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  • Should I smoke more weed?

    So it's like 2:45am and I smoked a couple hours ago and I wanna smoke again because the high is wearing off but I'm trying to decide if that's a good idea at this time of day. I'm off work tomorrow tho so figured why not but can someone like give me permission or something?

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care3 years ago
  • Am I experiencing withdrawals of my medication?

    So my psychiatrist put me on fluvoxamine like 8 months ago and it was working pretty well to relieve anxiety and depression symptoms. But about a month ago she added risperidone in attempt to relieve symptoms even more but I felt like it was doing the opposite so I stopped taking them and now for the past couple days I've been feeling really wierd (agitated, uneasy, fatigue, headache, etc). I'm just wondering if I am experiencing withdrawals or if it might be something else?

    1 AnswerMental Health3 years ago
  • My brothers are causing me depression and there's nothing I can do about it?

    So I'm 22 and I live with my brothers in my mom's house. They are 27 and 28. They moved in a few years back after they graduated from college and a re e trying to find jobs/pay off student loans. It's a pretty small house for the 3 of us to live in. In fact I share a room with one of them. Anyway, they are very verbally abusive to me and extremely hard on me. I try talking to them but they just don't listen. Even my mom won't say anything. She's too passive about everything. I can't move out and they can't either. They make me feel like **** and I can't do anything about it. I'm growing more and more helpless. Any advice would be appreciated

    5 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • Is she into me?

    Alright so long story short I've known this girl since high school and I had a major crush on her back then but it just never really happened. Years later, we've ran into each other a couple times at the local community college and took a moment to catch up on things. She seemed pretty happy to see me both times but i didnt really think anything of it.Then just today, I went to the eye doctor and sure enough, there she was. She was actually working there, stocking shelves and helping other patients. I managed to say hi to her and just make some really small talk for a little while, and she was acting pretty shy to be honest. But she was busy and couldn't really talk for long so i had to give her some space. About an hour after I left, She messaged me on snapchat that she wanted me to let her know when I come back to pick up my glasses so we can chat a little more. I told her we should hang out one of these days and she seemed really enthusiastic about it. We've been messaging each other back and forth since. I figured the obvious answer is "yes, she's into me" but I almost feel like it's too good to be true because I've waited so long for this and now that it's actually becoming a reality I don't really know how to react. I've always felt some sort of connection with her but never really knew how to act upon it. I guess i was just trying to move on for a while, but considering that she keeps popping up in my life in random places tells me that maybe it's... meant to be??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • How to be a good boyfriend?

    So I'm 22 years old and I've never had a girlfriend because I've always been too shy and introverted to ask a girl out. But I'm starting to feel a bit more comfortable in my own skin and I think it's about time to man up and do it. The problem is, I have no idea how to even be a decent "boyfriend". Like, what do you do? Just hang out a lot and kiss a lot? I know I have what it takes to be a "man" make a girl happy/content. I just have no idea how to sustain a relationship. I've always been so home-bound that I'm not really sure what it's like to go out all the time. But I know I can really use a girlfriend so I guess I'm willing to do whatever I gotta do. But any pointers would be appreciated.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Is it bad to date a minor?

    So I'm 22 and there's this girl that just starting working where I work and she's 17 but she'll be 18 in december. I really like her and I could tell she likes me and I don't plan on having sex with her or anything. At least not til she's of age. I just really wanna hang out with her and maybe kiss her a couple of times lol. Is that wrong in any way?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Why do I feel so lost?

    So I've had a rough past couple of years and I've finally gotten to a "comfortable" place, But I don't necessarily feel "happy". I sort of shut down for a while because there was a lot of stress I was dealing with, and I actually fell into a severe depression because of it. I'm sort of recovering but it still comes and goes. I'm slowly learning to cope with it. That being said, I think somewhere within all that trauma and depression, I sort of lost myself and I don't really know where to turn. I can't really find anything I genuinely enjoy doing. I basically just work, eat, and sleep. I spend some time on the computer just browsing the internet (Facebook, Netflix, etc.) But I find myself getting bored of that quite often. I don't have a lot of friends so I don't get out often and I don't have many hobbies. I'm not necessarily "suicidal" but I do find myself questioning the point of life and what my purpose is. I know I don't want to die but I don't know what I wanna do with my life either. I enjoy being around people for the most part but I'm always too unmotivated to hang out with people. I feel like a robot. I'm just existing. I'm a 22 year old male btw. I would really appreciate any advice. How do I get out of this rut?

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Can malnutrition be causing my depression?

    So I recently went on medication for OCD and depression about 5 months ago and I was doing pretty well up until about a week ago when my depression started to come back. I thought I might just need a dosage increase but I'm almost at the highest dose so I don't think that's the case. Lately I've been thinking it might be malnutrition because I haven't been eating that much over the past couple weeks because I'm too broke to go grocery shopping. I've pretty much been living on eggs and peanut butter over the last 2-3 weeks. I work at jimmy johns and I treat myself to a sandwich every now and then which is usually my only real meal during the week. Other than that it's literally 2 hard boiled eggs and peanhts/peanut butter when I'm at home. I've just been feeling very depressed and tired lately and I'm wondering if this might be why.

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • My vape atomizer keeps locking on its own?

    So I have an istick 100w with a Herkales plus atomizer and for some reason from time to time it'll lock up by its self and I can't figure out how to unlock it. It's really annoying and I'm about to buy a new one because of it. I'm just not sure if it's the box mod or the atomizer

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics4 years ago
  • Quick question about strip clubs?

    Alright... so by buddy is taking me to a strip club on Friday and it'll be my very first time going. I was just wondering what it's like and how everything works. Like, if I want a lap dance, can I choose the model that give it to me or is it random? Also, if I DO get a lap dance, are you allowed to touch/make physical contact with the girls? I know this question sounds f*cked up but I gotta know. Also, my buddy said he'll pay for all the drinks so other than that, how much should I expect to spend there? Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks!!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Do I need to switch medications?

    So I started taking medication (luvox) for OCD and depression about 10 weeks ago and I feel like it's kind of working but not as much as it should after 2 months. My dosage just went up about 2 weeks ago so maybe I need to give that more time to kick in but I'm really not sure what's going on. Some days I feel fine where other days I still kind of feel like crap. It does kind of feel like my depression episodes are getting less severe, and I'm starting to feel a little more motivated in general but I feel like the meds should have fully kicked in by now. Again, I'm sure the dosage might have a lot to do with it but it's getting a little frustrating. Is it possible that I would need another medication even though this one is working a little but not fully? Maybe I'm over thinking it? Idk... any answers would be much appreciated.

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • Should I try talking to this girl?

    So there's this girl I met in high school named Katie that I used to really like that "couldn't" date me at the time because her best friend had a crush on me. I still kind of have feelings for her but I haven't really talked to her since then which was like 4 years ago, except for a couple times when I ran into at our local community college and parties and stuff. Each time I ran into she did seem relatively happy to see me and she has been giving me a lot of attention on snapchat and stuff (watching all my stories, etc). Idk, maybe I'm looking too deeply into it but I can't shake this feeling yhat we are meant to be together. I feel like that ship has already sailed and I don't see her or talk to her nearly enough to be in a relationship with her. But im not really willing to give uo on her just yet. What are your guys' thoughts?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Question about antidepressants?

    So I've been taking medication for OCD and depression over the past couple of months and I can't to really tell if it's working or not... I do feel like my mind isn't racing as much and I feel like I am thinking a but more clearly. I also feel like the depression isn't as bad. But I feel like it should have kicked in a but more by now. They say it takes 6-8 weeks for it to fully kick in. But I feel like if anything, it is just now starting to kick in. I just feel like it's taking its we sweet time. My dosage just went up so maybe that's all I needed but I'm still a little weary. I used to just want to sleep all the time, but now it's kind of like I have enough energy to not wanna sleep, but I don't have enough energy to wanna do anything else. It's kind of wierd. But I do overall feel an improvement in my mood. It's just, again, not as much improvement as I had hoped to feel at this point in time. Is anything I am saying make sense or sound normal at all?

    2 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Are my antidepressants not working?

    So I was put on Luvox a little over a month ago for OCD and depression and I can't really tell if it's working or not. She started me off at 50mg a day which I thought was doing the trick within the first week. But I still experienced episodes of anxiety andisorder depression here and there which she said was normal. She then increased my dosage to 100mg, then 150. I recently went up to 200 (literally a day ago) and so far I don't feel much different than I did when I started taking it. I feel a little but more cleared up sometimes and slightly more in control of my obsessive thoughts, but I just thought it would have kicked in a little more by now. I haven't gotten worse, which is good. But I'm just kind of plowing through the days til I start feeling better. They say it can take 4-6 weeks to start feeling the positive effects, and I'm in that window right now so I'm hoping that I'll start to feel much better soon, especially since my dosage just went up. But I'm a little nervous I'm on the wrong med. I guess worse case scenario she'll just try something else on our next appointment (2 weeks), but I'm really starting to worry about random stuff. Like "what if I'm stuck in this rut forever" or "how long will it have to live like this". Idk I'm just trying to stay calm and patient but it gets really hard sometimes when my depression is really heavy. I'm just wondering if anything I am experiencing is normal?

    4 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • My family keeps putting me down. How do I deal with this?

    So I guess I shouldn't technically sat "family" because it's more like just my two brothers, but they are constantly putting me down over small things and it's really starting to annoy me. My dad used to be really bad about that type of stuff back when we all still lived together. He would harp on us over very little things sometimes and it caused many arguments. I'm starting to think some of that rubbed of on my brothers because they tend to chew me out over the tiniest of mistakes, and I can't fight back because that usually only fuels the fire even more. They are bother older btw. I'm 22, they are 27 and 28. We all currently live together in my mom's house. Anyway, I could really use some advice on how to deal with this. We all have a pretty good relationship all around. It's just when I make one little mistake or we have the tiniest disagreement, I am suddenly a "stupid, lazy, piece of sh*t that no one likes".

    5 AnswersFamily4 years ago
  • Will I be depressed forever?

    So I've been experiencing a lot of depression symptoms over the past few months and I recently saw a therapist who told me to see a psychiatrist. I haven't gone to the psychiatrist yet (I have an appt next week), and I've only had 1 session with the therapist, but for some reason I'm just starting to worry that in stuck like this forever. Like, what if they can't find an antidepressant that works for me or they just can't find a treatment. I've read a bunch of stories of people who couldn't find a treatment and they just fell into a deeper and deeper depression even after years of counseling and trying different meds. I'm starting to wonder what will happen if this happens to me. Will I become suicidal? I'm just genuinely terrified they won't be able to help me. Why can't I shake this feeling?

    5 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Should I see a therapist?

    So I recently did the disney college program and basically I had a miserable time down there. I had a terrible job (outdoor foods) and I really wasn't happy with the overall life. I ended up experiencing really bad depression that lasted for the majority of the program. I just got home about a week ago and although I have been feeling a lot better all around, I've still been experiencing a lot of depression symptoms. Sometimes I feel like I'm not really at home or that there's something I'm deprived of that I'm not getting. Idk, it's hard to explain. I keep telling myself I need time to re-adjust but it's been over a week and I still feel "off" the majority of the time. Should I continue to wait it out or should I see a therapist?

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago