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I'm Stacie, 15 years old. :) Likes: Reading Writing Drawing Friends Family My pets~ Jessie, Jasper, Dixie, Lenny, Nibbles, and Alejandro :P :) Music Rice!!! Dislikes: Annoying people Racism >:o My brother sometimes Talking on the phone Ketchup

  • This guy is so confusing... I don't know what to do, help?

    The past: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THIS- I've known this guy, Walter, for 3 years, about. We started out going out and we really liked eachother but I wasn't ready for a relationship at all, so we broke up. It was pretty mutual. We continued to text eachother and hang out every month or so, which was weird. I had a boyfriend last year (that wasn't him, obviously) and this encouraged Walter to say he loved me for some reason. I loved my boyfriend, though, so I stayed with him. Anyway, my boyfriend and I broke up soon after (he broke up with me for his best friend) and I continued to talk to my ex, who had a few on and off girlfriends. We stopped hanging out, only once every two months maybe until...

    Now: READ, please :)- He had a girlfriend for about three months very recently, and completely loves her. But her parents are racist and threatened to kick her out if she continues to date him (he's black). He recognized the hoplessness of the situation, and broke up with her. He was really sad. Now we've been hanging out more often. I sort of like him, but since a relationship between us has never worked and he just went through a horrible break up I don't think there's much of a chance. He told me he enjoys my company and acts a lot of time like when we were dating, putting hearts at the end of texts and stuff. I don't want to be his rebound, but I honestly do like him A LOT. And I know him really well. But I just don't know. The other day, he asked me to go skinny dipping with him and his friends next week, which I refused to, and yesterday we hung out and he tried a little to convince me again. He's never acted umm.. interested in sex or in my body.. just interested in me as a person.. Until now. It's all very weird. He texted me last night asking if I had fun when we hung out, and I tried to sidetrack him by changing the subject because I really didn't; he seemed depressed and out of it, and I was a bit bored at times. Also, I was beginning to feel that a relationship was hopeless with us, so I was sad too. I don't know what to do or think. I think he just wants to use me to have fun and get over Christina, but then again I know that he did used to have feelings for me, and might still have some now, and I know he wouldn't intentionally hurt me.

    Bottom line: What should I do? Nothing? Cease contact with him? Be his friend? Date him? It seems too soon for that...

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite tense to write in?

    To read? Personally, I like first tense to read but it's overused so overall I usually opt for third. What about you? :)

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is it possible I don`t/ never did love him?

    Okay, so I was in a relationship with this guy, and he said he loved me, but I told him I was unsure if I loved him back yet. I know for a fact I had strong feelings for him but... I just didn`t know at the time if it was love. He broke up with me two months ago (for a lot of reasons that made and still make no sense to me but I wont call them stupid) and now I`m basically telling myself and him I love him, because the break up pretty much killed me, and I don`t see how it could hurt so much if I didn`t, plus I just FEEL it... How could I have not felt it before though? Is it just because of the human nature of "wanting what we can`t have"? Could I just be making up excuses, since pre-break up I claimed I didn`t love him? Anyway, that`s what he seems to think. I`m just wondering if he could be right. I have tried to get over him! Nothing seems to work... How do you get over someone you were either in love with, or at the very least had strong feelings for? (So there are two questions within the question, do you think I could have/do love(d) him, and, whether I did/do or not, how can I get over him?)

    P.S I know that was kinda long so I don`t care if you skim through it or whatever... Thanks for your patience :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do you think it`s okay to rock climb when you have mono?

    I know bike riding is out of the question, but swimming is okay.. Is rock climbing?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is it possible to love two people at once?

    Or to love one and like another?

    Or can you only love one person and maybe be attracted to a few others but only really want to be with one?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • When a guy (your boyfriend) says he loves you...?

    Should you just believe him? Considering you love him, and he has no reason to lie? Is it silly if something just makes you doubt that he could love you?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do I become more comfortable around him?

    This guy asked me out three days ago (and I said yes), (random background info: we were good friends for a really long time...he had a girlfriend) and now he`s always flirting and wanting hugs, saying cute things, and holding my hand (boyfriend-stuff) but I seem incapable of doing anything back. I never think of anything sweet to say and I get really nervous when he touches me (not in a wrong way!)... How can I get over this?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • A cute text to send to the guy I like?

    Me and my guy-friend (who I like) and I haven`t talked for a while. I think it`s because whenever we talk it`s always the same thing; 'hey, how are you, whats up', so I want to send him a cute message to hint that I like him and get a new conversation going, not the same normal things... What type of thing could I say?

    :) Thanks in advance

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to make a love poem not corny?

    Whenever I try, they always end up sounding cliche :(

    13 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What do these mean to you?

    First of all I want to say this isn`t for homework, I found these haikus on here (written by one of the users)... Anyway, what do you think they mean?

    The bending reed sees

    The oak crash in winter gale

    Then feels the reaper.

    The seeker of words

    Lays out questions of the mind

    To answer the soul.


    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • A slightly depressing poem... what do you think?

    Okay, this is one of my worst, and I`m not very fond of it but I thought it was worth sharing... don`t be too harsh... (I`m 13 by the way). Constructive criticism is always welcome :)

    A Melody

    By: Me!

    Flesh endures relentless fire

    Metal courses through the bone

    Impaled by abuse and fury,

    The scream of musical tone

    Poisoned wounds seep crimson

    Those eyes weep broken tears,

    Fights without a weapon

    While chained to morbid fears

    Devoured by obsession

    Left in ruins on the floor,

    Aggressive compulsions seize

    Until truth becomes no more

    Unremitting tales of horror

    Gouge at the pitiful soul,

    Graves depict the future,

    Demolish that once whole

    Pain provides this harmony

    Cries will produce the song,

    A melody formed by hatred,

    A tune for a life lived wrong

    15 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Would you rather...........?

    have a pickle that you could eat over and over and when it did it would automatically materialize back and you could eat it again and again and it always would (also, it can`t talk but it can WRITE it`s really smart as smart as whoever you want it to be as smart as :) but kind of boring :D)...... OR a crayon that never gets smaller or dull, it`s always sharp and it actually talks, can`t write thought like the pickle, and its not smart (not stupid either though), and it can draw as good as ummm any good artist that you want it too :)???

    SORRY this is a little long!!

    42 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How to improve my poem... (I`m 13)?

    Thanks for your help :)


    Nightmares of broken butterflies

    Wings torn, their voices faint lullabies

    Personal demons solemnly warning

    Of the bitter red skyline, bleak and mourning

    Beasts, crimson rivers, pointless questions

    Only twisted images and distorted reflections

    Suicide in slow motion, a bitter sweet sort of pain

    Begs the mind to wonder if daybreak truly came

    Blown away by storms, left alone and wet

    Collapsing into dust from secrets forever kept

    Separated by the line where good and evil bend

    Yet another sleepless night, who knows when it will end?

    In this horror something else lies

    Majesty even in these heartbroken cries

    Somewhere inside every terrifying sight

    I see beauty in nightmares of the night

    ~I`m not too sure about the last stanza, should I keep it, change it, take it out?~

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Do you agree with this?

    "The trick of love is to never let it find you.

    It's easy to get over missing out.

    I know the how's and whens, but now and then,

    She's all I think about."

    (From the song indiana by Jon Mclaughlin)

    So.. agree or disagree (basically about the first two sentences of that part of the song)?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Anyone want to comment my poem?

    So, I`m only 13, and just started writing, don`t be too harsh but if you have any ideas on how I could improve it is would be great :)

    (no, I`m not talking about cutting or anything, its figurative.)

    Oh and I`m sorry it`s long~!

    Tears of Blood

    Tears of blood lurk under my innocence

    Layers of illusions mask my existence

    The indomitable tears, down they pour

    Numerous red dots stain the floor

    The perfect sphere of blood, I watch it shatter

    The flawless droplets seem to shiver as they scatter

    Scream of bitterness, shrill and cruel

    Abuse me, I`m nothing but a tool

    Pure rage of isolation

    Subdued cry of desolation

    Arduous denial becomes a pathetic gasp

    Ignorant departure from all things I cannot grasp

    Overreactions, fault of decision

    Forming sobs, wavering vision

    Regretfully I let the cries free

    Again tears of blood fall malevolently


    7 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Anyone want to comment on my poem?

    Don`t be too harsh, please, I`m only 13. And any constructive criticism would be great, or just any help on writing the last two lines..

    The Shadow

    Vigorously running from the shadow that is me

    I take a glimpse behind, and run with more intensity

    I cringe at the impulse to go back and end the chase

    Knowing my wounds from the past can never be erased

    Pleading mutely to the dim light ahead

    A ghost among the living, both alive and dead

    At a loss of warmth, welcoming the cold

    Gagged by blackness, I do what I am told

    Dwelling upon nothing, listening to silence

    Being joined with the shadow, attempting no defiance

    and I`m stuck right there. I only want to make two more lines in it but I`m not sure what to say.

    8 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What should I do?

    I just... can`t be with them or anything for a reason that`s all my fault... they don`t even know about it yet... and if I tell them it will probably hurt them even more than if I just leave their lives without telling them why

    I really think this is best for them, but they`ve been through a lot in the past and I just really hope I don`t hurt them... but it`s too late....

    I think I love them and I all want is for them to be happy, and with me they aren`t but without me they aren`t either so I really don`t know what to do...

    I think I`m in love with them but I have to let them go... how do I make them forget about me? this will break my heart, but it`s something I need to do.... again it`s completely my fault.....

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago