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  • can you please list 10 places in stanza 1 and 2?

    People are made of places. They carry with them

    hints of jungles or mountains, a tropic grace

    or the cool eyes of sea gazers. Atmosphere of cities

    how different drops from them, like the smell of smog

    or the almost-not-smell of tulips in the spring,

    nature tidily plotted with a guidebook;

    or the smell of work, glue factories maybe,

    chromium-plated offices; smell of subways

    crowded at rush hours.

    Where I come from, people

    carry woods in their minds, acres of pine woods;

    blueberry patches in the burned-out bush;

    wooden farmhouses, old, in need of paint,

    with yards where hens and chickens circle about,

    clucking aimlessly; battered schoolhouses

    behind which violets grow. Spring and winter

    are the mind's chief seasons: ice and the breaking of ice.

    1 AnswerPoetry7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Physics; Please help in solving the crossword ?

    Try Downloading it, if not visible

    1 AnswerPhysics8 years ago
  • Can you please point out language techniques and effects of it ?

    They plan. They build. All spaces are gridded,

    filled with permutations of possbilities.

    The buildings are in alignment with the roads

    which meet at desired points

    linked by bridges all hang

    in the grace of mathematics.

    They build and will not stop.

    Even the sea draws back

    and the skies surrender.

    They erase the flaws,

    the blemishes of the past,

    knock off useless blocks with dental dexterity.

    All gaps are plugged with gleaming gold.

    The country wears perfect rows of shining teeth.

    Anaesthesia,amnesia, hypnosis.

    They have the means.

    They have it all so it will not hurt,

    so history is new again. The piling will not stop.

    The drilling goes right through the fossils of last century.

    But my heart would not bleed

    poetry. Not a single drop

    to stain the blueprint

    of our past’s tomorrow.

    1 AnswerPoetry8 years ago
  • alison hargreaves feelings towards her parents ?

    Also can you please explain briefly her ambitions and difficulties in K2.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Please summraize the passage ?

    Please summarize this into your own words. Try to make it descriptive and please if you don't want to help then just don't answer. This is going to be graded and I will be in huge problem if I fail this. Please use special techniques and do note that it won't take you long to read. It just took me 7 minutes to read all of it.

    September 30, 1659. - I, poor miserable Robinson Crusoe, being shipwrecked during a dreadful storm in the offing, came on shore on this dismal, unfortunate island, which I called "The Island of Despair"; all the rest of the ship's company being drowned, and myself almost dead.

    All the rest of the day I spent in afflicting myself at the dismal circumstances I was brought to - viz. I had neither food, house, clothes, weapon, nor place to fly to; and in despair of any relief, saw nothing but death before me - either that I should be devoured by wild beasts, murdered by savages, or starved to death for want of food. At the approach of night I slept in a tree, for fear of wild creatures; but slept soundly, though it rained all night.

    From the 1st of October to the 24th. - All these days entirely spent in many several voyages to get all I could out of the ship, which I brought on shore every tide of flood upon rafts. Much rain also in the days, though with some intervals of fair weather; but it seems this was the rainy season.

    Oct. 26. - I walked about the shore almost all day, to find out a place to fix my habitation, greatly concerned to secure myself from any attack in the night, either from wild beasts or men. Towards night, I fixed upon a proper place, under a rock, and marked out a semicircle for my encampment; which I resolved to strengthen with a work, wall, or fortification........

    The 31st, in the morning, I went out into the island with my gun, to seek for some food, and discover the country; when I killed a she-goat, and her kid followed me home, which I afterwards killed also, because it would not feed.

    November 1. - I set up my tent under a rock, and lay there for the first night; making it as large as I could, with stakes driven in to swing my hammock upon.

    Nov. 17. - This day I began to dig behind my tent into the rock,Three things I wanted exceedingly for this work - viz. a pickaxe, a shovel, and a wheelbarrow or basket; so I desisted from my work, and began to consider how to supply that want, and make me some tools. As for the pickaxe, I made use of the iron crows, which were proper enough, though heavy; but the next thing was a shovel or spade; this was so absolutely necessary, that, indeed, I could do nothing effectually without it; but what kind of one to make I knew not.

    January 1. - Very hot still: but I went abroad early and late with my gun, and lay still in the middle of the day. This evening, going farther into the valleys which lay towards the centre of the island, I found there were plenty of goats, though exceedingly shy, and hard to come at; however, I resolved to try if I could not bring my dog to hunt them down.

    Jan. 2. - Accordingly, the next day I went out with my dog, and set him upon the goats, but I was mistaken, for they all faced about upon the dog, and he knew his danger too well, for he would not come near them.

    Jan. 3. - I began my fence or wall; which, being still jealous of my being attacked by somebody, I resolved to make very thick and strong.

    All this time I worked very hard, the rains hindering me many days, nay, sometimes weeks together; but I thought I should never be perfectly secure till this wall was finished; and it is scarce credible what inexpressible labour everything was done with, especially the bringing piles out of the woods and driving them into the ground; for I made them much bigger than I needed to have done.

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Please give me ideas on what to do ?

    I need to write a descriptive essay

    1. You could include:

    a) the destination’s different characteristics

    b) the different areas or districts

    c) different activities a visitor might enjoy.

    You could also consider:

    • Why is this your favourite destination?

    • What surprised and interested you the most about this destination?

    • How easy is it to travel to the country?

    • What are the scenery/buildings/landscape like?

    • What, if anything, did you dislike about the destination?

    • Would you travel again to this destination in the future?

    Try to make the text enjoyable by using positive adjectives!

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Explain the bullet points ?

    1. You could include:

    a) the destination’s different characteristics

    b) the different areas or districts

    This is about a descriptive essay.

  • To muslims only.... Please help ?

    Assalamalaikum, Can I upload music videos on youtube ?

    2 AnswersRamadan8 years ago
  • Why the death penalty is a global perspective?

    A paragrap with evidence please

    4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • How good hygiene prevents infection ?

    Please explain in detail

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years ago