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Life is good! I tend to laugh at Liberals, and same with bible thumpers. Glenn Beck is one of my hero's. Libertarians rule!

  • Was the message really?

    You work for us, we are not servants? We do not bow? We do not work for you Obama, Washington, Reid, Pelosi? You work FOR us. And you are now being rejected. Take note of it, or be replaced.

    This is historic. No spin can replace what happened tonight.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are Liberals born without thumbs?

    Are they unable to change a channel? All this ranting about Beck and FOX just kills me. I don't watch NPR, or MSNBC for obvious reasons, they are terribad! I do watch CNN and the BBC sometimes. But I can CHANGE THE CHANNEL!!!

    My question for Liberals is, do you want the Government to shut down FOX?

    13 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I know Glenn back is attacking Anita Dunn, but?

    I have a different question...

    What is with the tongue licking she does? Is it to much coffee? Meth? It's creepy!

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Anyone notice? The highest taxed places...?

    Are having the most problems with their budgets? Sure there might be a few exceptions but on the whole, the highest taxed places are in the toilet. Of those, they are predominantly Democrat/Liberal run places. Thoughts?

    I live in L.A., run by a gaggle of idiots... In a state run by a gaggle of idiots. (And no, Arnie is NOT a Republican)

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Was Michael Jackson gay?

    Seriously... Sharp dresser, dancer, never conceived kids the "normal" way (married to Lisa Marie, not what many would call not "hit-able"), young boys, and ONLY boys...

    Just wondering...


    20 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • The fact of the matter is?

    (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, ETC) Anyone else sick of pundits on both sides saying that when they lead it off what that after a question? Bob Beckel is the worst, but they all say it/do it, and it's getting annoying. Thoughts?

    The fact of the matter is, THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS ANNOYING!!!

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Thanks Obama, Pelosi, and Reid in advance.?

    Nice work! You screwed up "the new agenda" in under 7 months! Congrats! And many thanks for that sweep in 2010 and what will most likely be a pummeling in 2012.

    The Carter playbook, I guess y'all didn't read it...


    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Yes, a question about being American...?

    We live in a nation now that excels on people that run away from where they live. They become Americans for a chance at a better life. They are disillusioned by their governments. Many come from Socialist leaning democracies, or, fully Socialist nations. They want a chance to be free...

    Why are "some" Americans so quick to adopt the same things that make these people leave in the first place? I am referring to the Left of course, and the media that is pumping up their view.

    I understand some health care reform is needed, but not a Government takeover. (yes, what Obama is trying to do is a takeover).


    20 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I have a thought about healthcare.?

    Hear me out on this.

    Let's abolish these monster bills running through the house and senate right now and focus on something else.

    Lets see if this administration can fix what is already broken!

    We all know (and most with more than 2 brain cells agree) that Medicare and Medicaid are going to go broke, on top of that, Social Security is going to tank as well.

    How about this! PROVE that you can cut the fraud and waste in these 3 programs, run it efficiently, run it in a way that, I don't know... DOES NOT GO BROKE! After that, offer the same care that Obama, Reid, Pelosi, and all Federal employees are on to the rest of us, OR, if they are so confident in their plans, abolish the Federal plan and they go on the same plan they want to ask us to be on.

    I don't consider that unreasonable.


    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • So the Lottery and Taxes...?

    I was just reading a Yahoo! story...

    The guy wins 260 million, if he takes the cash outright, he'll get a $129 million lump sum, which would work out to about $88 million after taxes. Umm.. Am I crazy, or is that Government rape? I mean, I pay taxes every paycheck, I take that money and put it into a pool. If the government hits that again, that's like being taxed twice on a pool of already taxed income... yes?

    I don't mind chipping in for "some" taxes on a win, but getting 88 out of 260 million?

    I know my community would get a better economic boost out of what I would do with that 172 million the government got their grubby paws on than the government would do.


    (In advance, yes I know 88 million is an obscene amount of money, I am bringing up a tax question(s).

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Where is the Hollywood crowd on healthcare?

    You could not get them off the damn T.V. during the elections for Obama, and now they are, for the most part, silent...

    Any thoughts as to why?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • An American experiment on health care?

    I have an idea. Hear me out on this. A joint plan/experiment on what works and what does not.

    Step one: Poll registered voters to determine their blue state-red state voting habits.

    Step two: Blue states will adopt the Pelosi/Reid/Obama plan, and red states will adopt Charles Krauthammers plan. (Link below.)

    Step three: All taxes and polices from said states will only go to the their predetermined ideals. Not one cent of red state money will fund a blue state and Viceversa. It will be 100% dependent on their tax base and the policies that those states determine.

    Step four: Evaluate the cost, level of care, doctor and patient feedback, and overall satisfaction of both plans by a non partisan group not affiliated with the DNC or the RNC.

    Step five: Allow voters to decide afterward, based on findings, facts, debt, cost, etc. what they really want. Granted you might see an influx of people of a more right leaning mindset move out of blue states, and the same for red states, so the ideology of an individuals view should balance out in those 5 years.


    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • A pro-choice question for Liberals...?

    If Obamacare becomes part of our way of life here in the United States. And a bureaucrat decides that all pregnancies must have mandatory test to determine that the fetus is not of any flaws that might be a burden to the long term health care system, and nothing but a burden to society as a whole. Would you, as a Liberal, support forced abortion? Regardless of that individuals religious beliefs? That includes Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and all religions. You can not cherry pick this question.

    Yes or no?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Message to Obama, Reid and Pelosi.?

    You want to close GITMO? FINE! They will be taken to your districts! Not Colorado, not anywhere near a red state, or a borderline red state. You will keep them in your back yard, not theirs! And if something goes wrong, you will be held 100% accountable!

    You want to give head cutters rights? Do it in your backyard! Not mine!

    Nevada, Chicago, DC, and the Bay Area... that should be the landing spot for these people. You elected these people that cry about their "rights", you deal with your elected officials policies. Period!

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • California said "Oh H3LL NO"!?

    LOL! Looks what a "left" state like California said to higher taxes! Now 1F was a way for "law makers" to try and sweeten the package, but even in this way left of center state, the voters said H3LL NO! Love it! Now, perhaps These spend happy idiots in Sacramento will tighten their belt the same way we do! I doubt it... But I can dream!


    1 AnswerOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Anyone else enjoying the Pelosi squirm and lie dance?>?

    This is awesome! People, this dolt is 3rd in line to leading this country...

    And people cried about Palin? LOL!

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Charlie Daniels song from a ways back.?

    A song to always remember. This was during the Carter years, I think it applies to right now...

    Call it corny if you want.

    Well the eagle's been flying slow and the flag's been flying low

    And a lot of people are saying that America's fixing to fall

    But speaking just for me and some people from Tennessee

    We got a thing or two to tell you all

    This lady may have stumbled but she ain't never fell

    And if the Russians don't believe that they can all go straight to hell

    We're gonna put her feet back on the path of righteousness

    And then God bless America again

    And you never did think that it ever would happen again

    In America, did you?

    You never did think that we'd ever get together again

    Well we damn sure fooled you

    We're walking real proud and we're talking real loud again in America

    You never did think that it ever would happen again

    From the sound up in Long Island out to San Francisco Bay

    And ev'ry thing that's in between them is our home

    And we may have done a little bit of fighting amongst ourselves

    But you outside people best leave us alone

    Cause we'll all stick together and you can take that to the bank

    That's the cowboys and the hippies and the rebels and the yanks

    You just go and lay your head on a Pittsburgh Steeler fan

    And I think you're gonna finally understand

    And you never did think that it ever would happen again

    In America, did you?

    You never did think that we'd ever get together again

    Well we damn sure fooled you

    We're walking real proud and we're talking real loud again in America

    You never did think that it ever would happen again

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Jessica Alba Calls TMZ, Bill O'Reilly the Stupid Ones?

    "I appreciate the fact that he is a news anchor "

    Umm, can she keep sticking her foot farther in her mouth? Bill is not an anchor... He's a commentator...

    Is Alba the spokesperson for stupid in Hollywood now?

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Hey Obama supporters...?

    How does 150 million for his oath or affirmation of office strike you? I remember the uproar over Bush's 45 million. People were pissed off. No, really pissed off! I mean seriously! This is costing us (yes, tax payers) 150 million! In really bad bad times!

    Should this money be better spent for the poor, especially in these hard economic times? That was the mantra screamed at the time when Bush spent 45 million! How is this any different? And why are the same people silent?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • 700+ Billion to the same people that?

    Screwed you, me, and our kids...

    Are you happy? I am personally pissed!


    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago