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  • Should the GOP really be making fun of Obama being a Community Organizer?

    I really don't understand the mocking of Obama for being a community organizer as a young man.

    Giuliani last night: "On the other hand, you have a resume from a gifted man with an Ivy League education. He worked as a community organizer. What? He worked -- I said -- I said, OK, OK, maybe this is the first problem on the resume."

    Palin last night: I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a "community organizer," except that you have actual responsibilities.

    Now, the truth is that, starting at age 23, Obama ran a faith-based charity called the Developing Communities Project.

    It was made up of eight Catholic parishes when he got there and had one staff member. He was its director, meaning he was in charge. He made decisions about it, including staffing, budgets, etc. And when he left in 1988 to go to law school, he had grown its budget from $70,000 to $400,000, its staff from 1 to 13 people. More important, he created a job training program for this community and a college prep tutoring program.

    As mayor, she built a hockey rink/rec center using eminent domain (because apparently there just isn't enough land in Alaska).

    And keep in mind the timeline here: Obama did this as a young man BEFORE going to law school, becoming a successful lawyer and a law professor.

    I don't think it's right to attack someone for working in a faith-based charity out of college. I think we all have some embarrassing first-jobs in our past. I would not make fun of Palin for being a beauty queen and sports reporter out of college during these same years. Although, I do think Obama's experience shaped his political future a bit better ...

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Palin as a mother?

    First of all, the kids should be off limits, but how off limits should they be when the candidate brings them up in a speech like she did her son a dozen times about him going to Iraq this month?

    I'm just curious if all those Palin lovers are comfortable with the fact that she is dragging her pregnant daughter all across the country. Worst yet, she makes her carry the baby around with a big blanket over her stomach to hide her own pregnancy.

    She had to have known that this was going to be an issue, would you put your daughter through this media frenzy or would you try to shield your family as much as possible?

    And just my own 2 cents here. What type of world are we living in that this family is getting praised becaused an underage, unmarried girl is having a child and not getting an abortion? Are you serious, we should give them credit for something that happens to hundreds of thousands of young girls every year. Kudos...a role model for us all.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are some of you plants, or just a bunch of sheep?

    Is it just me, but I am amazed with all of these comments that claim the VP pick is genius, that it locked it up for McCain. All those people saying that she's going to get all the Hillary supporters. Des

    Seriously people, how well do you know Palin? I hadn't even heard of her until yesterday. But so many of you are so quick to praise this selection without doing any serious research.

    She is nothing like Clinton...Nothing.

    This selection proves one thing to me, That McCain will do and say anything to get elected. Like pick a woman because he thinks he can tap the Clinton supporters. He's bashed Obama for the last 3 months on experience but yet he picks a 2nd year Governor of Alaska.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • George Carlin was 71. Is there anyone else you know that's 71?

    Crucify me if you want, but this is in response to every question and answer that throw's some racist, gay, muslim/christian radical, unpatriotic BS on to the fire.

    Keep spewing your lies and rumors.

    Your boy's old and that's a fact.

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Would you vote for someone if they were diagnosed with Alzheimers?

    Wow, that felt good. Now I know why you guys do it to Obama all the time.

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Has anyone heard what happened at the Nevada GOP state Convention, and why isn't this getting news coverage?

    First I will remind you that McCain finished 3rd behind Ron Paul who finished 2nd.

    The short and sweet version of it is that Ron Paul delegates were the majority at the convention. After the first 3 districts elected 7 out of 9 Ron Paul delegates, the convention chair shut down the convention without voting for the remaining 22 delegates.

    Is this what we call democracy? If you don't fall in line with the establishment, they silence your voice. They don't let your vote count? They break their own rules.

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you really believe Hillary "misspoke"?

    I might be able to believe she misspoke if she was in other situations, or at least one situation where people were firing gun in her general vicinity and perhaps she forgot when it happened or what country she was in at the time.

    But she was never in a similar situation. How can people believe that it was not an out right lie?

    I'd hate to see her misspeak on that 3 AM phone call.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about Hillary's comment in the debate?

    She said-

    And yet this morning in Lorain, a mother said that she spent with the insurance and everything over $3 million taking care of her daughter, who had a serious accident. And she just looked at me, as so many mothers and fathers have over so many years, and said, "will you help us?"

    If this is true, I feel bad for the kid. But someone who can afford to spend over 3 million on insurance and still is looking for the government to help them out? First if they made that type of money, why didn't they have better coverage? Second, I could only dream at being able to afford to spend 3 million on health care. At my current income, it would take me 60 to 70 years to earn that much, if I didn't pay taxes, benefits, social security...

    Am I supposed to feel sorry that the government isn't helping people with those types of resources?

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Which Hillary will show up at tonight's debate?

    Will it be the cordial politician from last week's debate who said she was honored to be sitting beside Obama?

    Or will it be the "Shame on You" Hillary who has made all sorts of sarcastic remarks and pointed attacks?

    If she is all polite and cordial tonight, it will almost seems like she's scared to attack him face to face, but has no problem stabbing him in the back.

    3 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why aren't the candidates talking about the biggest problems facing this country?

    Our dollar has been on the decline for the last 100 years. It has dramatically lost value in the last 7 years. And no one talks about it. Is this country crossing it's fingers and hoping it bounces back.

    Or how about our National Debt. 9 TRILLION dollars. I can't imagine the interest we pay on that let alone the figure itself. When are we going to reduce spending. When are we going to start paying back that debt? How are we going to pay back that debt.

    It is believed that a million houses are going to go into foreclosure in the next couple of years. Where are those people going to go. These people will try everything to save their houses. Their credit cards will be maxed out, their saving will be tapped. How are these people going to get an apartment, no money for a deposit and they can't pass a routine credit check. Where are they going to go?

    Our country has dug itself into a huge hole. Do we not care on how we are going to get out of it?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is it a crime to destroy money?

    If so why is it a crime. Isn't the federal reserve a private bank?

    What constitutes destroying money. Can you write on a dollar bill?

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why is McCain getting so much support?

    I can not figure it out. Yes, I am a die hard Ron Paul supporter. But I would rather see Romney before McCain.

    McCain has demonstrated that he has no clue when it comes to the economy. His big plan for the economy is to cut pork barrel spending which will save 56 billion a year. That doesn't scratch the surface of the debt this country is in.

    He has alienated the Middle East with his comments and his commitment to stay in Iraq for 100 years. He has called Putin names because he won Man of the Year over Patreaus.

    His motto is straight talk yet he has distorted other candidates points of views, the latest was his battle over Romney wanting timetables for troop withdraw. If you read the quote, its clear that he wanted timetable to hit milestones not withdraw.

    We all know that Washington is broken. McCain has said that Washington changed him. Do we really want another D.C. politician in office.

    What can he offer this country that's better than what we have now?

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How did McCain win??

    44% of the Republican voters who said they Disapprove of the war, voted for McCain. This is the same person who said he would keep us in Iraq for 100 years. He said Vietnam was a success, but public opinion is the caused the view that we lost. Not to mention he was taped changing the words to a Beach Boys song. "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran"

    He won the vote from people worried about the Economy. I haven't heard him say a thing about about the economy.

    I'm baffled.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does anyone really believe that we can be energy independent in 10 years??

    Huckabee said that as president he could make the U.S. energy dependent in 10 years. Does anyone see anyway that in 10 years we would not be buying oil from any foriegn country.

    9 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How much will Ron Paul raise today for the TeaParty?

    Are there only a few Paulbots out there?

    How can so much money come from just a few people spamming the internet?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Which candidates would turn our economy around?

    The dollar is falling through the floor. The Canadian dollar is worth more for the first time since I've been alive. And there is not talk of it rebounding any time soon.

    Our national debt is at Nine Trillion Dollars with no end in site. It has almost doubled in the past 7 years.

    This country spends way beyond its means. We are even borrowing money from China to fund the war in the Middle East.

    Which candidate can turn it around and how are they going to do it?

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago