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Lv 42,558 points


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  • Whole iTunes libary on iPod, now all gone.?

    Ok people, I'm in a bit of a promblem here. So when I first get my iPod, I sync it with my computer and all the music on the computer goes on my ipod (touch, 4th gen) and works fine. Now, i downloaded apps too, and when I unplugged my iPod, there would be no music or anything on my computer anymore, it would be only on my iPod, and i would constanly have to transfer purchases, which for the most part, worked out just fine. But the other day, i plugged my ipod in, and itunes said that it was unable to read my iPod, so i just restored my iPod like it told me to, but i made the mistake of not backing up my iPod. So when it is done restoring, I find out that everything on my ipod was gone, apps and music and all. Luckily, i just redownloaded all my apps, no promblem. But the thing is that i had all the music from my computer only on my iPod ( i would transfer purchases and then it would show up on itunes, but then i would unplug my ipod, reopen itunes, and there would be nothing,so i just kept on downloading stuff from my wifi), and now theres no music on my computer AND my iPod, and I do not know how to get it back. Could anyone help? Thanks in advance.

    P.S- all the music on both the ipod and the computer were bought with same account, always

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Xbox or PS3 which one is the better console?

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    okay, so know that i have your attention, when does the team fortress 2 update come out for the xbox 360? what do you know about it? i already know its not going to be free though.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Modern Warfare 2 d d?

    What are your thoughts about modern warfare 2? I think it will be good, and it will sell 5 million copies in one hour

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Team fortress 2 update??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

    Could you give me all the info you know on the update for tf2 for the xbox 360? i know it wont be free, but when does it come out? I NEED TO KNOW!! Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • PC gaming setup???????????????/?

    I checked my computer specs, and i have 3gb of ram and a 2.20GHz processor, and windows vista, but thats it, no directx9 or whatever.

    So if i wanted to play, say team fortress 2 or call of duty 4, what would i need to play them? Like i said, i checked my computer properities and thats all it said ( and if you could, would you mind telling me the prices of the all the stuff i need). Just ask if you need to know anything else. Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Halo 2 Xbox 360???????????????????????

    Can you take a halo 2 xbox disc, like you dont have to send it in or anything like you bought it back in 2005 played it on the orginal xbox and can you just put in your xbox 360 and play it no need to send it to microsoft? thanks in advance

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Halo 2 Xbox 360?????????????????????

    Can you take a halo 2 xbox disc, like you dont have to send it in or anything like you bought it back in 2005 played it on the orginal xbox and can you just put in your xbox 360 and play it no need to send it to microsoft? thanks in advance

    11 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Halo 2 Xbox 360?????????????????????

    Can you take a halo 2 xbox disc, like you dont have to send it in or anything like you bought it back in 2005 played it on the orginal xbox and can you just put in your xbox 360 and play it no need to send it to microsoft? thanks in advance

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Spoiled kids at school?

    Well, to start off, i go to a regular public school, but the promblem is that i really think that almost everybody at my school is a spoiled white kid ( my school is filled with polish kids ), and once i heard some girls saying that for christams they get any clothing they want and an extra 200 dollars, and the boys always get like 20 brand new xbox 360 games. I usually just get socks, and i mean cheap socks, im mexican ,, so yeah we sometimes go the fleamarket and stuff, but i dont think its fair that im like this and when i think about it, i had to plug in all the stuff for my games ( by the way, it took me 2 years to get rock band 2 full band set, which is really expensive, but at my school a fat kid got one in 5 months) dont get me wrong, im like the richest one in my family, but not that i would be considered "rich" so when i thought i had a lot of stuff

    xbox 360


    people at might school have way more, when i went to my friends house it was huge, and there was like a 40 inch plasma in every room,

    and people at my school have

    73 inch tv in their living room, hdtv in their own rooms too

    some have really expensive guitars

    pool passes

    gameing stuff


    everyone in my class laughed when i said ive never been on an airplane before, and some kid said he went on one like 34 times!! people at my school go to flordia all the time, which sucks, because i think if you go on vacation every year, and for one measley year your family dosnet want to go cause not that much money, and your mad, thats a rich spoiled brat thats white right there

    so do you think the kids at my school are rich white kids?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Which game are you most excited about for 2009?

    So far, im most excited about ( in no particular order )

    Halo ODST

    Bioshock 2

    Deadrising 2

    Modarn warfare 2

    Assassins creed 2 ( this game im most excited about )

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Should i get the 360 wireless headset yes or no?

    idont know if i should buty the x360 wireless headset, but so far, my wired headset keeps on breaking, then being fine. My headset every now and then either makes it so a cant talk to other people, cant listen to them, or it just won't regiseter at all. Plus i dont like the fact that my headset ( which is currently broken again =( wastes my controllers battery so much. The big reason i need to know is i need a headset now so I can talk to my friends over live, I always have to send them a message saying my headset broke.

    I'm going to have to buy another headset any ways, so should i buy the wierless one or the wirede one???

    15 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Should i buy the xbox 360 wireless headset?

    I dont know if i should buty the x360 wireless headset, but so far, my wired headset keeps on breaking, then being fine. My headset every now and then either makes it so a cant talk to other people, cant listen to them, or it just won't regiseter at all. Plus i dont like the fact that my headset ( which is currently broken again =( wastes my controllers battery so much. The big reason i need to know is i need a headset now so I can talk to my friends over live, I always have to send them a message saying my headset broke.

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Xbox 360 headset adapter for rock band 2?

    I have a rock band 2 guitar and drum and an xbox live headset

    I know that you need an adapter so you can use the headset on either the guitar and mic, but where can i find one. Is there one like at gamestop? The adapter didn't come with rock band 2, but i know its not supposed to though

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Rock band 2 question free 30 points?

    Umm.... I have the rock band 2 drums and guitar, but were do you put the headset in. Im talking about the headset that you to talk on live

    If you can use them at all while using the instruments can you tell me where you put them in tnxs

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Rock band question free 30 points not just 10?

    Umm.... I have the rock band 2 drums and guitar, but were do you put the headset in. Im talking about the headset that you to talk on live

    If you can use them at all while using the instruments can you tell me where you put them in tnxs

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Whats wrong with my xbox 360 HeadSet?

    My headset was working fine for when i was using live in 12/1/08, but then it did'nt work. I put it away for a while, then last friday 1/16/09, it started working fine again. I used my headset today and i got off my xbox at 6:30, then i tried playing again at 7:30, and it dosen't even connect. When i go to the guide button, I go to my party, and it shows the headset is plugged in icon, but for only 1 one second before it stops working. Whats wrong with my headset? And if any little bit of water at all touches my earbud in the headset, will it break, but just asking. I did'nt try swithcing the battery in my remote, should i do that?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Whats wrong with my xbox 360 headset?

    My headset was working fine for when i was using live in 12/1/08, but then it did'nt work. I put it away for a while, then last friday 1/16/09, it started working fine again. I used my headset today and i got off my xbox at 6:30, then i tried playing again at 7:30, and it dosen't even connect. When i go to the guide button, I go to my party, and it shows the headset is plugged in icon, but for only 1 one second before it stops working. Whats wrong with my headset? And if any little bit of water at all touches my earbud in the headset, will it break, but just asking. I did'nt try swithcing the battery in my remote, should i do that?

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago
  • Rock band 2 help with dlc?

    Hey Okay so when im playing rock band 2 im wondering how do i get the 20 free downloadable songs it says you get. I have xbox live but i don't know how to get them?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Rock band 2 Microphone Help?!?

    I just got the rock band 2 special set and my drums and guitar work, but when i plug in the wired mic it doesnt connent or anything. I go to quickplay and it says please connect controller. Do I need to press any button on the mic or something please help?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago