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Lv 57,320 points

"Mean Girls" Fan

Favorite Answers14%

Hi I rock!! In case you were wondering why my questions were different, it was because some of the questions are my best friend's who doesn't have an account. So I just put the question on for her and didn't feel like saying my friend blah blah blah. My favorite singers are Shakira and Avril Lavigne. I'm kinda obsessed with them! (Not in a stalker way, that's just creepy!!) I'm a Gemini and have EVERY trait that they're known for!! That's all you get to know about me. I like THE MOVIE Mean Girls, not real Mean Girls!!! I live in New Hampshire.

  • Is it okay to like your friends crush?

    I have this friend and she is really into a guy. The truth is I liked him first. and she is always talking bout him! It gets me mad. sometimes she freaks when we are around him. My feelings are completly bottled up! What should I do???!!!!!!!!!!

    30 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Why did he say no?

    Ok. So I used to like this guy and he moved away. But now he came back and he found out I used to like him so he doesn't talk to me at all. Anyway we haven't been talking this whole year but we were put in the same group for a field trip. I had heard that he wanted to get out of the group cuz he hated me, but he really said he would get out of the group to make me happy. Then I felt really bad cuz I wanted him to get out of the group and I think but im not sure that he heard. Anyway, I thought that it would be the perfect time to talk to him and apologize but i was too nervous to go up to him myself so i asked my friends to call him over . Anyway they went over to ask him if he would talk to me, just talk and he said no in a really mean and loud way and walked away. I'm trying to find a logical explanation of why he did this so my friends don't kill him cuz they are seriously mad. Why do you think he did that?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you think he likes me? (Really need hepl)?

    Ok so this is kinds complicated so here it goes. Now theres this guy, we'll call him, chuck. Ok so chuck and i didnt know each other at the beginning and we only have one class together, but we've become really good friends. So everyone thinks were going out but were not. But thats old news, now for the current stuff. So last month we had a dance, and i went to the dance with my friends and he was there. ( i didnt know he was going.) so like an hour into the dance my friend wanted to dance with him so i went and i found him, i brought him to her and she just stood there cuz she didnt know that i was gonna go get him. so after about 5 minutes of standing i was like forget this and i started grinding with him. (im not slutty. hes the first and only guy ive grinded with) i was dancing really well and people didnt know i could dance so they were like shocked and everything. i danced with him for the rest of the night. Please hold on the rest is coming.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What would you do in my situation?

    Ok. Here it goes. So there's this guy that I like but he's a PERVERT! And like I don't really like him that much but for some strange reason, I'm oddly attracted to him. Then there's this other guy who I kinda, not even half of a percent, like but he used to go out with my best friend. The thing is, that she hates his guts and hopes he dies and makes his life miserable. They only went out for 5 days though. So please give me advice on how not to like them or what you would do if you were me. Oh yeah, and guys, please tell me why some of you act so perverted! Thanks!

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I really like this guy, but I think he likes someone else.?

    He used to like this girl and they got into a fight(I had nothing to do with the fight, and I am still in the process of trying to make them friends again). But now he claims that he doesn't like her anymore and I know that he still does. Everyone else in the school thinks we make a good couple and there was a rumor that we were going out. We are really good friends and we tell each other everything but I don't know if he likes me or not. He acts like he likes me with his body language but I am not sure. I think I like him too. What should I do??

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I was good friends with this guy and had a crush on him but now he is pissed at me. Plz i NEED HELP!!?

    He got really mad at me and my friends, but then he forgave us even though we didn't do anything to him. Now him and his friends formed this group against the 5 group club that we have. Bad news is I still have a crush on him. What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I know this boy and I think he likes me.?

    We've been really good friends for a long time now and he has been flirting with me but I don't think it was on purpose. Like one time he opened his legs around mine and this other time he put his arm around me and he is always hugging me. BUT i already know who he likes and I have been helping them because they are in a fight. What should I do?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago