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  • No cosigner, no credit, no money. How can I get back to school this semester?

    I'm currently in a serious financial pinch. Financial aid didn't come through with enough money this semester even though my mom just lost her job and my dad is in the process of declaring bankruptcy. Both of their credit is terrible, and as I am only 19 I don't have sufficient enough credit to be eligible for a loan. No one else in my family is willing or able to cosign for me so that rules out any kind of private student loan. I've already contacted the school and they've increased my government loans to the max and given me an emergency loan and I'm STILL short by almost eight grand. There are no more scholarships I can apply for and I am not eligible for a Pell Grant for whatever reason. There is no possible way my parents and I can afford to make the tuition payments on our own. Short of not returning this semester, I'm not sure what else to do. Does anyone know of ANYTHING that might help us out? I would be eternally grateful!

    4 AnswersFinancial Aid9 years ago
  • college admission essay help?

    I'm quickly approaching my deadline dates for my college applications and I have everything finished except the dreaded essay. Thus far, I've spent almost a week trying to compose a first draft and I'm having an extremely difficult time introducing my theme. The essay question asks for an essay about a fictional character who has influenced my life, and of course I've chosen Harry Potter. I know what I want to say, I want to discuss loyalty, determination, and integrity, but I just can't seem to put it into words. I've read some sample essays and the ones that I enjoyed the most had interesting topics, and they were funny, yet clever and intelligent, which is what I desire for my own essay. Does anyone have any tips or ideas on how I could start it. I would really appreciate it if you did.

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Has anyone received their NYSSMA NY All-State letter yet?

    I'm hoping to get one soon as I got a 100 on myflute solo for the second year in a row, and I got in last year as a junior. I know that this doesn't automatically guarantee that I'll make it again this year but I'm hoping!! Has anyone gotten a letter yet, or does anyone know when they will be mailed out?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • help! my history project got deleted!?

    i just spent 4 hours trying to do my history project when my computer decided to act up before i could save it and it closed out the program. is there any way i can retrieve it somehow? it was 5 pages long and i honestly don't have the time to redo it! help please!!!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • are there laws against petitioning?

    A bunch of our extracurricular activities at our school just got cut last night at our board meeting and my friends and i have been attempting to get signatures to appeal to the board to try and save them. As of right now we have over 100 signatures but they are mostly just students. there is a parade in our town on sunday and we had the idea that we could walk around and try to get people from the community involved to make a bigger statement. however, we are not sure if this is legal or not. it will just be a handful of students and possibly parents going around. it is all volunteer and we are not asking for money. are there any laws out there that would prevent us from being able to do this? thanks.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • will the Levothyroxine cause weight loss?

    just got it perscribed for hypothyroidism and i've struggled with my weight since i was a kid. will it help?

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What are the side effects of hypothyroid treatment?

    i just recently got tested, and i was wondering what they were...will it help me lose weight?

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • What movies is "land down under" sung in?

    My friend just heard it in scrubs this morning and said she has never heard it before when i commented on her facebook post. I know it's sung in several movies, like kangaroo jack, but i was wondering just how many actually have the song in it? useless information i know, but does anyone know any others?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Help with Facebook quizzes?

    I actually enjoy taking the quizzes on facebook, but sometimes the link doesn't work. When I click on a quiz one of my friends just took it goes through to the "start quiz" page, but then i click on that and noting happens. its really annoying because sometimes i actually want to take the quiz and i doesn't let me. is there anything i can do?

    1 AnswerFacebook1 decade ago
  • confused about this kid.?

    for a while i've liked this kid in my lunch and we've been friends since january when he moved here. he sits with us everyday, and everyday i catch him randomly looking at me but when he sees me catch him he looks away. sometimes we play apples to apples at lunch, which if you dont know is a card game that involves a judge, and im not going into detail cause its hard to explain. anyway he always chooses my card and when he does it he tries to make me laugh (he chucks them at me too along with other random crap that he picks up.) on the other hand he laughs at everything i do or say. he calls out my name really loud when he passes me in the hallway or when we're at a school function and some times he randomly pokes me or grabs me on my shoulders and tries to "steer" me around, lol. hes funny hes cute and i thought he was the one, until i found out that he has a girlfriend who happens to be one of my newer friends, first of all im really disappointed. i thought i finally had someone and now i cant have him. second of all im confused. why does he act like this if he has a girlfriend? i dont know how long they've been going out so it could be just a recent thing but i doub it because when i found out all my friends were surprised that i didn't know this. they all did. even still why does he flirt with me if hes had a girlfriend all this time? why do i still like him even though i found out about this? is he even flirting or just being a guy and i assumed he was flirting? is it normal to be disappointed? am i just overexargerrating because i like him? im confused and i dont know what to do. i dont want to break them up because i want him to be happy and shes my friend, plus thats mean. but at the same time when i see them together i get so...angry. its not like i play hard to get, but i never actually flat out told him i liked him either because i figured that would make things awkward plus i thought he was single so i figured he would catch on eventually, but now... i just dont know. maybe i was just imagining all of it in the first place.can someone give me advice? im confused and upset and angry and i dont want to hurt either of them but im afraid i will...

    ps. im sorry for my bad grammer and rambling and spelling errors. i cant think straight.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • help me write a locus equation?

    i'm trying to take a practice geometry regents and the following question is on it:

    Write the equation that represents the locus of points equidistant from (2,-3) and (4,-1)

    problem is our teacher hasn't taught us this unit yet.

    can anyone explain to me how its done?

    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • help me write a locus equation?

    i'm trying to take a practice geometry regents and the following question is on it:

    Write the equation that represents the locus of points equidistant from (2,-3) and (4,-1)

    problem is our teacher hasn't taught us this unit yet.

    can anyone explain to me how its done?

    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • help with my tooth problems...?

    i've had a tooth loose for about a year now. another one grew in behind it (a wisdom tooth) and pused it over so it was loose, but not too loose. the other day i was messing with it and i pulled it more loose. its only in by one root but it wont come ut and it hurts soooo bad, especially when i play my flute. its also turning like a greyish green color like a pistachio almost. its sooo nasty! what d i do? i cant go t a dentist, my insurance doesn't cover it and my mom doesn't want to pay the bill...please help. its sooo painful!

    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • physical therapy excersises?

    i have forearm tendonitis in both of my arms. im supposed to go to pt but right now i have no insurance and i really can't afford to pay for it out of pocket. does anybody know any pt excersises i can do on my own that will help the pain and help it heal until i can go and see a real therapist?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Fish is really sick but i don't know with what! please help!?

    my black moore is about 5 and a half possibly 6 years old. he has been sick for quite a while but i have know idea what is wrong. last summer his eye started to protrude and it was cloudy and i was certain it was pop-eye, but when we treated him for it several times it didn't go away. my aunt's fish had the same problem, she said it was just a sign of his age so we let it go for a while. but a few weeks ago he started acting real funny. he swims really lopsided and part of his belly is huge, but there is one part where there is a small bump and it bleeds from time to time. at first i thought it was dropsy or swim bladder but i don't think it is anymore because his scales dont stick up and he floats at the top of the tank, not the bottom. a few years ago his scales went from black to orange which the vet said was a sign of age too, but now part of his scales are a greenish black color. i feal horrible letting him suffer as i try to figure out what is wrong. i want to help him but i dont know how and with his age im not sure if there is much i can do. please help!

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • how to stop emotional eating...?

    in my struggles to lose weight i have discovered that i eat a lot according to how im feeling, particularly when im bored or upset. a lot of time i think try to top myself, but then i somehow end up thinking " oh just one won't hurt" and then i can't stop. i know this is a common issue for many people. any tips? please help.

    19 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Kodak easy share anyone?

    i have this program on my computer, but i can't figure out out to post the pictures in it online, or in another document. does anyone know how? i try to copy, paste it and it never works, and when i save it in my pictures file it doesn't work either. help?

    1 AnswerPhotography1 decade ago
  • Guys could i use coconut extract instead of vanilla extract?

    i don't have time to go to the store and get some. if not what could i use. i don't have almond extract either.thnx.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Guys what should i ask for for Christmas?

    i know this question is getting really old but i really just don't know. i hate to be materialistic but my family and friends really just don't except the fact that i just wanted a dog and i got one and im happy. i mean what else is there?im 16 years old and i have a cell phone, and an ipod, and a camera and im not allowed to have a tv in my room or a computer so there really isn't anything i want this year. i mean im happy with what i have. is that a bad thing? guys please help me out.just give me some ideas. something simple and not too expensive, say like $100 and under is good. thanks so much.

    6 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Can ddr help you lose weight?

    I was wondering if playing ddr can help you lose weight. if so how long do you have to play every day for it to take effect? how long does it take to see results? thanks. (:

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago