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Lv 2807 points

The Stedman

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  • Is this possible in Excel? If so, how do I do it?

    Say, I am in listing some baseball cards and how many of each I have.

    In Column B I list all the names of the players. Andin Column C, I am typing how many I have of each card.

    What I am wanting to do is at the bottom of Column C, have it tell me how many of the different cards I have. For example, there are 100 cards in the set and right now I have 50 of the different cards (not counting any duplicate cards).

    The quantity of the cards is different. Some are 1, some I have 5. I'm just wanting it to give me a running count of how many cards have any number value in all of Column C.

    Please type the formula, or at least the link to where can find the formula. Thanks.

    1 AnswerSoftware7 years ago
  • On Yahoo Finance, in my Portfolio, what is the "High limit" and "Low limit"?

    I just started messing around with Yahoo Finance, and when I was customizing a view of my Portfolio, I saw where I can set a high and low limit. What is this, and what does it do really?

    3 AnswersYahoo Finance7 years ago
  • BF4 not saving my unlocks, or what?

    I just started playing Battlefield 4 on PS3. I have had several unlocks so far, but have noticed something that is pretty annoying.

    Let's say, when I'm playing right now and I unlock something in my Assault kit. it gives me that little Orange triangle in the corner to let me know I have something new.

    Well, normally I go through and either add whatever is new to my kit, or just view it so that the Orange thing will disappear. But when I play the game later, it will pop up with that orange thing again and I have to go through the whole process again.

    It even happens when I haven't unlocked anything new. I'll get on, and it shows the Orange thing on all my kits. I even got on yesterday and it said my dog tags were new, and when I looked ALL of the tags for the different countries were new. Even though that was one of the first things I cleared.

    Can anyone let me know what this is and how I can get it to stop? I remeber I had a similar issue like this when I first started playing BF3 a long time ago.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Can you play Mircosoft's Flight Simulator X on Xbox?

    I have Flight Simulator X on my PC, and was curious to know if there is any flight simulators (not really combat plane games) that were on PS3 or on Xbox (I believe it might be Xbox 360 that my son's have). I came across the below website from Xbox and it made me think that I could download the game and play it on Xbox.

    Looking at that, does that mean that I can download the game to the Xbox and play it on there? Sorry,I'm more of a PS fan and don't know much about Xbox.

    If you can, can you give me some step by step instructions on how to get the game downloaded and to play it? Also, does anyone know of any other flight simuators for Xbox for PS3? Thanks all.

    6 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • Explain weapons on Battlefield 3 (PS3)?

    Been playing Battlefield 3 online for a while now. Got a pretty good understanding of everything, but was curious about how the weapons are available and not.

    Can someone explain to me how the weapons are available to one team, but not the other? Like, I have seen one weapon that is "unlocked" selcted, but it tells me that it can't be saved (I think it said something about not being available to that team; US or the other guys). Is one side only allowed to use certain weapons the whole time? For example, is the US allowed to use the M16A3, but the other guys are not allowed to? Or will the weapon be unlocked for BOTH sides at some point?

    I also noticed that my primary weapon tends to change whenever the game changes what team I am playing on (US or the other guys). Like, in my Assualt kit, I have the M16A3 that I play with when I am on the US team. However, when I end up getting switched to the other guys, the primary weapon is changed to one of the Ak-47 weapons (if I remember correctly). Either way, it changes and then it will change back when I go back to being on the US side.

    The answer with the most explanation of how things work will get the best answer. Thanks!

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Back to Karkand on Battlefield 3 (PS3)?

    I bought the Battlefield 3 Limited Edition game on PS3. I asked what the difference is on here, and was told that it had the Back to Karkand expansion pack on it. What all maps are in the Back to Karkand expansion pack? And, am I correct in assuming that the maps in the expansion pack are for the online part of the game?

    Lol I know I can look this up on the net elsewhere, but I figured I would just be lazy and offer up an easy best answer to someone.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • What is the difference between Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 3 Limited Edition?

    I used to have Battlefield 3 on PS3 and gave it to my nephew. Then, I bought it again not too long ago and it was the "Limted Edition". What is the difference between the regular version and the Limited Edition version of the game? Does this mean I should get access to any of the expansion packs or anything?

    If I do get access to any expansion packs, how do I get access to them? When I got the Limited Edition of the game (I also got a brand new PS3 at the same time), I of course entered the online pass code so that I could play it online. However, when I play online and try to play on some servers it says that I don't have the maps for some of them (like Armored Kill). Is there something else that I am supposed to do to get access to those maps? If so,please tell me how to get them?

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • New Nike + Running App (iPhone)?

    Today I downloaded the new Nike+ Running app from the iTunes app store. I went to the Nike Plus website, and registered there. Created a couple of "routes" on there as well. I haven't tried to use the app for a run yet, and won't be able to for a couple of days, but was trying to learn the ropes of it all before I do anyway. Here are a couple of questions I have:

    (Note, this app is different than the "Nike + iPod" app that requires you to have the sensor in the shoe. It is the new app recently released and can be used on the iPhone using the GPS on the phone)

    1- When I do go for a run, how do I sync all the run information (distance, time, pace, etc.) up with the Nike Plus website? Or does it do it automatically from the phone when finished with the run?

    2- As I was just browsing around the app to figure out the navigation, after I had already created a couple of "routes" on the Nike Plus site, I didn't see either of the routes that I created, or even where I could go to select any routes that I would be running. When "setting up" the "run", it just gives me the options of type of run (basic, distance, and time runs) and then under the location menu it just shows outdoor and indoor. How do I get the option to select which route I ran that I created on the Nike Plus website? It is supposed to track where you are on the run and all that kind of stuff, right? I mean, what is the purpose of creating the routes on Nike Plus if you can't select which route you are running on each run to keep tabs/records on stuff. Is there a possibility that I have to go on my first run to see this stuff?

    Also, if you can point to any "How To" sites that is for this particular app and NOT the Nike + iPod app, I would really appreciate it. I really would like to see some links.

    For those that have used this app and the Nike Plus site, let me know what you think about it, whether you like it or not, what you do and don't like about it, and also any tips or other good info to have with it.

    Thank you all.

    4 AnswersRunning9 years ago

    ADVICE FOR A FRIEND!!! So, I have a friend that is in the middle of something that I believe is a bad situation for her and her kids. Told her I would do something like this anonymously to get a general concesus so she knows that it is not just me that believes the situation is bad. I'll make it brief as possible, but highlighting the important points. Even leaving a lot of those out. I just really need to show her what other nuetral people out there would think about it. Be as brutally honest as you want.

    Girl meets boy on dating site. Boy is soldier at Fort Hood, girl lives at least an hour away. AFTER JUST SIX DAYS OF KNOWING EACH OTHER, boy tells girl that in four months he is getting stationed in another state and wants her AND her two kids to come with him. Come to find out, boy is STILL married and wife is supposedly back in Arkansas. Boy lives with his buddy/buddy's wife on base on a cot and not in the barracks like he is supposed to be (he is still married so can't live in the barracks; i'm thinking wife is actually still in town possibly). Boy also told girl that he wants to spend ALL of his time off with her and her boys. Meaning he gets off work each night, and comes over and spends all weekend with her. Pretty much living with her and the kids and commuting to Fort Hood each day. Boy also brought up the fact that he wants to get her pregnant so they can have a child together and they get married. All this after only six days! He has already exhibited jealous and controlling tendencies by telling her that it is not cool that she has guy friends, and she has even said he seems pretty possessive.

    If she goes with him, she takes her and her kids totally out of state away from ALL her and the kids family to a place that she has no job and away from their father and anything they have ever known. Since he is still married, he CANNOT get insurance on her or the kids as dependents and they can't even shop at the Commissary for groceries. To all of which she has pretty much agreed to do.

    My question is, is this a stupid situation to be in and is it pretty much doomed to fail? Is he or she being not so smart? Does she really need to watch out and get out of this while she can? Is she making a bad decision here continuing with this guy? What else do you think or have to say about all this?? Be as brutally honest as possible.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Can I switch iPhones on my account?

    I have the family plan with AT&T. I have the iPhone 4 on my phone number, and my daughter has the iPhone 4S on her phone number. If I wanted to swap phones with her, could I take the SIM card out of both phones and swap them so that I have the 4S? Or do I need to take both phones up to AT&T and have them do it or some other kind of programming or settings change?

    Also, if I did the swap at home or at the AT&T store, what all information would I end up losing? (contacts, texts, etc)

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • PELL Grant while using 9/11 GI Bill?

    I am currently using the Post 9/11 GI Bill for going to college (I am out of the Army) and haven't tried for any other kind of financial aid. Since, I am going to school full time, I don't really have too much time to work and someone told me about PELL grants.

    Can someone give me some information about getting the PELL grants while using my 9/11 GI Bill? Really, any information can help, but I am really wanting to know if since I am using the 9/11 GI Bill, will that shut me out from getting the PELL grant (or lowering how much I could get)?

    If I can utilize both, how does it work really? I heard that the 9/11 GI Bill tuition money will go to the school to pay for the classes like normal and my book and BAH money will come to me directly normal, and then my PELL grant money will go to my school and since the tuition is paid for by the GI BIll already, the school will cut me a check for the amount of the difference (pretty much the amount of the PELL grant) to also help with books and living expenses.

    Those are pretty much the questions I have for this, but I welcome and appreciate ALL useful information. Please include some sources if you have any. Thanks

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid9 years ago
  • "Rivalry Week" On Yahoo Fantasy Baseball?

    I am a commissioner of a league on Yahoo Fantasy Baseball. This season I guess they added the ability for us to customize the matchup or game scheduling. There is an option for making certain weeks a "Rivalry Week".

    Wanting to know what exactly is a rivalry week on there and what does it do really if you label a specific week a rivalry week?

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports10 years ago
  • Marine Corps Seperation Code?

    Needing this information urgently. A former Marine (discharged in 2010) has a SEPERATION code of JHJ5C. I am trying to find out what this is exactly.

    I have found that the JHJ means "unsuitability" or "unsatisfactory perfermance". What I am trying to figure out exactly is what it means with the 5C on the end of it. I could not find it anywhere. I am ex Army and know little about the Marine Corps regulations and all that. If it helps, the ex Marine was convicted in civilian court for a violent crime, and his discharge was while he was making his plea bargain.

    I would also like to see source information if at all possible. Also, can you tell me if usually this ends up in a dishonorable discharge or a bad conduct discharge. Thanks, guys.

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Starting Fantasy Baseball League...Help With Setting Up Roster and Points?

    I am setting up a Fantasy Baseball League for 2011. It will be Head to Head Points and max teams will be anywhere from 12-20. I am looking for guidance on what all roster positions I should set up. How many SP's, RP's, P's, and Util's? Should I just use three OF postions or should I go with a RF, LF, and CF specifically?

    Also, would like some input on the point values for the following categories:


    Runs, Hits, Singles, Doubles, Triples, Home Runs, Runs Batted In, Stolen Bases, Caught Stealing, Walks, Strikeouts, Ground Into Double Play, Errors, Hitting For The Cycle, and Grand Slam Home Runs.


    Innings Pitched, Wins, Losses, Complete Games, Shutouts, Outs, Hits, Home Runs, Walks, Strikeouts, Stolen Bases Allowed, Triples Allowed, Relief Wins, Pickoffs, and No Hitters.

    I know this answer may take a bit of time to type out, but the help is very much appreciated and I would give more than 10 points on here if I could. Also, if you would like to join the league that I am setting up, by all

    League Name: Texas Fantasy Baseball

    Password: rangers

    League URL:

    Also will be setting up an ESPN league with this information as well.

    1 AnswerFantasy Sports1 decade ago
  • Using Excel to Sort Tasks by Priority?

    I am creating a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel. The spreadsheet will consist of tasks and that need to be completed and other information regarding the task. I already have a default "point" system of prioritizing the tasks, but wanting to know if there is away that once entering in all the information and "point" levels, the tasks will automatically be moved or sorted by the highest priority.

    For example, "Task 1" has only an importance level of 5, but I enter at the bottom of the spreadsheet "Task 10" which has an importance level of 1. Is there a way that once the information is entered that "Task 10" (the entire row of information) will be moved to the top of the list?

    Any help or even suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • How come I get get to the website on my computer?

    I am on a social network site called Fubar. The site is Everything was going fine up until two days ago. Now, when I type in the web address or select it from my recents, my browswer just sits there and won't connect to the site. I do have Wi-Fi and the connection is good as I can get to anyother website just fine. I also go to the website on my iPhone. I just can't get there on my laptop.

    Anybody got any suggestions or help with what might be going on or what I can do to correct this?

    4 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • How do I become a successful philanthropist?

    Just curious how to go about doing something like this. Is there a specific route someone must go through or what? What are some of the factors that need to be figured in?

    1 AnswerCorporations1 decade ago
  • Book written by Jack the Ripper?

    There was a book that was supposedly written by Jack the Ripper. From what I was understanding it is pretty much an underground book because it was not allowed to be published for several reasons including some Freemason conspiracy theories.

    Can anyone tell me the name of this book?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • 9/11 Video With Firefighters' P.A.S.S. Devices Sounding?

    A while back I saw a video that was in part of a 9/11 documentary. I can't remember the documentary, but there was a video taken at Ground Zero on the morning after the attacks (or maybe even the day of) that I am wanting to find. The video was looking at the rubble while the rescue workers were looking for survivors and those that perished, but in the background all you could hear were the alarms from the P.A.S.S. devices the firefighters that were killed were wearing.

    Can anyone let me know of a link or URL to this documentary or even just the video taken that I am speaking of??? A P.A.S.S. device is an alarm system worn by firefighters for when they are attacking a fire and if they become lost or injured or even knocked out or killed. If they remain still and don't move for about 30 seconds a very loud and high pitch alarm sounds with some strobe lights flashing so that other firefighters and rescue workers can find the downed firefighter.

    Thanks for the help, big time!!! God bless those we lost.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What is the of the stuff to spray on engine engine and compartment to clean?

    I used to work as a detailer a looong time ago when I was in high school. One of the steps was cleaning the engine compartment and we would use this stuff in a spray bottle (like the windex kind of spray bottle). It was red and it smelled like cinnimon. Anyway, you would spreay it all over the engine and any other surface under the hood and then take a power washer and rinse it all out.

    I am wanting to know the name of that stuff or something like it that I can get at Wal-Mart or Autozone. It doesn't have to be the same color or have a certain smell. Just the kind of stuff you squirt in there and rinse it off and make the whole compartment look really clean. Might be a degreaser, but I'm not sure.

    Any help?

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago