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My Mom & I are having trouble?
So I'm 13 & my parents are divorced which is hard but I try my best to support my Mom because of the fact that I am all she has (where my Dad has a girlfriend, money etc.). Lately were having a really bad time. She says I treat her like she's nothing. As in I "ignore her", "Don't do what she asks", "Don't listen to her", "Do the opposite of what she says" etc..But I don't agree. I mean yeah I go out with my friends more & I talk to them more & I'm a bit distracted and moody, but she has to understand it's the stage I am at right now. I never say anything like "I hate you"etc. I still try to be there for her but I feel she's stressed lately but because I am all she has, she takes it out on me. It hurts me to know she's having trouble with her job and stuff but I'm dealing with stuff too (pressure, friends, new feelings etc.) and it's not fair to put everything on me. She's just never happy with me anymore. She is positive towards everyone else but me. I want to help her but she just hurts me. In fights, I always admit I did something but she never does. She blames everything on me. She compares me to my friends naming things they do well that I don't. It hurts me a lot. I've cried enough tears and my mom is my main parent figure in my life and I need her right now. Just for an example I cancelled with my Dad tonight so that I could have a night with her and when I said that I think were overdue for a night together but she said she has other plans. Please help. I need my Mom.
2 AnswersFriends7 years agoDoes this guy like me?
So ok, there's this dude at school and we're friends. He flirts with me every single day. After he flirts with me he always says he's joking, but he does it multiple times a day. He teases me constantly. For example, today is my birthday and everyone in my class decorated my locker with papers that they all signed. On the inside of my locker there was one giant heart from him. It said "Happy birthday! Ily<3 - his name" but he thought it was funny. At first, I thought he just liked bugging me but it's every single day that he makes flirty comments. He'll say things like "wanna cuddle?" or "we can hold hands if you want" and he always like hits me on the shoulder etc. while he walks past me. We sit beside each other in class because he got to choose where he sat and he sat beside me. He also is always trying to make me feel awkward around him. I don't think it's that weird but people are starting to notice and I want to know your opinion. I know when a guy bugs you etc. it's said to mean he likes you but is that true?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoChristmas Presents For Me?
Hey Everyone :) I know, I know silly question to ask, given the fact it's not myself i'm asking. What can I ask for in terms of presents for Christmas? My parents are demanding I start to think of things soon as they would like to get their shopping done before December... bunch of crazies I know ;)
Problem is, I have no idea what do ask for. I am below the age of 18 and female. I already have a phone, enough clothes (asking for a bit more as you can never have enough), good shoes, make-up, a laptop, dogs etc. which I am so thankful for. I told them they didn't have to get me much but they insist as they say I don't ask for much (I did not ask for any of the given things above ^)
I'm open to all ideas. I have a couple of video games I want but other than that I am completely stuck. What do people between the ages of 12-18 usually want? Thanks to everyone who helps :)
4 AnswersChristmas8 years agoFeelings on puppy name choices?
Hey! So I am getting a new puppy and I have chosen a few names that I like for a girl/boy puppy (planning on getting a female, would still love a male also). My Mom and I folded up 6 girl names that we love and put them in a bowl. We then picked three out and put them in a keepsake box and won't know what the three names are until we get the puppy, then we will reveal them and choose which one would suit her the best :) The possible names are: Kyla, Winnie, Ava, Myla, Brie, and Nala. Also for boys so far I just like Wyatt. What do you think, any more male name suggestions? Thanks everyone :)
8 AnswersDogs8 years agoThoughts on my choices of puppy names?
Hey! So I am getting a new puppy and I have chosen a few names that I like for a girl/boy puppy (planning on getting a female, would still love a male also). My Mom and I folded up 6 girl names that we love and put them in a bowl. We then picked three out and put them in a keepsake box and won't know what the three names are until we get the puppy, then we will reveal them and choose which one would suit her the best :) Again planning on getting a female if possible. The 6 girl names are: Kyla, Winnie, Ava, Myla, Brie, and Nala. Also for boys so far I just like Wyatt. What do you think, any more male name suggestions? Thanks a ton to those who helped, or tryed to!
4 AnswersDogs8 years agoThoughts on my puppy name choices?
Hey! So I am getting a new puppy and I have chosen a few names that I like for a girl/boy puppy (planning on getting a female, would still love a male also). My Mom and I folded up 6 girl names that we love and put them in a bowl. We then picked three out and put them in a keepsake box and won't know what the three names are until we get the puppy, then we will reveal them and choose which one would suit her the best :) The possible names are: Kyla, Winnie, Ava, Myla, Brie, and Nala. Also for boys so far I just like Wyatt. What do you think, any more male name suggestions? Thanks a lot!
2 AnswersDogs8 years agoYour thoughts on my puppy name choices?
Hey! So I am getting a new puppy and I have chosen a few names that I like for a girl/boy puppy (planning on getting a female, would still love a male also). My Mom and I folded up 6 girl names that we love and put them in a bowl. We then picked three out and put them in a keepsake box and won't know what the three names are until we get the puppy, then we will reveal them and choose which one would suit her the best :) The possible names are: Kyla, Winnie, Ava, Myla, Brie, and Nala. Also for boys so far I just like Wyatt. What do you think, any more male name suggestions? Thanks a lot!
2 AnswersDogs8 years agoThoughts on my puppy name choices?
Hey! So I am getting a new puppy and I have chosen a few names that I like for a girl/boy puppy (planning on getting a female, would still love a male also). My Mom and I folded up 6 girl names that we love and put them in a bowl. We then picked three out and put them in a keepsake box and won't know what the three names are until we get the puppy, then we will reveal them and choose which one would suit her the best :) The possible names are: Kyla, Winnie, Ava, Myla, Brie, and Nala. Also for boys so far I just like Wyatt. What do you think, any more male name suggestions? Thanks a lot!
1 AnswerDogs8 years agoWhat do you guys think of my puppy name choices?
Hey! So I am getting a new puppy and I have chosen a few names that I like for a girl/boy puppy (planning on getting a female, would still love a male also) <3 My Mom and I folded up 6 girl names and put them in a bowl. We then picked three out and put them in a keepsake box and won't know what the three names are until we get them puppy, then we will reveal them and choose which one would suit her the best :) The possible names are: Kyla, Winnie, Ava, Myla, Brie, and Nala. Also for boys so far I just like Wyatt. What do you think? Thx!
4 AnswersDogs8 years agoList of puppy names please?
Hello everyone! I have asked this question before, but am trying to maybe get a few more answers that will help me out. I am getting a puppy in the next few months, and I haven't found many names that I like... If you guys could make me a long (preferably) list of mixed names (unique, popular, themed etc.) in two sections, male and female, that would just be the greatest :) Thanks so much!
3 AnswersDogs8 years agoPup names please? Thanks<3?
Hello everyone ! Would you mind making me a long list of girl/boy puppy names (preferably mixed with unique+popular names)? I am getting a new pup in late August-September. Thank you!
7 AnswersDogs8 years agoPuppy Items Needed List? Help!?
Hey everyone! So this summer I am getting a new puppy! YAY! So i'm SUPER exited and I am experienced and everything but I would like to know if you could make me a list of items needed to prepare for the puppy before I get it!? (in your opinion) Example-crates,beds,etc..... Kind of how to prepare a puppy area and stuff. So, I AM planning to set up an area for JUST the puppy while it is still being trained, housebroke etc. I would like a list that consists of maybe a few things I could put in that area and other things if you have more ideas :) Even though it is a couple months away I'm scrambling and pretty much beaming off the walls trying to get stuff done. Hehe, it's obsessive ;) Anyways if you could try your BEST to make me a long list consisting of things I will need so i can compare it to my list I prepared that would be MUCH appreciated!!! Thanks. Oh and also, name suggestions, boy/girl ? thanks so much;)
7 AnswersDogs8 years agoWhat breed and where? HELP!?
Okay so hi guys :) This is like my 3rd time asking this question. I am telling you firstly that me and my mom are getting a PUPPY. I have nothing against shelter dogs or pound dogs but we are getting a PUPPY. Why i'm asking again is because i'm not getting the answers I need. I will give you guys everything I can tell you and I hope you can come up with something :) Please no rude or disapproving comments. The decision is final already, it's not up for discussion... Anyways here's what I can give you:
-Living with my mom
-Living in a fairly big townhouse
-Looking for a small dog
-Pretty active but the dog doen't have to be
-Tons of spare time
-Very experienced
-Ready for a commitment
-Looking for a breeder
-Living in Ottawa, Ontario
-Love dogs so much
-Age range: 11-16 years old (my age)
So ya guys, that is all the info I am capable of giving you... Please don't say i'm not ready or anything because we are... Also, please try and give me a specific breed and maybe a breeder you know of.. Also, name suggestions would be nice too if you could. For a breeder I am trying not to go over the price of $400 for the acual puppy. Thx so much everyone who trys hard to help :)
6 AnswersDogs8 years agoWhat breed can I get and where?
Hi :) i'm on the age range from 11-16 years old and I would LOVE to get another puppy, it's just I really can't decide what breed to get... Here's my situation:
-I live with my mom
-I live in a relativly big townhouse
-My mom owns a private small daycare (will NOT bother puppy)
-I go to school from 8am to 2pm on weekdays
-We have a medium sized yard
-I have plenty of spare time
-I am experienced (have owned 6 dogs already hehe.)
-I am ready to make a commitment
-We are working on paying off everything and saving up
So yah pretty much that is my situation :) We would really love to get a new puppy and I really do do all my research and am VERY responsible. I don't go to college for a LONG time but when I do I want to become a veterinary technician ;) Also guys please no disapproving comments. Oh! And please if you could also make name suggestions :) Thx so much <3
3 AnswersDogs8 years agoAm I responsible enough to own my own puppy? (opinion) Help!?
Hi my name is Jennah, and I am below 18 years old and live with my Mom :) Recently I patiently asked my Mom if I would be able to save up and purchase my own puppy and be the one responsible for it. She said yes. Even though I have the OK i still want your opinion. When i'm older I want to be a veterinarian. I have 4 dogs right now (2 at my dad's, 2 at my mom's) and love them all to death. I take each and everyone of them for walks and spend one-on-one time with each of them. I really think I can do this and I am so exited. I go to school at 8am and come back at 2:30pm but my mom is home all day. When I come home I will be responsible. I really love dogs and do ALL my research. In your opinion do you think I am worthy of having my own dog? Thanks so much :)
6 AnswersDogs8 years agoWhat breed/gender can I get? Help :)?
Hi :) So in the summer i am getting a 5th dog, I am very experienced. (my parents are divorced and I have 2 at each house at the moment). Even though I have done days of research I can't decide what breed or gender to get. So here is some characteristics of my life:
- I go to school at around 7:30am come back at around 2:30pm
- My mom stays home all day every day
- We live in a big townhouse (corner)
- We have a medium sized backyard
- We have two other dogs that are super friendly (males)
- We have some children around at times (that will not bug the puppy)
- We live in a safe, friendly neighbourhood
Here are some characteristics of the puppy i want:
- Small/medium
- Cute
- Not much health issues (some)
- Companionship for life
- Good personality
- Playful not super hyper
- Suits my home
So guys that is all the info I can give you. Try to include what gender and breed I should be getting please :) Also if you have any name suggestions going with the gender you suggest that would be great ;)
3 AnswersDogs8 years ago