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  • How to get rid of threadworm?

    Found out Monday night 3 daughters have threadworm, took medication yesterday, washed all bedding, quilts & pillows that have been used in last 2 weeks, same with towels & underwear, washed pajamas kids wore Monday night & used them again last night also a few cuddly toys each the rest have been put away in a bag, we've been bathed morning & night, hand washed every morning, after toilet, before eating, they wore gloves to bed last night & vacuumed all floors & soft furnishings & dusted & again today washed last nights bedding pyjamas towels vacuumed & dusted. Is this enough to get rid of them? Should I be washing every teddy & bits of clothes & bedding even if they aren't using them for the next couple weeks?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Arrest warning for unpaid fine?

    Have today received Arrest Warning from court for unpaid fine letter is dated 10 days ago informing me court have issued a warrant for my arrest and I will be arrested and may be kept in custody until next court sitting. I have now paid the fine in full over automated payment line but can't contact the courts until Monday to discuss this, what I want to know is how long after warrant does it take to be arrested as I am now worried they will come over the weekend and I can't prove payment as can't contact the court also would paying the fine in full cancel the arrest warrant?

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 years ago
  • can any one explain my holter monitor results?

    I had a 48 hour holter monitor on for palpitations, this is the letter I got today? Im guessing I have nothing serious but what does it mean, it says "This is showing sinus rhythm throughout with occasional ventricular and atrial ectopics. She had a number of palpitations and chest tightness and these all correspond with normal sinus rhythm with mild sinus tachycardia at times" It then goes on to say no cardiac arrhythmia. I thought tachycardia was an arrhythmia, I just wonder what each thing actually is

    3 AnswersHeart Diseases10 years ago
  • Dead maggots in my house?

    Have found alot of what i think are dead maggots in my room, they are dark brown not moving and dried out, I suspect they are maggots as I've also found what I think is pupa, brown type eggs, but I wondered can maggots just dry out and die? I have got rid of all the dead maggots and eggs & the source of where I think they come from so what are the chances they will return?

    3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden10 years ago
  • Heart palpitations causes?

    For 3 months I have been having frequent palpitations about six weeks ago started having chest pain in centre left & right, tightness in centre of chest, pain in upper back and feeling of not getting enough breath & some dizziness. I have had four ECGs, 1st showed inverted beats & fast heart rate, 2nd one half an hour later was normal, 2 weeks after had another normal one then a week after that ECG showed t wave abnormality, I have had pretty much every blood test available & chest x-ray which are all normal, I'm waiting to see cardiologist, my GP & doctor at a&e do not think I have a heart problem, if not what could cause this? I am also having burping alot & feeling sick all the time. I'm 28, not overweight but do smoke

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Baby has slow weight gain & a cough?

    My 12 week old has had a cough for 6 weeks it sounds like a bark & has noisy breathing, she coughs most of the day & night & sumtimes for up to 15 mins at a time after which she will either vomit or bring up lots of thick mucus, her weight has droped from the 75th centile to the 9th over a period of 7 weeks, i hav had her to the doctors a few times but they say its just viral, do you think im worrying for nothing or should i get a second opinion

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Anyone had Rasberry Leaf Tea in pregnancy?

    Im pregnant with number 3 and I was thinking about trying this Ive read its best to wait until at least 32 weeks and supposedly makes your labor quicker and easier but doesn't bring on labor just wondering did anyone drink this and did it benefit you in anyway? What was your labor like? I will speak to my midwife before starting drinking it.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to get a blocked milk duct in pregnancy?

    I am 26 weeks pregnant with my third child, for three days Ive had a very painful lump on my nipple it is quite large and full of white stuff and quite hard, I was just wondering is it possible to have a blocked milk duct even though im not breastfeeding or could it be a cyst?

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Loosing weight in 2nd trimester?

    When I first seen my midwife I was 10 weeks pregnant and weighed 65kg (143lb) I had lost some weight but then started putting it on and at 23 weeks weighed 66.67kg (147lb) I am now 25 weeks 2 days pregnant and have lost some weight I now weigh 65.6kg (144lb) so have lost 3lb in 2 weeks is this normal? I know you can loose weight at the beginning but cant find anything about loosing weight at 25 weeks, has any one else had this problem? Im going to the midwife this afternoon so will see her about it and I had a cervical scan at 23 weeks and they measured baby and all was fine. I haven't been being sick and I eat 3 meals and a couple of snacks a day.

    23 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Lost Season 2 Dave episode?

    Ive just watched he first 4 series of lost and in the second one in the episode named Dave you seen that Libby and Hurley where in the same mental hospital, do you ever find out why she was there? Im assumed you would but now shes dead, I dont want to know the reason why I just want to know if you ever do find out.

    6 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • Will Lost Series 5 be shown on channel 4?

    I dont have sky and have just finished watching the first 4 series just wondered if anyone knew if it was going to be on channel 4?

    5 AnswersDrama1 decade ago
  • What do you think about a home birth?

    Im 18 weeks pregnant and would like when the time comes to have this baby at home, iv recently had surgery on my cervix and have to go for a scan to get it checked, the midwife said aslong as all is fine with it she doesn't see any reason why I cant have home birth, my partner disagrees and thinks we should have the baby in hospital, with my first daughter I had to have a vontuse delivery as after a 38 hour labor she became distressed and with my second daughter the cord was wrapped around her neck but both were delivered healthy and needed no help to breath and had vaginal births with both, ive read up on this and if either of these problems arise they are managed the same at home as they are in hospital and I have total confidence in my midwife. What are your views on home birth do you think its safe or would hospital be the best option? and has anyone had a home birth and how did it go?

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • will my baby be ok after this?

    Im 18 weeks pregnant was getting my daughters shoes on and she was working herself ( as 3 year olds do) anyways she kicked me really hard in the stomach in her temper do you think baby will be ok?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Urine infection or normal pregnancy symptoms?

    Not sure if I have infection or not, going to see midwife this afternoon but just wondered if anyone else has an infection and if theses are symptoms? I get pain in my lower left side in my stomach and back when I need a wee, having a wee about every 20 minutes sometimes I feel desperate but nothing much comes out, keep getting really hot flushes and have a constant headache(although don't know if thats related) sorry if TMI. Im 18 weeks

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What would you do if you won Euromillions?

    What would you do if you won £85 million on the euro millions? I would build a house, go on holiday, buy cars give loads away to my family

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Where to buy nice Maternity Clothes?

    Im going to a party at the end of April and will be 6 months pregnant I would like to buy a nice dress can anyone tell me which High Street stores sell nice fashionable maternity clothing?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Have you seen on the news about the Meningitis C vaccine?

    Ive seen on the news they have recalled all men c vaccines due to fear of contamination and its the batches that have been used since January, my daughter had hers at the end of jan and has been ill ever since shes had a really bad cough to the point where she chokes, 2 ear infections and a rash, when I took her to the docs they said it was nothing to do with the vaccine, but now that ive seen this I wonder if it is, has any of your children had the vaccine in the past couple of months and how have they been?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • If made redundant are you entitled to holiday pay?

    If my partner was made redundant would he be entitled to his holiday pay on top of his redundancy pay? Im in UK

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is this just a bad cold?

    My 13 month old daughter has had a runny nose and cough for about a week but today its got alot worse she was coughing pretty much none stop for an hour before and when shes coughing she seem like she choking and goes bright red and sticks her tongue out then after the cough she breaths really fast like she cant get her breath and makes a funny noise, she brings up alot of mucus aswell, do you think this is just a bad cough or maybes whooping cough? I rang the doctor but the receptionist said they were all busy and if I wanted an appointment id have to wait until morning.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Which wuld be the best middle name?

    If we have a boy we are going to call him Aaron but not sure which I like as a middle name would either be Aaron Michael, Aaron Lewis or Aaron Benn, what do you think?

    22 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago