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Anti-hatred, anti-anti-intellectualisms, anti-establishment, anti-establishment embedded media, anti-killing, anti-racist, anti-homophobic, anti-sexist, anti-slavery, anti-"one world religion", anti-fascist, anti-world bank, anti-union, anti-greed, anti-FEAR Pro-Reality, Pro-Common Sense Business Regulations, Pro-Decency, Pro-Capitalist, Pro-Reform, Pro-Guns, Pro-Democracy, Pro-Religion, Pro-Science, Pro-Global Warming

  • Army enlistment waiver. What is a Misdemeanor?

    Hello all fine military folks. I am a 33 year old guy with two kids and a wife. High school grad only. I own a business that serves the community and nonprofit groups, we make the news frequently. Recently I've been thinking of taking my commitment to my community and making it a commitment to my country. It would surprise a lot of people if I went and did this.

    I am concerned about is a waiver for my criminal background. Six years ago I embezzled 1000 dollars from an employer. Yes, pretty stupid thing to do, and I had returned most of it. Long story shot, I was arrested for a third degree larceny, a felony for stealing $2500. But at court I was convicted of a misdemeanor in my state, 4th degree larceny. The military sites say that grand larceny is a felony if in excess of 500. But it is confusing, some of the recruiter sites say whatever the final conviction was considered is what they consider.

    My medical is awesome. consists of a couple visits to the ER for stupid things that never amounted to permanent conditions. No surgeries or anything ever inpatient or broken.

    I exercise frequently, mostly jogging five or seven miles twice a week. I can run a comfortable seven minute mile. I can do the minimum push-ups and sit-ups.

    I believe my asvab score would be excellent. I'm a voracious reader and paragraph and mechanical comprehension I've aced on the practice long form test.

    I'm an awesome guy that messed up and I want to know your thoughts.


    6 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • Can a third party savings account be frozen and used as cash collateral on a shared secured loan?

    We have a business. A person wants to pledge $5,000 of their own money to help us secure a $5,000 loan. They wish to put it into a savings account with their name on it, not the business name. They want the loan in the business name, not theirs. Can their account be used as collateral for our loan? Can this be done?

    Personal Finance9 years ago
  • When I present facts and cite sources that contradict with askers opinion...?

    they ignore it? For example, somebody said "Why do the top 1 percent pay 80 percent of the taxes?"

    I said (and nothing more)

    "That's not true at all. Why do you make things up?"

    and I cited this

    and got 10 thumbs down, flagged, and my answer was reported to TOS.

    Of course the ADMINS don't care. Is this not abuse?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why won't BP let scientists and government agencies help them plug the leaking well?

    this is a non partisan question. The information from BP changes every day it seems. Why can't we just go to the spill sight, point some guns at BP, and say "we're plugging this hole". BP won't even let our best scientists nor universities near this thing. The Chernobyl disaster was cleaned up, not by the company that caused it, but by the Russian Air Force. This drilling a relief well is a one in a million shot to get correct the first time. Are we seriously going to wait that long? Your thoughts?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • The five coolest cities in America for musicians?

    I say Seattle, New Orleans, Austin, Nashville, and Boston.

    What do you say?

    5 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Does anybody care about workers rights?

    Of the world's 15 most competitive nations, 14 mandate paid sick leave, 13 guarantee paid maternal leave and 12 provide paid paternal leave by law, they said. Eleven provide paid leave to care for children's health and eight provide paid leave for adult family care.

    The United States legally guarantees none of these policies to workers,

    Looking more widely at 190 countries, the researchers found 163 guarantee paid sick leave and 164 guarantee paid annual leave.

    Also, 177 nations guarantee paid leave for new mothers, 74 nations guarantee paid leave for new fathers and 157 nations guarantee workers a day of rest each week, they said.

    The United States has none of these.

    Facing the U.S. Congress is a proposed Healthy Families Act, which has the support of the Obama administration. It would require businesses with 15 or more employees to provide up to seven days of paid sick leave per year.

    Another proposed act, the Family Leave Insurance Act, would cover paid leave for care of a new child or ill family member.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How do your in-laws react to news of a pending divorce?

    I'm really close to my inlaws. I can't imagine what they would do if I ever divorced. In fact they play a strong role in keeping us together since I grew up without a real family to call my own.

    If you have been divorced and had a good relationship with in laws, how did things pan out eventually?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Married in a hetero relationship. Would homosexuality end my marriage?

    If I have feelings towards a member of the same sex while I'm in a heterosexual marriage, is divorce an option?

  • Do you like Sarah Palin?


    best answer goes to a positive non sarcastic comment

    14 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Who should be the new head of the republican party?

    10 points goes to most passionate answer with most detail. I want to know who you believe could be a head of the party and have the ticket in 2012? Why do you think they can do it?

    BONUS QUESTION: Is there any republicans that you believe don't stand a chance?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why the does the tax exempt Catholic church have so much influence in how we spend our money?

    Why does the Catholic church have the power to influence policy on how to spend our money? They are tax exempt. We don't create laws banning them from doing what they why do try to take rights away from everyone else? We let them operate in our country. They should be grateful. We are a religiously tolerant society.(an important freedom, remember?) Lets keep it that way. The constitution was a good idea. Organized religion, corporations, and a certain ideology is once again trying to destroy it in the name of profit and mind control.(which leads to greater profits) If they don't like the freedoms that we have then they shouldn't be here.

    I'm just so angry about this.

    Following the strict codes of a religion isn't "freedom" at all. It's being told what to do and what to think. Aren't these the same anti-socialist people that are afraid of the big bad government? Yet they support this one religion fascist state? What's it gonna be? Why does this church have so much power here?

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Do you believe Racism and intolerance is still a factor in American society?

    According to the atmosphere of these insane questions on Yahoo! Answers it seems there are a ton of racists still in this country.

    Does racism really help society as a whole?

    Is it fair to demonize a religion because of a few extremists within that religion go nuts?

    Do Americans realize that blacks in other modern countries do just fine?(crime, poverty, education) Do you not think it is somewhat America's fault that blacks are treated the way they are, or grow up in such crappy neighborhoods?

    This racist argument just keeps happening. Every day there are more and more questions that attack non-white Christians.

    What is wrong with people?

    What do you think?

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What is so bad about socialism anyway?

    An entirely socialist state cannot exist, neither can a completely free market. Both due to humans not being perfect.

    Please explain...and don't directly quote anything without a source.

    25 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Hell's Kitchen 1/29/09 lights did not go completely out?

    If the power went out completely, what lights were being used?

    There were clearly lights in the ceiling coming down, dim as they were, they were still there, bright enough to cast shadows.

    Is this just a setup by the chef to make the show more dramatic? I figured emergency lighting, but every inch of the place was still lit. Hard to believe emergency lights are that effective.

    Can somebody tell me what they think?

    4 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Pursuing an Associates in Environmental Engineering. Is this smart?

    I am 28 years old. I've always had an interest in science and building things, as well as politics and environmentalism.

    Based upon what the federal government is planning to spend on environmentally responsible infrastructure projects, I feel that a person with an Environmental Engineering Degree may be in high demand very soon. What do you think?

    5 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • Are you going to an inauguration celebration/event?

    I'll probably catch it on TV.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • How would a conservative define an Obama presidency as good?

    As an Obama hating conservative, as most of you are, what specific issue do you believe that Obama should enforce that would make you not hate him so much?

    Or is your dislike just a done deal because he isn't a checklist conservative?

    16 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Am I the only "liberal" that stands up to these conservatives?

    Right here on Yahoo answers. I fight back with truth.

    They just ignore the facts and spew more rhetoric. I fight back. And yes, they call me names, fine, LIBERAL, it is. I'm not out to prove they are wrong about me or prove they are wrong about themselves, but I will defend the truth. A truth they seem content to distort in favor of their own personal gain.(which never happens when they vote for who they think they should vote for...cough ahem bush)

    Are there any so called "liberals" that stand up man-to-man and say something just as strong back at them?

    This is what you must do. Tell them they are WRONG, forcefully, and confidently. Not all of us liberals are shy and happy go lucky bleeding hearts. No. SOME OF US are VERY ANGRY.

    Any liberal share this point of view?

    25 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do any conservatives DISAGREE with Rush Limbaugh?

    Ok so liberals all have different points of view while it seems all conservatives believe the same EXACT doctrine. And I am further convinced of this because conservative talk show hosts treat "libs" as if we were some big unified group ready to attack with the same policies.

    The reason "liberal" talk shows fail is because we are all different people. Not one voice can represent us, rich or poor, black or white, gay or straight.

    And here's the conservatives all rallying behind mr. Rush Limbaugh. The other talk show hosts...Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Savage...they all spit the exact same things that Rush talks about.

    It seems like conservatives only promote one point of view. And I find it hilarious that no conservative can blame big corporations for any misdoings(I think they are jealous of power and wealth).

    This conservative movement seems to have a very strict set of rules like a religion and you have to follow Rush or else! In fact they say they hate dictators...but they are following pretty much, ONE VOICE? It's interesting.... Please tell me it isn't like that. I need to have some respect for some conservatives. I am trying!

    So, as a Conservative, do you disagree with Rush Limbaugh?(on any issues)

    and for Liberal type folks, do you believe that the Conservative point of view is based upon the opinions of a very small group of people?

    14 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is it un-american to hate poor people?

    The government is just a roadblock on my way to keeping all of my money. Hmm how do I stop those pesky poor people from voting in people that may hurt my precious BILLIONS in profits? Individual wealth is the only thing that matters! As long as I'm rich I don't care where I live. I'd prefer a country that keeps me safe from being lynched by my employees. Maybe a country that can rig some laws and oversees policy into my favor.

    So dear working american poor:

    "You pick up a disproportionate share of America's tax bill. You pay higher prices for a broad range of products from peanuts to prescriptions. You pay taxes that others in a similar situation have been excused from paying. You're compelled to abide by laws while others are granted immunity from them. You must pay debts that you incur while others do not. You're barred from writing off on your tax returns some of the money spent on necessities while others deduct the cost of their entertainment. You must run your business by one set of rules, while the government creates another set for your competitors. In contrast, the fortunate few who contribute to the right politicians and hire the right lobbyists enjoy all the benefits of their special status. Make a bad business deal; the government bails them out. If they want to hire workers at below market wages, the government provides the means to do so. If they want more time to pay their debts, the government gives them an extension. If they want immunity from certain laws, the government gives it. If they want to ignore rules their competition must comply with, the government gives its approval. If they want to kill legislation that is intended for the public, it gets killed." -James Steele

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago