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Hello,I'm a guy who is best in anything video game. I specialise in things related to modern technology. My interests are usually around videogaming,but I can don't mind jumping ships to other subjects. I'm a very friendly and loyal person. If you have any question(s) you need to ask,feel free to ask me for help. I will try my best to help you out. : ] Xbox LIVE Gamertag : AeroRazgriz
Whats the best LCD Monitor for use with my Xbox 360?
Hi guys.
I'm just wondering whats the best rcommended LCD monitor capable of at least 720p HD and less than 19'' that I can hook up to my Xbox 360 using the Xbox 360 VGA AV cable.
Price less than USD$200
4 AnswersXbox1 decade agoHelp! Win32 Parite B. Always comes back.. please help?
Hello everyone.
I am facing quite a big problem here. Win32 Parite B. is infecting all the .exe files on my PC. The last time I remembered, I did a BitDefender Online scan, and it cleaned the stuff up. And then a Windows Live OneCare scan... which crashed during the scanning, unfortunately.
And today, I did a Malwarebytes scan (my default antivirus) and there it was again. and then it multiplied and mulitiplied into thousands.
Help! Anyone! Please guide me through the way of permanently removing this virus. I get confused when I read the instructions.
My OS is Win XP SP3
THANKS A LOT. I appreciate it. : ]
Security1 decade agoWhich one should I buy? New HDTV or HD-DVD drive?
Hi guys, I need your opinions.
I just so happened to find THE LAST REMAINING HD-DVD drive (BRAND new) in my local store.
And I initially plan to purchase a 3x'' sharp or Sony HDTV to go with my Xbox 360 and entertainment system.
I can only pick one ,of these 2 choices. Which the wiser one?
A bit of info about me : I love owning heads in CoD4, leading the pack in GRID and blasting zombies with my futurewife. I have a Xbox 360 Pro 60GB, which I bought in October 08. I personally love the X360, and I could care less about all the 'RRoD crap' and haters. And oh yeah, I am from Malaysia (in case u didnt know, its near Thailand)
5 AnswersXbox1 decade agoAre the anyone at all from Malaysia who play on Xbox LIVE? Singaporean? I feel extinct?
I am getting a scary feeling...a feeling I last felt while watching I Am Legend.
In Halo 3, I'm like the ONLY TINY DOT on Malaysia at the Matchmaking menu.
If you're Malaysian, or Singaporean... do please add me, at least I dont have to stay up all night to play with my friends across the pond.
My Gamertag si : AeroRazgriz
My profession : Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, Ace Combat 6, GRID
3 AnswersXbox1 decade agoI'm about to buy 7 new Xbox 360 games soon, please help me pick! Any new suggestions are warmly welcomed?
Hi guys, I'm have been saving up some cash for over 2 months now, and I'm about to dump it all on some AAA Xbox 360 games.
My top picks are:
1)GTA IV: The Lost & The Damned (retail version)
2)Fallout 3 : Operation Achorage + The Pitt ( retail version)
3)Race Driver : GRID (I tried the demo, 2 days ago, and I'm OBSESSED with it)
4)Gears of War (1)
5) Blazing Angels (1)
Help me out guys! I already have :
1) Burnout Paradise 1.8
2) Ace Combat 6
3) Gears of War 2
4) Halo 3
5) Halo Wars
6) Call of Duty 4
7) Call of Duty World at War
8) H.A.W.X
9) EndWar
10) Grand Theft Auto IV
11) Mass Effect
12) Midnight Club LA
13) Need for Speed ProStreet
14) Tomb Raider Underworld
15) Forza Motorsport ( Xbox Original )
16) Forza Motorsport 2
17) Project Gotham Racing 4
18)Far Cry 2
19) King Kong
20) Hexic HD
Feel free to add me, Gamertag : AeroRGT
I already have reserved for Modern Warfare 2, Forza Motorsport 3 and Mass Effect 2.
7 AnswersXbox1 decade agoHow do I System Link on my Xbox 360 console?
Whenever I go to CoD4 or Gears of War 2 and attempt to system link nothing shows up.
Please explain what and how System Linking for teh Xbox 360 is performed.
I don't have Gold by the way.
4 AnswersXbox1 decade agoWhy are there almost NO girls who ever purchase a Xbox 360?
Well... there doesn't seem to be a lot of girls on Xbox LIVE either.
It's kind of sad...and makes for a very sterile enviroment.
Like you look at everyone on LIVE, almost all are guys, and their Gamerscores, makes me feel like puking.
Not like the kind of hospitality available on Yahoo! Answers.
It's like everyone is trying to prove they're boss....
My point is Xbox LIVE lacks variety.(In users)
Do you agree, guys and girls(if any would answer this question that is)?
P.S I'm not sexist,gay or bisexual.
20 AnswersXbox1 decade agoXbox LIVE freshman: Need help!?
Hi guys.
I got my Xbox 360 in October 2008 but only managed to get on Xbox LIVE in May this year.
It's a long story...
I need some help, I'm kind of lost.
I am currently under a Silver Membership.
My questions is:
Are there any games for Xbox 360 that can be played Online with a Silver subscription?
Just curious.
Oh, and feel free to add me: Gamertag: AeroRGT
12 AnswersXbox1 decade agoIs there a way I can obtain Title updates for the Xbox 360 via the Internet?
Hi guys.
I don't have a Xbox LIVE connection,and therefore, unable to get Title Updates(Updates/Patches for Xbox 360 games).
I am aware that I can however,get O.S updates for the Xbox 360 console,but not the updates for the game itself.
Do you know any other way I can get these updates besides from Xbox LIVE?
5 AnswersXbox1 decade agoTo ALL devoted PlayStation 3 owners: Give me SOLID reasons why I should buy a PS3 over a...?
SHARP Aquos LCD 1080p HDTV (a.k.a The best TV for gaming)
I suppose I should give some details...:
1) I'm a Xbox 360 60GB Pro owner(Purchased Oct,08)
2) I am not racist when it comes to consoles(in other words,I'm not a fanboy)
3)I am planning to get a PS3 or a new HDTV this 2009 Holiday(Christmas)
4)I'm hoping a price drop would occur somewhere there...
5)....and if it doesn't happen,there's a 75% chance I'd get the HDTV instead.
Please help!
8 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoWill the marketing of the OnLive console spell the extinction of the conventional video game console?
I believe it is so.
OnLive is just TOO affordable,and almost everyone can get HD 7-Gen games on their Windows 98 PC or conventional TV set.
Makes me regret buying my Xbox 360 a bit...*sigh*
9 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoIs there a possibility of an external BluRay Disc Drive for the Xbox 60?
It's getting more and more common that developers are complaining about the insufficient space on the DVD-DL the Xbox 360 uses as it's primary media.
Would Microsoft possibly release an external BD Drive(like the HD-DVD drive) for the Xbox 360,and jump ships from DVD to BluRay?
What do you think?
4 AnswersXbox1 decade agoCan I plug an external BluRay drive to my Xbox 360 using one of the USB 2.0 slots and play Bluray movies?
Is it possible?
If it is,then I'd probably never get a PS3.
Thanks for answering.
2 AnswersXbox1 decade agoIs it possible for a Xbox 360 to get infected with a virus?
Now...I know Xbox 360 is a Microsoft product.
And most viruses nowadays are targeted at MS PCs.
I'm afraid because I use my Xbox 360 for playing videos and music via thumbdrives.
What I don't know is that is it possible to transfer a virus from an infected PC to a Xbox 360 using a thumbdrive?
Will the virus take effect,or will my Xbox 360 stay immune?
4 AnswersXbox1 decade agoWhat's the first thing you would do if you accidentally bumped into?
Eva Mendez/Brad Pitt or any other famous celebrity?
...I don't really know what I would do....if it was Hayley,I think I'd just DIE on the spot!
33 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoCan you suggest 5 Xbox 360 games for me?
Hi.I have a Xbox 360 and planning on buying 6 new Xbox 360 games,as I have been saving up since last year.
I already have:
1)Fallout 3
3)Call of Duty 4
4)Call of Duty 5
5)Burnout Paradise
6)Halo 3
7)Tomb Raider Underworld
8)Midnight Club : LA
9) Far Cry 2
10) Tom Clancy's EndWar
11) Forza Motorsport 2
12) Project Gotham Racing 4
13) Ace Combat 6
I am reserving 1 game, Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.
Please suggest me 5,if possible lately released Xbox 360 games.
I have no access to Xbox LIVE and can play E to M rated games.
Thank you.
9 AnswersXbox1 decade agoAbout Xbox LIVE,media and games(professionals only). Help please?
Hi,I have a 60GB Xbox 360 that has already been updated with the New Xbox Experience update(I did it yesterday).
You may be wondering why I took soo long to get this update,it because I'm not connected to Xbox LIVE.
That means ALL updates and patches will not be present in my Xbox 360 console.
I am wondering if there is a way I could get the updates;
1) Xbox 360 Media Update
2) If possible,is there a way I can download Arcade trials,game patches/updates/DLC (eg. GTA IV : Lost and The Damned) (eg. Version 1.0x.xx patch for Fallout 3) from the Internet,using my PC and copy them to a CD and then copy to the Xbox 360 console?
Thanks,any and all help will be appreciated.
3 AnswersXbox1 decade agoFor professional Xbox360 owners only.?
Could you please give me a list of compatible video formats that the Xbox 360 supports.
(Eg. .wmv, .H.264 MPEG )
Thanks guys.
Or as an alternative,you can answer this question;
Does the Xbox 360 support H.264 MP4,MPEG 2(low res for Ipod,PSP) and Quicktime?
2 AnswersXbox1 decade agoDo you agree Fallout 3 should have been awarded Game of The Year Award '08?
Okay,I just got this game around 3 weeks ago(for Xbox 360),and once I finally got the hang of playing it(using the V.A.T.S, plus the Karma system), I concluded that Fallout 3 is BETTER than GTA IV in replay value, interactivity and storyline( 16 endings! ).
Do you agree?
P.S : By the way, lets have this little poll; how many of you chose evil over good?
(I chose evil ! No offense to the good-do-ers!)
7 AnswersPlayStation1 decade agoMy Xbox 360 got the RRoD just 3 months after purchase?
I think it's a friggin' curse,well,despite the sadness and dissapointment,I still love Xbox 360.
So,did you Xbox 360 ever get RRoD?,or did you get it like...7? 8 times?
(This is my first RRoD by the way)
8 AnswersXbox1 decade ago