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Bert M
SQL - How to create a view containing single line with details from multiple lines?
How can I create a SQL view with details from multiple lines
eg my selection gets : Select Name,phone# from Table 1
Gives me :
Tom Jones,123456
Tom Jones,789789
Tom Jones,789745
Brad Pitt,1234777
Brad Pitt,987987
I want to see :
Tom Jones,123456, 789789,789745
Brad Pitt,1234777,987987
Can anyone Help PLEASE :-)
2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoHow do I create sql array?
I have selected info containing User Ids & Associated Book Refs in SQL and this produces multiple records for each user
For Example :
User Book
A 1
A 2
A 3
B 4
B 5
B 7
C 11
C 12
D 7777
D 7778
D 7779
D 7780
What I want is :
A 1 2 3
B 4 5 7
C 11 12
D 7777 7778 7779 7780
Can anyone help ?
2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agoHow can I email merged doc to a person.only once where person has multiple records in datasource?
Eg : Datasource contains
Name #
Tom 1
Tom 2
Dick 4
Dick 17
Harry 20
Only want to write to Tom Dick and Harry
ie Dear Tom
Can you confimr you have 2 books on loan
Ref :1
Ref :2
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade agoAnyone know where to get notation for irish country music song among the wicklow hills?
Anyone know where to get notation for irish country music song among the wicklow hills
2 AnswersOther - Ireland1 decade agoAnyone know where to get notation for irish country music song among the wicklow hills?
Anyone know where to get notation for irish country music song among the wicklow hills
1 AnswerCountry1 decade agoAnyone know where to get notation for irish country music songs?
I want to get notes of some of the popular irish country songs like the old rugged cross , danny boy, spancill hill etc...... anyone know where I can find them for free ????
2 AnswersOther - Ireland1 decade agoAnyone know where to get notation for irish country music songs?
I wnat to get notes of some of the popular isih country songs like the old rugged cross danny boy spancill hill etc...... anyone know where I can find them for free ????
4 AnswersCountry1 decade agoMS Access Database :I've 2 fields:How can I determine Shift is D if time >8:00<20:00 otherwise its N
Bascially I am new to Access but have a query. Can anyone tell me how to do the follwing in ACCESS :
If entry time is between 08:00 and 20:00 Shift is DayTime
otherwise its NightTime
Form Looks Like :
Name : Which is current User
Date : Current Date
Time : Current Time
Shift : Based on Time
1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade agoCan I get pregnant at age 44 & have a healthy baby?
9 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade agoThanks for the answer - How long does it take paw abscess to clear?
How long does it take paw abscess to clear.Dog had antibiotics for a week, swelling down but still red?
Thank you for all the replies - I really couldnt pick a best answer as I was so grateful to you all.
To let you know what happened.
The vet gave her valium (she had got excited on her previous isit - but the nurse reckonend there had been worse !)
he lloked at her & was delighted that the infection seemed to be getting better,
My problem then intensified in that she either had a reaction or too much valiuma nd she collapsed about 3 hours after taking the tablet - she couldnt move at all... Her eyes were sleepy but she was breathing ok... Is at with her all night and to tell you truth I was worried...... this morning however she is almost back to herself.... I am still bathing the paw as it is still red but for now I am staying away from the vet :)
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agoHow long does it take paw abscess to clear.Dog had antibiotics for a week, swelling down but still red?
Noticed my dog licking paw 15 days ago. Brought her to vet 2 dasy later. She was put on antibiotics for 5 days. I was told to keep an eye on it for 10 days & when I rang the vet was away so I have to go this evenin. I am a bit worried as on the first visit he said he hoped it was an abcess but if not it was a tumour and would be amputated... how can I tell ??? its still red but swellin is down a bit. The dog only licks after I have washed it (I have been washing it with salt & water). She doesnt have a limp & seems to be herself... she is such a pet I really dont want surgery unless its the last straw
8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago