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Arkansas Razorback
I love playing guitar, watching football, hunting, fishing, playing golf, and video games.
What PS4 game should I play first?
I just bought a PS4 and was wondering what game I should get 1st. I was thinking between Uncharted 4 or Last of Us: Remastered. I really want to play Bloodborne, but might just wait until after i play Dark Souls: Remastered. God of War and Zero Dawn look great, but I want tomwait until the price goes down.
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games3 years agoFor the people who read LOTR trilogy before the movies, do you think the movie did a good job for picking out characters?
I just started to read The Hobbit and LOTR and I'm imagining the characters and places like they are in the movies. How did you imagine them before the movies?
P.s. These are great books ;)
9 AnswersBooks & Authors4 years agoWhat video game do you recommend I play next?
I'm on Xbox One. The newest games I have beaten are Dying Light, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Battlefield Hardline, Witcher 3, and Arkham Knight.
6 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agoWhat is your favorite genre of video games? What are your favorite games in that genre?
I like 3rd person RPGs and 3rd person shooters.
10 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agoHas DLC ruined video games? What are your opinions on it?
10 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agoWhen will Yahoo fix the Edit Profile link. I want to change my privacy settings and picture?
I want to change my privacy settings where no one can see my questions or answers. I already did that, but people can still view them. Also, I want to add a picture. It has said they are doing away with profiles and adding a picture will soon be ready. It has said that for 5 months!
3 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years agoWhere do you work and what do you do there?
13 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agoWhy do you push me away when it is so obvious that you want this? If you want it, come and get it.?
I'm here to stay. So come and get this.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoWhy does Call of Duty suck so bad? Jet packs, really? Man, have they gone downhill from the old games.?
I rented Advanced Warfare from Gamefly just to see what direction the franchise is going in and I'm at a loss for words. Campaign was decent, but in multiplayer all people do is fly around and then do boosts. It is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure I got shot with a laser. LOL. Time to play some Battlefield. Even if you do love Call of Duty, this has to be beyond a disappointment. The public has asked them for years to tweak a few little things and they never would then out of the blue, they do a 180 degrees turn and create this "masterpiece."
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agoWhat is sexting? Could you use it in a sentence, please?
I'm learning words for the spelling bee, but I don't know this word. People always say this word.
Singles & Dating6 years agoIs it weird or selfish that I want my own bedroom and want to sleep alone?
I'm fat and single.
3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoFor your guitar, do you prefer 10-46 or 9-42 gauge strings?
I like and play both, but I really have started to like smaller strings as I've started to get older.
2 AnswersRock and Pop6 years agoAre all Lego video games co-op or multiplayer? I'm thinking about trying Lego The Hobbit or Lego Super Heroes.?
Is there online multiplayer and is the co-op play on console?
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years agoIs Dark Souls 2 DLC worth it? Is it good? New world, new enemies, harder bosses, cool weapons, and cool armor?
I loved Artorias of the Abyss DLC for Dark Souls 1. Will this match up? I haven't played Dark Souls 2 in awhile, so I was thinking about getting this.
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years agoDo you think a defensive player will win NFL MVP at anytime in the next 50 years?
Poll and Survey.
1 AnswerFootball (American)6 years agoIs the point and message of No Country For Old Men that you shouldn't mess with the cartel or drug dealers because they will win or succeed?
I found the ending to be absolutely ridiculous.
1 AnswerMovies6 years agoDo you like bacon? If so, do you eat it plain or put in on stuff?
I've never liked bacon, but I can eat it on a burger.
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years agoI just beat Mass Effect 2. Should I play Mass Effect 1 now or go to Mass Effect 3?
My Xbox wouldn't read Mass Effect 1 so I went to Mass Effect 2. My bro will let me borrow his Xbox because it reads the disc, but should I just go to the 3rd one? I've read the main points of Mass Effect 1 since I couldn't play it. Is it too clunky now and did I ruin it by reading about it?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years agoWhat is your favorite PC game per genre?
1 AnswerVideo & Online Games6 years ago