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Lv 2694 points

T's mummy

Favorite Answers4%

I am 19 i am now a mummy to Tobias born in september 2012

  • 4 month old exposed to whooping cough?

    went to friends house today only while we were sitting down did she anounce that she was getting over whooping cough. she still had the cough!

    LO has had 2 of his shots but not all three will he be ok. worried bloody sick

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • bumpafter dying my hair?

    my sister died my hair with just a bottle from the shop, normally get it done at a salon but not this time, did it about two days ago.

    now was just brushing my and on the top of my head there was like a small bump on my head, what could this be, could this be from dying my hair and maybe having a little reaction

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • sleepy.cranky 12 week old?

    for the past week Tobias has gone from a alert baby to a child who seriously just sleeps, he seriously will be up for maybe an hour at a time in the day and sleep 10 solid hours at night, been doing this since last thursday completely different to the 2 hour nap once a day he has been having

    now since yesterday he is still sleeping loads and is now screaming when he is up and just looks so miserable. he is 12 weeks and 3 days. does this sound like a wonder week thing , hee is just a cranky little boy at the moment

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • what do you think of these two boys name?

    I like more different names so they are probably not everyones style, middle names are family names.

    Demetri John

    Seth Edward

    7 AnswersBaby Names8 years ago
  • is this a normal "scheldue" for a 2 m/o?

    he has changed his pattern completely this week and i am starting to think he really isnt getting enough sleep. he goes to bed about 10-11 after his night feed and bath, wakes at 1.30ish sleep at 2.30-3.00 up for another feed just after 4, maybe a quick nap but up for the day by 5am. then maybe a quick nap in the morning and a decent 2-3 hour after noon nap with another nap in the evening. is this pretty normal, is it just he is a wakeful baby, i am def starting to see a patten with him now though :)

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • baby has his day and nights all mixed up?

    My son is 9 weeks old and we are very much baby led, we feed him when he wants, change him etc. i really didnt want to start a routine with him but it is now getting rediculous

    My son now wakes up at midnight like clockwork and stays up to between 4-6 with small power naps of 20 minutes in between then will sleep to about 10-12 then be up an hour then have a good 4 hour nap and then basically it continues, is it normal for a baby of this ages day and nights to be mixed, is there anything i can do, tried keeping him up but he either falls asleep or gets over tired and then will not sleep

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • what kind of name style would you say i have?

    just curious, would you say i am trendy? popular? traditional? Classic? something else? just curious

    my sons name is Tobias Joshua James

    my top 4 boys names are





    6 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • what would you name his future sibling?

    I had my son last month, not planning on any others for a good 2 years but just for fun what names do you like for his maybe brother or sister

    Tobias Joshua James and ......

    4 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Measuring behind in pregnancy?

    so my fundal height this pregnancy has been

    25 weeks= 23 weeks

    28 weeks= 25 weeks

    30 weeks= 32 weeks

    32 weeks= 32 weeks

    34 weeks= 29 weeks

    36 weeks= 30 weeks

    i had a scan at 35 weeks which showed average baby with good fluid (at a 12), midwife just keeps saying oh you are small so baby must just be small but i cant help but worry alot about him anyone else had this? i will be having no more scans this pregnancy so am just having wait to he is here to make sure he is ok...

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • measuring behind in pregnancy?

    so my fundal height this pregnancy has been

    25 weeks= 23 weeks

    28 weeks= 25 weeks

    30 weeks= 32 weeks

    32 weeks= 32 weeks

    34 weeks= 29 weeks

    36 weeks= 30 weeks

    i had a scan at 35 weeks which showed average baby with good fluid (at a 12), midwife just keeps saying oh you are small so baby must just be small but i cant help but worry alot about him anyone else had this?

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • is period like cramps a early labor symptom?

    for the past three nights i have had period like cramping, they can get quite bad, not extremely painful but they are annoying and noticeable. i have also seen a pickup of ,y braxton hix and they are much more uncomfy now too. i am only 36 weeks and 3 days. is this my body preparing or maybe very very early labor. could it be soon, hoping he stays in another few weeks so he does not have to get help from nicu or anything

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • does anyone else have this with movements.?

    I have always had a lazy baby who rarely moves, i am 34 weeks on tuesday, the last week his movements have changed and now i seem to have a day or two of non stop moving then a very quiet few days where i will just feel a couple of spurts of movements. yesterday i felt him almost constantly from 4pm to 1am which was just insane, he was going crazy. is this normal for babies to have crazy days then quiet days, someone told me increased movement like this could be a sign he is distressed, should i be concerned with that or is this just normal

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • itchy skin, no rash while pregnant?

    I am 32 weeks on tuesday and have the most horrible itchy skin mainly on my back but also on my arms and legs and belly. is this normal? i have no rash just itching

    3 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • Are growth scans that accurate?

    i just got back from my growrh scan, i am 29 weeks and 6 days and he is measuring exactly 2lb based on the scan, they said that is little but in the normal range so i am not that worried but they did say to expect a smaller then average baby, my question is how accurate are these scans, should i get some smaller outfits for him (you know the tiny baby stuff in mothercare that is for a baby upto 7.5lb) or are the scans really not that reliable. I am a smaller person (5ft 2inches and was 96lb BEFORE pregnancy) and babies dad was actually on 5lb 12oz at birth

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • are growth scans that accurate?

    i just got back from my growrh scan, i am 29 weeks and 6 days and he is measuring exactly 2lb based on the scan, they said that is little but in the normal range so i am not that worried but they did say to expect a smaller then average baby, my question is how accurate are these scans, should i get some smaller outfits for him (you know the tiny baby stuff in mothercare that is for a baby upto 7.5lb) or are the scans really not that reliable. I am a smaller person (5ft 2inches and was 96lb BEFORE pregnancy) and babies dad was actually on 5lb 12oz at birth

    4 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • is it ok to not feel much movement at 27 weeks?

    I will be 27 weeks on tuesday

    I do feel my son but not as much as it seems aot of other people do, i don't feel big rolls and he never really goes mad, just maybe once or twice a day i will get a few kicks from him, sometimes you can see my belly move every so slightly. some days i do not even feel him to i go to bed. they are very light movements and i just worry as whatever i do i never feel lots of movement and people keep saying i should feel ten movements a day and i def don't feel anything near to that. i heard his heartrate at 25 weeks and it was normal. he has always been a quiet baby though

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Is it weird to have a posterior placenta and still not feel much movement?repost?

    I am 22 weeks tomorrow.

    I feel him sometimes, today i have felt him quite abit (now thinking it was actually gas, as i have been so gassy this evening :/) but before that normally i may get 1 kick during the day if i am lucky, i felt three movements over the weekend and maybe a few more flutters but they were not definately my baby if that makes sense. people keep on saying oh you must have your placenta at the front and i dont, all my scans it has been up high at the back so i am just confused

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • nickname/name dilema?

    my son will be named Tobias. i love it as a fullname, i know that it gets shortened to Toby and i do not mind that as an occasional thing but in the week we have known the sex and told people his name, everyone calls him Toby, like i said i dont mind it as a nickname and to be used occasionally but i also want my son to be called Tobias and to grow up knowing that is his name if that makes sense as a baby/toddler i want mainly Tobias. if when he is a teen he wants to be known as Toby that is fine it is his choice but would it be rude if when he was a baby i told people to please call him Tobias and not Toby all the time.

    8 AnswersBaby Names9 years ago
  • Is it weird to have a posterior placenta and still not feel much movement?

    I am 22 weeks tomorrow.

    I feel him sometimes, today i have felt him quite abit but before that normally i may get 1 kick during the day if i am lucky, i felt three movements over the weekend and maybe a few more flutters but they were not definately my baby if that makes sense. people keep on saying oh you must have your placenta at the front and i dont, all my scans it has been up high at the back so i am just confused

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • would you accept the baby stuff anyway?

    ok so we are on a big budget for this little man, i saw my cousin yesterday who has a 9 month old daughter. they have offered me all her unisex stuff but also asked me if i wanted her moses basket which has some girly accents on it, lavender cot sheets for when T goes in his cot and also some of their blankets and stuff that is more girl oriented (they have a swaddle mw or something? dont know what that is)

    now would it be weird for me to accept the stuff even the moses basket and stuff that may be more girly, i just think that for me and even my son the most important thing is getting cheaper stuff. what would you do, i am abit worried when people see it they will think i wanted a girl or i am strange for this?

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago