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  • Are there any alternatives to measuring time?

    Just wondering because for weight you can use either pounds or kilograms, for distance miles or kilometers feet and inches or centimetres and milimeters so is there any alternative to hours, days,months and so on because everywhere seams to use the same measurements for time(i think some muslim countries use a different month system but i mean a non religious one if its possible.

    4 AnswersEngineering8 years ago
  • Where did the saying come from that Iraq was only invaded for oil?

    Just wondering because anytime you mention iraq(on the internet at least) everybody jumps to the conclusion that the US army(never any other countries involved like the British, Polish etc) stole oil. Where did this assumption come from and why does everybody use this as an excuse for conflicts in other places( back when military action seamed likely in Syria everyone said it was for oil, even back in march with that North Korean missile threat a saw somebody saw that oil was discovered in North Korea and that America was hungry for it). Please no comments like because they did or anything like that. PS why is it always the US acussed and not the British(we were in Iraq from the start aswell).

    8 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • What parts of Canada are the warmest?

    Just wondering because i am considering moving to Canada in the future and have always imagined Canada as a cold country(in the winter at least in summer its a different story). Canada doesnt really have as much variety of climates compared to its southern neighbour(the US has deserts in Nevada, California and Arizona, sub tropical climates in Florida and other southern states, tropical in hawaii, Artic conditions in Alaska etc) so were would be the warmest parts of Canada? I would guess that places near the US border in Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia would be warmest(because they are further south) but i could be wrong.

    11 AnswersOther - Canada8 years ago
  • If you were to ask somebody out what chat up lines would you use?

    I would use "do you play the lottery because here is your lucky numbers" and hand the woman my phone number. The cheesier the better.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • What did you think of Black ops 2?

    What did you think about it when it was announced and what did you think of the campaign, zombies and multiplayer? At first i didnt like they treyarch was setting in the future but i was a bit reasured when i found out that some missions would be set in the 80s. The campaign was ok although i prefered the 80s missions better than the 2025 missions and would have prefered if the campaign had just been set completly in the 1980s. Zombies was not treyarchs best work which annoyed me as zombies was what i was looking forward to the most. The only really good maps were mob of the dead and origins and buried the rest were not great. Multiplayer had the same problems as previous call of duty games. Overpowered guns/killstreaks/perks, no scopers/quickscopers, campers and the "recycling" of old maps. So what did you think of the game before lauch and of each sectiom of the game?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • When Fidel Castro dies will his body be embalmed like Lenin and Ho Chi Minh?

    Castro was more or less the person who made Cuba communist(i might be wrong as i dont know much about the Cuban revolution) and in other communist countries their leaders have been embaled( Lenin in Russia, Mao in China , Chi Minh in Vietnam and Kim ii Sung in North korea). Will he be embaled or will his brother Raul want him to be buried?

    3 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • What is the process like for emmigrating to Canada from the UK?

    Is it as hard as the US or easier? Will i have to know french( even if i move to anywhere but Quebec).

    4 AnswersImmigration8 years ago
  • What exactly is wrong with online porn?

    I read an article in a magazine today about a man who is presenting a tv show about online porn. He was an editor of a porn magazine but resinged a while back and said he looked up porn on the internet and was horrified with what came up. Being a man myself i cant understand what is wrong with porn. It doesnt encourage people to do bad or dangerous things. The man in the magazine said he didnt pass much remarks about porn until he had a son. In the future if i have a son i wouldnt mind if he looks at porn. Thats what men/boys do.Anyways back to the question what exactly is wrong with online porn? Even grand theft auto isnt as contravesial as online porn!

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of a primarly meat based diet?

    I like my meat. I eat alot of meat mainly chicken beef and pork but sometimes lamb and turkey. I rarely eat vegetables and the only one i really eat is corn. I eat some fruit though i had an apple before asking this. My average days meals would probably be cereal for breakfast. Lunch varies(sometimes a ham and cheese toasted sandwitch, chicken flavoured noodles, a bagel with chorizo, a foot long italian bmt or a bacon sandwitch, i usually eat light at lunch). For diner i usually have a primarly meat based dish which is usually chicken( i had a chicken kiev today, but i have had thinhgs like chicken curry, pepperoni pizza, roast pork/ beef and basically any meat dish but with no side vegetables although on rare ocassions i have had vegetable soup). I dont tend to eat a lot of fast food. What are the benefits of my diet and what are the drawbacks( or even dangers) of it.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Is Delaware a good state to live in?

    I hope to move to the US in the future and was am still deciding what state to live in. I was in the US over the summer and drove through Delaware. It seemed nice enough and i was told that they dont charge tax in the state. Wilmington is a good sized city its not too big or too small and is close to bigger cities like Philidelphia and Baltimore. What do you think? Is Delaware a good state or are there better ones?

    2 AnswersOther - United States8 years ago
  • What ever happen with the peace talks with the Taliban?

    I remember back in june it was all over the news that the taliban and the US would have peace talks in Doha, Qatar. I was out of the country for 5 weeks and didnt follow the news much but a few days ago i heard the taliban conducted a suicide attack near a US consulate in Afghanistan. So much for peace talks then. What happened it seemed so certain back in June. Please no answers like the US wanted to keep the war going to take the rest of the oil or sht like that.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • How can i get a refund on itunes?

    Ok so i bought a song a year ago on itunes. I changed itunes accounts as my other one didnt work and i forgot to buy the rest of the songs on the album of the song i bought. I bought another song from that album later using my new account so i couldnt use the finish album(purchase rest of the album for less than buying the songs individually) without ending up with two of the same song. So today i bought the rest of the songs on the album individually but accidently clicked to buy one of the songs i already had so i have two of that song. I want a refund because i couldnt get the last song off the album and i have two of the same song. I know you can get refunds but i tried but apple wouldnt refund me so how do i get them to this time.

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players8 years ago
  • Will their ever be a battlefield bad company 3?

    I loved the first 2 and SPOILER ALERT the second had an ending that basically implied that there should be a 3rd one. The Russians invaded through Alaska if you forgot. It was one of the few battlefield games were you know and relate to the characters( i cant remember any characters from bf3 but i remember Marlow,Haggard and i forgot the other twos names). Dont get me wrong battlefield 4 looks good but i really want a bad company 3.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What are the top 5 meats that are consumed the most throughout the world?

    Id say chicken first because as far as i know there arent any religions that dont allow you to eat chicken( people dont eat some foods for religious reasons eg jews and muslims dont eat pork and hindus dont eat beef). Next id say lamb or beef and then after that it would be pork. I cant think of a fifth place meat so ill just say duck.

    12 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • What was life like in the USSR in the 1980s?

    Did the people have a high standard of living or how did they live? I dont know much what inside the USSR was like so was their lives easy? I know that they wouldnt have lived the same way as people in America or Britain but i can guess they werent treated as bad as people in North Korea(i may be wrong so please correct me if so). How much did you average Soviet earn and would your average Soviet family have had things like TV and video games and things that were available in the west or did they have nothing?

    2 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • Whats up with battlefield 3?

    Earlier this week i started to play battlefield 3. When the game loaded up it said my player profile had been damaged and couldnt be used and it came up then that i had unlocked all my dlc again and i had to ajust my brightness again and all my weapon attachments,class equpiment and squad specalisations so basically everything are appearing as if i havent used. It hasnt f-d up my rank,weapon unlocks or anything but it is getting annoying since this happens everytime i go onto the game. I dont think i have done anything wrong so whats wrong.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Did Croatia join the EU today?

    I know today was the date they were meant to join today and i havent saw anything on tv or in the paper about it so did they back out or join? Also if you are Croat can you tell me what you think your country joining the EU?

    6 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • How come there arent any modern firearms were the mag is fed from the top of the weapon?

    In the past there was guns like the Bren and the DP28(i think the number is wrong). Was it impractical? I dont know much about how excatly guns work so try to keep your answers from becoming overly complicated for me.

    3 AnswersHunting8 years ago
  • Who was the last head of state from ww1 to die?

    Ive always wondered this and i know there are only 2 from ww2 left(former tzar of Bulgaria Simeon and Micheal of Romania). I know US president Wilson died in the 20s and George v died in 36 and Kaiser wilhelm in the 40s so would it have been the French president then or who? When did they die and how old were they

    2 AnswersHistory8 years ago
  • Which city is better to visit, Stockholm, Oslo or Copenhagen.?

    In August i would like to visit either of these three cities but am stuck on decideing which one. Its pretty hard to decide since they are all similar( Danes,Swedes and Norwegians can speak very good English and their native languages are quite similar to each other, they have similar weather due to being quite north up but Copenhagen is further south, their currencies have similar exchange rates with the pound sterling and all 3 are quite expensive countries/cities). At the moment i am more towards Copenhagen since i have been to Denmark before and longed to go back. Please share any personal experiences you may have in these cities and thanks in advance

    5 AnswersOther - Europe8 years ago