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Well, in the time that I took off from this site... I've realized how much time I wasted on here. And now I'm back to waste some more :) ╔╗╔═╦╗ Put this in your profile ║╚╣║║╚╗ if you love to laugh! ╚═╩═���═╝ LOL!! ╔══╗╔══╗╔╗╔╗░╔══╗ ║╠═╣║░░║║║║║░║══╣ ╠═╣║║║║║║║║╚╗║══╣ ╚══╝╚╩╩╝╚╝╚═╝╚══╝ ╔══╗╔╗░╔╦╦╗╔══╗╔╗╔╗╔══╗ ║╔╗║║║░║║║║║╔╗║║╚╝║║╠═╣ ║╔╗║║╚╗║║║║║╔╗║╚╗╔╝╠═╣║ ╚╝╚╝╚═╝╚══╝╚╝╚╝░╚╝░╚══╝ ╔═══╗ ♪ ║███║ ♫ ║ (●) ♫ ╚═══╝♪♪ (¯`v´¯) .`*.¸.*´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.♥ ☮Peace

  • Charity project help, please?

    We have this kind of service project for school. There's a group of 4 of us doing it. We have decided that we want to focus on helping developing countries obtain clean water. What we are hoping to do is collect water bottles from around our school/community and then turn them into a company and get money in return. Basically, we're hoping we can find a company that will match our bottles for cash or give us so much money for how ever many pounds we collect.

    We have already started collecting bottles and we actually have quite a few. I've heard of companies helping charity organizations and school groups and giving money for water bottles but we are having a really hard time finding one that can help us.

    We have contacted a few companies and they can't help us because we aren't a "school organization".

    I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any *possible* companies that would be able to take our water bottles and give us cash in return, preferably around the Ohio/Pennsylvania area.

    (Just so you know, we are planning on donating the money we receive to a clean water charity and also keeping some of the bottles we collect to create a recycling awareness art piece.)

    Any help at all would be so appreciated!! :)

    1 AnswerCommunity Service8 years ago
  • Who is responsible for the discovery of heterochromia (different colored eyes)?

    Heterochromia (when someone has two different colored eyes) I know has been around for a while but is there anyone to actually be credited for the discovery of it?

    Any help is greatly appreciated... also if you could.. can I get a website?

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases9 years ago
  • Who is responsible for the discovery of heterochromia (different colored eyes)?

    Heterochromia (when someone has two different colored eyes) I know has been around for a while but is there anyone to actually be credited for the discovery of it?

    Any help is greatly appreciated... also if you could.. can I get a website?

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersOptical9 years ago
  • How to delete songs after they have been synced?

    Okay, so I had all this music in my iTunes library... then I put my brother's iPod into the computer and I accidently hit "sync all" or whatever so all of my music went on to his iPod... well I can't figure out how to get it off... so any help would be great :)

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • CD to iTouch transfer question?

    So, I put a CD into my computer and wanted to add the songs on iTunes to my iTouch. It came up and said "Do you want to import this CD?" so I clicked yes. It downloaded all of the songs and they have little green check marks by them. But how do I actually get them ON my iTouch... right now they are just in my iTunes library. Everyone keeps saying there should be an "Apply" button.. but there is none. I could be missing that button, though, so if that's how I do it... where is that button located?

    I know I sound clueless... but I have done this before. I just don't remember what I did last time :/

    Any help is greatly appreciated... Thanks so much! :)

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players9 years ago
  • So, got any big plans for tonight?

    I'm just going out to eat and then to a couple of stores with some family...

    I was just curious what the Y!A P&S section was doing tonight... :)

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What's your favorite holiday movie?

    Mine is either It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, or Elf :)

    I'm watching It's a Wonderful Life now actually.

    Happy holidays everyone!!

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Does it actually feel like Christmas Eve to you?

    I just wanna make sure it's not just me...but it feels NOTHING like Christmas Eve!!

    There's no snow where I am so that might be why... because usually there's like 6 inches on the ground by now. But I don't know... I still haven't realized that tomorrow is really Christmas.

    Happy Holidays :)

    34 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Is it past your bedtime?

    In other words... are you tired right now?

    What time is it where you are?

    I'm extremely tired right now... and it's 11:15PM here. :P

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Is all of this okay to take in my carry on?

    So, I have flown many times before but I just always get paranoid the day before a trip like I'm gonna forget something or do something wrong. I am bringing a purse and maybe a small bag for like books, electronics, etc. But in my purse I am bringing some makeup and lotion and I just wanted to make sure the makeup and lotion was okay to bring.

    I have:

    A lotion 2fl oz

    A small perfume 2fl oz

    A chapstick .15 oz

    Another like shimmery chapstick .17oz

    and Powder coverup .41oz

    I believe the amount I can have is 3.4oz right? Does that mean all added together or they each can seperately be that size?

    Thanks so much! :)

    2 AnswersPacking & Preparation10 years ago
  • What do you think of Dani's nomination choices on BB?

    DON'T read this if you don't want to know who Dani nominated yet...

    So, Dani ends up putting Rachel and Brendon on the block this week. What do you think about it? I just wanna see other people's opinions. Honestly, I don't think it was the strongest move... I think she should have went after Jeff like she was gonna do ANYWAY last week.. I like Jeff. I really do; but I think he needs to leave the game so we can really see Jordan play. She has kinda been relying on Jeff lately, IMO. I wouldn't mind seeing Brendon go either.. but I think it was unecessary to put Rachel up. She would really work with Dani so it's not like she would be her enemy. Anyway, what do you think?

    4 AnswersReality Television10 years ago
  • If you have any, did you do your summer homework yet?

    I have SS summer homework and I have like zero motivation to do it. haha

    I'm just sitting at my computer screen staring at it... I just don't wanna actually do it. :P

    So, did you get your summer homework done yet?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • They will automatically move my luggage to the next flight after a layover, right?

    Well, my friend and I are flying down to visit my family down there. I'm not a new traveler... actually my family travels A LOT. So I'm used to airplanes and airports and everything. But this is the first time I am flying by myself... it'll just be my friend and I. So, I've had layovers before but I never really paid attention. I just wanna be sure my luggage ends up in the right spot since I won't have my parents there to handle the situation and figure everything out if it doesn't end up at our destination. So I we have an hour flight to this one airport and then we have a 45 minute layover. So we won't be stopping to eat or anything.. we'll just be getting to our next plane. Do we have to collect our luggage or anything? Or will they just transfor it to our new flight?

    Thanks so much! :)

    3 AnswersPacking & Preparation10 years ago
  • Always short of breath? Help?

    Okay, so I don't have asthma or anything. Like I've asked my doctor before and he said it's most likely not that. (I never actually got it checked out but I told him what's been happening and that's what he said). What happens is like I'll just be sitting there watching TV or just reading a book or whatever and I'll just feel like I have no breath. I have to try several times before I can take an actual deep breath so that I can actually feel relaxed again. This ONLY happens when I'm not doing anything. Like if I'm playing sports or at school or whatever it never happens. I'm just really nervous because when it does happen... I get so nervous. Like I really can't breath. I just want to know what some of you think it may be. This has been happening for maybe 4 or so monthes. It's really not that bad most of the time but I'm still really freaked out. I heard it might be because I'm only using the top of my lungs when I breath and breathing from the top or somethign like that. Could that be it?

    Any suggestions or help would be nice. Thanks! Btw... yes I know I should see a doctor.. I just wanna get an idea of whats up first. Could I just be stressed?

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases10 years ago
  • Have you ever accidentally started a fire?

    I have... :/

    When I was like 8, I didn't realize you couldn't put styrofoam in the microwave so I tried to melt something in a styrofoam cup... and I set the microwave on fire. Needless to say, my parents weren't to happy haha

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • What are the best exercises for...?

    So, I'm going on vacation at the beginning of August. I'm not looking for dramatic results but I do wanna lose a few pounds and tone up.

    Mainly I want to get rid of my belly fat, upper thigh fat, and arm fat. :P

    I'm not overweight but I am certainly chubby and I wanna work on that. I have already started eating a bit healthier and exercising a lot more. But can someone please give me some exercises that would specificaly work on the belly, arms, and thighs areas?

    Thanks so much!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • What is this movie...?

    Okay, I hope someone knows what I am trying to describe... I'm sorry if it doesn't make any sense but this is all I can remember of this movie...

    There is an ice cream man and he's like evil (it wasn't a horror movie... I think it was a kid's movie) and there is this one kid that is like against the ice cream man. Then there is a scene in a junk yard (I think) where the kid like uses one of those machines to pick up the ice cream truck and dump it on the ice cream man.... And I think the whole point of the movie is like the kid has to move and he doesn't want to. And his parents like dress up in costumes for a living... Oh and there is a part in the movie where there is a giant food fight in the cafeteria.

    Okay, I'm sorry if I sound insane... but I can remember only certain parts of this movie... but I CANNOT think of the name or the whole movie and it's driving me CRAZY. So any help would help me out. Thanks :)

    1 AnswerMovies10 years ago
  • So, anyone living in the mideast/east US... are you tired of the tornadoes yet?

    Seriously for the past week we have had to go down to our basement cause of the tornadoes and severe weather. -_____-

    Gotta love living in Ohio...

    So anyone else tired of the warnings/watches/tornadoes yet? :/

    Btw.. to anyone that has been affected... Sorry. :( Some of the stories we've been hearing are terrible.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • So, my Norton Virus Subscription expires May 21st, 2011.... ?

    Creepy, right?

    Haha just kidding. I don't believe that whole "end of the world" thing but my subscription really does end tomorrow. :P

    Anyway, how many of you actuallly believe that the rapture will occur tomorrow?

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Computer virus problems? Help please!?

    So, this little box keeps popping up in the corner of my screen saying "Windows 7 blah blah blah" "You have 37 threats of virus" and then there is a button to press that says "register now" like to get the activation thing. So I pressed it everytime the little box comes up... but it never works. So eventually I just have to click exit and wait for it to pop up again.

    I really don't think I have viruses on my computer. This computer is fairly new and I haven't put anything on it like at all. So, can anyone tell me how to get the box to stop popping up or at least how I can "register" and just get my computer protected? It would help a ton!


    8 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago