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Lv 31,290 points


Favorite Answers8%
  • Why does my weight change so much?

    I am a 20 year old, 5'8 male and weigh 135. On 1/5 my weight was 139.On 1/12 I was 125.on 1/14 I weighed 135. I eat reguarly and have no eating disorders. I smoke weed everyday so I get the munchies a lot. what could be causing my weigh to change so drastically?

    3 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago
  • Gay male issues...10 points?

    Met a guy in June.We are close&do have sex.Told him I want 2 be with him but he says he doesnt see himself dating a man. He is dl.I'm 20 ,he's 41.Said he will always be there for me& wants me to move in with him into a 1 br in December. What do u think about this? What do I do?

  • Is he playing me?Hot and cold?

    Met a guy month ago.We got close quick.He shows me he cares and told me he is falling 4 me & he knows I have strong feelings for him. Everything goes good then he ignores my texts&calls.I say sorry 4 whatever I did.He says its not me& cant wait 2 see me.Keeps happening and its not me.Whats going on?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Is my friend gay/bi and attracted to me?

    I am a bisexual male. I have a friend that's a manly man and I know he likes females. I "act" like a normal straight guy around him, I like to think. Details about situation: 1.Out of nowhere he said, "I think you're gay" and I just rolled my eyes at him. 2.He likes to spend a lot of time with me no matter what time of day. Literally from morning to night. 3. He sent me a text message that said "If we woke up naked together what would you say?" I replied "wow what happened" He replied "LOL" 4. One day he came to chill & he brought his openly gay friend with him. I thought nothing of it until after his friend left he said " You know he's gay right" and I replied "Yes". Then he said "You know I don't have a problem with gay people right". And kept saying it like he was trying to convince me.Oh and when friend was leaving they had some kind of secret convo. 5.When we are around his friends who I assume are straight, he bashes gay people. (which might be a cover up). Do you guys think he is bi or bi curious? And if so do you think he has some kind of interest in me? Or do you think he simply just wants to know my orientation? I want to know because I kind of have a crush on him, but don't want to act on it for obvious reasons. Please help