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  • Enlist as an Army MOS 68W as an EMT?

    So I've been talking to my recruiter about which MOS I could get. Initially I was looking at Intel jobs like 35M and 35F, but she told me that because of a past conviction (misdemeanor assault) I wouldn't be able to get a security clearance.

    Another option is to go combat medic, and she told me that because I'm already CPR certified and have my EMT-B, I'd go straight in as an E-4. I also read somewhere that AIT would also be shorter for me as well.

    I guess I just want to make sure this is all true. I know recruiters have been known to exaggerate or even lie to potential recruits. Any 68W's out there who can confirm?

    Enlisting as an E-4 sounds pretty damn good to me.

    3 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Magic the Gathering - inferno and frost titan's triggered abilities?

    If I have an Inferno Titan (or any of the titans really), it's my turn and I declare attackers, the Titan's ability triggers. But for Inferno Titan for example, when I declare it attacking the triggered ability gets put on the stack, does it resolve before or after my opponent declares his blockers?

    Can I use the triggered ability to say, deal 3 damage to one creature to kill it before he can declare blockers?

    I know you have to choose targets and divide the damage as its put on the stack and not as it resolves, so this little technicality makes a big difference in how its played.

    2 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • Defibrillators: V-Tac,V-Fib and Asystole question?

    So in my EMT class we learned about AED's and shockable vs non-shockable rhythms. The book says we only shock if there's no pulse and no signs of life and they're in V-Tac or V-Fib.

    So I was just curious, does that mean that all those hospital shows and every scene in those movies where someone flatlines and they charge the panels is just Hollywood nonsense? Or are there times where it actually happens?

    6 AnswersHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • magic the gathering - odric, master tactician?

    Simple question, if I'm attacking with Odric and at least 3 other creatures (fulfilling the requirement for his ability) can I just choose to have none of my opponent's creatures block anyone at all? Essentially giving me at least 4 unblockable creatures?

    2 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • Magic the Gathering - damage question?

    Say I attack with a 5/5 creature, and my opponent has 3 2/2 creatures he's going to block with.

    I get to choose the order I fight his blocking creatures in, and I take damage from them, and I know I have to assign enough damage to kill one before I can fight the next one, so does that mean I divide my damage points among his blocking creatures? Or do I just do 5 points of damage to each one I fight?

    Also, with Palace Guard, since it can block multiple creatures, is it like the same concept? If I'm blocking multiple creatures I can choose the order I fight them in right?

    4 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • magic the gathering - combat step and instants?

    The rules say (509.2a) that if you declare a creature as a blocker, but a spell or ability removes that creature from combat, the attacking creature it was assigned to block stays blocked. I know for something like Brindle Boar, you can declare it as a blocker, then sacrifice it just before damage assignment occurs, the attacking creature stays blocked and you'd gain 4 life from the ability.

    So with a card like Chronomaton I'm assuming the same rules apply. Assuming I have the 1 mana to pay for the ability, I could declare Chronomaton as a blocker, then tap 1 land and tap it, effectively blocking the attacking creature and also activating its ability and getting the +1/+1 counter.

    Also, I keep seeing something about the combat damage step not using the stack. Say I wanted to attack with a creature, wait to see who my opponent chooses to block with, then play Titanic Growth to give one of my mismatched creatures an edge. Is that legal? Or would I have to play something like that as I declare attackers?

    4 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • Magic the Gathering: gideon's lawkeeper?

    Let's say my opponent and I both control a Gideon's Lawkeeper. My turn starts and neither of them are tapped, I want to use mine to tap his, so he can't tap my other creature. He wants to do the same thing.

    What happens if two Gideon's Lawkeepers are on the field at the same time?

    2 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • magic the gathering - assassinate and summoning sickness?

    Is a creature with summoning sickness a legal target for something like Assassinate (destroy target tapped creature)?

    Or does it have to come out of summoning sickness and then be tapped?

    3 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • couple random Magic the Gathering questions?

    1a. Vengeful Archon - since I don't tap to activate the ability, as long as I have mana to use the ability, I can activate it at any time right? Like even right after my opponent declares their attackers, right then I could tap my lands and use Vengeful Archon's ability yes?

    1b. Also, I keep reading that a permanent's activated ability goes on the stack, but also that since it's not technically a spell it can't be countered (at least not unless it's by a card that specifically allows it to like Squelch), is this true? Is it only true if the ability costs mana?

    2. Zombie Infestation. How does it work? It doesn't cost anything once you cast it, and it's an enchantment so it's not a one time thing. It doesn't say "you may" or anything like that. It only says, "Discard two cards: Put a 2/2 black Zombie creature token onto the battlefield."

    Does this mean you have no choice but to discard to cards every turn? When phase of your turn do you do it?

    4 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • magic the gathering counterspells and artifacts?

    Not really a question, just looking for some confirmation.

    Since technically playing any card besides lands counts as casting a spell, you could use counterspell cards like Negate or Cancel to counter anything else right? So I could use Negate to counter spells but also enchantments and any artifacts right? well just not creature summons since it specifically says so on Negate

    3 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • Magic the Gathering - goldnight redeemer's ability and plummet question?

    If I summon a Goldnight Redeemer ("when GR enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life for each other creature you control") can my opponent play PLummet (destroy target creature with flying) to stop me from getting life from GR's ability?

    In other words, since Plummet doesn't actually stop the creature spell, it only destroys the flying creature after the summoning spell has resolved, do I still get GR's ability and gain life before it's destroyed? Or does it stop that too?

    I'm assuming I still get the ability's benefits since the ability would resolve as soon as the summoning resolves, which is before Plummet can be used.

    3 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • Magic the Gathering lifelink question?

    I was playing a game the other day and ran into an odd situation. Couldn't find anything definitive on this myself so I could use a little help clearing this up. I'll try to keep it simple.

    I had an Ajani's Pridemate (you may put a +1/+1 counter on AP whenever you gain life) and a Merrow Witsniper, which is a 1/1 creature, but I had a Lifelink attached to it.

    I attacked with both creatures and at this point my Ajani's Pridemate had 1 counter on it, so it was a 3/3 creature at the time I declared the attack. My opponent decided to block my Pridemate with his one 4/4 creature. The complication was this:

    All combat damage is dealt simultaneously right (assuming there's no First Strike or anything), so with my Merrow Witsniper I'd do 1 damage to his life and get +2 to mine from Lifelink.

    But what about my Adaji's Pridemate? Since I gained life he gets another +1/+1 counter, but does it happen instantly and simultaneously - meaning that he would be a 4/4, and he and my friend's 4/4 take each other out - or does it happen after the turn or something, meaning he's still a 3/3 and dies?

    3 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • Magic the Gathering - enchantments, sacrifices and creature token rules?!?

    New to MTG, having a blast with it but I'm still pretty confused about some of the minor technicalities. I tried finding answers myself online but didn't get anything clear. I've got a lot of questions so thanks in advance if you can help with any of them! And please excuse me if some of these questions sound dumb.

    1. A lot of creatures have abilities that say "when it enters the battlefield", does a creature "enter the battlefield" as soon as I summon it, or after a turn when it comes out of summoning sickness?

    2. Say I play Pacifism on my opponent's creature, and then he wants to play Fling. Can he sacrifice that creature to satisfy Fling's requirements and destroy my Pacifism enchantment in the process?

    3. If I attached an enchantment aura on one of my creatures, can I just switch it to another creature? Or is it just stuck there onto that one creature until it goes to the graveyard or is exiled.

    4. Say you have an artifact or creature that says when a certain condition is met that you get "X" amount of creature tokens. They're technically creatures so do they suffer from summoning sickness in that first turn like any other creature?

    5. I read somewhere that control of a creature is separate from control of any aura or equipment attached to it. So if I use a card that allows me to take control of a creature, do I also get control (and benefit from) anything attached to it? Or does the aura/equipment just sit there? Go to the graveyard?

    6. Phantasmal Image is one of the cards that clones another creature you control. Does it just copy its power and toughness? Or does it also copy abilities, and what about auras and equipments attached to it?

    Thanks again for any help!

    7 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • Fallout New Vegas "true" iron sights problem with a gun mod. Help!?

    So I added this mod for an XM8 rifle from new vegas nexus by Lionheart8705, and it's just about perfect, except for one thing.

    sometimes I actually prefer playing with "true" iron sights turned off, just so I can get a better field of view

    thing is, when the option is off and I aim, I see my crosshairs stay on screen like they should, but the front and rear sight posts still line up and sight in over the middle of them as if iron sights was still on.

    So instead of just the gun moving towards the middle and you looking over it like you do with other guns, nothing changes, and I get my crosshairs plus the same iron sights animation overlapping in the middle.

    I've tried tinkering with the animation options in GECK but it doesn't fix the issue. Anyone know what I can do to fix this? Is this a mesh problem?

    1 AnswerPC9 years ago
  • Custom template for Go Daddy Quick Shopping Cart?

    My friend asked if I could help him with his GoDaddy Quick Shopping Cart online store. I've got a basic setup but I find myself really limited with my options. For example, I have a category navigation bar but it's on the middle of the page, and I want it either at the top just below the logo or on the side (similar to the way sites like Newegg and TheGolfWarehouse are laid out).

    Another thing those sites allow you to do is narrow your search parameters. Like if you search for a golf club, and then you pick irons, you can then check off things like right handed, length, shaft material, etc., and it automatically removes everything from your results that doesn't fall into your specific categories. I want to add that to his site, but all I can seem to do is just add more categories and put them into each other.

    Are there ways to further edit your chosen template beyond just the typical options, or can you just make up your own template and customize it exactly as you want it? (layout, pictures, widgets, ads, etc.), or do you just have to work with one of the pre-made ones to choose from?

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design10 years ago
  • What's the best free forum software?

    I want to get a forum set up, and would love vBulletin, but it's like $195.

    I'd love something similar to vBulletin. So far I've heard good things about Invisionboard (or is it InvisionFree?) and phpBB. There are some others I've found like Vanilla, but I don't know much about them.

    Any recommendations?

    1 AnswerSoftware10 years ago
  • System restore, files disappeared from my desktop and folders, but they haven't been deleted.?

    My computer (running Windows Vista) had some sort of virus on it, my antivirus programs couldn't fix it so I did a system restore.

    When I had the virus, I couldn't see anything on my desktop, it was just my wallpaper. No icons, no quicklaunch buttons, nothing. I tried opening up my folders but they were all empty, it was like nothing was there and all the files just vanished.

    So I did the system restore. It worked, sort of. Returned things back to normal, but the problem is a lot of my files have just disappeared. I've done a system restore before and this hasn't happened. Basically, all my videos, music, word and excel documents, pdfs and pictures are just gone. Thing is, I'm pretty sure they haven't been deleted because I checked my hard drive space and it hasn't changed. So the 50+ gigs of files are still around somewhere, it's like they're invisible though. My wallpaper hasn't changed to the default, it's still showing, and it was saved in my now "empty" picture folder, along with other icons and folders that are either empty or don't show up.

    All the other processes are running fine, the only problem is that all these files have just disappeared. Anyone know how to fix this?

    6 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • What's an "MT" on Facebook?

    "User chose not to accept any more MTs

    "The user hit a maximum number of MTs we can send, and we've just hit it"

    I tried searching around on Google for it but couldn't find it.

    Anybody know what it means?

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • My Facebook friend just disappeared, what happened?

    Added them a little while ago after we met through mutual friends, and all hung out a few times.

    We've left posts and comments on each others' walls and on our friends' walls. So I was on my friend's profile and noticed that her "likes" and comments were gone. I searched for her in my friends and she wasn't there either. It's not just on my profile, it's on everyone's that her comments and stuff have disappeared. It's like she never had a Facebook.

    Can blocking someone do this or is it a deactivated account? This is the second time this has happened.

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • I want to learn how to cook, where's a good place to start?

    I love food (who doesn't?) and I love watching Food Network. It's gotten to the point where I'm sitting there thinking that it doesn't look all that hard (or perhaps those pros just make it look easy).

    Still, I'd like to learn. It's one thing to take some pasta and sauce that you bought at the grocery and boil some water and make yourself spaghetti, but I'd like to get more into it, and eventually start making my own pastas and sauces and stuff like that. I'd also love to learn more about preparing food in general, like vegetables, fish, beef, or knowing which spices to use for what dish, stuff like that.

    Are there any good websites or videos with tips and recipes and things like that that I could check out?

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago