know what to do any more.

    There are so many things that my husband does that may seem so trivial but they are really affecting me. Last night I was going out for a few drinks with a friend (the first in a very long time), me and my daughter had been at my mums all day and my husband has been sat on the sofa all day and when I was about to go in the shower my husband said he was going out to get cat food, when I asked him why he didn't get it while we were out (as it would have been easier) he replied, because I couldn't be bothered. That one phrase just made me snap inside!

    Im at the end of my teat her, I feel helpless, unsupported and so unhappy.

    Has anyone else been in a similar situation, and how did you get through it?

    Im sorry it is so long, I appreciate whoever manages to get to the end to actually answer it!

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Some questions about spina bifida?

    Hello, my brother in law and his wife have just found out that their baby has a sever form of spina bifida. She is 24 week and are still trying to decide whether to continue with the pregnancy or not.

    Has anyone experienced this themselves? What did you decide to do, and if you decided to go carry on with the pregnancy what was the outcome?

    Thanks! :)

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • People who have experienced evap lines on HPT?

    Heya ladies, I had my baby 10 weeks ago. I have not yet started my period (Im bottle feeding) and me and my husband had unprotected sex 11 days ago (stupid thing to do I know, so please spare me any lectures). This morning I took an internet cheapie test which I had left over from when I was TTC my daughter (and yes it is still in date). At the 5 minute time limit I checked it and it was negative. However, seeing as I still seem to be the same pee on a stick maniac I left the test on the side in the bathroom and kept going into check it every now and then. This afternoon I could see a very, very, very faint line, but only when I tilted the test at an angle. Now I know you are not supposed to read a test after 10 minutes and you would think that the logical side of my brain would be trying to tell me that! But, I cannot help freaking out (I really do not want another baby yet). Do you think it is safe to say that it is just an evaporation line? Can someone please talk some bloody sense into me! I think I need to hear it from someone else lol!

    Thanks in advance ladies! :)

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • When did your period return after birth?

    Hey ladies, my baby girl is just over ten weeks old now and I have not as yet had a period. When she was born I breastfed her for two days and then after that I expressed for two weeks and then my milk supply dwindled away so she has been on formula ever since. I've been reading that women who didn't breast feed seem to get their period by six weeks. Anyone else's taken a little longer to appear even though you haven't breastfed? Is this something to worry about? I just want it to come so I can finally start my BC!

    Thanks in advance ladies! :)

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Sex 9 weeks after having baby?

    Heya ladies, I did such a stupid thing last night, Im even embarrassed to ask this question! Me and my husband had unprotected sex last night, I am not on any B/C yet (got my pills but have to wait for my period to start taking them) my baby girl is 9 weeks old. I have no idea why I let this happen!

    Has anyone else be in this kind of situation? What did you do and did it turn out that you fell pregnant?

    Also, I know what I have done is really stupid and irresponsible so please spare me the lectures, just looking for some advice and help not to receive nasty answers!

    Thanks ladies! :)

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • People who had their babies close together?

    Hello ladies, Im just wondering what would you say are the pro's and con's of having your babies close in age?

    What are the gaps in yours children's ages and did you plan it that way? Also, how did it affect your maternity and work?

    9 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Is this normal...feeling very broody! Baby girl only 9 weeks!?

    Hey ladies, my baby girl is now 9 weeks (don't know where the time goes!) and I have started feeling really broody again and miss being pregnant, miss the anticipation of seeing a BFP and just the excitement of pregnancy (scans, kicks etc)

    Anyone else felt like this so soon after having their baby? Or am I just going crazy? It doesn't help that my husband keeps going on about having another one! I just don't know what to think! Help me ladies please! :)

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Swimming costume with built in nappy...?

    Hey ladies, this may be a stupid question but my mum bought my daughter a swimming costume with a built in nappy. My mum says I wont need to put a swim nappy on my daughter as well, but I don't see how that would work if she poops! So, Im quite confused, will she need a nappy underneath?

    Thanks! :)

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Bed time routine...advice please :)?

    My baby girl is 8 weeks old and my husband thinks we should start getting her into a routine for bed time. Her feeding schedule is still quite sporadic although she does manage between 6 and 8 hours sleep. This does seem to be during the evening though, so for example, she will have her bottle at 7pm and them be up again at 1am she then goes back to 4 hours after that feed and she goes four hours during the day sometimes she is awake the whole 4 hours before her next feed. There isn't much of a pattern to her feeding habits yet so Im not sure how or if we are ready to introduce a evening routine.

    What age did you start to get your little one into a routine and what was it? How did your LO adapt to it?

    Thanks everyone! :)

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My mum gave my daughter rusk...?

    Hello, my daughter is 7 weeks old and on two occasions my mum has given her a small bit of rusk in her bottle. The first time she did it my daughter was 5 weeks old and when she told me I told her that she shouldn't have done that and that she couldn't have any solids until 6 months. My mum said that she did it all the time with me and my brother and sister. Im 21, my sister is 27 and my brother is 28 so this was a long time ago. She said that is was advisable back then to help babies sleep, but my daughter has no problem sleeping and when she was 5 weeks was sleeping 6 hours. Now she is 7 weeks she sleeps about 8-9 hours. My mum done the same thing again last week and when I told her not to do it she got very defencive and said that its just a fad that it says not to give babies any solids until 6 months and that it never did any of us any harm. I told her that I didn't want her to do it again, and she said that if I didn't trust her with Karyad then not to ask her to look after her anymore. The thing is Im not saying I don't trust her, far from it! I just don't want her to give her a rusk again!

    Has anyone else been in a similar situation?

    How can I get my mother to understand that giving my daughter rusk at this age is not safe?

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How does your baby sleep? On their back or their side?

    My baby girl is 7 weeks old and I put her to sleep on her side. I do this because it is what I have read, my midwife has said to do it and its how the midwives did it while we were in hospital. My mum was really surprised by this because when she had me (21) my sister (27) and my brother (28) she was told to put us on our sides, as was my nan (my mum's mum) with all of her children.

    When Karyad stays at my mums she puts her to sleep on her side, but when Karyad is at home I always lay her on her back.

    I have a few Q's, I hope you guys could help me with as many as possible :)

    Should I tell my mum to stop putting my daughter on her side?

    What is the risk of her sleeping on her side?

    Why has it changed from side to back over the years?

    What do you do with your little ones?

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Looking for a good fitness DVD...?

    Hello! I had my baby nearly 6 weeks ago and I have been itching to start exercising. Before I got pregnant I was 14 stone, since having my baby I am now 15 stone 12lbs. Im only 21 and I need to give myself a huge lifestyle change! Im not looking for a quick fix and Im not on a faddy diet, I have already stopped binging on junk food and started eating regular and smaller meals. I hate going to the gym so I am starting Pilate's next week, but I want a DVD so I can carry on working out at home. Im looking for something that has a good soundtrack and that is not too advanced as I didn't exercised before my pregnancy and I haven't done anything so far since giving birth (except for walking out and about with the pram).

    Can anyone recommend a DVD that meet my needs?

    Also, is there anyone who has been in a similar situation to me that has been successful? Any tips to share?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Just a quick update! I had my baby girl...?

    Hey ladies! Just wanted to let you know I had my baby girl, Karyad Ann Cairey was born on the 24th Feb at 7.45pm and weighed 8lbs 1oz! I was four days overdue, my midwife attempted a sweep the day before, she said that she could not reach the membrane to do it, so I was booked in for an induction on the 3rd March! I was so happy I was not induced :) I started having pains at 4am the next day, but was able to drift in and out of sleep with them until about 6.30. I stayed home and bounced on my birthing ball until 5pm. When I arrived at the hospital I was 6-7cm's dilated, I was given gas and air which was fantastic! My waters broke at 6.55pm and it was only 55 minutes until my little girl was in my arms! I really hope that when I have my next baby that the labour goes as well as this one did!

    I asked a lot of questions on here towards then end of my pregnancy and I don't think I would have kept my sanity if it weren't for this place so thanks so much ladies!

    Good luck to all who are still cooking their buns and loads of baby dust to those still TTC! Lets hope 2010 is a year of healthy babies and loads of well deserved BFP's! :)

    I better ask a question too, just in case some one wants to spoil the fun!

    How is everyone doing with their pregnancies/TTC?

    12 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • 4 days it finally time? Labour?

    Morning ladies! I think I may be in labour! I woke up at 4am this morning to go to the loo and when I went back to bed I started to get what I can only describe as period pains, only worse! I think I drifted in and out of sleep with them for an hour or so. At 6.30 I thought I better time these because they were really starting to hurt. They are lasting about 1 minute (sometimes a little bit more) and coming every 10ish minutes! I also have lower back pain and it feels like I need a number 2 but I don't! I've actually gone to the loo a few times thinking a I need a no2 but nothing happens! What do you think ladies? Im 4 days over due today! :)

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago