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  • Liberals: If someone is born male, but wants to be female, you say get a sex change, but...?

    If someone is "born gay" and wants to be straight, you say they are crazy, repressed by Christianity, brainwashed, filled with self-hatred, and a myriad of other negative things.

    I am not a Bachmann fan, but I am beginning to understand what her husband is trying to do...It's obvious that he is gay but he doesn't want to be...He is trying to help other people who are just like him.

    The reason I have been thinking about this is... My brother is struggling with this and it's tearing him apart. My parents are conservative (not religious), and they have always accepted that my brother is gay, it's never been a secret, he is their son and they love him as he is. Ironically, what my parents don't know is that my brother doesn't want to be gay. My brother doesn't want them to know that he is suffering because they would feel as sad and helpless as I do, and he doesn't want them to hurt.

    It's always the liberals who bash him when he says he does not WANT to be gay. I have a wife and 2 kids. My brother says that's what he wants, too. He says that his attraction to males disgusts him and makes him feel sick. He describes it as if it were drug addiction, only instead of destroying his physical health, it's killing him emotionally and mentally.

    I don't know how to help him and it's breaking my heart. He is a loving, caring, honest, decent person, and he doesn't deserve to be persecuted just because he wants to change his sexual orientation.

    If a male can become female, can't a homosexual become straight? I know it seems impossible, but his torment is too much to bear.

    For those who would suggest a psychiatrist, he tried that 2 years ago. 2 psychiatrists and a psychologist all told him the same thing, they said to embrace what he is, accept it and learn to love himself. That just isn't what he wants at all.

    Does anyone know of some sort of program similar to Bachmann's but not based on religion? We are getting desperate.

    14 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Does this prove once and for all that Obama is definitely NOT Muslim?

    Obama loves pork!

    He can't be a Muslim, they don't like pork

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you do for a living?

    Please state whether you are a Democrat or a Republican.

    36 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What are your thoughts on the 'world's first man to give birth'?

    I say, this is not a man. If this person TRULY wanted to be a man, the uterus would have been removed. A man doesn't have a uterus. Period.

    This is a woman, who had her breasts removed and took hormones so that she could legally change her gender status to 'male', so that she could legally marry her girlfriend.

    17 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Should the US protect Israel?

    Some people seem to be having a little trouble understanding why it may be necessary for the US to help Israel if Iran attacks them. Maybe they are unaware that Iran has threatened to attack the US if Israel attacks Iran, and that Israel is going to attack Iran if Iran doesn't stop their nuclear program (Iran has said they will not stop).

    So, personally...Do you think we should protect Israel (and in so doing, ourselves) or not?

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you think Israel will attack Iran?

    Israel has threatened to attack Iran if they don't end their nuclear program.


    Iran says, "We don't want nuclear weapons, we are only trying to develop nuclear energy."

    Israel says "We don't believe you, we think you'll make nukes and kill us with them. Stop it or we'll stop you"

    Iran says, "You're not the boss of us, we'll do what we want"

    So...This is from this morning:

    "A former head of Mossad warned in an interview published yesterday that Israel has 12 months to destroy Iran's nuclear program or risk coming under nuclear attack itself. He also hinted Israel might have to act sooner if Barack Obama wins the US presidential election."

    Do you think Israel will attack Iran?

    Do you think Iran will attack Israel?

    If either of these things happen, should the US help Israel fight Iran?

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know what this means?

    "A former head of Mossad warned in an interview published yesterday that Israel has 12 months to destroy Iran's nuclear program or risk coming under nuclear attack itself. He also hinted Israel might have to act sooner if Barack Obama wins the US presidential election."

    "Shabtai Shavit said he had no doubt Iran intended to use a nuclear weapon once it had the capability, and that Israel must conduct itself accordingly. "The time that is left … is getting shorter," he said."

    Does anyone know what electing Obama would have to do with what's going on between Israel and Iran?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why do so many Democrats say that they can't get anything accomplished because Bush vetoes everything?

    How many times have you heard "Yeah, the Democrats control congress, but they can't do anything because of Bush"?


    Maybe it depends on whether an issue is IMPORTANT to them or not.

    They sure managed to override him on the Farm Bill that they just pushed through.

    "The bill includes a $10.3 billion increase in spending on nutrition programs, including food stamps, that supporters called “historic,”"

    Looks like all the welfare people are going to get their raises whether McCain OR Obama is elected

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How do Hillary supporters feel?

    After many Democrats have taken sides between Hillary and Obama, how do Hillary's supporters (who are against Obama) feel about Hillary supporting Obama just to make sure that your votes stay within the Democratic party instead of going to McCain? Doesn't that make you feel used somehow?

    30 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Have you changed your mind?

    Were you planning on supporting McCain, but now you have decided to vote for Obama?

    Were you an Obama supporter, but ended up backing McCain instead?

    If you have changed your mind, what caused you to make that decision?

    Was it something about your previous candidate that you didn't like, or something about your new candidate that you like better?

    If you haven't changed your mind, is there anything that your candidate might do that would cause you to vote for the other guy, or are you currently considering switching because of something that has happened?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What if everyone stuck to the issues?

    Think about this for a second

    If I were McCain's campaign strategist, I would make sure that NOTHING negative was said about Obama.

    Wright, Michelle, Race, Religion, Rezko, etcetera - NONE of these things need to be mentioned. Everyone is already aware of these things, so how would it benefit the Republicans to bring any of it up?

    Also, much of Obama's campaigning against Hillary was spent disputing the negative things that Hillary's camp was coming up with.

    What would Obama's platform consist of if he had nothing to dispute, especially since he has already warned everyone that the GOP would attack him with nonsense?

    He would be forced to stick to the issues.

    Good plan?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of a downloadable, free, easy video editting program?

    My kids love horror movies, but I need to take out the gratuitous nudity and sex scenes. I have the dvds, I just need a way to edit them on the computer, then burn them to a new disc for the kids.

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Did Chelsea lie like her mother?

    People keep saying Chelsea lied about Bosnia:

    I really think she just sort of avoided giving a real answer (much like Hillary does).

    What do you think?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Bill Clinton enjoys the mudslinging, but can't see his own hypocrisy?

    Bill says there's nothing wrong with the way the Democrats are duking it out.

    But, he plays the gender card with “Apparently it’s okay to say bad things about a girl,”

    In the very next sentence he speaks, however, he scolds Obama for not being able to take the heat, “That’s all that matters. If a politician doesn’t wanna get beat up, he shouldn’t run for office. If a football player doesn’t want to get tackled or want the risk of an a occasional clip he shouldn’t put the pads on.”

    Why can't he see that his comment about Obama, should also apply to Hillary? Is he saying that it shouldn't because she's a "girl"?

    Why do the Clintons ALWAYS refuse to see how the same thing that applies to everyone else, also applies to THEM?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did Hillary lie about SCHIP, too?

    She keeps saying that she "provided 6 million children with health insurance". That's one of her biggest accomplishments according to her website. But, she didn't do it?

    It was actually Hatch and Kennedy. How can she get away with this?

    Is this her biggest lie of all?;_ylt=AluWy...

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are we attempting to verify the new Osama audio? Is it really him?

    I seriously thought he was dead. Now he has released a new audio tape calling for Jihad, just as Isreal and the Palestinians are trying to negotiate.

    How will we know if it's really him? We can analyze the audio to match his voice, right?

    Does anyone have any information about the validity of this audio?

    Do you think it's real? Do you think Osama is actually dead and someone else is doing this?

    Why haven't we heard anything from him in years if he's still alive?

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is anyone surprised that Osama Bin Laden is still alive?

    I really thought he would have died by now, especially since we hadn't heard anything from him in years.

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why is Hillary showing support for McCain when she has said that she will support the Dem nominee?

    And how can ANYONE believe that she's not a liar who would do anything to win?

    I mean sure, you guys may say that she can't support Obama because he's her rival. But no one forced her to say that she would, and he IS in her party, she could at least support Obama to support her own party.

    McCain is her 'rival' too, isn't he?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago