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  • Should I move to the Philippines?

    Hi guys,

    I am a Filipino-American and almost turning 30. I am about to graduate nursing and I'm no longer happy living in America. I want to try something new. I recently inherited money of $100,000 from my father who passed away. Instead of continuing my life here, I was thinking of moving back home and opening a grocery store business in the province of Binan, Laguna. It is also where my family built a house. I want to stay in the house & open my dream biz. Why grocery store? I was working in one for numerous years while in nursing school. Nursing was never my first choice of degrees. It was my family's choice. I just wanted to major in business administration. I even created a business portfolio, and wrote down the steps I need to be doing on opening a business. I know what to do already to get things started. I will be using P2 Million capital. I am sure I can open a business with that money.

    Any advice? Should I stay or move? If I move, and nothing is changing by 2 or 3 years, I plan on moving back to the U.S, but I hope not. What do you think?

    5 AnswersPhilippines7 years ago
  • Can I pay a full year rent in advance to avoid a credit check?


    I just graduated a vocational nursing program in NJ and planning to move to Los Angeles this year. I have been given a cash gift of $150,000 from my father. I want to move into a nice private apartment complexes that costs $1,700 per month. I have bad credit history. So what I would like to do is offer a full year rent in advance to avoid credit checks, do you think its possible?

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Is there an option renting an apartment in Los Angeles but with bad credit?

    I am about to move to Los Angeles from NJ. I have bad credit, never rented (lived with grandparents). I just finished nursing school (LPN) and I am in my 20s. I plan on taking the board exam there and finding work there. My dad has given me a $100,000 cash gift. (I plan on starting the lease once I pass the NCLEX and have my license in hand). My father approves of me staying with him during the process. Once I have my license, than I will look for an apt.

    I am interested in living in Van Nuys (near my father who is old and dying with prostate cancer). The rent there costs about $1,000 per month (as I've done the research).

    I know I will get denied because of bad credit history (500s), what if I offer the first 6 months or the full 12 months upfront to the landlord, do you think they will approve me? Or will they still deny me cause of bad credit and no job yet?

    4 AnswersLos Angeles7 years ago
  • Is there an option renting an apartment in Los Angeles but with bad credit?

    I am about to move to Los Angeles from NJ. I have bad credit, never rented (lived with grandparents). I just finished nursing school (LPN) and I am in my 20s. I plan on taking the board exam there and finding work there. My dad has given me a $100,000 cash gift. (I plan on starting the lease once I pass the NCLEX and have my license in hand). My father approves of me staying with him during the process. Once I have my license, than I will look for an apt.

    I am interested in living in Van Nuys (near my father who is old and dying with prostate cancer). The rent there costs about $1,000 per month (as I've done the research).

    I know I will get denied because of bad credit history (500s), what if I offer the first 6 months or the full 12 months upfront to the landlord, do you think they will approve me? Or will they still deny me cause of bad credit and no job yet?

    3 AnswersCredit7 years ago
  • Can I rent an apartment with bad credit but with $100k in the bank?

    Hello everyone,

    I am in my 20s, currently living with my grandmother and mom since I was a kid in the state of NJ. I finally finished a nursing program. It's not the RN, but its the Practical Nursing program. It's a way for me to hopefully find a job in the healthcare field ASAP while attending an RN program.

    I would like to get an apartment in the Los Angeles area. I always visited my father and his side of the family at least every year or other year. I also made many friends there so I really want to move now!

    My status, I am currently studying for the licensing nursing board. I plan to take the exam in Los Angeles so that I can use the license to work for the state of California and not NJ. I plan to take the exam sometime this year. Once I get my license, I plan on getting my very first apartment in the San Fernando Valley.

    My father also plans on giving me a cash gift of $100,000 sometime this year. At first I thought off buying a home, but I think renting will be the best way since while I work as an practical/vocational nurse, I also want to continue on with the RN program at a local community college.

    Since I have bad credit (500s) and no job yet, how I can I convince the landlord to rent the apartment for me? Since I will be having $100,000, I don't mind giving the first 6 months rent plus first and last months. Do you think that will be enough?

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years ago
  • Is there a way I can stop my dad from changing his living will?

    My dad is 83 years old dying with prostate cancer and he just told me he is changing his living will. He has 2 kids, me (28 years old) and I have an older half brother (40s w wife and kids). He is worth a little more than a million dollars in real estate investments and cash. He just told me he is only going to give me $100,000 and the rest to my older brother.

    Before, his living will stated 50% shares for me and my brother. Now he is changing it and obviously I am upset. My older brother is getting 2 houses plus cash while I only get $100,000 and that is all.

    When my father dies, is there a way I can get 50%? or I have no choice?

    4 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • Can I sell a house I inherited?


    My father is dying of cancer (prostate stage 4) and he tells me I will be inheriting his house. As much as I love the house, I am not sure if I would live in or sell it. I currently live in NJ, renting an apartment and basically have my life here. I'm also currently attending a local community college for nursing. My dad is in Los Angeles. I would like to live there but not sure yet.

    My father bought his house long time ago during the 50s. He bought it for $15,000 and now worth $430,000 (I think). My older half brother is name the executor of the living will and trust.

    My question is, once I inherited the house and legally mine, I can sell it without the permission from my brother right? I'm in my 20s and he is in his 40s.

    Reason why I wanna sell is I don't know if I can make the monthly payments on the house. My dad says is somewhere between $1,500-2,000 per month with bills, maintenance, pool guy, etc. He says not to worry, as long as I finish nursing, your monthly payments of the house will be taken care off by the money my dad will be leaving me. He didn't say how much. So up to now, I am still worried. My brother is ok with the fact I'm getting his house and not him because my dad has a vacation home and my dad is going to give that house to my older brother which he is very ok with.

    If I do sell, I plan on renting somewhere in Los Angeles or stay at my current apartment which is at $640 per month. My total monthly cost is $1,600 per month. I live in a city in NJ where it takes 1 train ride from NYC. So the rent is very cheap for me.

    Any advice? thanks.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • How long does an inheritance process take?

    My father is dying with cancer, he tells me I will be inheriting his 2 houses, cash & car. Upon his death, how long will everything be turned into my name legally? (he has a will and a trust) I also have very bad credit score. Once I have the inheritance I'm about to receive, will my credit score go up or will it remain the same?

    I also plan on selling everything and moving into an apartment for awhile. Despite my bad credit score, do you think it's still possible for me to get an apartment with my large cash inheritance?

    My dad lives in Los Angeles & I am in my late 20s working and living in NJ.

    Thanks for any info.

    8 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • Is leasing a Mercedes Benz 350 worth it?

    I choose leasing because I will be moving to a new country soon. Its my first time getting a car because I always use public transportation here in northern NJ. I've always wanted to experience driving a mercedes benz 350. Is it worth the leasing? Or should I get a regular car? I can afford the $600 per month or whatever they promote on tv.

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling8 years ago
  • How much is a peice of land in the Philippines?

    I'm not sure of what business yet I want to open, restaurant or apartment for college students.

    Any ideas of how much a land costs outside Manila? (Binan esp)

    Should I buy or just lease the land? Which is less hassle? Thanks!!!

    8 AnswersPhilippines8 years ago
  • Can I sell the house without me being present?

    My father (83 yrs old with prostate cancer stage 4) tells me he will be giving me his house in California as part of my inheritance upon his death with my older half brother is in charge of the estate or something like that. My older brother will also be receiving another house that my father owns. My dad owns 3 houses. 1 of them, I have 50/50 shares with, the other house will go directly to me & the 3rd wiill go to my brother.

    Question: I live in NJ with my mom & grandmother, I have my career here and I cańt stay in calif long, do i have to be present in the selling part of the houses that will be given to me? I want to sell whatever property that will be in my name.

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • BB15: Do you care who wins at this point?

    I wanted Elissa or Helen to win this season, but since that is not happening, I am choosing GinaMarie. Much better player compare to Spencer & esp Andy!

    8 AnswersReality Television8 years ago
  • BB 15: Elissa or Rachel?

    Who is better? Elissa or her sister Rachel? I liked both of them, but Elissa is my favorite!!

    3 AnswersReality Television8 years ago
  • Is opening an apartment building in the Philippines a good idea?

    I'm a Filipino-American currently living in the states (NJ). My American father recently died and left me a huge amount of money in inheritance. In total, exchanging into Philippine pesos, it would be P20M. I've always wanted to go back home. Gusto ko na po umuwi. I'm planning on applying for dual citizenship soon. I am also 28 yrs old and single.

    My Filipino family already have a house in Binan, Laguna, so I will be living there with my family. No need for a house or condo for me to stay. I just need to buy a car/suv for me. I'm just thinking of what business adventure I want to go into. I thought of opening an apartment building & renting it out to college students. But afraid of what the inital costs will be. Any advise? thanks! :)

    6 AnswersPhilippines8 years ago
  • UOP and financial aid problems?

    I just enrolled myself with Univ of Phoenix online, I plan on transferring into a local univ this coming Spring semester. I will be getting excess money during my time with UOP for $1,600. I know enrolling with uop was a big mistake. but nothing i can do now since i started my classes already for bachelors degree in healthcare administration.

    Once I drop out and enrolled at a local univ for spring semester, I'm worried that I might owe uop money. if thats the case, will applying for financial aid and student loans application be a problem for my new school?

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid8 years ago
  • Once cancer is in the bone, is it possible to have no pain at all?

    My dad is 82 yrs old with stage 4 prostate cancer. For 2 yrs (since diagnosed) he has been given hormone treatment only. Recently just did a bone scan and now its in the lower spine and pelvic area. His doctors said not to do chemo and radiation treatment just yet until my dad has received some pain and a low psa (which is at less than 1%.).

    Is it possible a patient like my dad cannot receive any pain or does he have to? Is the prognosis good?

    4 AnswersCancer8 years ago
  • Poll: How many hotdogs can you eat?

    I would eat abt 5. And with chili cheese on top with onions & mayo :)

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Poll: What is your favorite sandwich?

    Mine would be the pastrami! :)

    37 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Who do you want gone next week for Big Brother?

    I vote for Amanda and Aryn!!! It's a double eviction. Hopefully it will go my way! lol

    8 AnswersReality Television8 years ago