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  • Is there something better than Google Earth?

    Google Earth works nicely and has good resolution, but does anyone know of a satellite imagery viewer like Google Earth that updates more frequently and is more up to date? Usually Google Earth updates its images every 1-2 years. Thanks.

    2 AnswersGoogle7 years ago
  • When will Obama give me all the free stuff he's promising?

    Well, I voted for Obama yesterday and I'm sure glad he won!

    It's not my problem that other people want to work for a living, and I have no problem with having them pay everything for me.

    Obama has uplifted us all. We are to recieve free phones, gas, healthcare, and everything else that most people who work have to pay for.

    When do we get our free stuff? I can't afford health insurance, but I could afford to buy an Xbox, an iPhone, and plenty of weed

    1 AnswerElections9 years ago
  • When will Obama give me my free phone, gas, healthcare, etc?

    Well, I voted for Obama yesterday and I'm sure glad he won!

    It's not my problem that other people want to work for a living, and I have no problem with having them pay everything for me.

    Obama has uplifted us all. We are to recieve free phones, gas, healthcare, and everything else that most people who work have to pay for.

    When do we get our free stuff? I can't afford health insurance, but I could afford to buy an Xbox, an iPhone, and plenty of weed.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • iphone 5 vs. Galaxy S3?

    I need some of you technology goo-roos to chime in here.

    I currently have a Motorola Droid X. After being endlessly frustrated by this POS phone for a year and a half, I was certain I'd go straight for the iphone 5 when it came out.

    However, I realize the Androids have come a long way since then, and the Samsung Galaxy S3 seems to be a serious contender.

    Which phone is better over all? Does the iphone 5 support flash player?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games9 years ago
  • Security deposit return after lease termination?

    Last month today (April 17th,) I gave my lease termination notice to my landlord.

    The lease was month to month, and during the beginning of tenancy, I payed her first month's rent, and $1,000 dollar security depost. There was no last month's rent payment at the time since it was a month to month lease.

    I lived there for three years. And when I gave my notice (midway through April of this year) I said that the final rent payment would come at the end of the month. No problems.

    And then, the shinanegans started with her... My landlord (slumlord I should say) wanted keys to the apartment so she could show it while I was moving out. Being reasonable, I gave her a copy of keys and let her do it.

    She started playing the "you broke everything" game with me (apartment was pre-furnished with used, not so good quality furnature, but livable.) Basically, it was very obvious that she went around my apartment and tried blaming me for damages (and also things that are normal wear and tear) so that she could milk as much as my security depost away from me as possible. All the furnature in the apartment had been used by the previous tennants and were already worn when I moved in. She tried telling me that a pair of ugly, niccotine stained chairs in the livingroom cost her $3,000 dollars each. Researching it on my own, they were about $400 dollars each. The niccotine and other wear and tear was also caused by the previous tennants (have pictures to prove it.)

    She also tried telling me the couch was "brand new" when I moved in (2008.) Flipping a cushion over, I saw the manufacture's tag dated 2003.

    I told her that I took pictures of everything when I moved in and would be glad to show her the conditions.

    I also told her that if there were legitimate damages that I would be entitled to pay, I would be glad to, as long as the damages were estimated by a qualified person and I was provided with a copy of the estimate.

    My tennancy officially ended on April 30th this year, and I have been fully moved out of the apartment since. By law, I believe the landlord is required to give you an estimate for damages if she is going to use the tennant's security deposit. I have not heard from her for three weeks.

    Also, I believe in my state, the law says that if the landlord fails to provide an estimate, or return the security depost within 30 days after the end of tennancy, the landlord then ows you TRIPPLE damages (three times the amount of the depost.)

    Is this correct? I have tried to contact her numerous times but she has failed to respond. At the end of this month, it will officially be 30 days after termination of tennancy. If she still has failed to provide me an estimate or my money, does this mean she owes me tripple damages?


    I am trying to be as reasonable as possible, but I've learned the history of this woman, and that she does this to all her tennants. There was one tennant who lived in the downstairs appartment, an active duty Army Sergant. When he terminated his lease (to deploy to Iraq), the landlord demanded to go in his apartment to take pictures for an add (so she could rent it ASAP.) He said no. Not only did she tresspass, she ransacked all his personal belongings.

    I want to wait out the 30 days and teach this woman a lesson.

    6 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Should voters have to pass a test before they vote for President?

    I think it would be a good idea to require voters to pass a knowledge test about the Presidential Candidates before they're allowed to vote for one.

    Why? Because it's very clear that peope have no clue who they're voting in office these days.

    Last election, a vast majority of Obama voters didn't even know who his running mate was! They thought Sarah Palin was his running mate, and that Obama was Anti- Abortion and Pro War!

    I'm not talking about a difficult test. Just a 10-20 question test that covers the very BASICS about who the candiates are. Simple stuff, like their political party, running mates, a few questions on what their policies are, etc.

    I think this should be mandated. I know that something like this would eliminate a large number of bias voters who have no idea about who they're voting for, other than what race he is!!

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • For drag racing, are Automatics better than Manual Transmissions?

    I'm not talking about the average "daily driver" type muscle car that a guy takes to the drag strip for a few fun passes, I'm talking about cars that are built for the strip and are 800, 900, 1000+ horsepower.

    Can someone please explain why the Automatic Transmissions like the TH400 are a popular choice? Are they just more durable than Manuals? Are they faster?


    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Do you think there will be another American Revolition, and when?

    Our government is so delinquent and completely out of control now that I see this coming one day on the horizon. It's very obvious to the most casual observer that these "career politicians" care most about helping themselvs and not the country.

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How can I move to New Hampshire?

    Ok, so I'm looking for a little advice from some New Hampshire natives.

    I want to move to New Hampshire (preferably the North Conway/White Mountain area).

    I'm 25 and currently live in central Massachusetts. I absolutely hate it here, with exception to Cape Cod where I'm originally from. I have a background in engineering (B.S. in Mechanical Engineering), and would like to work in that field. I'm just concerned because there seems to be a lack of engineering jobs in NH, so it would be tough for me to find the right job and move up there.

    Does anyone know where a young guy with an engineering background could fit in up there? I'm to the point now where every time I visit the white mountains, I don't want to go back home. I can't stand Massachusetts. New Hampshire is 100 times better on your worst day.

    Any advice would help. Thanks.

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • Do I have any cavities in my teeth?

    Just looking for some insite here. I'm 25 years old, and have not been to a dentist in several years. But I have always taken good care of my teeth, (brush regularly, mouthwash, and floss with those plastic tooth pick things all day at work).

    I have an appointment to get a cleaning next week. I've never had any kind of tooth pain in my life, so I consider myself lucky.

    Just looking in the mirror w/ a light today, I noticed there are some black color in the deeper crevases of my teeth (mostly the back molars). Are these cavities? Looks like some minor tooth decay to me.

    Just wondering what these black lines are (they aren't very deep), before I go see the dentist next week.


    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • "Child Modeling" site has gone too far, will they shut it down?

    Last night while surfing for adult content, I came across a website which really bothered me... It is some kind of "non-nude" child modeling site. While the children in this site are not naked, and are not engaging in any sexual acts, the images are in my opinion inappropriate, because they show young girls (ages around 10-13), in underwear, bikinis and lingerie posing in suggestive manners.

    I took action by reporting the website to the ASACP, but while doing so, I read in their FAQ section that "non-nude" child modeling is a bit of a gray area when it comes to determining if the content is illegal or legal, since they are not naked and are not engaged in sexual acts.

    I am looking for some help from those who work in law enforcement. Shouldn't this kind of content be illegal? And how on Earth are kids that young being portrayed on the internet like this? Don't they have parents who wouldn't allow some "Child modeling agency" to photograph their kids like that?

    I also don't want to get into trouble for viewing this content, as I was trying to do the right thing by reporting it to an agency who deals with child porn sites. I am 24 years old, and yes I enjoy viewing adult content. The key word in that sentence is "adult."

    And again, while the children in this site weren't nude or engaged in sex acts, I believe this content "crosses the line" and is a way for pediphiles to push back against the law.

    For those in law enforcement, the website is:

    Again, I have reported the website to the ASACP, and I have a confirmation number for my report so that I can find out what actions the ASACP will take against them. I believe I did the right thing.

    Will they be able to put an end to this type of thing? I will check with the ASACP and also check if the website has been shut down in the future.

    12 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Is my landlord overstepping her boundaries?

    Let me explain the current situation I'm in:

    I'm 24 years old, and I am renting an apartment with a month to month lease from a woman. The apartment is actually a house. I live on the top floor of the house and there are 2 other tennants who live below. My landlords mother and brother live in another part of the house (it's her family's house). My landlord herself lives just down the street in a house that she bought a few years ago.

    I have never had a problem with her, as I have always payed my rent on time and keep to myself. The problem is, she is kicking out one of the other tennants for overdue rent. There is a lot of drama going on between the tennant and the landlord. It is extremely ridiculous, because he has slept with her, her daughter, and her sister! And they aren't good looking... just trashy people. I always strive to completely avoid the whole situation and mind my own buisiness,

    Here's where I'm getting worried. Kim (the landlord), asked Dave (tennant who she's evicting), if she could go into his apartment and take pictures and use them for a craigslist add for the apartment. Now, he's not even moved out yet, infact she asked him the day she served him with the eviction notice, but he said yes anyways.

    Well, not only did Kim go into his apartment, she completely tore the place apart and rearaged furnature to where she wanted things to be so she could take pictures. She even went through his personal items! I know this because he brought me into the apartment and showed me. She dumped out all his clothes on the floor and made a complete disaster of his apartment. He was beyond mad! She's not allowed to do that!

    Here's where I get REALLY worried. Aparently she has gone into his apartment and the other tennant's apartment without asking them. As I understand it, a landlord must give their tennant at least 24 hours notice before they go into the apartment. They can't just walk in anytime they feel like it. I'm worried she's been doing the same thing to me. I have been very good to her and have never had an issue, but if she's going into my apartment without me knowing, I have a very big problem with that.

    And lastly, aparently she told Dave (tennant getting evicted) that she wants to rent out her house she's currently living in and make me move into Dave's apartment once he leaves because she wants to live in my apartment!

    This woman has no job, and her only source of income is rent from her tennants, and she complains that she can't afford her house. That's not my problem! I agreed to rent the apartment I'm living in now, not the much smaller/cramped one that she thinks she's moving me into! How does she think she can do that? You can't just shuffle your tennants around all because you can't afford your house anymore and want's to live where I live!

    She has not asked me this yet, but I'm preparing for it and I want to know what my rights as a tennant are.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Good security camera for monitoring my driveway?

    I'm looking for an affordable home security camera system to monitor my car in my driveway at night. I have poked around online a little bit and have found a few simple looking systems. I'm looking for something that can record onto a hard drive, no VHS, and I'd like to stay away from a DVR too. Does anyone know of a good company that makes something like this? I only need one camera and it can be mounted indoors (indoor porch window overlooks car in driveway), and I need decent night vision capabilities.

    Again, I'd like to find something that can record onto a hard drive or a jump drive or something like that.

    6 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Mercury 35 horsepower with no spark?


    I went to have a look at a friend's outboard last night that was "running rough." It's a 1986 Mercury 35hp 2 cyinder 2-stroke. Upon removing the cowling, I immediately noticed that 1 of the 2 wires coming from the trigger that go to the switchbox had been chewed through by the teeth on the flywheel (previous owner of engine routed the wires incorrectly and were too close to the flywheel). So we spliced the wire back together, the other wire looked fine. We tried to start the engine... nothing. So I checked the spark and found both cylinders didn't have it...

    Now I can't remember off the top of my head anymore, but does anyone know where I can find information online on how to test the stator/trigger with a meter?

    Since I found that there is no spark in either cylinder, it's likely due to a bad stator or trigger... probably not the switchbox, but that's still a possibility.

    I just need to find instructions on how to test the stator/trigger/switchbox, because I have forgotten.

    And yes, all the stupid stuff has been checked first.

    1 AnswerBoats & Boating1 decade ago
  • What's the new health care bill going to do for me?

    Right now I have a PPO plan with Blue Cross through my employer. I forget what I pay for off the top of my head it but it's not bad... I'm 24 years old and make about $63k a year. Now that the bill passed, what's going to happen to my insurance?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • I want a new car, is it wise to trade my truck in or wait till I pay it off?

    Right now I currently have a 2006 Silverado, 50k miles, in immaculate condition.

    I owe just over 7k on the loan for it, my monthly payments are $163.18, very easy.

    I'm looking at getting anywhere from $10k-$11k if I trade it in by what the dealers I've spoken with have told me.

    The car I want is currently $19k-$20k in price, and of course, I will try knocking that down a few grand too. So my best case scenario would be to find the car I want, knock the price down to $18k, and accept $11k for the trade in of my truck, therefore leaving me about $4k that will go towards the car, plus probably $2k-$3k I can save for a down payment before spring time rolls around.

    So overall, best case scenario, I'd have an $11-$12k loan left to pay off for the new car. Do you think I should just wait and pay the rest of my truck off first, then sell it? (retail value is around $14k) Or does it not really matter since I'm going to be giving the money to someone anyway...

    Thanks for the help, I have no idea how this stuff really works. But I make very good money for a 24 year old and I've always wanted this car and I think I deserve it.

    Buying & Selling1 decade ago
  • What are a good set of skiis for a beginner skiier?

    I went skiing for my first time this weekend and I did suprisingly well, and I want to keep going and get better!

    I was wondering if any experienced skiiers out there could reccomend a good set of beginner skiis that I could learn with. I'm also planning on taking lessons.

    I am 24, 6ft1, and 215 pounds.

    Thanks a bunch.

    2 AnswersSnow Skiing1 decade ago
  • Why am I getting a "finance charge" added to my loan payment?

    I have never been late on a payment, and I always pay more than my monthly bill is, so I don't understand why I am getting a finance charge... I thought the bank was making their money off interest...

    Ex: Last month

    Starting principle (entire loan amount left) due - $7,221.42

    Monthly Payment - $163.18

    That month I payed $225

    The payment description reads as follows:

    Regular Payment - Note Interest - $33.33

    Regular Payment - Note Balance -$191.67

    **Finance Charge** - $33.33

    Balance - $7,029.75

    What are they doing here? I thought that if i pay extra on the loan, then the extra amount is deducted from the balance. Are they doing this because I am too far ahead and they are losing money?

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • What is living in Arizona like?

    I had an old boss who from day one of starting my current job, would constantly talk about how great Arizona was and how bad New England is. Every single day, Arizona this, Arizona that. New England sucks because of this that and blah blah blah, but not in Arizona because everything is perfect there! It got to the point where I almost wanted to slap him because it got so annoying. He finally moved back to Arizona not too long ago but let me list some of the OUTRAGOUS things he told me about Arizona.

    -The dry heat. We were sitting in the shade once during an 85 degree day here in New England and he is of course talking about Arizona, and then tells me "Because of the dry heat in Arizona, this is what it feels like, nice and comfy, even when its 120 degrees out." I thought to myself, yeah right!!! This guy is full of sh*t!!!!

    -Everyone in Arizona is nice, everyone in New England is an a#shole.

    Just by doing a little research on google, I can certianly say Arizona has a growing crime problem, and that it seems you are judged souly on your posessions. They don't sound to

    5 AnswersPhoenix1 decade ago
  • What is living in Arizona like?

    I had an old boss who from day one of starting my current job, would constantly talk about how great Arizona was and how bad New England is. Every single day, Arizona this, Arizona that. New England sucks because of this that and blah blah blah, but not in Arizona because everything is perfect there! It got to the point where I almost wanted to slap him because it got so annoying. He finally moved back to Arizona not too long ago but let me list some of the OUTRAGOUS things he told me about Arizona.

    -The dry heat. We were sitting in the shade once during an 85 degree day here in New England and he is of course talking about Arizona, and then tells me "Because of the dry heat in Arizona, this is what it feels like, nice and comfy, even when its 120 degrees out." I thought to myself, yeah right!!! This guy is full of sh*t!!!!

    -Everyone in Arizona is nice, everyone in New England is an a#shole.

    Just by doing a little research on google, I can certianly say Arizona has a growing crime problem, and that it seems you are judged souly on your posessions. They don't sound too nice to me.

    -The school systems in Arizona are the best in the country.

    Again, google search, Arizona is ranked DEAD LAST. WTF?!?

    -Arizona residents own more boats than any other residents in any other state.

    Seriously, wtf is this guy on?? There are some lakes to go boating in, there is no ocean.

    That's just a couple of the many things this guy told me about Arizona. I have found him to be quite a b*llshit artist about many other things.

    Why would someone say all that? It seems like this guy just has a grudge against any state that gets snow fall and temperatures that drop below 60 degrees in the middle of winter.

    Any Arizona residents that can elaborate? Thanks!

    1 AnswerPhoenix1 decade ago