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Lv 31,433 points

Rayven Yld.WILD.

Favorite Answers9%

I answer most questions about pets but I like science, poetry, and song lyrics too. Deep conversations are the best- if only people didn't only read the first answer that always comes up! I'm 13 so plz don't creep....and I <3333333 everything ANIMALS! Now you sorta know me :D

  • Dream interpretation of a mermaid?

    I don't necessarily need to know about the mermaids in my case, so defining the meaning solely for mermaids is fine too but... Here's my dream:

    I was at some sort of a water park, and all these sea animals were lined up to be ridden, much like choosing your dolphin at Sea World or something. Well all these normal creatures were there, a narwhale, orca, dolphin, and stingray. Out of the water comes this( black? Don't recall) caped humanoid. She took off her cape to be a girl about 23 of mixed ethnicity, just beautiful, but a mermaid. She almost looked evil with a smirk and black/green opaque spots that got gradually darker nearer to her jet black tail and streamlined to her body. For some reason I chose her to *ride* /follow and we went off but I don't think anything else too substantial happened. I've always loved mermaids but I'd never been afraid of something that was so beautiful. Tell me what you think!

    3 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years ago
  • Song about Novacaine on american stuffers tv show? !?

    There's this song playing on the TV show American Stuffers on animal planet. Anyway on this one episode called A Dog Named Precious this song came on and I can't find the title or traces of it anywhere! A woman sings it and says ohh he's my novacaine, no no no novacaine...and such :)so its driving me crazy please help me find the title! !!

    2 AnswersCountry9 years ago
  • US citizens: Question about state specific laws?

    I am doing research on the states and specific laws that are customized to each state.

    I live in Delaware, but I need information on all states.

    If you know about your state's laws on...

    ~gay marriage

    ~Jail specifications

    ~Death penalty vs. life imprisonment

    ~Ways to kill the accused (death penalty)

    ~Age for driving license

    ~What vehicles you can use on the road (I heard that you could drive golf carts in Texas on the road?)

    ~Animal welfare laws

    ~Limits on taxes

    ~Specified police laws

    ~Landscaping issues

    Really any state-specific laws will really help me. If you have ANY ideas, please feel obliged to answer. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years ago
  • If you live in the US, please answer (about state laws)?

    I am doing research on the states and specific laws that are customized to each state.

    I live in Delaware, but I need information on all states.

    If you know about your state's laws on...

    ~gay marriage

    ~Jail specifications

    ~Death penalty vs. life imprisonment

    ~Ways to kill the accused (death penalty)

    ~Age for driving license

    ~What vehicles you can use on the road (I heard that you could drive golf carts in Texas on the road?)

    ~Animal welfare laws

    ~Limits on taxes

    ~Specified police laws

    ~Landscaping issues

    Really any state-specific laws will really help me. If you have ANY ideas, please feel obliged to answer. Thanks!

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Personal Experience Preferred: Is Paranormal State real?

    I've been watching the show Paranormal State for a good while, and although I've come to love it, I was wondering if it was real.

    My brother is convinced that it's not.

    I really would prefer someone who has called them to their house and see if they were satisfied, or if not, what happened?

    Please help me, I really want to know if this show is legit!

    3 AnswersParanormal Phenomena9 years ago
  • What could states chamge without violating the 10th amendment?

    I'm trying to figure out what states could change as examples for a project. I've heard that certain states can change gay marriage laws, marijuana, but nothing I could bring to school :)

    Any ideas?

    ~fertilizer limits

    ~animal issues

    ~farm transportation



    1 AnswerCivic Participation9 years ago
  • Problems in the world?

    I am doing a research essay on science and I thought

    "who better to ask about our problems than the people who experience them everyday?!"

    I've grown up with seeing a lot of cultural or social problems in the world and smaller communities, but I want to find something that I wouldn't think of.

    Things that may not have a solution. Ex:

    How could we change our bodies to survive a nuclear explosion/ world-wide flood,

    How the glow-in-the-dark cats could help humans (I am not making that up, google it)

    How pollution is/isn't a real problem (what WILL happen in the future)

    Any taboos: Middle Earth isn't filled with lava, but a new "universe"?

    Stem cell research?

    Human Cloning?

    If you have any ideas, big or small, I'd like to hear. I know that there are many problems in the world, but I've only heard of a hundred.

    *I give you permission to be opinionated

    Please don't be put off by my many words: Just answer :]

    2 AnswersOther - Science9 years ago
  • Why do people think it's stupid for dogs to be checked for temperment?

    I was on petfinder and saw this poor dog. A Wheaton Terrier that wasn't even taken care of. Well the person who put the dog up for adoption called the temperment tests silly. How are they silly? It's a way to figure out how aggressive the dog is, especially if children are involved.

    The person said it was wrong to take the food away from the dog, but you need to if it's something poisonious. SO DUH! Then when the dog was eating and was poked by a rubber hand, that's to check for important things, like again something poisonious or if children can ever get near the dog. OF COURSE IT'S NOT A STUPID TEST! It may condemn quite a few dogs, but for good reasons. Even if they failed the test, they could have cleaned the dog up so someone MIGHT be interested, then train with that person to make the dog better.

    So no, rude peope, it IS important to test a dog for temperment. If you agree, write it. Disagree? Argue it.

    11 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Do you consider my vagina normal? Help?

    So when I look up a normal vagina on google, the color is even and there aren't any bumps or anything. I don't have any large bumps, but near and around the clitorous I have tiny goosebump-like bumps. My skin around that area is also a little bluish. Not skin-colored.

    It itches sometimes and has discharge but as far as I know that is normal.

    I just looked at it through a hand-mirror and it only has vein-ish looks as far as the blue goes, but can I prevent that?

    1 more thing- I guess the bumps aren't really noticable but they still kinda bug me.

    Please help and don't be immature about this? Thanx

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Ipod compatible with LG plasma tv?

    I just got an LG tv, with a usb port on the left side an on the home screen is an option for photos and music. I already tried photos and it works, but whenever I plug my ipod in and go to the folder screen, both choices A and B say that "Fie or directory damaged:failed to read USB."

    Does the ipod (classic) even work with an LG tv?

    I'm having a lot of trouble so please help!

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • where to buy glow in the dark lipstick?

    Preferrably somewhere that you could buy it locally or cheap like at a walmart or something? (In general- where can you find it?)

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersMakeup10 years ago
  • What are a few TOTALLY FREE ipod-phone calling app?

    So I want an ipod touch and I'm trying to convince my parents it also doubles as a phone so you don't have to pay so much for unlimited calls and such. Well I know that there is a free TEXTING app, although if you could tell me the name of that too it would be appreciated :)

    But I need to find the totally free calling app. Where I won't have to pay for credits or a subscription/membership.

    Please tell me from your experience, since I've checked youtube but apparently everyone did pay something for credits.. Thanks in advance! :]

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • Light graffiti on these cameras?

    I couldn't find shutter control buttons on my Sony DSC-W310 and was wondering if I could still do light graffiti on it. I also have a General Imaging Co W1200 camera and an FE-220 Olympus camera. Would any of these work for light graffiti?

    I don't have any high tech cameras so please tell me what to do: and I don't have any manuals...perfect right?

    Thanks again in advance!

    2 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • How to set up light graffiti for Sony digital camera?

    I want to do light graffiti since it's not illegal, anddd I have an automatic camera. It's not like those big black ones that you zoom a lot or anything, just a simple digital camera with settings for fireworks and such. Could you tell me what to do to make it work for my camera and help me understand?

    I know you have to have the shutter between 5--30 seconds but I don't even know where to find that haha.

    Thanx in advance!

    4 AnswersPhotography10 years ago
  • Interesting Science Topic PLEASE!?

    I want to get ahead on this project and I need a science topic. It could be something over or at the middle school level. This is really important to me, but nobody tells me any science topics, so feel free to tell me ANYTHING!

    Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology10 years ago
  • Can you restore an ipod if your account has other ipods?

    I have an Ipod nano (the tiny touchscreen) and I hate the updated 1.1 version cause I must "renew" or click the music or else it will shut off after like 20 seconds.

    If I can't restore it with other ipods attached to the account, can I find a glitch or download that will restore it that you know of?

    Please help it's killing me!

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • Infection or certain death for pet? Which would you choose?

    If you were a vet (or are-congrats!) and someone needed you to do a surgery on their pet and you had the tools (except the tools weren't sanitized, and for the sake of the argument, you COULDN'T sanitize them) would you still do the surgery and face a painful death from infection or let the animal die?

    And whatever your choice, if you are aware of HOW to sanitize the tools, what are the methods, just for some random info for me? Thanks :]

    1 AnswerOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Paying for internet for ipod touch 4g?

    For internet on your ipod touch, do you pay a monthly or yearly fee or not pay at all?

    I was in an argument and my friend said, like a computer, you have to pay for internet.

    Is that true like for a phone or computer, or is it free?


    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players10 years ago
  • Science essay topic? ANY?!?

    Alright well I am in 7th grade but I'd prefer to do my essay on something a little higher education, although any answers will help. The topic is science, which isn't very specific so please give me your ideas.

    Please tell me! :] xoxo

    1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education10 years ago
  • Infection or certain death? Which would you choose?

    If you were a vet (or are-congrats!) and someone needed you to do a surgery on their pet and you had the tools (except the tools weren't sanitized, and for the sake of the argument, you COULDN'T sanitize them) would you still do the surgery and face a painful death from infection or let the animal die?

    And whatever your choice, if you are aware of HOW to sanitize the tools, what are the methods, just for some random info for me? Thanks :]

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago