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  • How can a Pawn shop keep my stolen property?

    i was robbed , of 20 ,000 in jewerly , and the pawn shop has my stuff and will not give it back to me, they said they would if i produced the police report, but when i did they refused.the police tell me there is nothing i can do. so what do i do now?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Be honest, how many of you are just flat out sick of Obama?

    hes always on tv, hes always ON, so who of you out there are just sick of him and wishes he would just resign. dont be shy tell us what you think.

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the federal goverment cutting off the farmers water supply?

    In the San Quoquene Valley(and i know i didnt spell that right) the federal government has cut off the water supply to the the farms, it is one of the richest farmlands in america. 35,000 plus so far in that valley have lost jobs? it looks like the dust bowl of the 20s, it is unreal this is happening in america. people going hungary because the federal government refuses to turn back on the water supply to these farms. the governor of calfornia as well as 3 congress men spoke tonight and are saying this situation is dire , and asking him to turn this water back on, he knows about this and has refused, Arnold is going to do anything about this he can, he was livid, this area supplies as much as 40 percent of the crops we buy in super markets if the problem is not resolved soon they say most of our fruits and vegetables will have to be imported from china and mexico, i hope you saw this show on tv tonight, these people have no electric or power in their homes, soon Arnold said the truck drivers will also suffer with no crops to haul, how is this possible in america that this could happen , all to save the waters for a fish the size of ones little finger.

    14 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What was up tonight with Michelle?

    for some reason she makes my skin crawl more than his,

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • IF Obama is so popular on yahoo tonight, why have his ratings dropped?

    as of today his approval rating has dropped almost 15 points since he took office, if you guys love him so much then why do you think this is happening, personally i think its because people are finally waking up and realizing they made a huge mistake and that this man and his policies are just plain bad for america. i knew they would drop but not quiet this fast, i am just thankful that people are finally seeing what hes really all about.

    17 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does any one think that this is the night for stupid questions?

    i have sat here and laughed my head off for an hour looking at some of these questions, gosh you guys made my day, i have had a bad week and this really made me feel better, i think i need to go to the bathroom now,

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • can anyone tell me what type of paint i use on our rv?

    we recently bought a 1981 winnebago, its in great shape but we want to reapaint the outside, can any one tell me what type of paint we need to use that will last, i can not find any information on line at all about this.

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • does anyone out there know how to send an email to yahoo ?

    i have a bone to pick with yahoo and i need to know the email address to yahoo

    2 AnswersAttachments and Photos1 decade ago
  • HElp i painted my frount door, its too red can you help?

    ok i wanted a red frount door to make the house really pop, but when the red dried it came out with an orange tint to it, what i want to know from all i have red, if i put brown into this paint i bought will that tone it down and darken this bright red, i like the red but i want it a darker red to match the paint chip that it was "supposed " to have turned out.

    3 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Is there an easy way to get rid of so much humidity in our house in winter?

    i have noticed that the last two weeks. our house is so humid, i never noticed this before its just a recent thing, i have cut back on my using the oven and run a dehumidifyer, the windows are always wet and the house is like a hot box lately, i have also turned down the heat . i live in the south and this has become a real problem and now we are having mold issues, i need a cheap way to get rid of this, and please dont suggest anything that cost .

    6 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • can someone help with me a possible connection problem?

    the past two weeks, when i turn my computer on, in the mornings, i cannot search the web, the only thing i can get into is messenger, when i try to get to my home page to check mail, i get , page load error, i have called tech support many times, but now this happens every day, they reset it for me and help, but when i shut off my computer and try to get back on the web to go to my home page, i get the same thing. cant search any sights or do anything at all on my computer but yahoo messenger. i am told its a connection problem of some sort but we cannot get to the bottom of the problem, if there is someone out there that can give me an idea of what may be causing this to happen i would appreciate it, and no i dont have any viruses i have done a total scan several times and its clean. i am at wits end with this thing, helppppppppppp!

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Is is true that you must stop feeding fish in backyard pond in the winter time?

    ok we live in arkansas and have had some winter set in already. i keep hearing and reading that you must stop feeding the fish in winter time, i just want to know if this is indeed true. i feel horrible not feeding them . i just want to know if this is true. they are very healthy so can anyone tell me if this is a fact?

    12 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • So what do you think of Obamas stance on giving illegal aliens rights?

    he wants to give illegal aliens the same rights as legal americans that have the legal right to be here. i think this is outrageous, and he should inforce the law and send them packing back across the border, its already been stated that he will cut the budget on our borders to prevent them from coming over. i think we should send a messege here this is against the law and we have to draw the line.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How many of you here , really believe that Palin hurt Mccains chance to become President?

    i am wondering about this because my husband and i discussed this earlier, while we voted for her, I was from the beginning a supporter of Romney and thought he would have been a better choice for Mccain? my husband disagrees and thinks that Palin didnt hurt the ticket. and that Obama was elected simply because he was black and carried 95 to 98 percent of the black and hispanic vote. and would have no matter who Obama would have run against. what say you all about this one?

    14 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell me the main job of the President of the United states?

    when he takes the oath of office what is he sworn to do? lets just see how many of you know the answer to this one. and if you do know the answer, why would you still support Obama as President?

    4 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Can any of you Obama supporters name ONE thing good hes done for America?

    i sure as heck cant think of one thing except to divide this nation ! why in heck would you even think of voting for a man who is so so unqualified and corrupt?

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do you think this young generation has no RESPECT for their elders?

    i am directing this question to the kids that post questions on here non -stop in favor of Obama and against John Mccain because of his age, its sickening to me, that you guys seem to have no respect for your parents or grandparents, to me that is just as offensive as saying people want Obama just because he is black! and by the way i have a teenager and he would never talk about older people and make fun of someone with cancer like you guys do on here! so tell me why do you seem to have such disrespect and discriminate for a person because of their age , remember someday you will be 72 also, and making fun of a person because they have had cancer. i am a cancer survivor and i resent the heck out of it. In case you didnt know young people get cancer to , it does not discriminate because of age!

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did you know that Obama raised 9 million in Hollywood for his campaign?

    why didnt he allow the media there? i wonder!

    23 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Isnt this a day to show a little more respect?

    today hurricane Gustav is doing damage in the gulf, 500,000 are with out power and 1.9 had to leave their homes.Obama and Mccain both are asking for this smear campaign to stop on the net about Palins daughter and concern themselves with victims at this time, Obama stated that familys are OFF LIMITS and that this should stop, so i would agree !!!!!!!!!!! so why are you people still posting these kinds of questions today , when you should show more concern for what is really going on. When people are suffering i find it rather cruel that this mess is still being posted.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago