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what player would you start your team with?
Player A 30.1ppg 22.9 reb 4.4 assists .540 fg%
player B 30.1 ppg 6.2 reb 5.3 assists .497 fg%
you may be surprised with your answer.
6 AnswersBasketball9 years agodoes anyone else find it odd michael jordans "unstoppable will to win" and ability to carry a team to a title?
coincided with scottie pippens development into an allstar/superstar and the decline/ end of the lakers celtics and bad boy pistons?
4 AnswersBasketball9 years agowas there offensive 3 seconds during wilt chamberlains career?
i already know the answer to this just wanted to see who else does too.
5 AnswersBasketball9 years agoDoes the average person have any idea what unions do?
as a second generation union laborer i have seen all angles of union life and the pros far outweigh the cons. my unions contract pays me a living wage with benefits and rights but it als helps the nonunion sector by raising their wages too if a union laborer only made 15 dollars an hour what would a nonunion worker get 7.50? to me right to work has always just meant right to work for less money with less worker rights.i honestly couldn't imagine working construction without a union behind me.
18 AnswersPolitics9 years agowhat is your opinion on jason whitlocks comments about jordan? see article.?
Michael Jeffrey Jordan finally found a cause he can get behind off the court: being an obstacle for any black kid dreaming of matching or exceeding Jordan’s wealth.
A report says Michael Jordan has turned into the leader of a group of hard-line NBA owners.
And I don’t throw that word around liberally. But there’s no better description for Jordan now that he has reportedly decided to be the hard-line frontman for NBA ownership’s desire to rob NBA players of their fair share of the revenue the league generates.
Now that NBA superstars have decided to fully engage in the lockout negotiations and threaten union decertification, David Stern and ownership have decided to unleash their token minority owner from the house to play hardball. According to The New York Times, Michael Jeffrey Jordan, the greatest player of all time, is the owner most determined to bury the union financially. Jordan allegedly wants current players to take a 10- to 20-point basketball-related-income pay cut.
This is the ultimate betrayal. A league filled mostly with African-American young men who grew up wanting to be like Mike is finally getting to see just who Michael Jordan is. He’s a cheap, stingy, mean-spirited, cut-throat, greedy, uncaring, disloyal slave to his own bottom line.
Nike’s “Air Jordan” marketing strategy was based on getting black inner-city kids to worship Jordan and his shoes. Allen Iverson, LeBron James, Dwyane Wade, Paul Pierce, the Fab Five, etc., made Michael Jordan a billionaire. The NBA Players Association fought like crazy so the Bulls could make $30 million balloon payments to Jordan in each of his final two seasons in Chicago.
And now Jordan, as the owner of the Charlotte Bobcats, wants to be the face of ownership greed and vindictiveness.
With Kwame Brown and Adam Morrison on his resume, Jordan is arguably the most incompetent NBA executive working today. He wants the current players to pay for his incompetence.
This is ego and arrogance run amok. Jordan believes he’s untouchable. He clearly has no respect for current NBA players. If Billy Hunter and Derek Fisher have any leadership ability, they should use Jordan’s betrayal as a rallying point. They should attack the “Air Jordan” brand. Why would any young basketball player wear the apparel of the man leading the charge to rip billions of dollars from the pockets of professional basketball players over the next 10 years?
Why would basketball players and black people continue to shower adoration on a man who has never once stood up for anything that doesn’t positively impact his financial bottom line, particularly when it’s a man who has made billions off the love of inner-city kids?
Why love someone who doesn’t remotely love you back?
“This generation of black men needed Michael Jordan,” an all-time great athlete told me Friday night.
Jordan should be the guy counseling LeBron James, teaching him how to perfect his game, his image and his business portfolio. But Jordan is not a giver. He’s a bloodthirsty competitor. And he’s a hater. He’s middle-aged and bitter that the current players — even the mediocre ones — can earn way more than he did in all but two years of his career.
That’s the joy of creating wealth, freedom and opportunity. The people behind you get to enjoy it more than you. Unlike Bill Russell, Oscar Robertson and countless other all-time greats, Jordan is actually celebrated, remembered and revered publicly and privately by current players for creating the NBA prosperity the players now enjoy.
There’s no reason for Jordan to be drunk on haterade. These kids deserve the money, even if some of them blow a percentage of it making it rain at strip clubs. I’m not defending their financial irresponsibility, but we do need a little context. When we tell the stories about the athletes who are broke three or four years after retirement, we often leave out the details about the countless friends and family members the athletes helped while blowing their money. They “blow” money on school clothes, private schools, medical bills and college tuitions, too.
I fully comprehend the shortcomings of modern-day pro athletes, but I do not understand the outright hatred of them. They don’t deserve it.
Save the venom for a hypocrite sellout who can easily betray the very people who made him a billionaire global icon.
Michael Jordan should be the “basketball voice” in the owners’ meetings, the owner most concerned with the health and image of the on-court product. Jordan should be the guy bringing both sides together to do the right thing for the game.
i have to say i agree with him in principal.
5 AnswersBasketball10 years agodoes the average person have any idea what unions do?
as a second generation union laborer i have see all angles of union life and the pros far outweigh the cons. my unions contract pays me a living wage with benefits and rights but it als helps the nonunion sector by raising their wages too if a union laborer only made 15 dollars an hour what would a nonunion worker get 7.50? to me right to work has always just meant right to work for less money with less worker rights.i honestly couldn't imagine working construction without a union behind me.
23 AnswersPolitics10 years agoa littlie bit of trivia? nba 50 greatest players?
47 of the nba's 50 greatest players of all time (in 97) played with another member of that list at one time or another during their career.
can you tell me the 3 players who didn't?
(i knew 1 off the top of my head)
4 AnswersBasketball10 years agowhats your all time starting 5. (but with a catch)?
all 5 players had to be drafted by and play their entire careers with 1 franchise.
11 AnswersBasketball1 decade agowhat if the league never had any champions?
hypothetically now. if the nba never had playoffs or championships just play 82 and go home. who would be your greatest of all time? what would be your criteria? would it be based soley on stats or head to head performances or just what you saw with your own eyes.
8 AnswersBasketball1 decade agolittle bit of trivia what #1 drafted player played with the most # 1 overall picks in his career?
and can you name the players?
4 AnswersBasketball1 decade agowhat breakup was a bigger loss to music the beatles or guns n roses?
to me it was the GNR breakup now in no way am i saying gnr was a better band its just the original gnr only put out 5 albums 3 of which were classics. and the new album fell short. and with velvet revolver beinga good band but they. (and they have had lineup problems too) don't compare to the success of the solo beatles. whereas the beatles let behind a huge catalog not to mention after the split all 4 continued recording and putting out really good music ( not so much ringo but he is still recording).who knows ho much more great music the original gnr lineup could have put out. whats your opinion?
13 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade agowhy does nobody acknowlege the fact that young stars werent ever gonna go to cleveland.?
i don't really care how good the team could be you are still in cleveland for gods sake after seeing that no other stars wanted to go there what was lebron really supposed to do be the next dominique wilkins hoping one day some talent would develop around him? while i do understand Cleveland's anger i don't get all the hate the guy wants to win titles and now has other elite players around him to help him do it. the best example to me is if lebron went 6 for 24 in a game 7 do you think the cavs would have won. its amazing what having help can do for you. i know this is kind of a rant but honestly what do you think he should have done .
7 AnswersBasketball1 decade agohow good would married with children have been?
the show married with children was originally written for roseanne barr and sam kinison. do you think the show or the fox network would have been successfull with that cast
2 AnswersComedy1 decade agodo you think lebron and wade could play together and be successful?
im not too sure for each of them to be their best they both need to dominate the ball neither is a catch and shoot guy. or does alot of scoring when off the ball. so i dont really think it would work. what do you think.
6 AnswersBasketball1 decade agowhats your all time " if they had stayed healthy" starting 5 and 6th man?
im looking for your starting 5 players that had success in the nba and had their career cut short ,greatly affected or ended by injurys.
2 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoif it is really all about winning championships?
why wouldn't guys take dramatically less money build a monster team like bosh wade and lebron take less than max deals to all go to the same team one that has the pieces in place (pg,c). they are all 3 rich beyond the average persons wildest dream so if its not the money is it the ego a player cant be the best unless he makes the most money. or he doesn't want to win if he isn't the star? this applies throughout the history of sports too just this is the most hyped fa class i can ever remember in any sport. and i am in no way hating if a guy wants to be the highest paid that's fine to me just don't say the old cliches "its not about the money" or "all i care about is winning". if kobe or lebron made 5 million a year instead of what the are getting would they be lesser players? i dont think so.
8 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoif dwight howard is the best center in the game?
what does that say about the state of the center position in the nba.
13 AnswersBasketball1 decade agoif not for pulp fiction where does travoltas career go?
he had been in a series of horrible movies. and after the acclaim of pulp he was back on the a list. so do you think he would have had the resurgance in his career without pulp?
3 AnswersMovies1 decade agoWhat is a troll? honestly?
i haven't been on this site for all that long and have seen this term alot and have wondered what it means. so could you please help me out because i honestly don't know.
7 AnswersBasketball1 decade agowhat if the league never had any champions?
hypothetically now. if the nba never had playoffs or championships just play 82 and go home. who would be your greatest of all time? what would be your criteria? would it be based soley on stats or head to head performances or just what you saw with your own eyes.
2 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago