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live ur life

Favorite Answers7%

i love music it is my life i love books and i love fixing computers You say PINK I say METALLICA You say HANNAH MONTANA I say BLACK SABBATH You say ZAC EFRON I say SLAYER You say RAP I say METAL You say IM WEIRD I say IM DIFFERENT 92 % of teenagers population has moved on to CRAP (rap). IF YOU are part of the 8 % that still head bang and love metal then, copy and paste this. LONG LIVE METAL !!!!!!

  • i need an essay??????????????????????

    i need a 4 paragraph essay on the gothic setting and theme of edgar allen poes 2 storys The raven and a tell tale heart? can anyone help me?

    4 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • is this normal for me to feel like this?

    i fell for a guy in my new school we dated for a month then he decided 2 brake it off because he is moving soon. he doesnt want our feelings to grow even stronger for each other even though they are very strong right now. he cried when we broke up.... now we are friends with benifits but we never did anything sexual while we were together. i really wanted to i was planning on our first to be that weekend but we broke up. now i still really care about him and we made plans to hang out monday (today) after school but he told me this morning that he has ppl over and we cant go to his house. idk if he is making this up or not. i really love him but idk what to do should i just tell him how i feel?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • do you think this is ture?do you agree?:)?

    You say PINK




    You say ZAC EFRON

    I say SLAYER

    You say RAP

    I say METAL

    You say IM WEIRD


    92 % of teenagers population has moved on to CRAP (rap).

    IF YOU are part of the 8 % that still head bang and love metal then, copy and paste this.

    LONG LIVE METAL !!!!!!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • poem # 225 good or bad?(20 c's thnx)?

    Why don’t they understand that my reason to live was lost

    On that day when I waved my goodbyes with tears in my eyes

    To my dreams and desires

    Lost is she

    Lost she will remain

    The only thing living now is my sense of real true pain

    I looked into your eyes and saw forever saw life saw beauty

    I accessed your soul you did the same to me

    What more did we need to know?

    Everyone’s actions at one time are influenced by external forces

    I only know I loved you

    Only as a heart feels tribute to the greatest happiness I’ve ever known

    My arms around your neck walking barefoot on a beach hand in hand

    Turning around to look at our footprints in the sand

    You weren’t there when you should have been

    After I told everyone you would be

    My knight in shining armor became rusty and stiff

    Unable to raise a sword to slay my dragons and keep me from harm

    I wish you had been there for me through all of the pain

    When I look at you picture now I just don’t feel the same

    When life had lost all meaning and my mind was in distress

    When I wandered as a ghost and all I felt was stress

    I though you would be there my knight in shining armor to slay all of my dragons

    And take me in your arms

    But you weren’t there in the cold dawn and I slew the dragons alone

    I was injured in the process and I don’t think I can call anyplace home

    It was not your car I heard pulling up the driveway as I walked to the window and looked out

    With red and tear filled eyes

    I would have walked on broken glass and climbed the highest mountain

    Looked Medusa in the eye and laughed

    I would have walked on water just to hear your laugh

    What infinite sadness

    What total lack of courage

    What misplaced bravery I saw in you

    But time moves on, wounds heal, hearts mend….

    To the naked eye at least

    The superficial scarring and the shallow incomplete healing

    Is all my raw soul can afford to handle

    It leaves me completely defenseless

    Totally vulnerable

    Before a judgmental world

    Filled with shallow judgment and pity

    They are not like me

    I stand my ground and slay my own dragons now

    If I fall then I will rise and fight again

    It is how life goes like it or not

    I will never count on another

    To slay my dragons and heal my burns

    I am my own knight in shining armor

    Since you left that much I have learned

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • poem # 221 good or bad?(20 c's)?

    If I had known that I was pushing you away

    Every time I bitched and complained

    About other people,problems,and drama

    Would I have still done everything I did?

    Would I have screamed at you for telling people my business and problems and issues?

    Or would I have realized you were trying to keep me safe in the way you knew was best

    If I had not been so shallow maybe I would have done things a lot differently than I did

    I would have listened more and talked less

    I would have talked it out not screamed in your face

    I would have seen your pain and not talked about mine

    I would have taken your advice not argued that I was always right

    I would have thanked you for every little thing

    I would have smiled at your attempts to draw attention away from my pain

    I would have realized I was lucky to have someone like you, to be there for me no matter what I do

    I would have understood your reasons for not trusting people more than I did

    I would have given you the world

    I would have told you I am thankful for everything you brought to my life

    I would have told you what I felt and how you made everything feel all right

    I would have laughed at every dumb joke you ever told

    I would never have left you alone

    I would never have let you sit in the bathroom and cry

    But I did and I can never seem to go back in time

    I cant change the things I did

    I cant say I’m sorry because right now sorry is just not enough

    I cant explain how I feel because I’ve done that enough

    I cant look you in the eye and see your smile

    I cant walk by you in the hell and feel my heart speed up

    I cant hold your hand

    I cant tell you everything will be oaky

    I cant hold you in my arms and comfort you when you are hurting

    I cant stop you from using drugs

    I cant stop you from hurting your self

    I cant stop you from hanging out with people who influence you to do wrong

    I cant do what I wanted so badly to do

    Which was to hold your hand dry your tears and tell you it will be oaky

    I never did that because I never believed it myself

    I don’t pray and I barley cry you knew me better than me myself and i

    I just hope you are safe where ever you are

    I miss you and I wish I could turn the hands of time

    Back to me and you

    Back to us

    Back to the days when you would smile at me

    Back to when that smile meant so much

    But I cant do that

    And wishes don’t come true

    And dreams are for losers

    Who have nothing else to do

    So sleep and rest and be at peace

    And if there is a god I hope your in heaven

    Because someone as beautiful as you

    Should always be remembered


    Aaron Hunt


    5 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • poem # 12 good or bad (20 c's)?

    Do you ever hear what I say to you?

    Do you even care?

    Do you realize all I ever wanted was to be heard?

    All I ever wanted was for you to be there

    I missed you everyday you were gone

    I cried when you left

    You looked back at me and I saw what I thought at the time was a tear

    But now I know that could not have been so

    You left me alone and let me go

    You walked away more than once but still I looked forward to the days you would come back

    I loved you even though I didn’t know you

    And you always looked at me with regret

    I wish I could go back in time

    Maybe I would have been able to do something to make you proud of me

    Maybe I would have said something to make you second guess your thoughts of leaving

    But I can’t waste time of the present wondering about the past

    All I can do I sit here and hope that my mommy will come walking back

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • poem #16 is this good or no? (20 c's)?

    this is not the first poem i have written and posted on yahoo!answers lol but i hope you can tell me if this one is as good as my other one:)thnx

    You were there for me when I needed you most

    You never believed me when I said I was fine

    You knew the smile I wore on my face was as fake as the people in our school

    You smiled at me when you knew I needed it

    And you told jokes until I laughed instead of cried

    You looked at me with your beautiful grey eyes and saw my soul

    You understood what I was going through more than anyone else could, because you went through it too

    You were the first person I really let in but not by choice, at least not at first..

    You broke the wall around my heart down

    And I felt the release as its cement hit the ground

    I look at you in wounder at times

    And ask myself

    How can one girl change my life so much?

    How can she just look at me and make me smile?

    How can she talk and laugh and make my heart skip beats?

    How can she make me feel like im not alone?

    How can she make me catch my breath when she smiles at me?

    How can she understand me the way she does?

    How can she know what I am thinking without me saying a word?

    How can she be so amazing?

    How can she be so …..good?

    In a world of hate and rage, she was love and peace

    In a world filled with death and suffocation, she is life and breath

    In a world of a million problems and no hope, she is the only answer to every question and all the faith there can possibly be

    You turn away when people say hateful things

    You say they are afraid of what they don’t know and you respect them for it

    You get upset and you cry when you can’t take anymore

    I hate the people who say hateful things

    I hate the people who don’t understand

    I hate seeing you cry

    But no matter how much I hate them I think I love you

    All I can ask of you is

    Don’t care so much for me

    I may get used to it

    Don’t put so much faith in me

    I might not be able to handle it

    Don’t hug me the way you do

    I might not ever let go

    Don’t become a part of my messed up life

    I know I will lose it if you ever leave

    Don’t make me fall for you

    I may not be able to get up

    Don’t say forever ,if you ever have to leave

    Don’t give me hope that forever you will stay

    Because love is an impossible emotion to hide

    When love is coming from only one way

    It hurts deep inside my unprotected heart

    Don’t start something you won’t finish

    Don’t let me fall for you

    It would be better for us both if you just leave me alone now

    It would be easier later if we stop before we start

    It would be better if I stopped thinking about you all the time like I am now

    It would be better if you walk away like everyone else in my life has

    But if you walked away today

    Id die tonight

    I need you as much as I don’t want to

    Meagan I’ve fallen for you

    3 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • good or not good poem?(20 c's)?

    The way she looked at me is something ill never forget

    The rage in her eyes

    The rage in her body language

    The way she would hold me down by my wrists

    The way she drew back her hand turned into a fist

    The way she swung

    The way she hit

    The way she made you feel 2 feet tall

    The way she made you think you were nothing

    The way she made you believe you would never amount to anything

    The way she made you wonder if you were worth anything….anything at all

    The things she said to me is something ill never forget

    The rage in her eyes

    The rage in her voice

    The pain that came afterwards

    The way she would say”I didn’t bring you into this world, but I can take you out”

    The way I would tell her to go ahead and do it then

    The way I told her I wasn’t afraid

    The way id sit and shake after the fights because I was petrified

    The way she told me my mom didn’t care,

    That she never wanted me that’s why I was there

    The way id say “That’s not true! She does care about me she just hates you

    ” when I knew I was telling a lie

    The way I felt is something I’ll never forget

    The pain in my eyes

    The rage in my heart

    The way I would scream out inside but whisper out loud

    The way I was bleeding inside but outside I was fine

    The way I dreamed that my mom was there to take me from my hell

    The way I dreamed that someone would realize what I was going through

    The way I dreamed of people realizing the smile on my face was fake

    The way I dreamed of just running away, being safe and far away

    The way I realized that dreams never come true, no matter how much you plead to a god that’s not there

    The way my mom was is something I’ll never forget

    The regret in her eyes

    The rage in her voice

    The way she never showed up and I started to realize she never would

    The way she said she loved me but walked away in the same breath

    The way she said she was here forever but then she would leave again

    The way she talked about my hopes and dreams when she didn’t know anything about me

    The way she told me to just “Get over it” like it was as easy as that

    The way she would tell me I’m a teen she could never control

    The way I tried to see her side

    The farther away she would go

    The harder I try to tell her who I really am

    The harder she fights against me and pushes me farther away

    The way she says you just won’t understand

    The way she tries to be my mom then just walks away

    The way her eyes sparkled when she hold my little sisters hands

    The way she just never acted like she cared

    The way she never tried to comfort me when she saw that I was scared

    The way she would talk about her three kids, when in truth she has four, but she won’t talk about me….at least not anymore

    The way she would say ill never be anything in life

    The way I started to think she was right

    The way she looked at me with hatred and shame

    The way I was always the one to blame

    The way my sister never lied

    The way she turned everything around and made me feel ashamed ….for things I never even did

    The way she made me feel like she hated the fact that I am her kid

    The things ill remember the most is the way my mom looked

    Not her face or the clothes she wore but her back as she walked out the door

    And the regret in her eyes as one last time she looked back.

    The things im trying to forget there are to many to list I just hope someday my mom realizes

    What she let go

    What she left behind

    What she missed out on

    What she can still be apart of

    What she did to a kid who just wanted her to be around

    I will be someone someday

    I will forgive and forget

    I will make mistakes

    I will fall down

    But I will always, always get back up

    Because I’m a survivor and that is what we do there is no other choice, there is no other way

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • is this poem good or bad?(20 c's)?

    The way she looked at me is something ill never forget

    The rage in her eyes

    The way she would hold me down by my wrists

    The way she drew back her hand turned into a fist

    The way she swung

    The way she hit

    The things she said to me is something ill never forget

    The rage in her eyes

    The rage in her voice

    The pain that came afterwards

    The way she would say ”I didn’t bring you into this world, but I can take you out”

    The way I would tell her to go ahead and do it then

    The way I told her I wasn’t afraid

    The way id sit and shake after the fights because I was petrified

    The way she told me my mom didn’t care,

    that she never wanted me that’s why I was there

    The way id say “That’s not true! She does care about me she just hates you ” when I knew I was telling a lie

    The way I felt is something ill never forget

    The way I would scream out inside but whisper out loud

    The way I was bleeding inside but outside I was fine

    The way I wished my mom was there to take me from my hell

    The way I wished someone would realize what I was going through

    The way I realized that dreams never come true

    The way my mom was is something ill never forget

    The way she never showed up and I started to realize she never would

    The way she said she loved me but walked away in the same breath

    The way she said she was here forever but then she would leave again

    The way she talked about my hopes and dreams when she didn’t know anything about me

    The way she told me to just “Get over it” like it was as easy as that

    The way she would tell me I’m a teen she could never control

    The way I tried to see her side

    The farther away she would go

    The harder I tried to tell her who I really am

    The harder she fought against me and pushed me farther away

    The way she trys to be my mom then just walks away again

    The one thing ill remember the most is the way my mom looked

    Not her face or the clothes she wore but her back as she walked out the door.

    is this any good? thnx:) its about me and my messed up life lol

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • poll?first one but it seems pretty good?

    1) Adam Lambert or Jonas brothers

    2) Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus

    3) Avril Lavigne or Brittany Spears

    4) Lil Wayne or Snoop Dawg

    5) Slipknot or Avenged 7x

    6) Rock or Pop

    7) Country or Indie

    8) Hip hop or Punk

    9) Jusitn Bieber or Justin Timberlake

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what is this song called?plz n thnk u?

    give me reason to fill this hole and mend the space between. ne one know wut it is thnx:0

    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • how do i deal with this?(20 C's)?

    oaky so im 17 and a sophmore in highschool. this is a long story but plz if u cn help it would b great.

    okay so i met this girl at the start of this year and no one really talked to her in our gym class so i asked her to chill wit me and my friends well she wound up sitting with us at lunch and really getting along with all of my friends that i introduced her to. me and her became really close and i told her everything and she trusted me too. she was made fun of because she is gay and has a gf but it does not bother me because im bi so i would defend her no matter what and i would get ISS & OSS from fighting girls who made fun of her. her and my other friend Brittany that i have been friends with from last year stoped talking and started to hate each other because one of Brittanys friends called my friend Meagan(tha girl i have been talknig about) a Dike and told me to have Brittany and her friend sit somewhere else so i did and then when Brittany asked Meagan why she had me do it Meagan said she never said that. so Brittany and Meagan h8 each other because they called each other liers.

    After that Brittany has been telling me that meagan isnt my friend and that Meagan said never to listen to me because im a lier but Meagan said she would never say that so i was stuck in the middle of the two of them fighting and sayin dumb comments to each other all the time and i told Meagan to grow up and that brittany needed to do the same thing because im not going to pick between them adn then Meagan said she didnt want to b friends with me because i sadi that.

    so then a few days l8r Brittany says she heard Meagan and a few other ppl that i dont really talk to say shyt about me and i asked one of the girl and she said that Meagan was but she wasnt thne she said Meagan was saying i was dumb for playing a self harm game and i said that Meagan had no room to talk because she does the same thing.then Meagan came up to me the next day and said i betrayd her trust but she went to the school and told them i was hurting myself which was not true. then brittany stopped talking to me because she was watching me and Meagan argue and i asked her if it was ammusin and she said by sayin that i tryed to bring her into my fight which is sooo not true.

    then today meagan came by me at lunch to talk to some of my friends and as she walked away i was messin with one of my friends and called her a B***h and meagan turned and asked if i called her that thne when my friends told her what happened she said she didn care. but now Brittany and Meagan are always by each other and i wounder if Brittany palnned this all along. Meagan told me she still cares about me alot but she cant be friends with me. im going through a bunch of crap and i am in a foster home and jus need my friends here for me but everything is fallin apart and my best friend(Meagan) wont jus give up the drama and i dont know what to do i care about her SSSSSooOOO much but i dont know if i should let it go or fight for the one person i care about the most. what do you think i should do?

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • real vampires? is anyone out there a vampire and can you help me?

    im 17 and have alot of questions for a real vampire because i want to be one well i kinda am one but need help cn u give me ur email or sumthin if not its cool n plz dont report

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities1 decade ago
  • im writing a book and i need some help please?

    okay well i need info on vampires and fey or fierys or fieries like back gorund info on them and also some good names for vampires and fey could u give me some links to sites with info on them? it would be a big help:) ill also if you give me your full name first last ill add you in my book thnx:)

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • How can i start a blog? is it free?

    im 17 and have been through alot of shyt i want to blog as a way of like keepin a journal n i was wondering if ne one cn help me by telling me how to start a blog or links to websites that let you Create one and also is it free to Create a blog or do you have to pay every month? thnx i know its alot to ask

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • what is a wrok core? (20 C's)?

    im 17 and in DCFS care they told me about this thing called work core where they pay u and you go to school and are trained for a job you want all at the same time does anyone know a lil more info about this? if possible cn u give me some links to web sites about it? thnx n its work core not job corps cuz i tryed job corpes n it wasnt it. thnx

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • What exactly is work core?

    im 17 and in the care of DCFS they told me to look up work core to see if it would be something i might be interested in but every time i try to look it up i cant seem to find anything about it on the web. do any of you know what work core is exactly and if you could can you find links to web sites about it so i can read it for myself thanx

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • what do i do and am i crazy for thinking this?

    okay well i am friends with this girl and we have been friends from close to the begining of the school year im bisexual and even though i am i still thought she was a guy when i first saw her after i talked to her i was still attracted to her because she has a killer personality and she has a really big heart but....she has a girlfriend that she has been with for i think bout 6 months:( i still really like her and i have tryed 2 stop liking her but i just cant me and her went to the mall with my cousin's and our friend and we somehow wound up at her girlfriends house and all of a sudden she was asking her gf to go with us i was really upset about that and i felt bad for it but i just couldnt help it my cousin said i was the most jelous person she had evr seen in her life and that made me feel even more like shyt i really want to move on and not feel jelous but i still have feelings for her how can i move on? or do i just sound like a nut case?

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago