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pandoras box
if my daily allowance of calories for weight loss is 1500 do i need to eat more than that if i burn 200 exercising?
My daily allowance of calories for weight loss is 1500. I have already eaten 1500 calories today but i have also burned about 300 exercising. Does that mean that i should replace those calories so my body is getting enough fuel to function? Does my calorie allowance take light exercise into account? Ir is that my allowance for a sedentary lifestyle?
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago3ds touch screen not worKing in game.?
My sons 3ds touch screen suddenly wont work in his mario world game. It works fine in the 3ds home screen and i tried recalibrating it but it still wont work in the game. It used to work in the game just fine.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years agocrocheting. is a skein of chunky yarn shorter than a skein of smaller yarn?
I found a free crotchet pattern for an infinity scarf but i have a problem. It calls for two skeins of chunky yarn and i dont have any. I do have two skeins of number 4 worsted. I was thinking of doubling them up for use in the pattern but then i will only have one skein worth of length. My question is will one skein of smaller yarn equal two skeins of chunky yarn in length?
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts7 years agocan I cook jam today and can it tomorrow?
I have a big box of apricots and I want to make jam. I have no time to can and process the jam today but the cots are starting to get soft can I cook the jam today and put it in the fridge and can it tomorrow?
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years agopole: women with tattoos. hot or not? classy or trashy?
Also. Are you a man or woman? And how old are you? 20s 30s 40s etc.
4 AnswersTattoos7 years agocan someone name this movie for me?
Its an old movie and I watched it about twenty years ago. I only vaguely remember it. Here are the parts i remember. I think the dad in the movie used to be an actor on a television show about monsters and the neighborhood kids come to their door and knock and the dad pretends to be a monster and runs out and chases them away. The mother in the Movie is dead and the older son its tormented because he remembers fighting with his mother before she died . Something happens to the younger son and I think the dad gets accused of either beating or molesting him.
1 AnswerMovies7 years agochild has blood on poop for a month after having gastroenteritis?
My 3 year old had gastroenteritis in february. He had
some bloody diarrhea but now that he has long since recovered the blood is still on his poop and on the paper when i wipe him. The doctor has taken stool samples but the results arent back yet and she seems to be brushing me off telling me that its probably nothing and im iverreacting. But im sick of seeing blood on my sons poop and i want to know whats
causing it.
1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler7 years agowhy does my dog howl when my baby cries?
I have a 3 year old and an 8 month old and anytime one of them cries my 4 year old chihuahua howls. At first i thought the noise bothered his ears so i took him away from the nose and even tried covering his ears with my hands nothing has made any difference. If he can hear the crying at all he will bark and howl. How can i make him stop and why does he do it in the first place?
He has done this since my oldest was born.
6 AnswersDogs7 years agohow many copies of the same engagement ring exist?
I was just wondering if you buy an engagement ring from a common store like peoples, how many other rings exist that are exactly the same as yours? Like when they design a new ring. How many copies will they make exactly the same? Or does it depend on the popularity of the ring?
4 AnswersEngagements & Weddings7 years agoCan i makes steamed pudding with silicon bake ware?
I want to make a plum pudding in a fluted tube pan but i only have a silicon one. Will it work or does it not conduct heat well enough for steam cooking?
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes8 years agoAnyone notice that international delight changed their hazelnut flavor?
Im so dissapointed. I just noticed yesterday when i bought a new bottle, the bottle is darker in color and the creamer doesnt taste the same. Its not nearly as good anymore. Does anyone know why they did this?
1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink8 years agoWyatt or tristan? which name is better?
Do you like wyatt or tristan better fot a little boy? Do you have any other suggestions?
12 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoBull bars. would my truck look better in a black one or a chrome one?
I have a white ford f150. My grill and bumpers are chrome, but my bug deflector rims and other acceseries are black. So should i buy a black bull bar or a chrome one?
3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation8 years agoCountry boy name suggestions and opinions on current list?
My second baby boy is due at the end of july and we want him to have a country boy/cowboy kinda name that goes well with his big brothers name. Big brothers name is Weston. So far we have the names Wyatt, Colton, and Tristan on our list. What do you think of those names and what other suggestions do you have for us?
9 AnswersBaby Names8 years agoMy toddler says my milk tastes "yucky" could early pregnancy hormone changes be affecting the taste?
I think i may be pregnant and am waiting to see if i get my period before i test, but today my toddler keeps saying that my milk tastes yucky. Could this have something to do with hormonal changes due to pregnancy?
3 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoCould very early pregnancy hormones affect the taste of my milk?
I have been experiencing some early pregnancy symptoms and am waiting to see if i get my period before I test but today my toddler is saying that my milk taste yucky. If I am pregnant could my changing hormones be the cause of my "yucky" tasting milk?
2 AnswersPregnancy9 years agoMold growing in the lid of my aquarium?
I got a new used aquarium from my mother. I cleaned it really well (or so i thought) and filled it and started running the filter. It has been running now for several weeks without fish, and I lifted the lid the other day and noticed mold growing under the it. What is the best way to clean the mold so it will not harm the fish once i get them? Also should i change the tank water or will the filter have gotten rid of any mold spores that may have been in the water?
4 AnswersFish9 years agoIs this a conflict of interest?
Is it a conflict of interest for an employee to try to have another employee fired for personal reasons? What can a person do to deal with such a situation? What if the employee makes up a lie to make it seem as though the other employee deserves to be fired for legitimate reasons?
3 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years agowhat action can be taken?
My husband has recently started a job at a mine. It is the best job anyone can ever hope to get in the town that we live in. The problem is my brother-in-law also works at the same mine and has a very powerful position at the mine. His wife (my sister) and i are not on speaking terms and now it seems they are trying to get my husband fired by starting a rumor that he deals drugs which is absolutely untrue. My husbands supervisor named my brother-in-law as the one who told him this lie. What can we do to fight this? We have a young son who deserves to grow up well. We are finally able to live better than just paycheck to paycheck and they are trying to take that from us because of a stupid family feud that should be left out of the work place. We live in a small town so not only could this cost my husband the best job he has ever had but could hurt us in other areas of life as well. Its not fair. Our little boy has to grow up in this town and i don't want him to be the kid who's friends aren't aloud to come over because his father has been labeled a drug dealer. What action can we take against my brother-in-law to protect our family and my husbands job?
4 AnswersLaw & Legal9 years agoCan I pressure can an already sealed can of tomatoes?
I got 18 jars of canned tomatoes from my mother. She just canned them 2 days ago but she only used a boiling water canner and didn't add any extra acid. I am paranoid about botulism because i have a toddler and don't want him to get sick. Can I put the jars into my pressure canner. WIll it make a difference?
1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years ago