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  • Fifnal Fantasy 7 Hype Problems?

    I recently replayed Final Fantasy 7 again, beating it last night. As I thought about the story it once again made me wonder at what part in the game did people start to get the wrong ideas about the story.

    1. The relationship between Cloud and Aerith. - At no point do they ever say that the two were in love. It does however show the budding love between Cloud and Tifa. Why was it forgotten?

    2. Why is Cloud considered to be a badass? He spent most of the game being a mental mess who eventually forgot his own existence. How do you make someone that can't seperate his past from Zacks out to be a badass?

    3. Why the praise for Sephiroth? The real Sephiroth doesn't show up in the game till you reach the North Crater which means the person everyone was gushing over was Genosha. Why isn't she the one everyone talks about?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • is the manhwa Trump (JUNG Hyun-Joo) still going?

    I have seen 2 mangas named Trumps but the one I'm looking for seems to have stopped at chapter 16. Does anyone know if it was canceled or just not being translated anymore? I'll add a link to the last chapter I read so people don't mistake it for the other two.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years ago