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  • Start Peyton or Foles this week?

    Peyton @ Seattle or Foles vs. Washington? Normally I'd go Peyton all the way, but it's different in Seattle.

    ESPN, 8 team, standard scoring, 1 QB

    5 AnswersFantasy Sports7 years ago
  • How to ask someone to homecoming?

    People at my school do really stupid stuff to ask people to homecoming, so even though I think it's dumb, I have to do something more than just asking.

    I don't want anything really absurd. Like, don't say anything along the lines of drawing in chalk on her driveway for a week and revealing myself on the seventh day or anything like that. Something simple but witty is how I would describe the ideal way to do it.

    If you have any ideas (the more specific the better), that would be great. Not sure if this changes what you'd say, but we're both juniors, and we're not in a relationship; we'd probably just go as friends.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Keep Montee Ball or Alfred Morris?

    I'm in an 8-team standard scoring (not PPR) fantasy league. We have five keepers, and I'm struggling to decide between keeping Ball or Morris.

    As a Broncos fan I'm naturally biased toward keeping Ball so I'm asking for an unbiased opinion. I would keep Ball, but the only thing that concerns me is the appendectomy, so I could keep Morris instead.

    I'd probably try to trade up in the first round after keeper rounds (we can trade picks) to get the other one. I've already traded down from 6th to 8th pick but might trade up.

    So which would you keep?

    5 AnswersFantasy Sports7 years ago
  • Fantasy football keeper help?

    My league lets me keep five players. ESPN standard scoring (not PPR). Eight team league.

    I want to keep 1 QB, 1-2 WR, 1-2 RB, and 1 TE. (It will be either 1 WR and 2 RB or 1 RB and 2 WR.)

    Right now, my keepers are:

    QB: Peyton Manning

    RB: Matt Forte, Montee Ball

    WR: Calvin Johnson

    TE: Julius Thomas

    Other contenders are Alfred Morris and Andre Johnson. I think if I were to use one of them, I'd drop Montee, but I can't see myself not keeping any of the other four.

    Also, I have the sixth pick after keeper selections (then it snakes back around so I'll have 6, 3, 6, 3...) so I could hope that one of them falls down to #6. Or I could trade up and hope to get someone, I guess.

    Anyhow, sorry for all the details and scenarios, but I'd really appreciate whatever help you guys have! Who would you recommend that I keep?

    3 AnswersFantasy Sports7 years ago
  • Am I just overthinking this? (asking someone out)?

    For reference: I am 15 (16 in August), the girl I will be talking about (I'll call her Sally for purposes of privacy) just turned 16, and we're both finishing our sophomore year of high school in a few weeks.

    I met Sally about a year ago or maybe a little more but we just recently became close and I've sort of started to have feelings for her. I do think I will ask her out at some point, but I just don't know when.

    My options are (1) asking her out SOON (like this week), (2) asking her out at the beginning of next school year (we start toward the end of August), or (3) asking her homecoming and using that as a way to ask her out beyond that.

    Here's what I'm thinking for each options:

    1. Soon

    Pros: Avoid the friend-zone, I'm dating her sooner

    Cons: Maybe too soon, I'm not sure how much we'll see each other this summer (at least she'll be able to drive by the beginning of next school year)

    2. Early next year

    Pros: Maybe less chance of rejection, I know we'll see each other a lot during the school year (similar extracurriculars, same free periods next year)

    Cons: Possibility of friend-zone

    3. Homecoming

    Pros: Easier way to ask her out (though I'm comfortable asking her out regardless), maybe more likely to say yes if she has a good time at homecoming

    Cons: Possibility of friend-zone, huge risk of rejection if she doesn't enjoy homecoming.

    I'm thinking either option 1 or 2, but am I way overthinking this? I appreciate any advice you can give.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How to break up a long distance relationship?

    My girlfriend and I are both 15 and high school sophomores.

    Ok, so I was with my girlfriend for about two months before I had to move out of state. We decided to try to continue the relationship long distance, and both of us legitimately believed we could pull it off.

    It's been about a month since I moved, and for me, at least, it's become quite evident that things won't work out. What I've come to realize is that what made the relationship fun was everything we did together - the classes, clubs, and times with friends outside of school. Obviously, in a long distance relationship, those things don't exist. As a result, we have talked less (I think I've talked to her once over the last week, and that was via text) and even when we do talk, it isn't that much fun.

    I think that part of the reason the relationship hasn't worked out is stuff we couldn't control (i.e. time difference), but also we just don't have the same chemistry as we used to. I'm not sure if it's because she isn't committed enough (I've had the role of starting nearly every conversation) or what, but we simply haven't had or haven't made the time to commit to a long distance relationship.

    For those reasons, I've decided that I should end the relationship so that no gray area remains. We won't be able to see each other for a while, so the closest I can do to "in person" is by Skype. Most importantly, my question really is: what should I say? I've never broken up even a normal relationship, nor have I ever been broken up with, as this is my first relationship. I have no idea where to begin or how to make it sound like I'm not a jerk, etc. etc. etc. Thanks!

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • What should I get my girlfriend for Christmas?

    We'll have been dating for about a month and a half by Christmas (I asked her out Nov. 13). I doubt she'll get me anything because I'm Jewish, but she's Catholic, so I think I should get her something nice, but I can't even begin to know what to get her.

    We also have a ton of mutual friends (we're in the same "group" of friends at school), so I might be able to ask some of the friends who are closer to her if they have any ideas as to what I should get her, but it would be great if you guys could help me brainstorm a little bit!

    Oh, I forgot to mention. We're both 15 (sophomore year of high school).

    5 AnswersChristmas7 years ago
  • Are Muhammad the Great and Askia the Great the same person?

    I'm doing a project for my world history class on Muhammad the Great and when I search "Muhammad the Great" on Google I get results for both.

    I'm thinking that they're the same person, but could someone please confirm that for me? Thank you!!!

    (Also, it wouldn't hurt your chances at a best answer if you gave whatever knowledge you had on him.)

    1 AnswerHistory8 years ago
  • If GOP argues that we shouldn't allow gay marriage because the point of marriage is procreation...?

    If conservatives argue that we shouldn't allow gay marriage because the point of marriage is procreation, shouldn't we outlaw marriage for couples over the age of 55? They can't reproduce either...

    8 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Would you consider my evaluation of the GOP accurate?

    I believe that the Republican Party is made up of two main factions, whom I call the "money" faction and the "religion" faction.

    The "money" faction cares about themselves and having more money. If Candidate A's plan has their taxes lower than Candidate B's, they'll vote for Candidate A regardless of any other positions he or she holds.

    The "religion" faction cares about gays not getting married and women not getting abortions. If Candidate A's plan outlaws gay marriage and abortion, or at least takes a stronger position on that than Candidate B's plan, they'll vote for Candidate A regardless of any other positions he or she holds.

    So, what GOP candidates do is pander to both factions. Support lower taxes and limited rights, and BOOM, you've got almost 50% of the vote. Just convince 2-3% more of the population in you're in office.

    Would you consider this analysis accurate, and if not, why?

    9 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Hypothetically, if I ran for President, would you vote for me?

    Tell me, if I ran for President, you'd vote for me with these policies (let's just pretend I ran in this election, with the exact issues we have today).

    Health Care

    I support President Obama’s efforts to provide every American health insurance and want to continue these practices throughout my administration.


    We believe that military strength should be a last resort for any conflict in Iran. Good diplomacy saves American lives and gives less chance for retaliation. War often weakens the relationship between countries, and doesn’t solve the issue.

    In Afghanistan, we need to end this war – but that does not always mean immediately. This war should be ended 2014, but little by little, and in a responsible manner.

    Jobs, the economy, and taxes

    Democrats know how jobs are created – and the statistics prove it. I am right on board with the philosophy that a good economy comes from a strong middle class. This means that we can’t dump the whole tax burden on them. We need a very progressive tax rate. I will work very hard to make sure that the Buffett Rule is passed. Millionaires and billionaires must pay their fair share – it is an important part of creating an economy built to last.


    We need to invest in American energy sources. This does not mean oil; rather, it means finding better sources of energy such as solar and wind power. We also need to raise fuel efficiency standards and encourage the production of hybrid vehicles. All of these things will help the environment and put Americans to work.


    I believe that it should be easier to become a legal immigrant in this country, so that the rate of illegal immigration would decrease. I believe that if illegals cross the border, with a presented criminal record and other official documents, they should be able to obtain citizenship through the naturalization process.

    Foreign aid

    I support helping other nations if they are in trouble, but we will not engage in a war simply as an outside ally. War should be the last resort for anything.

    Equal rights

    I believe that gays are equal to any heterosexual and should therefore have the same rights as any heterosexual. I support same-sex marriage and will work to give them this right. I also support the same rights for things such as hospital visitation.

    In addition, it seems ridiculous that this is even discussed in the twenty-first century, but I support absolute equal pay for equal work.

    Abortion and birth control

    Abortion is a woman’s right, if she wants it. Birth control and contraceptives should be completely legal. Both abortion and birth control should be covered in health insurance.

    Please explain why you would or would not vote for me. Thanks!

    8 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What happens in this situation?

    I'm 13 and I will turn 14 on August 30. In the next presidential election, I will be 17 during the time of the primary but 18 at the time of the general election. Will I be able to vote in the primary? Also, I know this is a state rule, so I need the Colorado law. Please provide a source if possible. Thanks!!

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Can someone give me an unbiased explanation of labor unions?

    Consider the following:

    - What they are

    - What they do

    - Why some people are against or for them


    2 AnswersEconomics9 years ago
  • If Obama were white...?

    I think if Obama were white, and his name were something like Aaron Jones, he'd have an approval rate near 70%. Do you agree?

    9 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Very simple poll! Obama or Romney?

    PLEASE no explanations, just a simple poll. I'll let you guys vote for best answer.

    16 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Student Council Campaign Help?

    Hi, my name is Alec, and I'm running for freshman Senate at the high school I'll attend next year. I'm the new kid in the school (well, new at the beginning of the current school year), and I'm not exactly the most popular one running. I know that these things are popularity contests, but it really appalls me that someone popular is running but really doesn't know anything about what it is responsible for or how it works, while I've had first-hand experience through some workshops I attended. (I know she has no idea about it because I heard her talking to someone, the other person asks what the Senate does, and she shrugged.) Anyway, there are a few other people running (maybe five-ish), and only three will be elected. Any advice as to how to get some other votes? I have some popular friends who can spread the word, but I'm not sure how much that would help. So any advice is welcome. Thanks!

    1 AnswerElections9 years ago
  • Am I a Democrat or Republican?

    Ok. I'm 13, and basically am just trying to figure out the political party my views fit in with best. I think I'm a Democrat, and that's what most quizzes I've taken have said, but I want a larger amount of people to take a look at it. Without further ado, here are my views on certain subjects.

    I generally think that abortion is wrong, but I would NEVER take away a woman's right to choose.

    I believe that Obamacare is a good thing.

    I believe in welfare programs.

    Gay marriage should definitely be legalized.

    Affirmative action should be perfected. I believe that someone more qualified should have the job, not the minority.

    I believe in a progressive tax rate. The highest bracket should be at almost 50%, with the lowest near 0%.

    As for prayer in schools, I think that a student should have the right to be excused from class if he/she wants to pray, but no school should ever mandate prayer.

    I would like us to move towards more renewable energy and hybrid cars.

    I believe in an absolute separation of church and state. I don't even like it when candidates say, "God bless this land," at the end of a speech.

    6 AnswersPolitics9 years ago