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Fifnal Fantasy 7 Hype Problems?

I recently replayed Final Fantasy 7 again, beating it last night. As I thought about the story it once again made me wonder at what part in the game did people start to get the wrong ideas about the story.

1. The relationship between Cloud and Aerith. - At no point do they ever say that the two were in love. It does however show the budding love between Cloud and Tifa. Why was it forgotten?

2. Why is Cloud considered to be a badass? He spent most of the game being a mental mess who eventually forgot his own existence. How do you make someone that can't seperate his past from Zacks out to be a badass?

3. Why the praise for Sephiroth? The real Sephiroth doesn't show up in the game till you reach the North Crater which means the person everyone was gushing over was Genosha. Why isn't she the one everyone talks about?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. Most likely because of assumptions, fan-pairings, and/or the fact that you get the chance to date Aerith if you choose

    2. People like to call him a badass because he's a small guy who carries a giant sword and beats a lot of bad guys, the usual basic badass stuff, even though his personality's not much of one. As for the second part of that question, the answer is forgetting or not caring, but there are some people who consider a tragic past with a hero who never forgets it a cool factor.

    3. It's likely because he caused one of the most unforgettable scenes in all of gaming, plus the fact that he's supposed to be a former hero might've added on to that along with the fight scene in Advent Children and his backstory in Crisis Core. I think you mean Jenova (there's no Genosha in Final Fantasy); anyway, people don't talk about her as much because she doesn't do much except add-on to why people like Sephiroth by making him exist and making him stronger.

  • Cantra
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    1 - In the game mechanics, the interactions you have with each character will earn you a certain number of points, and those points determine who you go on the date. These mechanics heavily favour Aerith, most people will have got the date scene with her. One single dialogue choice gives her a relatively huge amount of points, you've got to be a bit of a jerk to her not to get it.

    2 - I think the point is you're just TOLD that he's a badass mercenary from SOLDIER. It's throughout the game that you learn his flaws, the truth about his mostly insignificant past, and his eventual struggle to regain his original identity (which if you remember, was the one that originally defeated Sephiroth at the reactor).

    3 - Jenova is being controlled by Sephiroth, anything it does or says, is an extension of his will, even though his true body is elsewhere. I don't think he was that cool personally though.

    Also remember, FF7 was the first FF game many people played, maybe even the first RPG for many. So anything to do with it will stick in their mind, just the same way as I have fond memories of my first, which was actually pretty mediocre (FF5).

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