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  • What film will beat Avatar?

    In terms of the Box Office. Many predicted Stars Wars would, but that doesn't seem to be the case. And I don't think any future Stars Wars films could either, unless they introduce something drastic.

    I think Avatar 2 might have a chance, but who knows when that might come out.

    1 AnswerMovies5 years ago
  • Are movies becoming less innovative?

    The 70's blew our minds with amazing horror films like Alien and The Exorcist, giving us the beginning to the greatest space opera ever that was Star Wars, and showing us drama and emotion that will forever remain legendary as seen in the Godfather, Apocalypse Now, and Taxi Driver.

    The 80's introduced us to some of the most exciting adventures that people of all ages can enjoy like ET, Indiana Jones, and Back to Future. Perhaps the best decade in all of cinema when it comes to pure and simple fun.

    The 90's gave us some of the most artistically violent and raw films such as Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, and Fight Club. Not to mention a huge technological advancement as seen in films like Terminator 2 and The Matrix.

    But the 2000's........What did we really get? Aside from Superhero films showing the world that they can be more than just cheesy-action that a 7 year old would enjoy, was there anything truly great and innovative. Would you not consider the decade of the 2000's to be the weakest decade? Sure, some of the films may become more and more iconic as time passes, but I feel like few of them have truly changed the medium like films from the previous decades have. And the 2010's seem to be falling into the same category.

    What do you guys think?

    3 AnswersMovies5 years ago
  • Best film of the year so far?

    I gotta go with Mad Max. This film is the film that will redefine what an action movie should be. It doesn t spend time trying to create an elaborate story - because that s not its objective. No, this film serves only one purpose: to bring us a visually stunning, high octane thrill ride that will live on as one of the best action films of all time.

    3 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • Do YOU need other people's praise and acknowledgement to feel good about yourself?

    If you post a photo of yourself (selfie) on any kind of social media outlet, is it because you like your friends telling you you look beautiful or cool? Are they really even friends or people worth impressing?

    When you do a kind deed, do you do it to get a thank you or perhaps some kind of reward?

    Do we as people NEED to be acknowledged by others in order to feel happy? Even once in a while?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • What's a song that you dislike but is beloved by everyone else?

    And what's a song that you think everyone AND you love?

    And name a song that only YOU seem to enjoy.

    8 AnswersLyrics6 years ago
  • What's a song that you dislike but is beloved by everyone else?

    And what's a song that you think everyone AND you love?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Which anime character, that's your gender, would you like to have sex with?

    Come on, we're all friends here. Don't be shy.

    Anyways, as a straight male, I'd be down to do the dirty with Itachi from Naruto. I mean, just look at him!! He'll make even a man become pregnant just by looking at him. Or maybe even Sasuke from Naruto. He does annoy me, but he is very pretty.

    3 AnswersComics & Animation6 years ago
  • Best movie you've seen vs. your favorite?

    Okay, so I'm sure everyone has a favorite film (or perhaps 2 or 3 competing for first place). But everyone probably also has a film that they consider to be the best. This completely depends on whatever standards you have. Anyways, here's mine:

    Favorite: Terminator 2. I love action and sci-fi, and this film is one of the best there is. But what I love most is the great characters and powerful, engaging story. It has perhaps the most epic death of all time, truly making it unforgettable.

    Best: Pulp Fiction. Never have I seen a movie where all my predictions concerning the plot were incorrect. This film had so many twists and a story line that you couldn't figure out, which makes it very unique. Driven by some fantastic characters saying some of the most memorable dialog you've ever heard (much of which didn't even directly relate to the story), this film is one of its kind. Plus the nontraditional ending which nobody saw coming. It's a film that left me wondering just what the heck I watched, and had me coming back again and again to truly appreciate the masterpiece more and more.

    3 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • Did masturbation cause this?

    Hello. I'm a 20 year old male, and I used to be pretty addicted to masturbating. I would usually do it twice a day for the past 2-3 years, then cut it down to once a day for the last few months. I wouldn't do it too rough nor do anything crazy. However, now whenever I go to pee, for the first 2 seconds it feels like the pee is "building up" before actually coming out. And when it does come out, there's a strange "stinging" sensation for the first few seconds (It doesn't exactly hurt, but it's not a great feeling either.) Outside of peeing, there isn't any pain in my penis, bladder, or anywhere else. I'm just wondering if this is just due to soreness from masturbating too much. If it is, then how long can it take to recover? I've already stopped for 2 weeks, and it hasn't improved much. (Just a note: when I used to masturbate, I wouldn't orgasm right away. I would usually stroke it for 20-30 mins before I would orgasm, usually just so I can find the right porno; not because that's how long it took me to reach an orgasm)

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • Did masturbation cause this?

    Hello. I'm a 20 year old male, and I used to be pretty addicted to masturbating. I would usually do it twice a day for the past 2-3 years, then cut it down to once a day for the last few months. I wouldn't do it too rough nor do anything crazy. However, now whenever I go to pee, for the first 2 seconds it feels like the pee is "building up" before actually coming out. And when it does come out, there's a strange "stinging" sensation for the first few seconds (It doesn't exactly hurt, but it's not a great feeling either.) Outside of peeing, there isn't any pain in my penis, bladder, or anywhere else. I'm just wondering if this is just due to soreness from masturbating too much. If it is, then how long can it take to recover? I've already stopped for 2 weeks, and it hasn't improved much. (Just a note: when I used to masturbate, I wouldn't orgasm right away. I would usually stroke it for 20-30 mins before I would orgasm, usually just so I can find the right porno; not because that's how long it took me to reach an orgasm)

    1 AnswerMen's Health6 years ago
  • Top 3 fictional worlds you would love to live in?

    1) Pokemon. Perhaps the most peaceful of worlds. Like seriously, when have you heard or anyone being murdered on Pokemon? Plus, the fact that you are surrounded by such mystical creatures means you'll never get bored.

    2) Harry Potter. I'd love to attend Hogwartz. Sounds better than real school :\

    3) Bleach. To be a soul reaper and cleanse the world of evil, monstrous spirits sounds scary....and very fun. Plus, you get a kickass sword and other sweet powers :D Like shooting beams from your hands and running at 200 mph

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Does your favorite anime differ from the anime you consider to be the best?

    For example, my favorite is Dragon Ball Z. Yes, I agree that it doesn't have the most compelling plot and that the fights drag on for years, but it's the first anime I've ever watched so I have too many fond memories of it.

    However, the best anime I've watched is Gurren Lagaan. It did everything perfectly. Great action, solid plot, excellent characters, romance and humor. There wasn't anything I thought that could be improved.


    3 AnswersComics & Animation6 years ago
  • Does anybody know the name of this techno song?

    I'm not sure if it's techno exactly but I know it's some form of electronic dance music. It is the first song in this video.

    1 AnswerOther - Music8 years ago
  • Is the Google Chromebook Laptop good?

    Hello there. I'm looking for a laptop to replace my old one which seems to be having issues that computer experts couldn't even figure out. Anyways, I heard that the Samsung Google Chromebook was pretty good, and is cheap at only $249. But, I don't know too much about computers yet (still learning) so I would like to know what people's thoughts are on this laptop. I'm not looking for anything fancy. I just need something to surf the web and do school work. What are the pros and cons of this machine? I also heard that you can't install Microsoft Office on it, though I'm not sure if that's true or not. I'm also not too sure on how much space is on this laptop. People tell me 16GB, which seems waaaayy too low. So I'd like to know if it'll be good for school purposes. I'm majoring in computer programming so I will need to install certain programs on it. If you don't think this laptop's good, can you recommend any others? Something under $350 will be great. Thanks for your help.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • How often do you get down?

    I don't always get down, but when I do it's cause I have a sickness.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Have any of your question(s) ever been unfairly reported/removed?

    The only one of mine that I can think of is this one:

    "Which would you rather do?

    A: Help Optimus Prime fight Megatron in their home world of Cybertron.

    B: Race Mario and Luigi on Rainbow Road and if you win you get one food item free for the rest of your life.

    C: Become head of Team Rocket and start stealing Pokemon in order to take over the world."

    That was the question, and it got reported. When I looked at why, Y!A said that it violated their community guidelines. They said that it was offensive. And I was all like "How the bloody hell is that offensive?! And why did somebody report me for it?!" Most likely it was some troll or somebody who didn't like me for whatever reason. That wasn't a fun day. How about you?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Help with deleting a Word Document?

    So, here's my situation. Every time I try to delete a word document from my laptop, it says' "Could not find this item." I have no idea what that means. The file isn't open. I restarted my laptop a few times, but that didn't help either. I tried dragging it, but that didn't work. I really don't get it, seeing as how those word documents are stored in my documents folder yet it gives me a message saying "Could not find this item." My laptop doesn't have any or has ever gotten any viruses and there aren't any programs running in the background that could stop the file from being deleted. Any help would be really appreciated.

    2 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • A question about Pokemon...?

    So, as a kid, there was this Pokemon song that I really loved but can't find it anymore. I think it was like the original Pokerap, but for the second season or something. Anyways, there was a lady singing (her voice sounded robotic) and she said the names of the Pokemon, and the entire song took place inside the Pokeball, where there were mountains and rivers surrounded by a digital sky. I'm sorry if this isn't enough info to help. It's all I remember.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation9 years ago
  • I'm having trouble remembering an anime movie...?

    There was this anime movie which I saw when I was like 6 years old (about 12 years ago), so I don't really remember too much of it, so I apologize for not being able to give enough info but I'll give as much as I can remember.

    It takes place in the past in this village in asia, and there were these three wolves (two siblings and a mother I believe) that were like twice the size of the average wolf. The entire village were scared of them, but one man, who I think was a samurai, wasn't. I don't quite remember what the plot was, but all I remember was that at the end a giant human-shaped creature like 10 stories tall which was supposed to represent mother nature itself appeared but it's head got cut off by the villagers. The creature started to chase the villagers and the samurai and the wolves (I think the mother may have been killed) were trying to get the head back, which they eventually did.

    Again, I apologize because I know this isn't the most helpful information. But I was a little kid when I watched this and my memory of it is fuzzy. If anyone knows what I'm talking about (I think it starts with an M) then I would really appreciate it. Cause it was a good movie.

    2 AnswersComics & Animation9 years ago
  • In c++ does it matter...?

    I have to use #include <iostream>, #include <string>, #inclulde <fstream>, #include <iomanip>, and #include <stdlib.h> for a certain program I am writing. Though I'm just wondering if the order in which I put these affect the program. I think it doesn't really matter which order you place them, but I would like to be certain so that I don't screw up my entire program.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago