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I have one beautiful son and another baby on the way. I am also rent my own salon. Working and looking after a family is far from easy but would not ever change things.

  • How to work out Pro Ratar wages?

    I have just got a new job part time, and its pay is £13,903 pro rata. But they never said how much I would actually be getting. I will be doing 25 hours a week. Can anyone help??

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance10 years ago
  • Cd burned on UK laptop?

    Would a CD or DVD burned on my laptop in the UK play in the USA??

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • What is the longest video you can load up onto facebook?

    I want to add a video on a private group page, what is the longest you can do??

    3 AnswersFacebook10 years ago
  • 33 weeks pregnant but fundal height is showing 39 weeks.?

    I am now 33 pregnant with baby number 2. Since 28 weeks I have been measuring 5 weeks ahead. My first son was a big baby, 10lb 12.5oz. So since the start they have been keeping an eye on this baby. I had a scan last week and an average baby at 32 weeks weighs 4lb and he was nearing 6lb. So he is very much on track to be big again. I have been told that I can just make big healthy baby's. There is no health related issue to this.

    So being as now I am almost measuring full term, what happens when I get even bigger. I can imagine them letting me be full term but measuring 45 weeks/cm. So any ideas what will happen. Might they induce me when I measure 40-42 weeks? or just let me go on till my due date? They have said from early on they would not let me go past my actual date.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Large baby and getting scared?

    I had a very large baby last time (10lb 12.5oz) The pregnancy was fine, and the birth all though long was pretty much text book. But when he was born being as he was so big I had a 4 degree tear. More blood over the bed and floor than in a horror film. I also has a retained placenta. I managed to hold my beautiful new baby for less than a minuet, and I was rushed into surgery. I had to sign a consent form to say I agree to a hysterectomy if they could not stop the bleeding and remove my placenta 100%. This obviously scared the shite out of me. I was in surgery for 4 hours. Awake the whole time, but with a c section does of epidural. For that whole time I was going into shock and the only thing that stopped me going unconscious was the fact I wanted so much to be with my baby and DH.

    After that I was not allwed to walk for 48 hours, and had to have 9 pints of blood. And was in hospital for 5 days after. Recovery took longer than a c section, and ever since I have had problems with my lady bits.

    Anyway, even with all that I sooo wanted another. And as the Drs had said, the chances of me having one the same size again was slim and that was just a one off. So this time when I fell pregnant I did not worry about the after effects. Birth does not faze me at all. Its the most amazing thing I have ever done, and tried to embrace every second of it. I saw the consultant at 18 weeks and he again said there was no reason why I should not be able to deliver naturally. This please me.

    I had to have a growth scan yesterday. At 26 weeks I was measuring 28, and now I am 28 I am measuring 33. His growth on the little chart is off the scale, and he is 97% on the centile line, and weighs 3.8lb already when the average for 28 weeks is 2.4lb. So he is on track to be 2% or more bigger than my first son, and he was on the 95%.

    I am now having thoughts of a c section. But the thought scares me stupid. Was wake all night worrying about it. Its not the actual c section, its the after. And also I so want to go through labor again. (mad I know). I am kinda worried that I wont feel that bond with it as I have not actually given birth to it. I know lots of people chose to have sections and dont get this feeling. Just worried I will.

    Everyone says its up to me if I try natural, or opt for a section. But that is a stupidly hard choice. I need someone to say to me that a section is the only way to go, and it will be better than the recovery if things go wrong again after the birth. I feel selfish for wanting to have him naturally. I am so scared, i Just dont know what to do. I am back in two weeks with the consultant again.

    Sorry for the going on. Any suggestions would be welcome. xxx

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 26 weeks pregnant, and funny feeling?

    Ok, this is really hard to explain, but will try.

    I am 26+3 days and for the last week for so I have been getting this strange itch feeling all over. Its not like a normal itch, it comes on suddenly, quite sharp, and can be anywere over my body and makes that limb twitch and kick out. I know itching is normal on tummy and boobs. During the day it is fine, I can cope with it, just find myself scratching a lot, lol. But when I am trying to have nap or sleep it gets really bad and keeps me awake.

    Any ideas what this could be. I am at the midwife in the morning, so will talk to her, but just wondering what you thought.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 2 weeks pregnant with a funny feeling?

    Ok, this is really hard to explain, but will try.

    I am 26+3 days and for the last week for so I have been getting this strange itch feeling all over. Its not like a normal itch, it comes on suddenly, quite sharp, and can be anywere over my body and makes that limb twitch and kick out. I know itching is normal on tummy and boobs. During the day it is fine, I can cope with it, just find myself scratching a lot, lol. But when I am trying to have nap or sleep it gets really bad and keeps me awake.

    Any ideas what this could be. I am at the midwife in the morning, so will talk to her, but just wondering what you thought.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Early learning government founding UK?

    Hey. My son has just started his early leaning government founding that all 3 to 4 year olds are entitled to. I was under the impression that for the entitled 15 hours they are there for they get snaks and dinners included. I cant find anything on the internet to agree or disagree with this. He is at a Sure Start Nursery if that makes any difference. So if anyone can give me can either show me a web site with the information on it about school meals for early learning, or if they know.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Susan and Susie Q what the connection?

    Been trying to work out for a while why in American films and programs if there is someone called Susan they call them Susie Q as a nic name. Any ideas on why that is? The only films I can think of off the top of my head are Monsters V Aliens and The lovely bones.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • prolapsed Uterus at 19 weeks pregnant?

    Well this is a long story, but long story short (ish)

    I had my son in September 2007, he was a VERY healthy boy and weighed in at a huge 10lb 12.5oz. As I said, he was totally healthy, but its been me since that has had the problems. After I was diagnosed as having stress incontinence. This was due to me having over stretched ligaments anyway and having a big baby made them even worse. Because of this I had some treatment with a surgeon to make another pregnancy more bearable and not cause to many bladder problems. My last treatment that he gave me has now worn off, and I am having a lot of bladder problems.

    This is when it gets into TMI I am sorry. I am now 19 weeks pregnant with baby number 2.But for the last 2 weeks I have had a strange feeling in my vagina. The only way I can describe it it feels that way it goes when you have had a good weekend at sex several times, and everything is a bit swollen. Plus there is very little discharge, and that alone is causing a bit of soreness. Anyway, This morning after my shower I got fed up of feeling like I had something up me for the last few weeks. So I got a mirror and had a look and a feel. Not that I spend a lot of time studying my bits, but I think it looked different. Rather than it being soft looking and normal bits of skin, folds and holes (sorry gross I know) there seems to be a soft pink lump coming out my vagina. There is enough space to insert a finger as before, its just does not look the same or even feel it.

    I know that's a real crap description, but with my extra soft ligaments and past history I have read it could be a Prolapsed Uterus. Does it sound like it? I have called my midwife, waiting to hear back from them. Any idea or advise?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • prolapsed Uterus at 19 weeks pregnant?

    Well this is a long story, but long story short (ish)

    I had my son in September 2007, he was a VERY healthy boy and weighed in at a huge 10lb 12.5oz. As I said, he was totally healthy, but its been me since that has had the problems. After I was diagnosed as having stress incontinence. This was due to me having over stretched ligaments anyway and having a big baby made them even worse. Because of this I had some treatment with a surgeon to make another pregnancy more bearable and not cause to many bladder problems. My last treatment that he gave me has now worn off, and I am having a lot of bladder problems.

    This is when it gets into TMI I am sorry. I am now 19 weeks pregnant with baby number 2.But for the last 2 weeks I have had a strange feeling in my vagina. The only way I can describe it it feels that way it goes when you have had a good weekend at sex several times, and everything is a bit swollen. Plus there is very little discharge, and that alone is causing a bit of soreness. Anyway, This morning after my shower I got fed up of feeling like I had something up me for the last few weeks. So I got a mirror and had a look and a feel. Not that I spend a lot of time studying my bits, but I think it looked different. Rather than it being soft looking and normal bits of skin, folds and holes (sorry gross I know) there seems to be a soft pink lump coming out my vagina. There is enough space to insert a finger as before, its just does not look the same or even feel it.

    I know that's a real crap description, but with my extra soft ligaments and past history I have read it could be a Prolapsed Uterus. Does it sound like it? I have called my midwife, waiting to hear back from them. Any idea or advise?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Nightmares all last night, but its very odd?

    Ok, well I am 15 weeks pregnant, and I know you get all strange dreams when pregnant. And I get them most nights. But last night I had a full night of total nightmare. People getting murdered, and all sorts. There are two strange things here. First off for a long time (ever since I was young) I can be having a scary dream, and be really involved with it. But then when it gets to scary I can kinda turn away and not watch. Like if your watching a scary film and close your eyes or cover your face with a pillow. So I can still hear whats going on, but I cant see it. Its very odd, and no idea how I do it, but any time I get to scared I can look away, lol. Or tell my self Im dreaming and wake myself up.

    Secondly, last night I had a nightmare, work up rolled over went back to sleep and had another. Then I woke up form that and got up for the loo. As I said Im 15 weeks pregnant to a whole night with out a toilet run does not happen atm, lol. But anyway Those nightmares did play on my mind, but I drifted back off again. Then I had the same two nightmare in the same order. Exactly the same. I cant remember much about them now, but i know that they were the same as I thought it was strange when i woke up after the second time of them. Any reason why this either of these happen? or any sort of dream analysis about it?

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Babies heart rate? Any ideas?

    I am nearing 15 weeks pregnant with baby number 2. Very excited :O)

    I have borrowed a doppler of a friend so my 3 year old son can listen to the heart beat. I want to try and get him as involved as possible. He also is very excited, and he loved being a big brother already, bless him.

    Any way. I now that lots of people don't think its a good idea to have home Doppler as you can always find the heartbeat, and this worries some people. But I am no a midwife, or anything medical so I have no idea about best place to find the baby's hear beat. So I don't panic if I cant find it, so please don't say about that.

    The thing is I can remember with my son that when his rate was checked it was always nearing the 160bpm. But this one each time it goes between 130 and 139 bpm. Is this low or would you say that its normal. Just compared to my son its very low.

    And please don't go into the old wives tale that the heart rate tells you what sex the baby is. As I know what they say, but i was told with my sons rate he was a girl. And I can guarantee he is not, lol.

    So all I want to know if 139bpm is in the normal range? I am seeing the midwife in a week so will talk to her to. I am just wondering. And BTW I am not panicking, just curious. :O)

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Getting a new Gecko lizard?

    My husband has always had a Snake and a Gecko. But about a year a go his Gecko died. He has been saying that he wants another for ages. His birthday is Christmas Eve and I was wanting to get him a new one for then. He has all the equipment/ sand and lights still. Its just the Gecko. If I was to get it on the day before Christmas Eve would it be ok till the next morning in a travel tub we have for it. I am not sure about them, so I would not want to put the tank togther and get bits sorted. So I would buy it the day before and give it to him on xmas eve. Or would it be better not to do it as a surprise and take him to get it and set up the tank and what not. Just want to make sure I do the right thing for the little thing.

    3 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago
  • yahoo questions about points?

    How many points do you need to go up to level on points and were is the Information on Yahoo for it, cant seem to find it.

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Boys names Ideas please?

    I am 14 wks and 5 days with baby number 2. At the moment we don't know the sex. We have loads of possible girls names. But cant think of any for boys we like. My son is Joshua Thomas. We don't like names like Conner, Calum or anything like that. We prefer older names. Like Alexander or Sebastian. Any Ideas?

    Ps sorry if I have offended anyone with those names, but its all about personal choice. We all give our childen the names we like.

    20 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Wrong blood given at blood transfusion?

    I had my gorgeous son in 2007. He was a very large 10lb 12.5oz. I had a 4 degree tear and had 3 hours in surgery. I am RH Negative blood. And because of this I was given the Anti D injection at about 28 weeks pregnant, and again after the birth. This is a one off injection and lasts forever for future kids. After the birth with that much damage I have to have a blood transfusion.

    I am now 12 weeks pregnant with number 2. I found out from my blood test last week that I now have Anti Duffy in my blood, not only has it killed off the Anti D injection but it also kills off baby's red blood cells so making it anaemic. This can cause MC or health problems after birth. I have found out that the cause of this is because I would of been given RH positive blood rather than Negative. This happens as its a rare blood type, but when this happens you are meant to be give an injection along with it to stop this Anti Duffy forming and harming future baby's. But obviously I was not given this.

    My question is can I get compensation for this? This has really messed me up and I really feel that for my little baby that has done nothing wrong in this world should not have any worries, and that it would give a plus for the bbaby's out of ssomething so bad.

    5 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Wrong blood given at blood transfusion?

    I had my gorgeous son in 2007. He was a very large 10lb 12.5oz. I had a 4 degree tear and had 3 hours in surgery. I am RH Negative blood. And because of this I was given the Anti D injection at about 28 weeks pregnant, and again after the birth. This is a one off injection and lasts forever for future kids. After the birth with that much damage I have to have a blood transfusion.

    I am now 12 weeks pregnant with number 2. I found out from my blood test last week that I now have Anti Duffy in my blood, not only has it killed off the Anti D injection but it also kills off baby's red blood cells so making it anaemic. This can cause MC or health problems after birth. I have found out that the cause of this is because I would of been given RH positive blood rather than Negative. This happens as its a rare blood type, but when this happens you are meant to be give an injection along with it to stop this Anti Duffy forming and harming future baby's. But obviously I was not given this.

    My question is can I get compensationfor this? This has really messed me up and I really feel that for my little baby that has done nothing wrong in this world should not have any worries, and that it would give a plus for the bbaby'sout of ssomething so bad.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Yahoo questions, very odd?

    Ok just logged on here and were it has your little profile picture and your name and it pops up in green that you have got so many new points it flashed up Thanks, you have a Violation. How can I find out what this so called violation is?

    This is my second account (forgot my first details as a while not on here) I was up to level 5 last time and never got anything like that. Any idea what it is and how to find out about it?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Opinions on this name?

    I am only 12 weeks gone, so no idea on the name yet, but had some worrying things in my blood test the other day and now more test are being done. I have had a couple of days of moping about, but decided to concentrate on something more positive.

    My husband and I can not decide on names. And this morning I had a brain wave on of the Name Esmae. It would be Esmae Grace and my son is Joshua Thomas so Joshua and Esmae. What do you think. I like the idea of something uncommon so there is not 10 in a class when its at school, but did not want something stupid like the celebs go for now. As I said, no idea on sex yet, and no idea for a boy, so any suggestions welcome.

    7 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago